scholarly journals Fatty acids and composition of their important groups in milk fat of Czech Pied cattle

2011 ◽  
Vol 51 (No. 5) ◽  
pp. 181-188 ◽  
M. Pešek ◽  
E. Samková ◽  
J. Špička

In 2003, 2004 and 2005 milk fat composition was determined three times in 55 dairy cows of Czech Pied cattle housed in a byre with stanchions and fed under conditions usual on Czech production farms. Fatty acids were determined by a gas chromatographic method, 26 acids out of the total 37 acids observed in chromatograms were identified. The highest proportions were observed for palmitic acid (29.25 ± 2.98%), oleic acid (24.47 ± 3.27%), myristic acid (12.14 ± 1.80%) and stearic acid (8.91 ± 2.44%). The proportions of saturated, unsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids were 64.71 ± 4.18, 31.96 ± 4.20 and 27.45 ± 3.42% of total acids, respectively. The total proportion of nutritionally undesirable lauric, myristic and palmitic acid was 45.26 ± 4.77%, while that of the desirable group of polyunsaturated fatty acids was 4.51 ± 1.09%. The observed relatively wide ranges of the individual groups of fatty acids indicate that it is possible to improve the milk fat composition in Czech Pied cows.  

P.A. Martin ◽  
P.C. Thomas

It is well established that the proportion of saturated fatty acids in cows milk fat can be reduced by dietary inclusion of fats containing a large proportion of C18 fatty acids. Regardless of the individual C18 acids added to the diet, because unsaturated C18 fatty acids are biohydrogenated in the rumen it is principally the amount of 18:0 absorbed by the animal which is increased. This leads to increased mammary uptake and desaturation of 18:0 and to the secretion in milk of greater amounts of 18:0 and 18:1 fatty acids. Intramammary synthesis of 6:0-16:0 fatty acids is concurrently reduced. Of the cereals grown in the UK, oats contain relatively large amounts of C18 fatty acids. For this reason we have examined the potential of dietary inclusion of oats as a simple and inexpensive means of manipulating milk fat composition. In a previous experiment in which hay-based diets were given replacement of barley with oats reduced the saturated (6:0-18:0) fatty acids in milk fat from 753 to 619 g/kg and increased the monounsaturated fatty acids from 211 to 344 g/kg milk fat.

P.A. Martin ◽  
D.J. Roberts

Of the cereals grown in the UK oats, and especially the recently developed naked oats, contain relatively large amounts of C18 fatty acids. Consistent with this, in a series of change-over type experiments substitution of oats or naked oats for barley in dairy cows’ rations reduced the proportion of saturated fatty acids and increased that of monounsaturated fatty acids in milk fat (Martin & Thomas, 1988a, b). These results indicated the inclusion of oats in cows’ diets to be a means of increasing the appeal of milk and milk products to the health-conscious consumer. The present experiment was conducted to assess the likely potential for dietary manipulation of milk fat composition using naked oats under commercial farming conditions.Thirty-two Friesian cows and heifers were used in a continuous design feeding trial which extended from week 3 to week 18 of lactation. The animals were paired on the basis of calving date, lactation number and pre-trial milk yield and, within pairs, were allocated at random to one of two diets.

2011 ◽  
Vol 50 (No. 3) ◽  
pp. 122-128 ◽  
M. Pešek ◽  
J. Špička ◽  
E. Samková

In May 2003 differences in milk fat composition in two main dairy breeds in the Czech Republic, Czech Pied cattle and Holstein cattle, were studied in two uniform groups, each containing eight cows. The groups were housed together and received the same daily diet. Fatty acids were determined in mean milk samples from the individual cows as their methyl esters using a gas chromatography procedure. The groups of the fatty acids, namely saturated (SAFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) ones, were examined together with the individual acids. The milk fat of Czech Pied cattle was found to contain significantly less SAFAs than the fat of Holstein cows (60.78 and 63.62% of total acids; P &lt; 0.05). Determined mean MUFA contents (27.64 and 25.76%) and total levels (34.31 and 32.11%) of all the unsaturated acids (MUFAs and PUFAs) were insignificantly elevated in the milk fat of Czech Pied cattle. The contents of the most of the individual fatty acids did not differ considerably between the breeds. In Holstein cows, significantly higher contents (P &lt; 0.05) of capric acid (C<sub>10:0</sub>) and stearic acid (C<sub>18:0</sub>) 3.30 and 4.45%, respectively, as compared with 2.69 and 2.61% for Czech Pied cows, were observed. The milk fat of Czech Pied cows had significantly higher contents of oleic acid (C<sub>18:1</sub>) 23.60% (P &lt; 0.05) and of an isomer of octadecatrienic acid (C<sub>18:3n4</sub>) 0.16% (P &lt; 0.001) as compared with 21.68 and 0.10%, respectively, in the fat ofHolstein cows. &nbsp;

