scholarly journals Comparison of fatty acid composition in milk fat of Czech Pied cattle andHolsteincattle

2011 ◽  
Vol 50 (No. 3) ◽  
pp. 122-128 ◽  
M. Pešek ◽  
J. Špička ◽  
E. Samková

In May 2003 differences in milk fat composition in two main dairy breeds in the Czech Republic, Czech Pied cattle and Holstein cattle, were studied in two uniform groups, each containing eight cows. The groups were housed together and received the same daily diet. Fatty acids were determined in mean milk samples from the individual cows as their methyl esters using a gas chromatography procedure. The groups of the fatty acids, namely saturated (SAFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) ones, were examined together with the individual acids. The milk fat of Czech Pied cattle was found to contain significantly less SAFAs than the fat of Holstein cows (60.78 and 63.62% of total acids; P &lt; 0.05). Determined mean MUFA contents (27.64 and 25.76%) and total levels (34.31 and 32.11%) of all the unsaturated acids (MUFAs and PUFAs) were insignificantly elevated in the milk fat of Czech Pied cattle. The contents of the most of the individual fatty acids did not differ considerably between the breeds. In Holstein cows, significantly higher contents (P &lt; 0.05) of capric acid (C<sub>10:0</sub>) and stearic acid (C<sub>18:0</sub>) 3.30 and 4.45%, respectively, as compared with 2.69 and 2.61% for Czech Pied cows, were observed. The milk fat of Czech Pied cows had significantly higher contents of oleic acid (C<sub>18:1</sub>) 23.60% (P &lt; 0.05) and of an isomer of octadecatrienic acid (C<sub>18:3n4</sub>) 0.16% (P &lt; 0.001) as compared with 21.68 and 0.10%, respectively, in the fat ofHolstein cows. &nbsp;

2011 ◽  
Vol 91 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-167 ◽  
Riazuddin Mohammed ◽  
Reza Khorasani ◽  
Laksiri Goonewardene ◽  
John Kramer ◽  
John Kennelly

Mohammed, R., Khorasani, R. G., Goonewardene, L. A., Kramer, J. K. G. and Kennelly, J. J. 2011. Persistency of milk trans-18:1 isomers and rumenic acid in Holstein cows over a full lactation. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 91: 147–167. A long-term lactation study was undertaken to determine whether the previously reported short-term persistency in vaccenic acid [VA; trans(t)11-18:1] and rumenic acid (RA) could be maintained. To test this hypothesis, 24 Holstein cows were allotted to two experimental diets (control and test) from 2 wk before calving until they were 270 d in milk (DIM). The test diet was similar to the control diet, but supplemented with sunflower seed (11.2% diet DM), fish oil (0.5%) and monensin (22 mg/kg DM) by replacing an equivalent amount of barley grain. The forage: concentrate ratio was 50:50 (DM basis) with 35% barley silage and 15% alfalfa hay. Milk was sampled every fortnight from the start of lactation until cows were 270 DIM. Data obtained were averaged into three equal periods of 90 d each, representing three stages of lactation (SOL): early-lactation (EL), mid-lactation (ML) and late-lactation (LL). Dry matter intakes were not different between treatments with greater intakes observed during ML than during EL or LL. Milk yield was not different between treatments and decreased with increasing DIM. Milk fat content and yield showed interaction between treatment and SOL with lower values observed for the test diet than control diet during EL and ML. De novo synthesized fatty acids (4:0–15:0), 16:0–16:1 and preformed fatty acids (17:0 and above) showed interaction between treatment and SOL with the former two being greater for control diet than test diet and the latter greater for the test diet than control diet within each SOL. Milk t10-18:1 (% fatty acid methyl esters, FAME) was greater for the test diet compared with control diet (4.38 vs. 1.32) and was greater during ML (3.79) than during EL (2.38) or LL (2.38). Milk VA and RA showed interactions between treatment and SOL with greater values observed for the test diet than the control diet within each SOL. When analyzed by treatment, milk VA was not different across SOL for both diets. Milk RA was not different across SOL for the test diet, but was different for the control diet; it was lower during EL than during ML. Step-wise regression analysis revealed that the variability in milk RA for the control diet (P<0.01; R2=0.97) was determined by VA (70%) and RA/VA (27%); and for the test diet (P<0.01; R2=0.987) by VA (88.7%), RA/VA (5%) and t10-18:1 (3.8%). Desaturase index based on RA/VA showed an interaction between treatment and SOL; it was greater for the control diet than the test diet within each SOL. Overall findings revealed that the differences in milk t10- and VA across SOL reflected possible differences in starch and PUFA intakes, respectively. Differences in milk RA across SOL for the control diet could be attributed to possible differences in mammary desaturase activity based on differences in RA/VA.

