scholarly journals Morphological phylogeny of Megachilini and the evolution of leaf-cutter behavior in bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)

2019 ◽  
pp. 1-123 ◽  
Victor H. Gonzalez ◽  
Grey T Gustafson ◽  
Michael S Engel

A unique feature among bees is the ability of some species of Megachile Latreille s.l. to cut and process fresh leaves for nest construction. The presence of a razor between the female mandibular teeth (interdental laminae) to facilitate leaf-cutting (LC) is a morphological novelty that might have triggered a subsequent diversification in this group. However, we have a limited understanding of the phylogeny of this group despite the large number of described species and the origins and patterns of variations of this mandibular structure are unknown. Herein, using a cladistic analysis of adult external morphological characters, we explored the relationships of all genera of Megachilini and the more than 50 subgenera of Megachile s.l. We coded 272 characters for 8 outgroups and 114 ingroup species. Depending on the weighting scheme (equal or implied weighting), our parsimony analyses suggested the monophyly of Megachile s.l. and that either Noteriades Cockerell or the clade Coelioxys Latreille + Radoszkowskiana Popov is the extant sister group of all other Megachilini. In addition, we conducted Bayesian total-evidence tip-dating analyses to examine other possible hypotheses of relationships and patterns of variation of the interdental lamina. Our analyses suggest that interdental laminae developed asynchronicaly from two different structures in the mandible, and differ in their phenotypic plasticity. Character correlation tests using phylogenetic pairwise comparisons indicated that the presence of interdental lamina is not associated with head size, mandible size and shape, and pubescence on the adductor interspace. We discuss the implications of our findings for the classification of Megachilini and the development of novel evolutionary, ecological, and functional hypotheses on this behavior. New taxa established are Pseudoheriadini Gonzalez & Engel, new tribe, Ochreriadini Gonzalez & Engel, new tribe, Cremnomegachile Gonzalez & Engel, new genus, Rozenapis Gonzalez & Engel, new genus, and Saucrochile Gonzalez & Engel, new genus, along with the following new combinations: Cremnomegachile dolichosoma (Benoist), new combination, Rozenapis ignita (Smith), new combination, and Saucrochile heriadiformis (Smith), new combination.

Zootaxa ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 1792 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

The spider genus Putaoa new genus (Araneae, Pimoidae) is described to place two species of pimoids from China, Putaoa huaping new species (the type species) and P. megacantha (Xu & Li, 2007) new combination. Parsimony analysis of morphological characters provides support for the monophyly of Putaoa and for its sister group relationship to the genus Weintrauboa Hormiga, 2003 and corroborates the monophyly of Pimoidae.

2001 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-89 ◽  
Kelly B. Miller

AbstractCharacters from adult morphology are analyzed cladistically to infer the phylogeny of the family Dytiscidae. The analysis is based on examination of 233 species of Dytiscidae and several outgroup taxa including members of Noteridae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Carabidae. Members of all currently recognized tribes of Dytiscidae are represented except Anisomeriini Brinck, Hydronebriini Guignot and Carabhydrini Watts. Emphasis is placed on identifying informative characters from the female genital system that comprise 34 of the resulting 101 total characters. The consensus of the most parsimonious trees is well resolved and supports recognition of ten subfamilies of Dytiscidae including; Matinae van den Branden, Laccophilinae Gistel, Coptotominae van den Branden, Copelatinae Erichson, Hydroporinae Aubé, Agabinae Thomson, Colymbetinae Erichson, Lancetinae van den Branden and Dytiscinae Leach. Also, Hydrodytes Miller, NEW GENUS, is erected and placed in its own subfamily, Hydrodytinae, NEW SUBFAMILY, to include two species previously placed in Agaporomorphus Zimmermann (Copelatinae), H. opalinus (Zimmermann) (NEW COMBINATION) and H. dodgei (Young) (NEW COMBINATION). Hydrodytinae is sister group to Hydroporinae and is diagnosed by the presence of anterior apodemes on the gonocoxae, several characters of the metendosternite (each synapomorphic with Hydroporinae), lack of pseudotetramerous pro- and mesotarsi, lack of a declivitous prosternum and prosternal process, the scutellum visible with the elytra closed (all plesiomorphic), the rami of the female genitalia sinuate and dorsally with an opalescent sheen (each autapomorphic for Hydrodytinae). Matinae is resolved as the sister group to the remaining Dytiscidae. Hyphydrini Sharp is found to be paraphyletic with respect to Pachydrini Biström, Nilsson and Wewalka, and the latter is relegated to a junior subjective synonym of the former (NEW SYNONYMY). Hydroporini Aubé and Hygrotini Portevin are found to be para- or polyphyletic. No changes are made to the classification of these taxa since character evidence is relatively weak, and taxon sampling within Hydroporinae is inadequate to justify changes. Carabdytes Balke, Hendrich and Wewalka is found to be the sister taxon to the remaining Colymbetinae, and because of its unique combination of characters and phylogenetic placement it is included in its own tribe, Carabdytini Pederzani (RESURRECTED). All other examined tribes of Dytiscidae are monophyletic. The female genitalia are described and figured for numerous taxa across the family, and numerous other characters are described and figured. The evolution of various features of the female genitalia within Dytiscidae is discussed. The resulting phylogenetic hypothesis is compared and contrasted with other phylogenetic proposals.

