scholarly journals Educação integral em São João de Meriti: conceitos em desalinho

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (17) ◽  
pp. 61
Karine Vichiett Morgan ◽  
Jorge Nassim Vieira Najjar ◽  
Waldeck Carneiro Da Silva

A Educação Integral em tempo integral é tema atualmente corrente tanto na academia quanto na sociedade civil. Isso se deve, em grande medida, à aprovação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, que aponta para o progressivo aumento da carga horária diária nas escolas públicas do país. O tema ganhou maior relevância após o ano de 2007, quando do lançamento do Programa Mais Educação, cujo objetivo, em última instância, é melhorar a qualidade da educação pública oferecida. Partindo da ideia de que o conceito de educação em tempo integral está em disputa, buscamos descortinar os conceitos aos quais se referem profissionais da rede municipal do município de São João de Meriti. A análise dos conteúdos das falas dos atores envolvidos na política municipal de educação em tempo integral nos permitiu extrair os elementos que compõem seus imaginários sobre o tema.Palavras chave: Política Pública. Programa Mais Educação. Educação Integral.Comprehensive education in São João de Meriti: unbalanced conceptsAbstractFull-time Comprehensive Education is a current theme both in academia and civil society. This is largely due to the adoption of the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education, which indicates progressive increase of the length of the school day in public schools nationwide. The theme became more relevant after 2007 when Mais Educação Program, whose objective is to improve the quality of the education offered throughout the nation’s public school systems, was launched. Based on the idea that Full-time Comprehensive Education is a polysemic concept, we search to uncover the concepts referred by the professionals of education from São João de Meriti. The analysis of the content of the speeches from those involved in the municipal politics of Full-time Education allowed us to extract the elements that made up their minds about the theme.Keywords: Public Policy. Mais Educação Program. Full-time Education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (32) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Cláudia da Mota Darós Parente

The article systematizes the main concepts, arguments and characteristics of multipleshift schooling in the international context and in Brazil, through bibliographic and documentalresearch. The presentation of the specificities of the multiple-shift schooling in different countries provided elements for the analysis of the Brazilian case. The article highlights the emergence of multiple-shift schooling in the early twentieth century, its widespread nationwide, the emergence of experiences of extended school day, the naturalization of the multiple-shift schooling in the country, the diversity of shifts, school day and schedules and the recent goal of full-time education. Expanding the provision of full-time education does not necessarily mean eliminating multiple-shift schooling. There are still numerous challenges for public schools (half-day or fullday). Analysis of school day and full-time education associated with multiple-shift schooling may bring new perspectives to the formulation and implementation of educational policies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 231
Syamsul Kurniawan ◽  
Muhammad Miftah

<p class="06IsiAbstrak"> </p><p class="06IsiAbstrak">The focus of this paper is the madrasa in Indonesia and its development which is examined from the perspective of Michel Foucault regarding their authority, knowledge and discourse.<strong> </strong>The madrasa’s performance, which is still relatively low and unable to compete with public schools or pesantrens (Islamic Boarding Schools), will be examined from this perspective. This paper departs from the study of literature with a historical-sociological approach. The sources of the data come from the literature related to the history and development of madrasas. From Foucoult's perspective, the performance of the madrasa--which in its development shows a decline trend and is of relatively low quality and less competitive compared with general schools or pesantrens-- is closely related to power, knowledge and discourse factors. My argument is supported by the evidence that there is no an established “blueprint” for the supervision and development of madrasas in Indonesia, in contrast to schools or pesantrens. Likewise, the problem of interplay of madrasa policies in the integration of the national education system has put the madrasa in the midst of domination of schools and pesantrens, especially in the midst of society since the appreciation and level of community participation in the madrasa are not very encouraging. In addition, there is an opinion among the public which perceives the madrasa as the second educational institution after schools or pesantrens. This opinion is, of course, supported by empirical data, such as research from Nur Hamzah (2017) and Sukino (2017) which examined the madrasas in West Kalimantan Province, and revealed the poor quality of some madrasas in this area, which in my opinion is the "top of the iceberg" of the madrasa, especially in the outermost, interior and underdeveloped areas of Indonesia.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (I) ◽  
pp. 175-183
Miraj Ahmad ◽  
Manzoor Hussain Shah ◽  
Muhammad Ilyas Khan

