Major aspects of working-age population disability caused by mental disorders

2021 ◽  
Vol LII (3) ◽  
pp. 63-69
Tangyul Z. Beybalaeva ◽  
Kausar K. Yakhin

The scientific review reveals the relevance of the problem of persistent disability in patients with mental disorders as one of the most important indicators of public health. It has been shown that organic pathology plays an important role in increasing of incidence of disability due to mental disorders in people of working age. In addition, the clinical and epidemiological data of recent years, confirming the large scatter of disability rates across regions and the poorly understood clinical factors that determine disability in organic mental disorders, are presented. The need for further study of predictors of health deterioration as well as risk factors for persistent disability in order to solve the problems of preventing disability and to develop personalized programs of medical and social rehabilitation is discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2 (99)) ◽  
pp. 33-37
Nataliya Maruta ◽  
Tamara Panko ◽  
Galyna Kalenska

In order to study the spectrum of psychopathology in internally displaced persons (IDPs) who asked for help, 68 IDPs with three categories of diseases were examined: organic mental disorders (F06.3, F06.4); aff ective disorders (F32.1, F33.1, F34.0); neurotic disorders (F40—48). It was established that among the surveyed IDPs, young people of working age prevail (from 40 to 49 years old — 41.18 %, from 30 to 39 years old — 23.52 % and from 18 to 29 — 20.59 %); with the presence of signifi - cant unsolved problems in the sphere of employment (52.94 % of the surveyed did not work). The clinical picture of the disease, regardless of the disorder, was characterized by polymorphism of symptoms and included a violation of the emotional spectrum, vegetative-somatic and cognitive impairment. In the structure of psychopathological manifestations in all mental disorders, there were isolated symptoms of posttraumatic disorder in the form of obsessive anxious memories of past events, fear that the situation with military actions would repeat, with dreams, accompanied by pictures of experienced events. Personal characteristics were manifested in passivity, inertia, emotional lability, reduced life satisfaction and inadequate self-esteem. All of the above should be considered when making a diagnosis, identifying specifi c targets in the development of therapeutic and rehabilitation measures. Keywords: internally displaced persons, mental disorders, personality traits, diagnosis and treatment

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-29
Svetlana V Kiryukhina ◽  
Olga V Gulina ◽  
Vyacheslav G Podsevatkin ◽  
Galina N Kukina ◽  
Yevgeniya Yu Yurasova ◽  