2004 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 307-316
Mariano Donato

AbstractIn this study Parorphula is re-described based on characters from the external morphology and genitalia. This genus comprised two species: P. pallidinota and P. latipennis, that were described based mostly on characters from external morphology. The morphological analysis conducted in this study plus the support of results from a cladistic analysis showed that external morphological characters justify the creation of a new genus for P. latipennis. Therefore, the genus Neorphula is proposed and the new combination is established.

2006 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 257-279 ◽  
William Wolfe ◽  
Kelly Miller ◽  
Olof Biström

AbstractThe phylogeny of the Hydroporinae is investigated in a cladistic analysis emphasizing placement of the genus Peschetius Guignot, historically placed in the tribe Hydroporini. Sixty-nine adult and larval morphological characters were coded for 61 species of Hydroporinae representing eight of the nine tribes. Cladistic analysis of the data resulted in 396 most parsimonious cladograms (length = 176, CI = 46, RI = 80). The results indicate that the genus Peschetius is the sister group to the tribe Bidessini based mainly on an unambiguous character, the presence of a prominent internal spermathecal spine, and several other more ambiguous or homoplasious characters. The tribe Bidessini is expanded to include the genus Peschetius, and it is formally transferred from the tribe Hydroporini. Other results indicating interesting relationships of tribes and genera within Hydroporinae are also discussed. Results include; 1) a dramatically paraphyletic Hydroporini with Laccornellus Roughley and Wolfe, Canthyporus Zimmermann and Hydrocolus Roughley and Larson in basal positions within the phylogeny, 2) Hydrovatus Motschulsky and Queda Sharp resolved as sister groups and not closely related to Methlini van den Branden, 3) support for close relationship of Pachydrus Sharp (Pachydrini Biström, Nilsson and Wewalka) with Hyphydrini Sharp, 4) paraphyly of Hygrotus Stephens sensu lato with the relationship H. (Coelambus) Thomson + (Hygrotus sensus stricto + Hydrovatini)) suggesting recognition of Coelambus and Hygrotus as separate genera, 5) close relationship between the Australian genera of Hydroporini and Hyphydrini and 6) the nesting of Vatellini within a group of Hydroporini.

Zootaxa ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 982 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

Ossinissa new genus (Araneae, Pholcidae) is described to place a Canarian pholcid species formerly considered belonging to Spermophorides. The male of the type species, Ossinissa justoi (Wunderlich) new combination, is described for the first time and the female is re-described. This new genus is supported by a revision of the morphological characters of the female, the newly discovered male, and a cladistic analysis.

Zootaxa ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 1180 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

A cladistic analysis of the Empidoidea and basal lineages of the Cyclorrhapha, based on morphological characters, confirms the monophyly of both groups as well as that of the                    Eremoneura. The resulting final trees are used to revise the classification of the Empidoidea to include the following five families: Empididae, Hybotidae, Atelestidae (including Nemedininae n. subfam.), Brachystomatidae rev. stat. (comprising the subfamilies Brachystomatinae, Ceratomerinae and Trichopezinae), and Dolichopodidae The family Microphoridae is not recognized, and the Microphorinae and Parathalassiinae are assigned to the Dolichopodidae The Dolichopodidae s.str. includes 15 subfamilies that were previously recognized within the family. Within the Empidoidea we found support for Atelestidae as the sister group to the Hybotidae and for the monophyly of Parathalassiinae + Dolichopodidae s.str. The Empididae remains poorly defined and the genera Homalocnemis Philippi, Iteaphila Zetterstedt, Anthepiscopus Becker, and Oreogeton Schiner are classified as incertae sedis within the                   Empidoidea. In addition, the following higher taxa are proposed: Symballophthalmini n. tribe, Bicellariini n. tribe, Oedaleinae rev. stat., and Trichininae rev. stat., which are all assigned to the Hybotidae. The genus Sematopoda Collin is tentatively assigned to Trichopezinae, and Xanthodromia Saigusa is transferred from Hemerodromiinae to Brachystomatinae.        All morphological characters are extensively discussed and illustrated, including details of the antennae, mouthparts, internal thoracic structures, wings, and male and female terminalia. In addition, a key to families and unplaced genus groups of the Empidoidea is provided. Feeding habits are also discussed in terms of the empidoid ground plan condition.