Quality education comprises of so many factors, such as teachers' professional and academic qualifications. This study deals with the quantitative part of a larger study that looks at factors that influence the quality of education in private schools as well as in public schools in the Malakand Division. The study's sample consisted of four hundred and eighty teachers from forty-eight randomly selected schools (fifty percent public and fifty percent private sector) in Malakand. A survey questionnaire technique was used for the collection of data, which was then analyzed using inferential statistics and descriptive statistics. Results indicate that teachers at public secondary schools had higher academic qualifications, more teaching experience and were on average older in comparison to private school teachers. In light of the recruitment guidelines of the National Education Policy (2017), the paper recommended that teachers in both public and private schools improve their professional qualifications as well as academic qualifications.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Bárbara Bruna Moreira Ramalho ◽  
Lúcia Helena Alvarez Leite ◽  
Mariana Marilack Gomes

<p>Até o ano de 2016, o Programa Mais Educação (PME) subsidiava o desenvolvimento de atividades de educação integral nos estados e municípios brasileiros. Considerando-se a quase uma década de vigência do Programa e a proposição, em 2014, da meta de atendimento de 50% das escolas públicas e de 25% de seus estudantes em tempo integral no Brasil no Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE 2014-2024), objetiva-se apresentar neste artigo um retrato da incidência do PME nas escolas públicas estaduais e municipais de ensino fundamental do estado de Minas Gerais no primeiro ano de vigência do PNE. Embora tenha alcançado êxito no que tange à ampliação de atendimento em oito dos seus nove anos de vigência, observa-se atualmente uma queda nas matrículas na educação integral. Uma realidade que pode se agravar a partir da reformulação do Programa, que passou, em 2016, a denominar-se Novo Mais Educação (PNME).</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave</strong></p><p>Educação integral. Programa Mais Educação. Programa Novo Mais Educação. Plano Nacional de Educação.</p><p> </p><p><strong>The More Education Program and the PNE: The Representative Case of Minas Gerais</strong></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Until 2016, the More Education Program (Programa Mais Educação - PME) supported full-time education activities in Brazilian states and municipalities. The program has been in place for nearly a decade and, in 2014, the National Education Plan (PNE 2014-2024) proposed to make fulltime education available for 50% of public schools and 25% of their students in Brazil. In the light of these facts, the present article aims to present a portrait of the PME’s incidence in public state and municipal schools in the state of Minas Gerais for the first year that the PNE has been in place. Although it was successful with regards to expanding offer for eight of its nine years in place, today there is a decrease in full-time education enrollments. This situation can be aggravated by the reformulation of the program, which was renamed the New More Education Program (Programa Novo Mais Educação - PNME) in 2016.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Full-time education. More Education Program (Programa Mais Educação). New More Education Program (Programa Novo Mais Educação). National Education Plan.</p>

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Moh Sakir

Abstract: Along with the change of educational management paradigm from centralized to decentralized system, every school is given a wide range of opportunities to establish and develop its own potential resources to improve the quality of education. As part of the national education system, Madrasah is inevitably demanded to transform itself into a better quality in response to the aforementioned change in order to be able to compete with public schools. Hence, the managers of Madrasah or Islamic schools must be aware that the power-based approach that they have employed is not relevant anymore to cope with the needs of the rapid change in our educational system. For this reason, it is essential to accommodate a myriad of constructive ideas from various parties for the improvement of Madrasah. In accord to this, Madrasah-based or Islamic-based school management is obviously required with regard to the professionalism and contextual-rational paradigm by applying the bottom-up model in deciding the policies. Besides, human resources management should also be adjusted professionally basing on the academic competency standards with the restriction of personal interest. Furthermore, it requires the development of sustainable curriculum so as to adjust the improvement of science and technology.

1968 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-113 ◽  
Kenneth Clark

The author asserts that American public education suffers from "pervasive and persistent" inefficiency, particularly in the schools provided for Negro and other underprivileged children. After discussing the obstacles to "effective, nonracially constrained" education, the author proposes a strategy for providing excellent education in ghetto schools in conjunction with efforts to bring about effective school desegregation. Because the present patterns of public school organization are themselves a principal factor in inhibiting efforts to improve the quality of education,it will be necessary, he contends, to find "realistic, aggressive, and viable competitors"to the present public schools. The paper concludes with a discussion of alternatives to existing urban public school systems, including such possibilities as industrial demonstration schools and schools operated by the Department of Defense.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
Salman Zahidi ◽  
Ahmad Zhaini