Background. The trend of recent years is a steady increase in mental illness among the population. according to the statistics of the ministry of health of the russian federation, mental disorders were classified as socially significant diseases in russia in 2018. Thus, the absolute number of patients with a first-time diagnosis of a mental disorder who applied for counseling and treatment in the Russian Federation in 2018 was 379818, which is 3.4% more than in 2017. [20,21,22,23,24] the number of patients with a first-time diagnosis of " mental disorder (except for diseases related to the use of psychoactive substances)" taken under dispensary observation in the republic of mordovia in the same year was 35.5 per 100,000 population. In addition, mental illnesses are in third place among disabling diseases, second only to malignant neoplasms and diseases of the circulatory system. In the structure of repeated disability by class of diseases, this group of diseases is 9%, and the lion's share falls on people of working age. Thus, there is a steady increase in mental illnesses, as well as disability due to them [1], [3]. The question arises of the need to study the patterns of disability formation in order to further develop theories and concepts of ways to protect human health, prevent disability, assess the rehabilitation potential and prognosis, develop rehabilitation measures that improve social adaptation and integration of patients in the family and society. The aim- study of the patterns of disability formation due to organic mental disorders in the Republic of Mordovia, taking into account age characteristics and severity of disability, which is important for the development of comprehensive measures for the prevention of morbidity, early diagnosis and rehabilitation of this group of people. Materials and methods. The analysis included information from the statistical collections of Rosstat and approved forms of state statistics No. 7-sobes for 2019. The data of all first-time persons recognized as disabled due to mental disorders in the Republic of Mordovia for 2014-2019 on the basis of the ITU information base for the Republic of Mordovia are analyzed using a continuous method. Results. Having analyzed the data of all first-time persons recognized as disabled due to mental disorders in the Republic of Mordovia for 2014-2019 on the basis of the ITU information base for the Republic of Mordovia, it was concluded that a significant place in the structure of disability is occupied by organic mental disorders. The percentage of people with organic mental disorders among those first recognized as disabled 18 years and older over the past five years is significant and stable, ranging from 20.1 (in 2017) to 25.1 (in 2014). In the structure of patients who were diagnosed with disability with this diagnosis, there is a predominance of repeated patients over primary ones (by 23.6 %), and it should be noted that this pathology is more common in men (71% of the total number of persons (or in the population) with the above diagnosis). Patients with both primary and re-recognized disabilities with a diagnosis of "Organic mental disorder" were more often assigned to the third group of disability (62% of cases among primary, 57.4% among repeated). Also, the third group of disability prevails regardless of the patient's gender. The study of age-related features of disability due to organic mental disorders in the Republic of Mordovia in 2019 showed that organic mental disorders are most often found in the working-age population. In addition, the proportion of young people (from 18 years to 44 years) is high, it is 59.2% for men, 50% for women. Conclusions. Given the steady increase in mental illness and disability as a result of it, it is necessary to study the theories and concepts of medical and social expertise and rehabilitation of patients suffering from mental disorders. The role of fundamental and applied research in the field of medical and social expertise and medical and social rehabilitation is significant in order to create ways to protect human health, prevent disability, and develop factors that improve social adaptation and integration of patients in the family and society. in order to develop such concepts, it is necessary to study the structure of disability, the patterns of formation, and the peculiarities of the influence of age and gender factors.

George Petrovich Kostyuk ◽  
Burygina Larisa Andreevna Burygina Larisa Andreevna ◽  
Andrey Yurevich Berezantsev ◽  
Valeriya Vasilyevna Surikova

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the clinical and social characteristics of patients with schizophrenic spectrum disorders (SSD) and organic mental disorders (OMD) who received care in day hospitals and intensive psychiatric care units (Moscow). During the study, a random sample of 487 discharge epicrises was studied, of which 392 (80,49%) were patients with SSD and OMD, who were subjected to further analysis. The study revealed gender differences and low rates of labor and family adaptation in both nosological groups of patients. The highest percentage of patients observed on a long-term basis in neuropsychiatric dispensaries and the rate of hospitalization in a round-the-clock inpatient unit were among the patients with diagnoses of schizophrenic spectrum disorders who were treated in intensive psychiatric care units. There were significant differences in the routing of patients depending on the pathology: district psychiatrists more often refer patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia to the intensive psychiatric care unit in order to prevent hospitalization and patients with organic mental disorders - to day hospitals for therapy selection and medical and social rehabilitation, while doctors of the round-theclock hospital – vice versa (in order to continue treatment or follow up in out-of-hospital conditions). There was also a circulation of patients between the intensive psychiatric care unit and the day hospitals. Isolated episodes of compliance violations were noted. Indicative indicators such as hospitalization in a round-the-clock psychiatric inpatient unit within a year after the discharge from partial inpatient units was low and was usually due to severe continuous forms of the disease and the formation of therapy resistance in patients. Day hospitals and departments (offices) of intensive psychiatric care in general effectively perform the functions of inpatient unit substitution.

Ralph E. Tarter ◽  
Andrea M. Hegedus

2002 ◽  
Vol 180 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-5 ◽  
Simon Fleminger

Delirium is now the preferred term to describe acute confusional states and related organic mental disorders associated with acute impairment of consciousness (Gill & Mayou, 2000). No longer is delirium reserved for those states in which overactive behaviour, often with visual hallucinations, is dominant. To accommodate the broader usage, hypoactive states of delirium have been emphasised (Lipowski, 1990), particularly as these are the states most easily missed.

