scholarly journals The Interrelation of Satisfaction with Online Education at the University with the Individual Psychological Characteristics of Students

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Evgeniya Vorontsova

In the last two years, changes related to the provision of educational services using a virtual educational environment have been taking place more intensively in the field of education, which is reflected in psychological scientific research in various areas of science. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship of satisfaction with online learning of a university student with their individual psychological characteristics. Students of Irkutsk and Angarsk universities took part in the study. A theoretical analysis of modern psychological literature on the following issues is carried out: directions of digitalization; the concept of satisfaction with learning; satisfaction factors. The methodological basis of the research is the research of A.L. Zhuravlev, I.A. Zimnaya, B.B. Aysmontas. The empirical part of the work includes qualitative (identification of satisfaction factors) and quantitative (survey, testing) methods of analysis. Mathematical and statistical analysis included the method of correlation analysis, the use of the criterion of differences. The results of the study of the structure of satisfaction with learning; the identified relationships of satisfaction and individual psychological characteristics of an individual are presented. As a result of the study, correlations of individual psychological characteristics of students (achievement motivation and psychological qualities-discipline, independence) and components of satisfaction with learning are revealed; psychological characteristics of a student who is satisfied and dissatisfied with learning are presented. The obtained results can be used to develop psychological recommendations for the subjects of the educational process to improve online learning.

Nancy J. Stone

To evaluate students’ online learning environments, the relationship between personality and online learning success, and students’ perceptions about online proctoring during mandatory remote delivery due to the pandemic, students responded to an online survey. Learning environments generally included houses and rarely included on-campus housing. The specific room type was predominantly the bedroom. Only conscientiousness was related positively to anticipated semester GPA. The positive relationship between anticipated and overall GPA supports the notion that more conscientious students tend to be successful in online learning situations, as online education was rated as slightly ineffective. A majority of students did not see a need for online proctoring due to the inability or time required to search for materials, which would only harm one’s performance. There is a need to research further the impact of the study environment, relationship of the students’ personality to learning success, and consequences of online proctoring during remote learning.

Anastasiya A. Korsakova ◽  
Anna G. Samokhvalova ◽  
Marina Yu. Kovalenko

The article discusses current issues of inclusion of project activities in the educational process of a higher education institution, the need to form competencies of innovative project activities among students as a mechanism for the formation of social creativity of a future professional. The essence of the concept of «social creativity» is revealed, a model of the relationship of its components with the stages of project activity is proposed. The paper presents a study among students aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the formation of social creativity of a person through the inclusion of students in project activities. Methodological tools of the ascertaining stage of the experimental work are presented, designed to determine the level of students’ communicative and social creativity. The study established the relationship between the level of social creativity of students and the communicative difficulties that arise in their interaction – the higher the level of social creativity, the less communicative difficulties a student experiences. As part of the formative part of the experimental work, two ways to include students in project activities in the educational environment of the university are described: as the implementation of one of the disciplines of the educational programme and as part of extracurricular activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (8-9) ◽  
pp. 103-110 ◽  
E. E. Chupandina ◽  
A. V. Semenikhina

The article describes the state of online learning at Voronezh State University and presents general information about its main components, such as e- library resources, electronic system for education process management, and  the university’s online courses. Since 2001 the University is a participant of  the scientific and technological program “Creation of the open education  system in the Russian Federation”. Within the framework of this program an  informational and educational portal Voronezh. − “Voronezh  virtual university” has been established, which is a part of the mega-portal of the Russian informational and educational environment of open education  ( In 2007 the University has started the work for  implementation of network education based on LMS Moodle. Online education is being realized on three levels: e-library resources,  organization of educational process (“Electronic University”), and online  courses (distant courses, university online courses, and open online courses).  Distant courses include 59 courses on ecology and learning  foreign languages worked out in the framework of Tempus project. At  present Voronezh State University is developing its own open online courses  (MOOC) using the experience of Tomsk State University and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The implementation of online learning makes it  possible to realize two main principles of modern education − “education for  everybody” and “lifelong education”. 

