scholarly journals Mathematical problem-solving and metacognitive skills of 5th grade students as a function of gender and level of academic achievement

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-159 ◽  
Amal Al-Shabibi

This study aimed to investigate differences in the mathematical problem-solving and metacognitive skills of the fifth-grade students in Oman as a function of gender and level of academic achievement. The participants were 90 grade five students randomly selected from one educational governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. They were evenly divided into three groups based on gender and levels of academic achievement. Four instruments were used in the study: a mathematical problemsolving test, a non-verbal metacognitive scale, Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices and a long-term memory test. The results for metacognitive and mathematical problem-solving skills indicate that students with a high level of academic achievement obtained the highest score while students enrolled in a learning disability program obtained the lowest score. In addition, possible interventions were identified that may improve the metacognitive skills of students enrolled in the learning disability program, which could lead to improvement in their mathematical problem-solving skills. Keywords: Problem-solving, metacognition, learning disability, academic achievement.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Fikri Mukasyaf ◽  
Kms. M. Amin Fauzi ◽  
Mukhtar Mukhtar

Mathematical problem solving ability is one of the most important abilities students must have to process the information provided in solving problems. Before using mathematical problem solving skills, prior knowledge becomes the most crucial thing that makes students able to connect all available information so that they can construct new knowledge through the process of assimilation or accommodation.The purpose of this reseach is to:(1) Analyze prior knowledge what student has so the student can solve the problem of tangent circle given; (2) Know how learning trajectory in student’s mathematical problem solving ability by applying metacognition approach. This reaseacrch is a design research to improve the quality of learning. In this reseacrh researchers gave 3 test questions on students’ mathematical problem solving abilities. One trial was conducted in class VIII-B and trial II was conducted in class VIII-A, each consisting of 30 students junior high school. The result of students answer analysis shows the mast problematic topic that makes the studnts are difficult to solve the problem is about the tangent cicrcle that is the elements of the circle and the concept of circle circumtance there are three phased in learning path of students mathematical problem solving skill that are under standing the problem, making the problem solving plan by prrior knowledge and doing problem solving and evaluating it. From this explanation, it is better for teachers to ensure students have sufficient prior knowledge to make it easier to construct new knowledge, as well as make the learning process fun and meaningful so that students will remember knowledge in long-term memory.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-57
Indhira Asih Vivi Yandari ◽  
Supartini Supartini ◽  
Aan Subhan Pamungkas ◽  
Etika Khaerunnisa

The research aims to describe the role of habits of minds on the student’s mathematical problem solving skills. Habits of mind studied are persisting, metacognition, thinking flexibly, and applying past knowledge to a new situation. The method used in this research is quantitative correlational. Samples were taken as much as 49 fifth grade students at SDN Walantaka 1. Data collection techniques using HOM scale and essay tests. Based on data analysis results obtained average habits of mind score of 68.26 including into medium category and problem solving skills of 53.68 in low category. The results of the regression test on a significant level of α = 0.05 obtained a conclusion that there is a significant influence between habits of mind on the mathematical problem solving, with a contribution of 67.40%. Based on the findings, the habits of mind plays an important role in problem solving and teachers should be able to develop that aspect. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 312 ◽  
Rubaitun Rubaitun

This study aims to determine whether the improvement of students' mathematical problem solving skills that get the learning of Model-Eliciting Activities is better than students who get regular learning. Method in this research is experiment and research design pretest and postest in experiment and control class. The population in this study were all students of MTs Kota Cimahi. School samples were taken at random, and obtained by MTs Negeri Kota Cimahi. Then the sample is selected two class VIII at random class. The experimental class uses Model-Eliciting Activities, while the control class uses ordinary learning. The hypothesis in this research is the improvement of student solving abilities of MTs students in Cimahi whose learning using Model-Eliciting Activities is better than using ordinary learning. Research data obtained through the instrument of posttest mathematical problem solving ability. The posttest data is processed by normality test, homogeneity test, and two average difference test using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) software version 16.0 for Windows. The results showed that the improvement of problem solving ability of MTs students in Cimahi whose learning using Model-Eliciting Activities was better than those using ordinary learning.

Hani Rizkia Putri ◽  
Rooselyna Ekawati

This study aims to develop a mathematics handout based on local wisdom nuanced to increase the mathematical problem-solving skill of the Secondary students. This research is motivated by the student’s ability to solve the social arithmetic problem. This study used four phases of developmental research such as Investigation, Design, Realization, and Test, Evaluation, and Revision. The characteristics of local wisdom were acquired within the design or context in the mathematics handout to develop secondary students problem-solving skills. The results show that the students do the stages of problem-solving by Polya, get the maximum score and show students’ positive responses in the questionnaire given. Therefore, it met the proper handout criteria such as valid, practice, and effective. In the future studies, we encouraged to develop learning materials which have a guide to do phases of problem-solving and apply the way to solve some problems in mathematics.

Puri Nur Aisyah ◽  
Anik Yuliani ◽  
Euis Eti Rohaeti

This study aims to describe the ability of communication and problem solving of mathematical students in the material quadrilateral and triangle in class VII in one district of MTs Bandung. This type of research is qualitative research with phenomenology model which aims to interpret communication ability and ability to solve the mathematical problem of students. The subjects of this study were 24 students for communication skills and 25 students for math problem-solving skills. The result of data analysis shows that the mathematical communication ability of grade VII students in one MTs in Kabupaten Bandung is still relatively low with the highest percentage being in the low communication ability qualification which is 37.5%, while for students who have ability is get percentage equal to 29,2% and for students with high communication skills get a percentage of 33.3%, while for problem-solving skills in class VII is quite good with the highest percentage in qualification students with high problem-solving ability with a percentage of 44%, while for qualified students who ability is getting percentage by 40%, and for low qualifications only got a percentage of 16%.. Keywords: mathematical communication ability, mathematical problem-solving ability

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-68
M. Arif Wahyu Daroini ◽  
Tri Novita Irawati ◽  
Sholahudin Al Ayubi

This study aims to determine students' mathematical problem solving abilities based on their high, medium and low level of ability in solving the problem. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data collecting method that use are observation, test, and interview. The results showed that the problem-solving ability of high-level subjects reached an average of 75%, the problem-solving abilities of medium-level subjects reached an average of 67%, the problem-solving abilities of low-level subjects reached an average of 67%, out of a maximum score of 100. The result of interview, ability level high, medium, and low, students are capable and good even though it does not reach 100%. So, it can be concluded that high, medium, and low level abilities are good for going through the problem solving ability indicator.  Keywords: problem solving, online learning  

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