Is the Kantian Transcendentalism Idealism? Kant's Conceptual Realism
In my paper I argue, relying on Kantian definitions and conceptual distinctions, the thesis that Kantian transcen-dental philosophy, which he characterizes as a second-order system of transcendental idealism, is not [empirical] idealism, but a form of realism (resp. compatible with empirical realism [A370-1]). As arguments in favor of this “realistic” thesis, I consistently develop a realistic interpretation of the Kant’s concept of appearance (the theory of “two aspects”), as well as of Kantian Copernican revolution, of his theory of intuition as cognitive ability which 'giving' ‘us objects, of the concept of double affection and noumenal causality.
2009 ◽
Vol 58
pp. 334-341
2015 ◽
Vol 53
pp. 405-420
2018 ◽
Vol 47
pp. 1971-1981
1990 ◽
Vol 25
pp. 105-110