scholarly journals A Plus Type CC-Based Current-Mode Universal Biquad

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Takao Tsukutani ◽  
Noboru Yabuki
1990 ◽  
Vol 137 (2) ◽  
pp. 61 ◽  
Chris Toumazou ◽  
John Lidgey ◽  
Brett Wilson

2018 ◽  
Vol 138 (5) ◽  
pp. 453-462
Jun-ichi Itoh ◽  
Tomokazu Sakuraba ◽  
Hoai Nam Le ◽  
Hiroki Watanabe ◽  
Keisuke Kusaka

2017 ◽  
Vol E100.C (6) ◽  
pp. 539-547 ◽  
Tohru KANEKO ◽  
Yuya KIMURA ◽  
Masaya MIYAHARA ◽  

1988 ◽  
Siep Onneweer ◽  
Hans Kerkhoff ◽  
Jon Butler

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 902-908
Syed Zahiruddin ◽  
Avireni Srinivasulu ◽  
Musala Sarada

Objective: The interest concern towards the development of enabling technology towards new current mode devices has forced the designers and researchers for the invention of devices, which has having the characteristics like such as low power, robustness, compactness, efficiency and scalability. Methods: Second Generation Current Controlled Conveyor (CCCII) is the prevailing current mode device of the times today. Since its invention by A. Fabre, it has prominent applications in the field of analog signal processing and in biomedical applications too. In this manuscript, CCCII is used as an enabling device to design a Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Generator. Results: The proposed topology is designed using a single active device CCCII with least passive components. The circuit enjoys the features of like electronic tunability of frequency using the bias current. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the FSK generator circuit designed using single CCCII confers better results in contrast to the existing structures. The maximum power consumption is 0.196 mW. The proposed circuit has the benefit of simple configuration, which is very much proficient for IC fabrication.

Yong-An Li

Background: The original filter including grounded or virtual ground capacitors can be synthesized by using the NAM expansion. However, so far the filters including floating capacitor, such as Sallen-Key filter, have not been synthesized by means of the NAM expansion. This is a problem to be researched further. Methods: By using the adjoint network theory, the Sallen-Key filter including floating capacitor first is turned into a current-mode one, which includes a grounded capacitor and a virtual ground capacitor. Then the node admittance matrix, after derived, is extended by using NAM expansion. Results: At last, one VDTA Sallen-Key filter is received. It employs single compact VDTA and two grounded capacitors. Conclusion: A Butterworth VDTA second-order frequency filter based on Sallen-Key topology with fo = 100kHz, HLP = -HBP=1, is designed.

Priyanka Gupta ◽  
Kunal Gupta ◽  
Neeta Pandey ◽  
Rajeshwari Pandey

This paper presents a novel method to realize a current mode instrumentation amplifier (CMIA) through CDBA (Current difference Buffered Amplifier). It employs two CDBAs and two resistors to obtain desired functionality. Further, it does not require any resistor matching. The gain can be set according to the resistor values. It offers high differential gain and a bandwidth, which is independent of gain. The working of the circuit is verified through PSPICE simulations using CFOA IC based CDBA realization.

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