Ángela Sabrina Márquez-Acero ◽  
Christine L Lambkin ◽  
Carlos José Einicker Lamas

Abstract Exoprosopini is one of the largest tribes of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae). It is divided into 21 genera of which only Ligyra has a cosmopolitan distribution. The genus Ligyra s.l. has 111 species, 20 of which have been recorded in the New World. A cladistic analysis was implemented with aims to establish the phylogenetic relationships of Ligyra species and to test the monophyly of the genus. A matrix of morphological characters available in the literature was used. The cladistic analysis had 97 terminal taxa and 207 morphological characters resulting in 12 maximum parsimonious trees (MPTs). Our investigation shows variations in the phylogenetic status of Exoprosopini genera when compared to the previous hypothesis, especially for Euligyra and Ligyra s.s., and the relationships between Euligyra, Hyperalonia, Ligyra s.s. and Litorhina. Cladistic analysis clarified the phylogenetic relationships within Ligyra s.l. The New World fauna previously included in Ligyra are placed in a new genus, herein erected. A novel monophyletic clade is composed of the genera: Euligyra, Hyperalonia, Ligyra s.s. and Nyia gen. nov. Our results also support the resurrection of Anthrax trifigurata from synonymy with Ligyra cerberus and its new combination with the new erected genus as Nyia trifiguratacomb. nov. & stat. rev.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-55
Vanlal hruaia ◽  
Lal rinmuana ◽  
J Lalbiaknunga ◽  
Laldinfeli Ralte

Euphorbiaceae is one of the largest family of flowering plants, in our study different species were collected from different localities of Mizoram, the collected specimens were studied and their morphological features noted. 34 genera of Euphorbiaceae s.l were used in the study. Cladistic analysis was performed in Mesquite software and Phenetic analysis was done in NTsys software. Both analyses produce a pictorial representation in a form of a tree; cladistic analysis produce phylogenetic tree (evolutionary relationship) while phenetic analysis produce phenogram (morphological relationship). The results of the aforementioned analyses were further analysed by total evidence technique and taxonomic congruence, a phylogenetic software PAUP is used for this purpose. The resultant trees were very different and comparison was done to find correlation between evolution and morphological characters. The research finds various correlation among characters like the number of locule in ovule, phyllanthoid branching and support the inclusion of genus like Breynia, Sauropus into Phyllanthus.

2013 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 129
Edilson Caron ◽  
Cibele S. Ribeiro-Costa ◽  
Alfred F. Newton