Azat R. Kudashev ◽  
Oleg V. Kropovnitskii ◽  

The theoretical and empirical analysis of the concepts of coping strategy, locus of control (internality-externality) and achievement motivation is provided in the article. Various points of view on coping strategies, as well as on achievement motivation, social intelligence and internality as professionally important personality characteristics of leaders of the real sector of the economy are considered. The structure of the relationship of socio-psychological characteristics and coping strategies of leaders is revealed. The correlation of coping strategies and locus of control, achievement motivation is investigated. The results of the study of the relationship of coping strategies, locus of control, achievement motivation and socio-psychological characteristics among managers allowed us to draw the following conclusions. 1. Two types of leaders were obtained: “Internal” and “External”. 2. Each type of leader has his own combination of coping strategies. 3. Within each of the two types of leaders, subtypes are distinguished. As a result, we get a two-level typology, the second level of which includes five types of leaders, depending on their socio-psychological characteristics and preferred coping strategies. 4. All types are characterized only by their inherent features of coping behavior. The greatest differences in usage patterns were found in strategies such as Confrontational Coping, Positive Reappraisal, Self-Control, Distance, and Emotional Coping. All types of executives have the greatest preference for strategies such as Problem Coping and Problem Solving Planning. 5. The greatest contribution to the psychological characteristics of types was made by such qualities as aggressiveness, friendliness, dominance, altruism and authoritarianism. In addition, the level of internality (including general and relative to one’s own failures and achievements), personality traits (courage, suspicion, high normative behavior, dominance).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (101) ◽  
pp. 202-215

The article substantiates the essence of the formation of family values among students in the third millennium in the context of lifelong education. The idea of the relationship of the family as a type of social and value unity of people and the importance of the purposeful formation of family values that underlie the socialization of the individual is carried out. It is argued that moral education in the context of building a continuous educational process is aimed at the formation of family values among students. Family values are considered as multifaceted, significant, timeless, comprehensible, aimed at forming, preserving and strengthening a modern family. A model of the students’ family values is determined, including approaches, principles and pedagogical conditions of moral education.

2011 ◽  
pp. 1634-1640
Brian Newberry

Online learning can be seen as a form of distance education. Though online education is relatively new, distance education is not. According to Rumble (1986), the term distance education may have first been used as early as 1892 in a catalog of the University of Wisconsin. Distance education is, according to Verduin and Clark (1991): “...any formal approach to learning in which a majority of the instruction occurs while educator and learner are at a distance from one another” (p. 8). This emphasis on distance between learner and instructor or teacher is common, for instance, Berge and Collins (1995) define distance education as “the delivery of the educational process to receivers who are not in proximity to the person or persons managing or conducting the process” (p. 14).

2020 ◽  
pp. 187-192
M. A. Sergeeva ◽  
L. F. Fursi ◽  
A. S. Kubekova

The article reflects the results of a study of the relationship between the individual psychological characteristics of convicts with a tendency to auto-aggressive behavior. The authors carry out a psychodiagnostic examination using 4 methods: a suicidal risk questionnaire T.N. Razuvaeva; mini-cartoon (abridged version of MMPI, Russian adaptation by V.P. Zaitsev and V.N. Kozyulya); questionnaire «Anxiety and depression» (K.K. Yakhin, D.M. Mendelevich); color test M. Luscher. The paper ascertains that the personality of convicts prone to auto-aggressive behavior is indeed characterized by certain individual psychological characteristics. These individual psychological characteristics can be divided into two groups: one group of individual psychological characteristics (demonstrativeness, social pessimism, maximalism, uniqueness, breaking cultural barriers) is associated with a tendency to an extreme form of manifestation of auto-aggressive behavior, that is, to suicide, and the other group of individual psychological characteristics (black color, depression, psychasthenia and schizoid) are characteristic of convicts who are prone to manifesting auto-aggressive behavior in the form of self-harm. On the basis of the study, recommendations were developed for the prevention and correction of convicts prone to auto-aggressive behavior

