Reply to "Comment on 'Statistical Features of Short-Period and Long-Period Near-Source Ground Motions' by Masumi Yamada, Anna H. Olsen, and Thomas H. Heaton" by Roberto Paolucci, Carlo Cauzzi, Ezio Faccioli, Marco Stupazzini, and Manuela Villani

2011 ◽  
Vol 101 (2) ◽  
pp. 919-924 ◽  
M. Yamada ◽  
A. H. Olsen ◽  
T. H. Heaton
2009 ◽  
Vol 99 (6) ◽  
pp. 3264-3274 ◽  
M. Yamada ◽  
A. H. Olsen ◽  
T. H. Heaton

2011 ◽  
Vol 101 (2) ◽  
pp. 915-918 ◽  
R. Paolucci ◽  
C. Cauzzi ◽  
E. Faccioli ◽  
M. Stupazzini ◽  
M. Villani

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 1663-1688 ◽  
Esengul Cavdar ◽  
Gokhan Ozdemir ◽  
Beyhan Bayhan

In this study, an ensemble of ground motions is selected and scaled in order to perform code-compliant bidirectional Nonlinear Response History Analysis for the design purpose of both short- and long-period structures. The followed scaling method provides both the requirements of the Turkish Earthquake Code regarding the scaling of ground motions and compatibility of response spectra of selected ground motion pairs with the target spectrum. The effects of four parameters, involved in the followed scaling method, on both the amplitude of scale factors and seismic response of structures are investigated. These parameters are the number of ground motion records, period range, number of periods used in the related period range, and distribution of weight factors at the selected periods. In the analyses, ground motion excitations were applied to both fixed-base and seismically isolated structure models representative of short- and long-period structures, respectively. Results revealed that both the amplitudes of scale factors and seismic response of short-period structures are more prone to variation of investigated parameters compared to those of long-period structures.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-31 ◽  
Ramin Rabiee ◽  
Yunbyeong Chae

Base isolation system is widely used to protect important and essential buildings from seismic hazards. The use of high damping is effective in reducing the resonance effect under long-period earthquake ground motions. However, high damping increases the acceleration demand under short-period ground motions, leading to a higher risk of damage of nonstructural components. Actually, low damping is beneficial to reduce the acceleration demand under short-period ground motions, suggesting the use of adaptive damping control, that is, high damping under long-period motions and low damping under short-period motions. In order to implement this concept, a semi-actively controlled base isolation system is provided in this article along with a new control law based on the transmissibility theory. Unlike existing studies, the proposed method enables a systematic design procedure for base isolated structures with semi-active dampers, which is called the simplified design procedure in this article. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated with numerical simulations for a base isolated three-story building with magneto-rheological dampers. It was shown that the proposed system achieves a high level of performance under long-period ground motions, while maintaining the exceptional performance of a conventional base isolation system with low damping under short-period ground motions.

2011 ◽  
Vol 243-249 ◽  
pp. 170-177
Peng Pan ◽  
Yu Zhang ◽  
Shi Yan Song ◽  
Lie Ping Ye

The maximum and residual deformations of structures subjected to strong ground motions are the most importance indexes, particularly under the performance-based design framework, thus understanding the influencing factors is of great importance to seismic design. In this study, single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems with varying structural properties are analyzed using a series of strong ground motions from FEM/SAC project. The influences of three structural parameters, i.e., yield force, second stiffness after yielding, and stiffness degradation, on the maximum and residual deformations are investigated based on the statistics of the analysis results. The analysis results suggest the follows: (1) larger yield forces lead to smaller residual and maximum deformations for short period structures, and they lead to smaller residual deformations but no necessarily smaller maximum deformation for intermediate and long period structures; (2) larger second stiffness lead to smaller residual and maximum deformations for short period structures, and they lead to smaller residual deformations but no necessarily smaller maximum deformation for intermediate and long period structures; (3) smaller stiffness degradation index leads to smaller maximum deformations but larger residual deformations.

2012 ◽  
Vol 06 (02) ◽  
pp. 1250012 ◽  

Intensity measure (IM) which describes the strength of an earthquake record plays an important role in the seismic performance assessment of structures. An improved IM that can reduce the variability in seismic demands helps reducing the number of records necessary to predict the seismic performance with sufficient accuracy. In this study, an improved RMS-based IM is developed based on the results obtained from incremental dynamic analyses of short-to relatively long-period frames under an ensemble of near-fault pulse-like earthquake records. It is observed that the root-mean-square value of pseudo spectral accelerations, (Sa) rms , is generally superior to that of spectral velocities, (Sv) rms , in seismic demand prediction under near-fault records. To compute (Sa) rms as IM, two appropriate period ranges are suggested for short- and moderated-to relatively long-period frames, respectively. Comparing the efficiency of (Sa) rms with several advanced IMs shows that (Sa) rms is more efficient in predicting the inelastic response and collapse capacity of short-period frames. It is also found that intensity measure (Sa) rms is sufficient with respect to the magnitude and source-to-site distance for all frames of various heights under near-fault ground motions.

1977 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 69-74

The discussion was separated into 3 different topics according to the separation made by the reviewer between the different periods of waves observed in the sun :1) global modes (long period oscillations) with predominantly radial harmonic motion.2) modes with large coherent - wave systems but not necessarily global excitation (300 s oscillation).3) locally excited - short period waves.

Genetics ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 156 (2) ◽  
pp. 665-675
Adrian Rothenfluh ◽  
Marla Abodeely ◽  
Jeffrey L Price ◽  
Michael W Young

Abstract In genetic screens for Drosophila mutations affecting circadian locomotion rhythms, we have isolated six new alleles of the timeless (tim) gene. Two of these mutations cause short-period rhythms of 21–22 hr in constant darkness, and four result in long-period cycles of 26–28 hr. All alleles are semidominant. Studies of the genetic interactions of some of the tim alleles with period-altering period (per) mutations indicate that these interactions are close to multiplicative; a given allele changes the period length of the genetic background by a fixed percentage, rather than by a fixed number of hours. The timL1 allele was studied in molecular detail. The long behavioral period of timL1 is reflected in a lengthened molecular oscillation of per and tim RNA and protein levels. The lengthened period is partly caused by delayed nuclear translocation of TIML1 protein, shown directly by immunocytochemistry and indirectly by an analysis of the phase response curve of timL1 flies.

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