A. Blok’s Marginalia on the Albigensian Crusade as an Indication of the Historical Sources of “Notes” in the Drama “The Rose and the Cross”
This article considers the problem of the historical sources reflected in Blok’s drama “The Rose and the Cross”. It demonstrates that Blok’s marginalia in the books of his library serve as an indication of the unknown literary and historical sources of the “Notes” on the Albigensian crusade in the drama “The Rose and the Cross”, and can also be used in interpreting the symbolism of this drama. The marginal notes on the history of the Albigensian crusade that Blok made while working on the play are drawn on as a scholarly source for the first time. In the Appendice to the article facsimiles of Blok’s notes on the Albigensian crusade are published for the first time, accompanied by commentaries and a concordance.