scholarly journals The Multiple Intelligences Relationships with Some Demographic Variables among a Sample of Students with Learning Difficulties

Mustafa. N. Al – Qamash

This study aims to find out the multiple intelligences among a sample of students with learning difficulties from their own perspective. The sample consisted of 220 students from fourth, fifth, and sixth primary grades in the directorate of education of the greater Amman area. For the purposes of the study, the researcher developed a multiple intelligences assessment tool with 72 items. The tool validity and reliability were estimated and showed acceptable validity and reliability. The findings indicated that social intelligence was the most prevalent, then visual-spatial intelligence, naturalist intelligence, existential intelligence, linguistic intelligences, logical mathematical intelligence, musical intelligence, and interpersonal. The least prevalent was sense of intelligence adynamic. The results also showed differences (p ≤ 0.05) in the prevalence of multiple intelligences of the students with learning disabilities due to sex in favor of females. Also, the results showed differences in the prevalence of multiple intelligences among students with learning disabilities due to the type of learning difficulty. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 01-16
Mohmmad Khasawneh

Emotional intelligence is an important factor in the well-being of students, whether regular students or students with learning disabilities. The category of students with LDs always face challenges to adapt and adjust in society and in the school environment. This study aimed at revealing the emotional intelligence of English language students with learning disabilities in Aseer region. The study sample consisted of (140) students with learning difficulties. To achieve the objectives of the study, the emotional intelligence questionnaire was developed and consisted of (45) items, divided into five areas: knowledge of emotions, emotional management, sympathy, empathy, and social competence. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was ensured before application and data analysis. The results showed that the overall degree of emotional intelligence among students with learning disabilities was low. The results also found that regular students have higher emotional intelligence than students with LDs. The study recommended developing training programs to develop emotional intelligence for students with learning difficulties, and conducting a descriptive and experimental study dealing with other types of intelligence among students with learning disabilities and other special education categories and comparing them with regular students.

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-137
Martini Jamaris

Abstract: This reasearch was done in the form of research and development. The reason underlied the selection of the reasearch method was because the purpose of the reseacrh was to develop a valid and realiable instrument which can be used to measure the multiple-intellegences of the 4-5 years old childen. The multiple-intelligences measured were consisted of eigth dimensions, there were: verbal/linguistic intelligence, logical mathematical intelligence, visual spatial intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, bodily/kinesthetic intellgence, music/rythmic intelligence and naturalist intelligence. Based on the need in researching and developing, therefore, the study was conducted in two faces, as folowed : (1) the first face was literature research aiming to analyzed and synthesis concepts, principles, and theories. The result of the literature study was used formulte the construct of multiple intelligences, especially for the 4-5 years old children; (2) the second face was to define and to develop the valid and reliable multiple intelligences instrument for the 4-5 years old children. Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode research and Development. Alasan pemilihan metode tersebut karena tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan validitas dan reliabilitas suatu instrumen yang bisa digunakan untuk mengukur kecerdasan majemuk anak usia 4-5 tahun. Kecerdasan majemuk dikur dengan delapan dimensi, yaitu: kecerdasan bahasa/verbal, kecerdasan logika matematika, kecerdasan visual, kecerdasan intrapersonal, kecerdasan interpersonal, kecerdasan gerak/kinestetik, kecerdasan musik, dan kecerdasan natural. Berdasarkan penelitian dan pengembangan, oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap, yaitu: (1) tahap pertama adalah penelitian literatur yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mensintesis konsep, prinsip, dan teori. Hasil dari penelitian literatur digunakannnya rumus untuk mengkonstruksi kecerdasan majemuk. Khususnya anak usia 4-5 tahum, (2) tahap kedua yaitu mendefinisikan dan mengembangkan validitas dan reliabiltas instrumen kecerdasan majemuk untuk anak usia 4-5 tahun. Kata Kunci: penelitian dan pengembangan, kecerdasan majemuk, instrumen validitas dan reliabilitas, anak usia 4-5 tahun, penelitian literatur, mendefinisikan dan mengembangkan

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 167 ◽  
Karam Siam ◽  
Mayada Al-Natour

<p class="apa">This study aimed to identify the differentiated instruction practices used by Jordanian teachers and the challenges they faced when teaching students with learning disabilities in Amman. The sample of the study consisted of 194 teachers. It followed a mixed method design and consisted of two parts. First, a quantitative analysis of a questionnaire of 75 items was developed on six domains (differentiation in content, process, resources, product, assessment, and differentiation in learning environment). Second, a qualitative analysis of interviews with teachers was conducted. Validity and reliability were established. Results of the study showed that the mean of the scores for the six domains and the entire items are low. ANOVA analysis showed that there were no statistically significant differences related to the variable of teacher’s experience. On the other hand, there were statistically significant differences, as to the type of school, in favor of private schools. The main challenges, as the study found out, were weak administrative support, low parental support, lack of time, and shortages in learning resources.</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 073194872095976
Dake Zhang

