scholarly journals Assessing Distance- Education services for students with Learning difficulties during the Corona pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 2100-2114
Abdallatif Khalaf Sliman Al-Ramamneh

This study aimed to assess the distance-education services provided to students with learning difficulties during the Coronavirus pandemic. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher built two scales to assess distance education services that are offered to students with learning difficulties; one is from the teachers’ viewpoint and the other is from the parent's perspective. The findings showed that the degree of assessment of distance education services for students with learning difficulties during the Corona pandemic was moderate at the overall level among teachers and low among parents. There were no statistically significant differences in the teachers’ responses attributed to the variables: gender, academic qualification, and years of experience. Moeover, there were no statistically significant differences in parents’ responses attributed to the variables: the child's gender, the educational qualification of the parents and the child's age.    Keywords: Corona pandemic, students with learning disabilities, distance education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
Yasir Alsamiri

Abstract: This study set out to examine how learning disabilities teachers define Students with Gifted and Learning Difficulties (SGLD). One rationale for interviewing learning disabilities teachers is that they work with students with learning disabilities and may be more aware than others of some of the characteristics of SGLD. The other rationale is that the education system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not focus on giftedness very much, and therefore, only a small number of teachers of giftedness were available for this study. The qualitative data garnered from the interviews were analysed using content analysis. Nine learning disabilities teachers participated in this study. Findings from the study suggested that the learning disabilities teachers’ definitions of SGLD are limited, indicating a lack of understanding of the characteristics of SGLD. The results of this study may assist teachers and educational personnel in seeking the optimal methods to identify and assist SGLD. Keywords: giftedness and learning disabilities, learning disabilities teachers  BAGAIMANA GURU DARI SISWA DENGAN KESULITAN BELAJAR DI ARAB SAUDI MENDEFINISIKAN SISWA BERBAKAT DAN KESULITAN BELAJAR  Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali bagaimana guru siswa berbakat dan kesulitan belajar (SGLD) mendefinisikan arti berbakat serta kesulitan belajar yang dialami oleh siswa mereka. Salah satu alasan utamanya adalah karena karena mereka merupakan orang yang seharusnya sangat dekat dengan siswa-siswa tersebut, sehingga mereka selayaknya lebih paham serta mengetahui karakteristik dari siswa berbakat tersebut. Alasan lainnya adalah karena sistem pendidikan di Arab Saudi belum banyak memberikan perhatian pada pendidikan bagi anak berbakat serta mengalami kesulitan belajar, yang salah satunya tercermin dari sedikitnya jumlah guru anak berbakat ini. Data kualitatif yang diperoleh dari interview dianalisis dengan analisis konten. Sembilan orang guru terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa definisi guru SGLD sangatlah terbatas atau kurang, yang ditunjukkan dari kurangnya pengertian mereka tentang pengertian SGLD itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk membantu guru serta pihak terkait dalam menyediakan metode terbaik untuk mengidentifikasi serta membantu siswa berbakat serta kesulitan belajar. Kata kunci: kebutuhan khusus dan kesulitan belajar, guru anak dengan kesulitan belajar

1995 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-158 ◽  
Marshall H. Raskind ◽  
Eleanor Higgins

This study investigated the effects of speech synthesis on the proofreading efficiency of postsecondary students with learning disabilities. Subjects proofread self-generated written language samples under three conditions: (a) using a speech synthesis system that simultaneously highlighted and “spoke” words on a computer monitor, (b) having the text read aloud to them by another person, and (c) receiving no assistance. Using the speech synthesis system enabled subjects to detect a significantly higher percentage of total errors than either of the other two proofreading conditions. In addition, subjects were able to locate a significantly higher percentage of capitalization, spelling, usage and typographical errors under the speech synthesis condition. However, having the text read aloud by another person significantly outperformed the other conditions in finding “grammar-mechanical” errors. Results are discussed with regard to underlying reasons for the overall superior performance of the speech synthesis system and the implications of using speech synthesis as a compensatory writing aid for postsecondary students with learning disabilities.