Mansour Abdulshafea ◽  
Abdul Hakim Rhouma ◽  
Nadeem Gire ◽  
Ali AlMadhoob ◽  
Usman Arshad ◽  

Abstract Introduction There has been a global increase in the prevalence of common mental disorders (CMD), particularly in conflict hotspots. The limited amount of resources is one of the key barriers to effective treatment within Low- and Middle-income countries (LAMICs). The lack of service provision for mental health disorders in LAMICs has resulted in limited opportunities to conduct mental health research. Libya is a North African country that has suffered from ongoing conflict with the current political unrest in Libya further impacting the mental health of the population. Main text The aim of this review is to conduct a synthesis of evidence regarding the estimated prevalence and associated risk factors of CMD in Libya. A search was completed in the academic databases; PubMed, Medline, EMBASE, PsychINFO, CINHAL, and the Institute for Development, Research, Advocacy and Applied Care (IDRAAC) from inception to March 2020. Only studies that investigated prevalence and associated risk factors of CMD in Libya were included. A total of 219 studies were identified of which 15 met the inclusion criteria for the review. There were (n = 3) papers investigated the prevalence of depression, (n = 4) studies were focused on stress-related disorders and the remaining papers looked at both anxiety and depression. Statistically, sample sizes of the included studies ranged from (n = 41–13,031) for the prevalence studies (mean = 1188.6, median = 233). Conclusion The status of Libya as a conflict hotspot has led to a reduced level of epidemiological data on mental health, with a vital need to conduct research in CMD. Libya requires better clinical governance which can allow for more scientific research into CMD and enabling the Libyan government to develop evidence-based policy initiatives for CMD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-114
A. V. Berg ◽  
G. O. Penina

The dominant position among the reasons of working-age population’s health deterioration belongs to diseases of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), the peak prevalence of which occurs at the age of 35–40. PNS diseases are diagnosed in about 76.0% of industrial workers, and account for more than half of all occupational diseases. They are the main cause of incapacitation and long-term disability. Publications on disability due to PNS diseases are isolated.The aim of the work. Clinical and functional characteristics of PNS disorders that cause disability in the working-age population.Material and methods. Among 91 496 first recognized as disabled in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2014–2018, all disabled people of working age were selected due to PNS diseases, in which the main independent diagnosis was radiculopathy, polyneuropathy, neuropathy and vibratory disease with indication to lumbar-sacral radiculopathy with polyneuropathy of the upper extremities. 107 people were identified to constitute a closed cohort for a comprehensive study of the clinical-functional state and patterns of disability formation in them. The clinical-functional characteristic is given on the basis of the results of studies set forth in the directional medical documents and the assessment by an expert neurologist of the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. Statistical analysis was performed in Microsoft Excel.Results. The prevalence of PNS diseases has been found to be increasing. Three of the newly diagnosed neurological patients have been the carriers of PNS disease. PNS diseases are formed and reach peak in working age. Characterized by a chronic, progressive course, they often cause temporary and persistent disability. On average, there are 0.1 ± 0.028 persons with disabilities per 10 thousand of the able-bodied population due to PNS diseases, the level of which in dynamics for 2014–2018 increased by 1.7 times. Persons with disabilities (69.0%) are mainly represented by men, every second (50.6%) is over 50 years old, with an average age of 48.7 ± 5.7 years. The clinical-functional state is characterized by constant pain, numbness, seizures, restriction of movements in the limbs, sensory disorders, vegetative-vascular disorders.Conclusion. The quantitative evaluation of the main types of the body functions and main categories of vital activity persistent disorders made it possible to detect that 69.3 ± 4.4% persons with disabilities have persistent moderate abnormalities of functions in the range 40–60% (II degree), another 24.4 ± 3.8 — persistent pronounced abnormalities in the range 70–80% (III degree) and 6.3 ± 6.0% — persistent significant abnormalities in the range 90–100% (IV degree). The severity of impaired functioning of the body is the basis for the level of persistent disability determination.

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