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-56
M.M. Knissarina ◽  
А.Т. Sissenova ◽  
А.М. Baikulova ◽  
G.S. Zhumaliyeva ◽  

The article discusses some of the features of online learning in the system of studying social responsibility. A new understanding of the main pedagogical categories is being clarified - educational activity, learning environment, educational tasks in the conditions of modern technologized education. A scientific and theoretical review of the literature showed the versatility of studying the problem of social responsibility in various fields of sciences: philosophy (Platon, Aristotle, T. Hobbes, J. Locke, I. Kant, etc.), jurisprudence (A.R. Kornilov, A.R. Lavrent'ev, S.N. Kozhevnikov and others), psychology of personality development (S.L. Serebryakova, L.M. Arkhangelsky, A.A. Guseinov and others), pedagogy (I.Yu. Novichkova, S.P. Akunina, V.N. Lukin and others). Several scientific works on corporate social responsibility contributed to the development of this study (F. Rosati, R. Costa, A. Calabrese, J. Lee, M. Cho, etc.). The work of foreign scientists (S.L. Davis, L.M. Rives, S. Ruiz-de-Maya) "Personal social responsibility: developing and testing the scale" is of scientific and methodological value, which determines the need to develop a concept of social responsibility, which includes the individual human behavior of a person as a modern the citizen as a whole. The results of studies by J.C.R. Sousa, E.S. Siqueira, E. Binotto, L.H.N. Nobre on the perception of subjects of the educational process of universities of social responsibility, depending on the degree of discussion and the level of socialization of students, are significant. According to C. Roofe, the problem of social responsibility is not given special attention, which leads to a constant decline in the moral and spiritual component of education in the country. The diagnostic tool was a questionnaire to identify the personal attitude of teachers to the problem of social responsibility of students and the quality of work to develop the desired personality characteristics at the university. The author's questionnaire "Ideas of social responsibility" has passed the validation confirmation procedure (Alpha-Cronbach: 660927 and Standards. Alpha: 669767) by specialists of the Biostatistics sector of the Research Management Department of WKMU named after Marat Ospanov. The result of the research is the highlighted relationship of creativity with the formed cultural and social experience of the individual, which is the basis of socially responsible behavior. Highlighted as a result of observation as an initial method of empirical cognition, psychological, pedagogical, methodological features of online education will allow teachers and students to timely adjust their activities in order to achieve their goals in the system of studying students' social responsibility.

The article substantiates the significance of the traditional culture of Kazakhstan in the field of art and design training. It describes the uniqueness of Kazakhstan's design, which is closely intertwined with various aspects of the theory and history of culture, and also reflects examples of integration into world culture. The author emphasizes the importance of studying the origins of national culture and its features, which are necessary for preserving the continuity of generations. The authors suggest using the potential of folk art heritage in the educational process for the development of aesthetic and moral qualities of the individual. Key words: education, traditional Kazakh culture, design, continuity.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 26-39 ◽  
I. Shably ◽  
S. Diyakov

The features of communication psychological characteristics of temperament types of crimes. The analysis of scientific views on the role of temperament in the predisposition of the individual to the crime. With the help of empirical study confirmed the hypothesis that the subjects who had committed certain type of crime have specific personal psychological characteristics that reveal the determinants of their offences. The personality questionnaires EPI and MMPI used methods of analysis of personal files of prisoners; observation of their behaviour and discussions with them; drawing up of psychological portraits. Also developed and used an original questionnaire. The results showed that among criminals-murderers is dominated by people with a tendency to choleric expression of properties of temperament, expressed the need for self-affirmation, affective behavior, impulsivity, and disregard for social demands. The perpetrators of the theft inherent in the assertion of his personality not only in the eyes of the environment, but above all in its own. The perpetrators of rape there is usually no clear idea of traditionally male and female traits in behaviour, the relationship between a man and a woman are limited to sexual function. Criminals convicted of fraud and hooliganism, unable to establish contact with others not able to take the point of view of another, there is a disregard for moral and ethical standards.

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