2020 ◽  
pp. 073194872095976
Dake Zhang

This article introduces and contextualizes the four articles that constitute the thematic special series on geometry instruction for students with learning disabilities or difficulties. The four articles, each emphasizing one important aspect of geometry learning and instruction for students with learning difficulties or disabilities, are aimed to answer critical questions raised by special education/math education researchers and practitioners on how to teach geometry to students with learning disabilities or difficulties.

1988 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 371-379 ◽  
Steven V. Horton ◽  
Thomas C. Lovitt ◽  
Tim Slocum

This research investigated the effectiveness of two treatments designed to teach the locations of 28 major cities in Asia to students identified as learning disabled and remedial enrolled in a ninth-grade world geography class. In one treatment, students were presented the locations of 14 cities by completing a computerized map tutorial. In the other intervention, students were asked to learn the locations of 14 different cities by referencing an atlas and transcribing their findings to a work map. Results indicated that the computerized map tutorial produced significantly higher performance than the atlas condition for students with learning disabilities and remedial pupils. Within treatments, no significant difference was noted in the performance of the two groups. Several practical applications of computerized graphics for students with academic deficits are discussed.

1993 ◽  
Vol 56 (10) ◽  
pp. 360-364 ◽  
Mark Jackson

Historically, there have been strong links between the establishment and maintenance of health through occupation, on the one hand, and broad sociopolitical and economic forces, on the other. As a result, occupational therapists have consistently contributed to, and been influenced by, prevalent attitudes to work, leisure, unemployment and poverty. This article examines the nature of these Interactions between occupational therapy and society, by exploring some of the continuities and discontinuities in the practice of occupational therapy within the history of a particular institution established in 1902 for children and adults with what are now referred to as ‘learning difficulties’ or ‘learning disabilities’. The article argues that it is the strength of the ideological and pragmatic links between therapy, health and work, rather than a reliance on rigid biomedical explanations of disease, that has traditionally constituted the basis for the professional expertise of occupational therapists.

1994 ◽  
Vol 60 (6) ◽  
pp. 508-517 ◽  
James McLeskey ◽  
Debra Pacchiano

This study investigated placement practices for students with learning disabilities over the past 11 years, as reported in the Annual Reports to Congress on the Implementation of P.L. 94–142. From 1979 to 1989, the placement rate for students with learning disabilities being educated in restrictive, separate-class settings almost doubled. Moreover, the proportion of all students with learning disabilities served in separate-class settings increased 4.4%. Little progress is being made toward mainstreaming students with learning disabilities. The article discusses implications of these findings for reform in the provision of special education services.

Mustafa. N. Al – Qamash

This study aims to find out the multiple intelligences among a sample of students with learning difficulties from their own perspective. The sample consisted of 220 students from fourth, fifth, and sixth primary grades in the directorate of education of the greater Amman area. For the purposes of the study, the researcher developed a multiple intelligences assessment tool with 72 items. The tool validity and reliability were estimated and showed acceptable validity and reliability. The findings indicated that social intelligence was the most prevalent, then visual-spatial intelligence, naturalist intelligence, existential intelligence, linguistic intelligences, logical mathematical intelligence, musical intelligence, and interpersonal. The least prevalent was sense of intelligence adynamic. The results also showed differences (p ≤ 0.05) in the prevalence of multiple intelligences of the students with learning disabilities due to sex in favor of females. Also, the results showed differences in the prevalence of multiple intelligences among students with learning disabilities due to the type of learning difficulty. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-86
Asep Supena ◽  
Lesti Kaslati Siregar

This study aims to investigate student's learning disability, factors of learning disability and teacher efforts to deal with students who have learning difficulties in elementary school Tangerang Region, Indonesia, and the implications of this study is to get the data regarding student's disability in learning, the factor that caused it, and teacher's efforts in dealing with students who have learning difficulties. This study employed a descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection techniques by an in-depth interview. Interview guides in the form of a group of in-depth questions about learning disabilities. Results showed that there are 19 students who had learning disabilities. Students with learning disabilities in elementary schools found for slow learners, children with special need, and student with malnutrition. the factor that caused students learning disabilities were parents’ gadget influence the lack of parental attention lack of parental knowledge. Furthermore, the efforts made by the teacher so far have been giving more attention to students such as giving extra hours at school, positioning the child to sit in the front position, communicating intensely to the child's development to parents.

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