Anastasiya A. Korsakova ◽  
Anna G. Samokhvalova ◽  
Marina Yu. Kovalenko

The article discusses current issues of inclusion of project activities in the educational process of a higher education institution, the need to form competencies of innovative project activities among students as a mechanism for the formation of social creativity of a future professional. The essence of the concept of «social creativity» is revealed, a model of the relationship of its components with the stages of project activity is proposed. The paper presents a study among students aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the formation of social creativity of a person through the inclusion of students in project activities. Methodological tools of the ascertaining stage of the experimental work are presented, designed to determine the level of students’ communicative and social creativity. The study established the relationship between the level of social creativity of students and the communicative difficulties that arise in their interaction – the higher the level of social creativity, the less communicative difficulties a student experiences. As part of the formative part of the experimental work, two ways to include students in project activities in the educational environment of the university are described: as the implementation of one of the disciplines of the educational programme and as part of extracurricular activities.

Olga Olegovna Andronnikova ◽  

The importance of creativity in education is now widely recognized as an essential skill of the 21st century. This article examines the relationship of teachers ‘creativity with the style of pedagogical communication and the effectiveness of students’ learning activities. The study involved 28 teachers (including 6 men and 22 women aged 32-60 years) and 78 students, whose classes were taught by these teachers. Research methods: method of determining personal creativity E. E. Tunic; method for determining social creativity (level of creative potential) E. E. Tunic; test questionnaire “Style of pedagogical activity” А. М. Markova and A. Ya. Nikonova, analysis of documents documenting the success of their educational activities, elements of pedagogical monitoring. It was revealed that the parameters that determine the creative characteristics of the personality of teachers and their individual teaching styles are in a significant relationship. The expressiveness of the emotional-improvisational and emotional-methodological styles of teaching contributes to the manifestation of the teacher’s creative abilities, and the orientation towards the reasoning-methodological style, on the contrary, prevents the realization of these qualities. Students in whom the majority of teachers demonstrate a creative approach in pedagogical activity show higher educational results and involvement in the educational process.

Apti Said-Akhmadovich Khasukhadzhiev

The article considers the problem of constructing a formalized model for compiling academic schedule for a typical higher education institution. The first stage of formalization of this task is developing a set of requirements that are necessary or desirable to follow when scheduling, as well as an assessment of the importance of each of these requirements. All possible requirements are divided into four groups, for each group a set of basic requirements is formed in accordance with regulatory constraints, university experience and providing the high quality and effectiveness of the educational process. A set of twenty-four indicators has been formed, they all are necessary for choosing the most appropriate variant of the academic schedule. According to the use of expert procedures, intervals for assessing the importance of the indicator of each group were selected, direct evaluation of these indicators was made, and after processing the resulting estimates were obtained. The evaluation was carried out using of Saati hierarchy method. To increase the degree of consistency of the assessments, an additional level was introduced in the priority chart, describing the relationship of each indicator with the criteria "know", "be able", "own skills". The obtained set of indicators is the basis for constructing a formalized model for compiling the educational schedule of the university.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Evgeniya Vorontsova

In the last two years, changes related to the provision of educational services using a virtual educational environment have been taking place more intensively in the field of education, which is reflected in psychological scientific research in various areas of science. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship of satisfaction with online learning of a university student with their individual psychological characteristics. Students of Irkutsk and Angarsk universities took part in the study. A theoretical analysis of modern psychological literature on the following issues is carried out: directions of digitalization; the concept of satisfaction with learning; satisfaction factors. The methodological basis of the research is the research of A.L. Zhuravlev, I.A. Zimnaya, B.B. Aysmontas. The empirical part of the work includes qualitative (identification of satisfaction factors) and quantitative (survey, testing) methods of analysis. Mathematical and statistical analysis included the method of correlation analysis, the use of the criterion of differences. The results of the study of the structure of satisfaction with learning; the identified relationships of satisfaction and individual psychological characteristics of an individual are presented. As a result of the study, correlations of individual psychological characteristics of students (achievement motivation and psychological qualities-discipline, independence) and components of satisfaction with learning are revealed; psychological characteristics of a student who is satisfied and dissatisfied with learning are presented. The obtained results can be used to develop psychological recommendations for the subjects of the educational process to improve online learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1 (339)) ◽  
pp. 146-156
Serhii Konoshenko ◽  
Nataliia Konoshenko ◽  
Karyna Gordienko ◽  

The article substantiates the educational environment of the university as a factor in shaping the management culture of the future social security specialist. The resources (personal, organizational, social partnership) of the educational environment of the university in the formation of the management culture of the future social security specialist are characterized. Subject-spatial, value-based content-technological, organizational-managerial, subjective components of the educational environment of a higher education institution are considered. The signs of polyvariance of the university environment in the formation of the parameters of the management culture of the future social security specialist are determined. It is proved that the multivariate educational environment of the university allows to solve the problem of forming the management culture of the future social security specialist through the use of his resources in the educational process, in extracurricular activities, in the organization of independent student work. Pedagogical influence of environmental resources on the student, ensures his active involvement in educational, research, creative extracurricular activities, increases the level of managerial knowledge, provides an opportunity to practice management skills, forms professional and managerial values.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 18060
Laura Kagermazova ◽  
Zarema Masaeva ◽  
Ahmed Azhiev ◽  
Tsiala Kalmanova

