scholarly journals Virtual Field Trip dan Penggunaannya sebagai Fasilitator dalam Mengembangkan Keterampilan Komunikasi Abad ke-21 Siswa

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Hanifa Ahsanu Amala ◽  
Amprasto Amprasto ◽  
Rini Solihat

This study using virtual field trip as a facilitator to developing 21st century skill in student. The use of virtual field trip is for developing an innovation of field trip which is visualized as internet based to provide trips on the field without leaving the classroom. This study aimed to facilitate the development of one of 4Cs component, which is communication of the 21st century skills using virtual field in ecosystem. There are 30 students (N=30) of 10th grade in science class at senior high school 20 Bandung became subject. The instrument using eight question for assessed written communication skill, observation rubric for assessed verbal communication skill, and response questionnaire. Through the result, we found thatstudent’s written communication skill has been increasing and included as a middle category of N-gain. The observation showed that students having a good profile on verbal communication skills. This result has been supported by the questionnaire which is all students say agree (57%) and very agree (43%) with the statement that this method help to make learning ecosystem became more interesting and perceivable.

2021 ◽  
Nicolas C. Barth ◽  
Greg M. Stock ◽  
Kinnari Atit

Abstract. This study highlights a Geology of Yosemite Valley virtual field trip (VFT) and companion exercises produced as a four-part module to substitute for physical field experiences. The VFT is created as an Earth project in Google Earth Web, a versatile format that allows access through a web browser or Google Earth app with the sharing of an internet address. Many dynamic resources can be used for VFT stops through use of the Google Earth Engine (global satellite imagery draped on topography, 360° street-level imagery, user-submitted 360° photospheres). Images, figures, videos, and narration can be embedded into VFT stops. Hyperlinks allow for a wide range of external resources to be incorporated; optional background resources help reduce the knowledge gap between general public and upper-division students, ensuring VFTs can be broadly accessible. Like many in-person field trips, there is a script with learning goals for each stop, but also an opportunity to learn through exploration as the viewer can dynamically change their vantage at each stop (i.e. guided discovery learning). This interactive VFT format scaffolds students’ spatial skills and encourages attention to be focused on a stop’s critical spatial information. The progression from VFT to mapping exercise to geologically-reasoned decision-making results in high quality student work; students find it engaging, enjoyable, and educational.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-28 ◽  
Edhy Rustan ◽  
Subhan Subhan

This study aims to obtain a description of children’s second language verbal communication skills aged 7-8 years in the activity of buying and selling transactions with foreign tourists. This research was conducted in South Coastal Coast of Central Lombok Regency of West Nusa Tenggara. This research is a qualitative study of case study by Milles and Hubberman model data analysis technique with four stages of interalain analysis (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) data display and (4) drawing conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the verbal communication skills of coastal children are obtained partially covering three linguistic components; vocabulary, shipping and grammatical arrangement. The process of acquiring verbal communication skills is influenced by two factors, namely family pressure and self-exposure of children to the coastal tourism environment that encourages children to sell cultural products to foreign tourists. For these purposes, coastal children use two common patterns of second language verbal communication, ie direct verbal communication patterns (spoken word) and indirect verbal communication patterns (writing word). Keyword: Verbal communication skill, Children aged 7-8 years. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memeroleh gambaran kemampuan komunikasi verbal bahasa kedua anak usia 7-8 tahun dalam kegiatan transaksi jual beli dengan turis mancanegara. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pesisir Pantai Selatan Kabupaten Lombok Tengah Nusa Tenggara Barat. Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan teknik analisis data model Milles dan Hubberman dengan empat tahapan analisis yang meliputi (1) pengumpulan data, (2) reduksi data, (3) display data, dan (4) penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi verbal anak pesisir pantai cenderung diperoleh secara parsial; mencakup tiga komponen kebahasaan antaralain kosakata, pelafalan  dan susunan gramatikal. Adapun proses pemerolehan kemampuan komunikasi verbal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu tekanan keluarga dan ekspos diri anak pada lingkungan pariwisata pantai yang mendorong anak untuk berjualan produk-produk kebudayaan kepada para turis mancanegara. Untuk kepentingan tersebut, anak pesisir pantai menggunakan dua pola umum komunikasi verbal bahasa kedua, yaitu pola komunikasi verbal langsung (spoken word) dan pola komunikasi verbal tidak langsung (writing word). Kata Kunci: kemampuan komunikasi verbal, anak usia 7-8 tahun

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