P.A. Martin ◽  
P.C. Thomas

It is well established that the proportion of saturated fatty acids in cows milk fat can be reduced by dietary inclusion of fats containing a large proportion of C18 fatty acids. Regardless of the individual C18 acids added to the diet, because unsaturated C18 fatty acids are biohydrogenated in the rumen it is principally the amount of 18:0 absorbed by the animal which is increased. This leads to increased mammary uptake and desaturation of 18:0 and to the secretion in milk of greater amounts of 18:0 and 18:1 fatty acids. Intramammary synthesis of 6:0-16:0 fatty acids is concurrently reduced. Of the cereals grown in the UK, oats contain relatively large amounts of C18 fatty acids. For this reason we have examined the potential of dietary inclusion of oats as a simple and inexpensive means of manipulating milk fat composition. In a previous experiment in which hay-based diets were given replacement of barley with oats reduced the saturated (6:0-18:0) fatty acids in milk fat from 753 to 619 g/kg and increased the monounsaturated fatty acids from 211 to 344 g/kg milk fat.

2011 ◽  
Vol 51 (No. 5) ◽  
pp. 181-188 ◽  
M. Pešek ◽  
E. Samková ◽  
J. Špička

In 2003, 2004 and 2005 milk fat composition was determined three times in 55 dairy cows of Czech Pied cattle housed in a byre with stanchions and fed under conditions usual on Czech production farms. Fatty acids were determined by a gas chromatographic method, 26 acids out of the total 37 acids observed in chromatograms were identified. The highest proportions were observed for palmitic acid (29.25 &plusmn; 2.98%), oleic acid (24.47 &plusmn; 3.27%), myristic acid (12.14 &plusmn; 1.80%) and stearic acid (8.91 &plusmn; 2.44%). The proportions of saturated, unsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids were 64.71 &plusmn; 4.18, 31.96 &plusmn; 4.20 and 27.45 &plusmn; 3.42% of total acids, respectively. The total proportion of nutritionally undesirable lauric, myristic and palmitic acid was 45.26 &plusmn; 4.77%, while that of the desirable group of polyunsaturated fatty acids was 4.51 &plusmn; 1.09%. The observed relatively wide ranges of the individual groups of fatty acids indicate that it is possible to improve the milk fat composition in Czech Pied cows. &nbsp;

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-17
O. Szeleszczuk ◽  
P. Kilar ◽  
D. Maj

Abstract In this study, milk samples (n=52) from nine healthy female raccoons at 3–45 days of lactation were manually collected at a regular morning hour from all active teats and used to investigate the changes of lipid globules size, fatty acids (FAs) profile and fat content.The results indicated that raccoon milk is characterized by a high fat content. Small lipid globules sizing up to 6 µm prevailed with their greatest share in milk during lactation phases I and III. The milk fat content was increasing with the proceeding lactation, whereas the content of free FAs had a decreasing tendency. Totally eighteen FAs were identified in raccoon milk. The unsaturated long-chain C18–C20 FAs were dominating (over 60%). The individual FAs contents in raccoon milk did not exceed 1%, except for palmitic, vaccenic and linoleic acids representing over 20% of the total FA content.The study results can be used for establishing the energy requirements during the suckling period for proper growth and development of puppies.

2009 ◽  
Vol 54 (No. 3) ◽  
pp. 93-100 ◽  
E. Samková ◽  
M. Pešek ◽  
J. Špička ◽  
T. Pelikánová ◽  
O. Hanuš

Ten Czech Pied cows in the mid-lactation stage were fed diets based on grass silage and maize silage. The composition of milk fats differed. The proportions of even-chain saturated fatty acids (SFAs) up to C<sub>14:0</sub> were insignificant and the content of C<sub>16:0</sub> was significantly higher (<i>P</i> < 0.05) when feeding a diet based on maize silage, while the proportions of the individual polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were significantly (except for C<sub>18:2</sub>) higher when feeding a diet based on grass silage. The total SFA proportions were 67.60 and 62.93% (<i>P</i> < 0.05) of maize and grass silages, respectively, while an opposite relation was observed for the sum of PUFAs (3.56 and 4.74%; <i>P</i> < 0.001). Feeding of grass silage resulted in a significantly lower proportion of hypercholesterolaemic fatty acids C<sub>12:0</sub>, C<sub>14:0</sub> and C<sub>16:0</sub> (49.38 and 44.98%, respectively; <i>P</i> < 0.05) and in lower values of the atherogenic index (3.03 and 2.44; <i>P</i> < 0.05). Thus, the results could be used for the improvement of milk fat composition.

1970 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 749-760 ◽  
R.C. Witter ◽  
J.A.F. Rook

1. The effects of the introduction into the diet of natural fats rich in individual fatty acids or of simple triglycerides on the composition of blood lipids and of milk fat in the sow were investigated.2. Replacement in the diet of a mixture of animal, vegetable and marine oils by a single natural fat had varying effects on the concentrations of plasma lipid fractions, whereas replacement of tallow by simple triglycerides, with few exceptions, increased the concentrations of all fractions.3. When butyric or caprylic acids were present in the diet there was no detectable transfer of those acids to plasma triglycerides, and there was only a limited transfer of dietary erucic acid. An increase in the dietary concentration of other acids (ranging from capric to linolenic) was associated with an increase in the content of the acids in the plasma triglycerides. For saturated fatty acids the response to dietary changes was at a maximum for myristic acid.4. The effects on the composition of milk fat reflected the changes in the composition of the plasma triglycerides, except during the feeding of cottonseed oil when there were marked decreases in milk fat of palmitoleic and oleic acids and corresponding increases in palmitic and stearic acids which were not observed in the plasma triglycerides. Also, during the feeding of coconut oil, capric acid was present in the plasma triglycerides but not in milk fat, and the increases in the plasma triglycerides of lauric and myristic acids were much more marked than the corresponding increases in milk fat.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Tayanna Bernardo Oliveira Nunes Messias ◽  
Susana Paula Alves ◽  
Rui José Branquinho Bessa ◽  
Marta Suely Madruga ◽  
Maria Teresa Bertoldo Pacheco ◽  