This article introduces and contextualizes the four articles that constitute the thematic special series on geometry instruction for students with learning disabilities or difficulties. The four articles, each emphasizing one important aspect of geometry learning and instruction for students with learning difficulties or disabilities, are aimed to answer critical questions raised by special education/math education researchers and practitioners on how to teach geometry to students with learning disabilities or difficulties.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 107 ◽  
Sabah Hasan Al-Onizat

<p>This study aims to measure the multiple intelligence among sample of student with autism<br />disorder and Mental disability by using teacher estimation in multiple intelligence scale and<br />its relationship with the variables: type and severity of disability, gender, and the type of<br />center, the study sample consisted of (81) student with autism and (85) student with mental<br />disability, male and female, who enrolled in private and governmental situations in Amman.<br />And for achieving the goals of the study the researcher developed the multiple intelligences<br />assessment tool consists of (56) items, were verified validity and reliability of the tool where<br />it was found that with acceptable degrees of reliability and validity.<br />After processing the data statistically and analyzed, the results indicated that the most visible<br />intelligence in mental disability is of musical intelligence, and in autism student is the<br />kinesthetic intelligence, And Autistic children also showed superiority in arithmetic and<br />kinesthetic intelligence compared with mental disability. Also children with mild disabilities<br />have high performance in all type intelligences.<br />And there are no differences in type of intelligence according to the gender and this proves<br />that disability affects the brain regardless of the gender. While the adolescents have<br />superiority in each of the linguistic, social and musical intelligence, there are no differences<br />in the multiple intelligences depending on the type of center which the student attends in it.</p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 41-44
Heera, K. S. ◽  
Arjunan, N. K

Underachievement as a phenomenon among school students exists in all subjects,but it is more pronounced in English, especially among students whose medium of learning is vernacular.The multiple intelligences-based instruction has been suggested as a remedy for overcoming the achievement discrepancy in English among EFL learners.This requires understanding the multiple intelligences of underachievers in English in comparison with their overachieving counterparts. The study aims to compare underachievers and overachievers in English with respect to their multiple intelligences.The participants of the study consisted of 85 underachievers and 77 overachievers in English, separated statistically by employing regression method from a larger sample of 447 ninth grade students of Kerala. Data were collected by administering Multiple Intelligences Scale for Secondary School Students,developed by the investigator. Inferential analysis by employing independent sample t-test revealed that underachievers and overachievers in English differed significantly in their Verbal-linguistic intelligence, Visual-spatial intelligence, Intrapersonal intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence and Naturalistic intelligence. The overachievers excel the underachievers in all the five components of multiple intelligences.The underachievers and overachievers in English were found almost alike in their Logical-mathematical intelligence, Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, Musical intelligence, Existential intelligence and Moral-ethical intelligence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 2100-2114
Abdallatif Khalaf Sliman Al-Ramamneh

This study aimed to assess the distance-education services provided to students with learning difficulties during the Coronavirus pandemic. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher built two scales to assess distance education services that are offered to students with learning difficulties; one is from the teachers’ viewpoint and the other is from the parent's perspective. The findings showed that the degree of assessment of distance education services for students with learning difficulties during the Corona pandemic was moderate at the overall level among teachers and low among parents. There were no statistically significant differences in the teachers’ responses attributed to the variables: gender, academic qualification, and years of experience. Moeover, there were no statistically significant differences in parents’ responses attributed to the variables: the child's gender, the educational qualification of the parents and the child's age.    Keywords: Corona pandemic, students with learning disabilities, distance education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-86
Asep Supena ◽  
Lesti Kaslati Siregar

This study aims to investigate student's learning disability, factors of learning disability and teacher efforts to deal with students who have learning difficulties in elementary school Tangerang Region, Indonesia, and the implications of this study is to get the data regarding student's disability in learning, the factor that caused it, and teacher's efforts in dealing with students who have learning difficulties. This study employed a descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection techniques by an in-depth interview. Interview guides in the form of a group of in-depth questions about learning disabilities. Results showed that there are 19 students who had learning disabilities. Students with learning disabilities in elementary schools found for slow learners, children with special need, and student with malnutrition. the factor that caused students learning disabilities were parents’ gadget influence the lack of parental attention lack of parental knowledge. Furthermore, the efforts made by the teacher so far have been giving more attention to students such as giving extra hours at school, positioning the child to sit in the front position, communicating intensely to the child's development to parents.

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