The article examines the peculiarities of the relationship between subjective control and anxiety of students of humanitarian and medical specialties of the university, the development of self-regulation and its connection with self-knowledge of students. The purpose of the research is to study the relationship of subjective control and anxiety of participants in the educational process, the relationship of personal characteristics that affect anxiety in students of various specialties. An understanding of the terms anxiety and disquiet in various psychological concepts shown in article. The idea of self-knowledge in this study realized by various specialties of the university in humanitarian and medical. The manifestation of anxiety, self-regulatory mechanisms in the educational process, taking into account the psychological characteristics of students of humanitarian and medical specialties, is considered. Factors of influence on the student's anxiety are determined: strong-willed characteristics, self-knowledge, development of self-regulation, coping strategy. The following research methods were used in the empirical part: the technique "Spielberger-Khanin Scale of Reactive (Situational) and Personal Anxiety," the Plutchik-Kellerman-Conte personal questionnaire "Lifestyle Index," the Zverkov-Adman test questionnaire "Volitional self-diagnosis" as well as methods of mathematical statistics for processing the results. An empirical study conducted to identify the connection of anxiety, strong-willed characteristics with the abuse of psychological protection mechanisms for students of humanitarian and medical specialties of the university.

Irina Talysheva ◽  
Khene Pegova ◽  
Liliya Khaliullina

The relevance of using electronic educational resources as a means of developing educational motivation is determined by a detailed study of issues related to the use of this educational technology in practice in the modern educational process. The aim of our research work was to study the relationship of educational motivation of students and their relationship to the use of electronic educational resources for the subsequent improvement of the quality of education at a university. Based on a survey and questionnaire of 100 respondents, the authors analyzed topical issues of using electronic educational resources and types of educational motivation of students with a pedagogical profile. The authors studied the impact of electronic educational resources on the effectiveness of the educational process and increasing student motivation. Features of the organization of this process are considered on the example of the Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University.

Marina A. Fedorova

The change in educational paradigms has led to the need to define new methodological regulations that allow to consider the objects of pedagogical reality from a different angle. This led to the need to study traditional issues of pedagogy in an innovative context. The issue of forming students’ independent learning activities is not new for pedagogy. However, we present it from the perspective of an integrative-reflexive approach, which allowed us to identify its internal potential for personal development. The theoretical methods of pedagogical research used in the study: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, method of causal relationships research, etc., which allowed to mentally penetrate into the essence of the studied pedagogical phenomenon and rethink it in a new educational reality. It is established that the educational independent activity accumulates the reflexive and didactic potential for professional and personal formation and development in the process of studying at the university. The possibilities of reflexive discourse as a way of realizing the reflexive-didactic potential of educational independent activity in the learning process are determined. According to the structure of the process of reflection in educational independent activity we distinguish the stages of reflexive discourse: reflexive-indicative, reflexive-presentative and reflexive-realizational. We consider the relationship of these stages of the discourse with various types of reflection and features of self-assessment, self-analysis, self-design and self-realization as structural components of educational independent activity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 138
Abdul Sattar H. Yousif ◽  
Firas Rifai ◽  
Hadeel Alhroot

This paper aims at investigating the relationship between the application of innovation and entrepreneurship system and the university competitive advantage in the Jordanian higher education sector.     To collect the required data, the number of some concerned individuals was surveyed through a carefully designed questionnaire that has become the main instrument to obtain the required data.A random sample of university managerial staff was withdrawn from five private Jordanian universities. The collected data was audited, reviewed and statically analyzed using the most relevant statistical test. The results of the statistical analysis have clearly pointed out that university adoption of innovation and entrepreneurship system has a significant effect on its competitive advantage.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-79
Saida Farhanah Sarkam ◽  
Nurul Syafika Mohd Nasir ◽  
Shatina Saad

The study aimed is to examine the relationship of brand image and service quality towards student loyaltyin purchasing at a university shop, namely UniShop, in the southern state of Malaysia. By understandingstudent loyalty, the university management might encourage students to shop at the UniShop and generaterevenues within the campus. The decreasing sales of UniShop are affected by a hypermarket located withinwalking distance to the university in August 2017. From the literature, the entrance of multinationalcompanies might affect the small companies surrounding them, including UniShop which is a smallenterprise. Thus, the research examined student loyalty in purchasing at UniShop by distributingquestionnaires to the students of the university. The researchers used proportionate stratified randomsampling to generalize the finding across all semester students in the university. The findings showed thatbrand image and service quality played an important role in student loyalty. Students were the maincustomers of a university shop, contributed most of the shop’s business sustainability, and generate indirectincome to the university. In order to maintain student loyalty, UniShop has to take some initiatives includingto increase the scale of products, focuses on student-centered services, improve the shop layout, and sellexclusive university merchandise to increase the student's self-belonging to the university products. Keywords: brand image, service quality, student loyalty, university shop

2013 ◽  
Giovanni Nicolò Cavana

The critical edition of the correspondence (1665-1675), today housed at the University of Genoa library, between the Genoan patrician Nicolò Cavana and the bibliophile Fra' Angelico Aprosio di Ventimiglia includes an introduction and transcription of the letters, with both bibliographical and (where possible) explanatory notes on some now outdated terms. In consideration of the private nature of the 286 letters, reading them gives an interesting and informal view of seventeenth-century life, as well as much information on the variegated world of the Baroque book culture providing a constant backdrop to the relationship of collaboration and friendship between the two figures.

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