Abstract In this research communication we describe the composition of fatty acids (FA) present in the milk of the Nordestina donkey breed, and how they differ during lactation. Milk samples were taken from 24 multiparous lactating Nordestina donkeys that grazed the Caatinga, comprising 5 animals at each of around 30, 60 and 90 d in milk (DIM) and a further 9 animals ranging from 120 to 180 DIM. The milk fat content was analysed by mid infrared spectroscopy and the FA profile by gas chromatography. The milk fat percentage ranged from 0.45 to 0.61%. The main FA found in milk were 16:0 and 18:1c9. These did not differ among DIM classes and comprised 23% and 25% of total FA. Notably, the α-Linolenic acid (18:3 n-3) was the third most abundant FA and differed (P < 0.05) with DIM, being lowest in the 30 and 60 DIM samples (around 10.7% of total FA) and highest in the 60 and 90 DIM classes (around 14.6% of total FA). The low-fat content and the FA profile of the donkey milk gives it potential as a functional ingredient, which could help to preserve the commercial viability of the Nordestina donkey breed.

2010 ◽  
Vol 64 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Djordje Savic ◽  
D. Matarugic ◽  
N. Delic ◽  
D. Kasagic ◽  
M. Stojanovic

The objective of the investigations described in this work was to determine the energy status and to make recommendations for correcting the cow diet at a farm of high-yield dairy cows, on the grounds of values for the concentration of organic components of milk and their ratios in individual milk samples. A total of 147 cows were examined, including 97 in the first and 50 in the second lactation. Average concentrations of milk fat and urea were within the physiological values. Namely, the milk fat concentration in cows in the first lactation was 38.88?5.07 g/l, and it was 36.47?4.82 g/l in cows in the second lactation, while the urea concentration in cows in the first lactation 3.16?0.58 mmol/l and it was 3.72?0.64 mmol/l in cows in the second lactation. The protein concentration in both groups of cows was below the physiological values, being 30.33?2.35 g/l in cows in the first lactation and 30.17?2.27 g/l in cows in the second lactation. Based on the ratio of urea and protein concentrations, as well as of fat and proteins in the individual milk samples, it was concluded that in most examined cows, both in those in the first and those in the second lactation, there is a deficit of energy, along with a deficit or relative surplus of proteins. On the grounds of the obtained results, recommendations were given for correcting the feed rations in the coming period. .

2010 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 331-336 ◽  
Ratchaneewan Khiaosa-ard ◽  
Fenja Klevenhusen ◽  
Carla R Soliva ◽  
Michael Kreuzer ◽  
Florian Leiber

The transfer of ingested α-linolenic acid (ALA) and linoleic acid (LA) determines the nutritional quality of milk, but the factors determining this transfer are unclear. The present experiment investigated the influence of roughage to concentrate proportions and the effect of concentrate types on milk fat composition. Respectively, six lactating dairy cows were fed one of three isoenergetic (5·4±0·05 MJ net energy for lactation/kg dry matter; DM) and isonitrogenous (215±3·5 g crude protein/kg DM) diets, consisting of ryegrass hay only (33 g fatty acids/kg DM; ALA-rich, no concentrate), maize (straw, whole maize pellets and gluten; 36 g fatty acids/kg DM; LA-rich; 560 g concentrate/kg DM), or barley (straw and grain plus soybean meal; 19 g fatty acids/kg DM; LA-rich; 540 g concentrate/kg DM). The fatty acid composition of feeds and resulting milk fat were determined by gas chromatography. The ALA concentration in milk fat was highest (P<0·001) with the hay-diet, but the proportionate transfer of ALA from diet to milk was lower (P<0·001) than with the maize- or barley-diets. The LA concentration in milk fat was highest with the maize-diet (P<0·05, compared with hay) but relative transfer rate was lower (P=0·01). The transfer rates of ALA and LA were reciprocal to the intake of individual fatty acids which thus contributed more to milk fat composition than did roughage to concentrate proportions. The amount of trans-11 18:1 in milk fat was lowest with the barley-diet (P<0·001) and depended on the sum of ALA and LA consumed. The milk fat concentration of cis-9, trans-11 18:2 (rumenic acid) was more effectively promoted by increasing dietary LA (maize) than ALA (hay). Amounts of 18:0 secreted in milk were four (maize) to seven (hay) times higher than the amounts ingested. This was suggestive of a partial inhibition of biohydrogenation in the maize-diet, possibly caused by the high dietary LA level.

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