Mirela JIMBOREAN ◽  
Dorin Å¢IBULCÄ‚ ◽  
Adriana PÄ‚UCEAN ◽  
Claudiu Dan S Ä‚LÄ‚GEAN

The transformations of cheese components during ripening, especially the evolution of free fatty acids were studied using the gas-chromatographic method. The proteolitic and lypolitic enzymes were added in semi-hard cheese assortment for cheese quality improvment. Three types of semi-hard cheese were taken into study: blank (M), cheese with lypolitic enzymes (Bl) and cheese with proteolytic enzymes (Bp). Samples from these cheeses were collected at three different moment of times: at obtaining, at 25 day of ripening and at 50 day of ripening. The content of saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was determined for each sample.

2003 ◽  
Vol 2003 ◽  
pp. 22-22
D. I. Givens ◽  
C. Rymer ◽  
A.R. Moss ◽  
R. Allison

There is much interest in the manipulation of the fatty acid composition of milk fat so as to improve its health characteristics in the human diet. In an earlier study there was an indication that the concentration of fatty acids in milk may change with time when feeding whole oilseeds rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). In particular a tendency for an increase in CLA and C18:1 and a reduction in C18:2 and C18:3 concentrations with time were seen. The present study was therefore undertaken to examine the changes in the fatty acid composition of milk from high yielding dairy cows fed diets rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) or PUFA over an extended period.

2009 ◽  
Vol 54 (No. 3) ◽  
pp. 93-100 ◽  
E. Samková ◽  
M. Pešek ◽  
J. Špička ◽  
T. Pelikánová ◽  
O. Hanuš

Ten Czech Pied cows in the mid-lactation stage were fed diets based on grass silage and maize silage. The composition of milk fats differed. The proportions of even-chain saturated fatty acids (SFAs) up to C<sub>14:0</sub> were insignificant and the content of C<sub>16:0</sub> was significantly higher (<i>P</i> < 0.05) when feeding a diet based on maize silage, while the proportions of the individual polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were significantly (except for C<sub>18:2</sub>) higher when feeding a diet based on grass silage. The total SFA proportions were 67.60 and 62.93% (<i>P</i> < 0.05) of maize and grass silages, respectively, while an opposite relation was observed for the sum of PUFAs (3.56 and 4.74%; <i>P</i> < 0.001). Feeding of grass silage resulted in a significantly lower proportion of hypercholesterolaemic fatty acids C<sub>12:0</sub>, C<sub>14:0</sub> and C<sub>16:0</sub> (49.38 and 44.98%, respectively; <i>P</i> < 0.05) and in lower values of the atherogenic index (3.03 and 2.44; <i>P</i> < 0.05). Thus, the results could be used for the improvement of milk fat composition.

Lipids ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 39 (12) ◽  
pp. 1197-1206 ◽  
Adam L. Lock ◽  
Dale E. Bauman

1972 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 1341 ◽  
WB Currie

Ohanges in milk and milk fat composition during complete lactations of four grazing cows are described. Correlations among the proportions of pairs of milk fat fatty acids were interpreted to indicate that fatty acids were of three groups-those reaching the gland preformed as blood lipids, those synthesized de novo in the gland, and a fraction, chiefly palmitic' acid, derived from both sources. The pro-portions of all groups of acids varied in an erratic manner compared with steady changes observed in other studies with cows on controlled feeding.

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