Efforts to improve the quality of education is constantly done, Through the program SMPN 1 Ngimbang, SMPN 1 Ngimbang program is a follow-up of Permendikhud No. 23 of 2014 concerning School Day 8 hours a day for five days, aka full day school. The learning process at SMPN 1 Ngimbangmenggunakan full day system with a good system, it can affect the success of the quality of learning that exist within the institution itself.Thesis entitled "learning effort to read writing qur'an in improving the character of school students full day smpn 1 Ngimbang" This is the result of qualitative research aimed at answering the question how to read and write qur'an in improving karaktersiswa, how important the effort to read write qur'an in increasing karaktersiswaa, apasaja supporting factors and inhibitors in reading and writing qur'an in improving the character of students in SMPN 1 Ngimbang. The research approach used was descriptive qualitative with the type of research as the case on the object. Data collection was done by interview with informant in this research that is principal, teacher, student, guardian of student.The result of the research is first, the learning effort btq that is with the learning which supported by the teacher and the student guardian. Secondly, the importance of btqa efforts in improving the character of full-time school students, such as by doing, activities - activities created by SMPN 1 Ngimbang, the facilities that support infrastructure in the implementation of the learning process. third, the supporting factor is the existence of Teacher Council, and and the professional companion teacher, and the skill in guiding the students, the liveliness and the spirit of the students in studying the science of religion, the inhibiting factors are the difference of the quality of the students in the mastery of btq science, learning in school.

2003 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 225-231 ◽  
Gay Allen

This study analyzed the impact of school nurses on economic efficiency. Public schools must provide resources such as books, teachers, and buses necessary to accommodate all enrolled students even if all students do not come to school every day and even if some leave school before the end of the school day. To the extent that resources are allocated but unused, there will be an increase in what is termed X-inefficiency. To investigate this phenomenon, data related to student absences and student checkouts were collected from 22 schools with a total student population just over 10,000 students during a 20-day period in the fall of 2001. This study found that fewer children checked out of school for medical reasons when a full-time school nurse was available at the school. Additionally, this study supports the contention that full-time school nurses might have a positive impact on the percentage of children with health care insurance coverage. However, a large number of students did check out for what appeared to be less than valid reasons. Thus, although the presence of a school nurse reduced the X-inefficiency, school policy and procedures allowed a degree of X-inefficiency to remain.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 897

AbstractThe National Education System has grown so rapidly over time. A variety of efforts have been made to build every prosperous, dignified Indonesian human being, so that the quality of Indonesian thinking is progressing. The ASEAN Economic Community which has been launched since 2015 has resulted in free competition, both in trade, employment, and there is free competition for educators in ASEAN countries. Besides that, Indonesian education is faced with challenges and developments in the times, where the culture between ASEAN countries has no limits, this is the challenge faced when implementing the Asean Economic Comunity (ASEAN Economic Community) MEA. Indonesia as a country in the ASEAN region must prepare domestic educators to have professionalism and character so that they can compete with the AEC. Educators must be aware of the essence of the existence of their profession, continue to struggle to make changes in order to realize professionalism with noble character. Efforts made in preparing professional educators to face the challenges of the AEC must touch the most fundamental aspects of changing their competencies, namely the mindset. A student must be more advanced and innovative in developing his learning so that he can change the mindset of students to do agent of change. Through this mindset educators will become professional and characterized so that they can compete and compete in the MEA era. Keywords: MEA, Changes in Mindset, Professional Educators

S. G. Grigoriev ◽  
M. V. Kurnosenko ◽  
A. M. Kostyuk

The article discusses possible forms of educational STEM projects in the field of electronics and device control using Arduino controllers. As you know, the implementation of such STEM projects can be carried out not only using various electronic constructors, but also using virtual modeling environments. The knowledge obtained during modeling in virtual environments makes it possible to increase the efficiency of face-to-face practical training with a real constructor, and to improve the quality of students’ knowledge. The use of virtual modeling environments in combination with the use of real constructors provides links between distance and full-time learning. A real constructors can be used simultaneously by both the teacher and the student, jointly practicing the features of solving practical problems. The article provides examples of using a virtual environment for preliminary prototyping of circuits available in the documentation for electronic constructors, to familiarize students with the basics of designing and assembling electronic circuits using the surface mounting method and on a breadboard, as well as programming controllers on the Arduino platform that control electronic devices. This approach allows students to accelerate the assimilation of various interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of natural sciences using STEM design.

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