scholarly journals Surface Modification of Polyamide Ultrafiltration Membrane by Plasma Polymerisation of Acrylic Acid

2020 ◽  
Vol 49 (12) ◽  
pp. 3043-3050
A. Suhaimi ◽  
E. Mahmoudi ◽  
K.S. Siow ◽  
M.F. Mohd Razip Wee

Increase in hydrophilicity of the filtration membrane could attribute to the fouling reduction and overall filtration performance. In this study, we employ a surface modification on polyamide (PA) membrane by using plasma polymerization with acrylic acid as the precursor by varying the deposition time from 1 to 10 min to induce hydrophilic surface of the membrane without changing the bulk properties of PA membrane. Cross-flow filtration of humic acid using the modified PA membrane was conducted to measure permeates flux and rejection. We calculate the fouling tendencies of each membrane and the result indicates the best performance from sample with 7 min deposition time in terms of permeate flux, rejection and the lowest fouling tendencies. Therefore, this proposed technique could be useful to further improve the commercial filtration membrane; without changing the membrane fabrication process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 72 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-68
Tijana Urosevic ◽  
Dragan Povrenovic ◽  
Predrag Vukosavljevic ◽  
Ivan Urosevic

In this paper, the influence of operating parameters (transmembrane pressure, temperature, the flow rate of retentate) on the cross - flow microfiltration of synthetic fruit juice and periodic backwashing with air was examined. In the experiments, the Kerasep W5 ceramic membrane with a separation limit of 0.2 ?m was used. The results of experiments in which different transmembrane pressures were used showed that stationary fluxes, at stationary conditions, after 60 minutes, have similar values. So, it can be concluded that the value of the driving force is irrelevant at steady state conditions. However, until the steady state conditions are established, a positive effect of the increase in the driving force is opposed to the negative effect of the increased polarization resistance, as a result of the driving force increase. Thus, the optimal transmembrane pressure was determined amounting to 2 bars. The optimum temperature of the process of clearing the fruit juices by microfiltration is reported as 55?C. Higher temperatures are not used due to a degrading effect on the chemical composition of the juice and a long microfiltration process. With an increase in the temperature of retentate from 22?C to 55?C, the permeate flux increased up to 60%. Increasing the flow rate of retentate reduces the thickness of the formed layer on the surface of the membrane. Due to limitations of the experimental setup and the large surface area of the membrane, the specific velocity of the retentate was low, so that the effects of cross-flow filtration were absent. The use of cross-flow filtration is one of the main requirements for increasing permeate flux, but in the present case it was in overall insufficient, so we have applied periodic air backwashing for improving fruit juice flux during membrane clarification. With this technique, the deposited layer on the membrane is lifted and the permeate flux is maintained at high levels preventing establishment of the steady state in the low flux zone. The time spent for the periodic backwashing was low as compared to the benefits of the increase in the collected permeate quantity. In all experiments with periodic backwashing with air, the collected permeate quantity is higher for up to 72.5 % as compared to experiments without backwashing. By increasing the backwashing duration, the flux increase is up to 5 %, which can be significant for microfiltration at industrial scale. Therefore, this technique is certainly recommended for microfiltration in the production of fruit juices.

2008 ◽  
Vol 322 (2) ◽  
pp. 491-502 ◽  
Toshio Furukawa ◽  
Kenichi Kokubo ◽  
Kazuho Nakamura ◽  
Kanji Matsumoto

Sina Jahangiri Mamouri ◽  
Volodymyr V. Tarabara ◽  
André Bénard

Cross flow filtration (CFF) is a common membrane separation process with applications in food, biochemical and petroleum industries. In particular, membranes can be used for liquid-liquid separation processes such as needed in oil-water separation. A major challenge in cross flow filtration is membrane fouling. It can decrease significantly the permeate flux and a membrane’s efficiency. Membrane fouling can be mitigated by inducing shear on the membrane’s surface and this can be enhanced by inducing a swirl in the flow. In addition, a possible approach to improve membrane efficiency consists of repelling droplets/particles from the porous surface toward the centerline using a repulsive electric force. For this purpose, the surface of the membrane can be exposed to electric potential and droplets/particles are also induced to have the same electric charge. In this work, numerical simulations of charged non-deformable droplets moving within an axially rotating charged tubular membrane are performed. The results show that by increasing the electric potential on the membrane surface, the repelling force increases which obviously improves the grade efficiency of the membrane. However, the electric field gradients found in the flow field require large potentials on the membrane surface to observe a noticeable effect. Hence, a smaller solid cylinder is located in the centerline of the flow channel with zero potential. This solid cylinder enhances the electric field gradient in the domain which results in higher repelling forces and larger grade efficiency of the membrane at small potentials. The addition of a small cylinder in the flow field also improves the grade efficiency increases due to the higher shear stress near the membrane surface.

2009 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-62 ◽  
Predrag Vukosavljevic ◽  
Miroslav Novakovic ◽  
Branka Bukvic ◽  
Miomir Niksic ◽  
Ivana Stanisavljevic ◽  

This paper presents kinds of extraction and cross-flow filtration of composition of 46 healthful and aromatic herbs, 8 fruits and fungi Ganoderma lucidum. Those extracts are part of Bitter 55, which have significant antioxidant capacity. Antioxidative activities of plant extracts have been determined by DPPH test using method of Blois. Bitter 55 which was kept at the green bottle in the dark has EC50 = 141.07 ?l/ml and it was stable during 150 days. Synthetic anti-oxidants BHT (ditertbutilhydroxytoluen, EC50 = 6.2 ?gml-1), trolox (vitamin E analog soluble in water, EC50 = 6.8 ?gml-1) were used for comparison. EC50 values were calculated as concentration of the extract necessary to decrease DPPH radical concentration for 50 %. Bitter 55 contents 35% vol of alcohol (wheat origin), 88.22 g/l total extract and slice of medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum (1 % w/v) which was extracted 30 days before analyses. The main problem in practical applications of MF is the reduction of permeate flux with time, caused by the accumulation of feed components in the pores. During microfiltration bitter herbal liquor, the function of filtrate flux is decreased with VCR. Dependence of decreasing flux with VCR can be separated in three periods. For the first, starting period, rapid decrease of filtrate flux is characteristic. Second period is defined with much smaller decrease of the flux than in the first phase. Third period has as characteristic minor decrease of flux and can be defined as steady state. Steady state emerges after ?s = 80 min.

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