Rove beetles of the genus Piestus Gravenhorst, 1806 are commonly captured under the bark of or inside decaying logs from Neotropical forests. Piestus belongs to the subfamily Piestinae, historically an ill-defined dumping-ground for Staphylinidae defined by plesiomorphic characters, but which has gradually been restricted in concept and currently includes only six additional extant genera worldwide. Piestinae in this restricted sense has been considered a probably monophyletic subfamily, but its status and phylogenetic position, as a possible sister-group of Osoriinae within the recently proposed Oxyteline group of staphylinid subfamilies, are uncertain and need confirmation. The main aim of the present study was to provide a morphological cladistic analysis and complete taxonomic revision of Piestus, which, as the type and most speciose genus of Piestinae, is critical for future phylogenetic studies involving the subfamily. In our study, the monophyly of Piestus is established and phylogenetic relationships among its species are proposed based on 70 adult morphological characters. Piestus is supported by 11 synapomorphies and high branch support. All species of Piestus are revised and the genus is redefined. The genus contains 43 species, including 13 species described here for the first time. The previously proposed subgenera Antropiestus Bernhauer, 1917, Eccoptopiestus Scheerpeltz, 1952, Elytropiestus Scheerpeltz, 1952, Lissopiestus Scheerpeltz, 1952, Piestus s. str., Trachypiestus Scheerpeltz, 1952 and Zirophorus Dalman, 1821 have not been confirmed, as they were found to be poly- or paraphyletic, or are here removed from Piestus, and therefore subgenera are not used. The main taxonomic changes are as follows. Lissopiestus, syn. nov. is proposed as new synonym of Eleusis Laporte, 1835 and its species, E. interrupta (Erichson, 1840), comb. rest., is transferred again to that genus. Antropiestus, syn. nov. and Eccoptopiestus, syn. nov. are proposed as new synonyms of Hypotelus Erichson, 1839 and their species, H. laevis (Solsky, 1872), comb. nov. and H. andinus (Bernhauer, 1917), comb. nov., are transferred to Hypotelus. Fourteen new synonymies are proposed (valid species listed first): P. lacordairei Laporte, 1835 = Z. furcatus Sharp, 1887, syn. nov.; P. capricornis Laporte, 1835 = P. frontalis Sharp, 1876, syn. nov.; P. pennicornis Fauvel, 1864 = P. plagiatus Fauvel, 1864, syn. nov.; P. rectus Sharp, 1876, syn. nov.; P. pygialis Fauvel, 1902, syn. nov.; P. surinamensis Bernhauer, 1928, syn. nov.; P. minutus Erichson, 1840 = P. nigrator Fauvel, 1902, syn. nov.; P. sulcatus Gravenhorst, 1806 = P. sanctaecatharinae Bernhauer, 1906, syn. nov.; P. condei Wendeler, 1955, syn. nov.; P. gounellei Fauvel, 1902 = P. wasmanni Fauvel, 1902, syn. nov.; P. mexicanus Laporte, 1835 = P. alternans Sharp, 1887, syn. nov.; P. aper Sharp, 1876 = P. schadei Scheerpeltz, 1952, syn. nov.; P. angularis Fauvel, 1864 = P. crassicornis Sharp, 1887, syn. nov.; H. andinus (Bernhauer, 1917) = P. strigipennis Bernhauer, 1921, syn. nov. One species is revalidated: P. fronticornis (Dalman, 1821), stat. rev., and one synonym is restored: P. penicillatus (Dalman, 1821) = P. erythropus Erichson, 1840, syn. rest. Neotypes are designated for P. lacordairei Laporte, 1835 and Oxytelus bicornis Olivier, 1811, and lectotypes are designated for P. puncticollis Fauvel, 1902, P. capricornis variety muticus Fauvel, 1902, P. zischkai Scheerpeltz, 1951, P. pennicornis Fauvel, 1864, P. plagiatus Fauvel, 1864, P. pygmaeus Laporte, 1835, P. niger Fauvel 1864, P. minutus Erichson, 1840, P. nigratror Fauvel, 1902, P. sulcatus Gravenhorst, 1806, P. sanctaecatharinae Bernhauer, 1906, P. sulcipennis Scheerpeltz, 1952, P. aper Sharp, 1876, P. schadei Scheerpeltz, 1952 and P. andinus Bernhauer, 1917.

PeerJ ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e7853 ◽  
Yuchen Yan ◽  
Gengyun Niu ◽  
Yaoyao Zhang ◽  
Qianying Ren ◽  
Shiyu Du ◽  

Labriocimbex sinicus Yan & Wei gen. et sp. nov. of Cimbicidae is described. The new genus is similar to Praia Andre and Trichiosoma Leach. A key to extant Holarctic genera of Cimbicinae is provided. To identify the phylogenetic placement of Cimbicidae, the mitochondrial genome of L. sinicus was annotated and characterized using high-throughput sequencing data. The complete mitochondrial genome of L. sinicus was obtained with a length of 15,405 bp (GenBank: MH136623; SRA: SRR8270383) and a typical set of 37 genes (22 tRNAs, 13 PCGs, and two rRNAs). The results demonstrated that all PCGs were initiated by ATN codon, and ended with TAA or T stop codons. The study reveals that all tRNA genes have a typical clover-leaf secondary structure, except for trnS1. Remarkably, the secondary structures of the rrnS and rrnL of L. sinicus were much different from those of Corynis lateralis. Phylogenetic analyses verified the monophyly and positions of the three Cimbicidae species within the superfamily Tenthredinoidea and demonstrated a relationship as (Tenthredinidae + Cimbicidae) + (Argidae + Pergidae) with strong nodal supports. Furthermore, we found that the generic relationships of Cimbicidae revealed by the phylogenetic analyses based on COI genes agree quite closely with the systematic arrangement of the genera based on the morphological characters. Phylogenetic tree based on two methods shows that L. sinicus is the sister group of Praia with high support values. We suggest that Labriocimbex belongs to the tribe Trichiosomini of Cimbicinae based on adult morphology and molecular data. Besides, we suggest to promote the subgenus Asitrichiosoma to be a valid genus.

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