scholarly journals Las empresas de servicios en américa latina: Un estudio exploratorio sobre factores de competitividad internacional, obstáculos y políticas públicas. (Service companies in Latin America: an exploratory study about determinants of international competitiveness, obstacles and public policies).

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Andrés López ◽  
Andrés Niembro ◽  
Daniela Ramos

<p> </p><p><strong>RESUMEN</strong></p><p>Desde hace tiempo los servicios son un sector dominante en la economía global, puesto que dan cuenta de la mayor parte del producto interno bruto y el empleo, tanto en las economías desarrolladas como en buena parte del mundo en desarrollo. En los últimos años, a su vez, los servicios han incrementado su peso tanto en el comercio internacional como en los flujos de inversiones externas. Si bien las empresas latinoamericanas han comenzado a participar activamente de esta nueva dinámica global y varios de los países de la región muestran un dinamismo apreciable en sus exportaciones de servicios, todavía hay importantes espacios de mejora para profundizar estas tendencias y escalar posiciones.</p><p>El presente trabajo se basa en una encuesta a empresas de servicios de América Latina en la que se indagó acerca de la visión de las propias firmas respecto a los obstáculos para el comercio de servicios, así como sobre la cobertura e impacto de las políticas públicas existentes en los países de la región que influyen sobre dicho comercio. De aquí pueden derivarse algunos lineamientos de política útiles para promover el desarrollo de las exportaciones de servicios en Latinoamérica.</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p>Services have long been a dominant sector in the global economy, since they account for the bulk of gross domestic product and employment, both in developed economies and in much of the developing world. In recent years, in turn, services have increased their weight in both international trade and external investment flows. Although Latin American companies have begun to actively participate in this new global dynamic and several countries of the region show a significant dynamism in their services exports, there are still important spaces to deepen these trends and scale positions. The present work is based on a survey of service companies in Latin America in which they were inquired about their own views about obstacles to trade in services, as well as on the coverage and impact of public policies in force that influence this trade. From this, some useful policy guidelines can be derived to promote the development of services exports in Latin America.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Andrés López ◽  
Andrés Niembro ◽  
Daniela Ramos

<p><strong>RESUMEN</strong></p><p> Desde hace tiempo los servicios son un sector dominante en la economía global, puesto que dan cuenta de la mayor parte del producto interno bruto y el empleo, tanto en las economías desarrolladas como en buena parte del mundo en desarrollo. En los últimos años, a su vez, los servicios han incrementado su peso tanto en el comercio internacional como en los flujos de inversiones externas. Si bien las empresas latinoamericanas han comenzado a participar activamente de esta nueva dinámica global y varios de los países de la región muestran un dinamismo apreciable en sus exportaciones de servicios, todavía hay importantes espacios de mejora para profundizar estas tendencias y escalar posiciones.</p><p>El presente trabajo se basa en una encuesta a empresas de servicios de América Latina en la que se indagó acerca de la visión de las propias firmas respecto a los obstáculos para el comercio de servicios, así como sobre la cobertura e impacto de las políticas públicas existentes en los países de la región que influyen sobre dicho comercio. De aquí pueden derivarse algunos lineamientos de política útiles para promover el desarrollo de las exportaciones de servicios en Latinoamérica.</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p> Services have long been a dominant sector in the global economy, since they account for the bulk of gross domestic product and employment, both in developed economies and in much of the developing world. In recent years, in turn, services have increased their weight in both international trade and external investment flows. Although Latin American companies have begun to actively participate in this new global dynamic and several countries of the region show a significant dynamism in their services exports, there are still important spaces to deepen these trends and scale positions. The present work is based on a survey of service companies in Latin America in which they were inquired about their own views about obstacles to trade in services, as well as on the coverage and impact of public policies in force that influence this trade. From this, some useful policy guidelines can be derived to promote the development of services exports in Latin America.</p><p> </p>

2008 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Peter Charles Brand

O processo de globalização implicou o ressurgimento da cidade-região como unidade geográfica chave no desenvolvimento econômico e o nascimento de um novo período de transformação urbana. A reorganização da economia mundial requereu, ao lado de novas formas de governo local, a reformulação das bases econômicas e também da infra-estrutura, de equipamentos e da própria imagem das cidades. Este processo, que se iniciou nos Estados Unidos e nos países da Europa Ocidental no começo dos anos 1980, levou uma década ou mais para se fazer sentir na América Latina. Enquanto as políticas urbanas avançavam neste sentido, a investigação acadêmica e a reflexão teórica, circunscrevendo-se essencialmente às pautas analíticas e interpretativas estabelecidas em contextos radicalmente distintos do sul-americano, permaneceram na retaguarda, limitadas aos aspectos operacionais da competitividade urbana e marcadas por velhas preocupações com a consolidação da democracia local. Este trabalho examina a cidade latino-americana à luz do debate sobre o “re-escalamento” como produto da globalização, ao mesmo tempo em que explora a contribuição representada por dito debate para a compreensão das estratégias de desenvolvimento urbano. Neste sentido, analisa-se a experiência de algumas cidades colombianas, com ênfase especial para o tema da relação com o Estado nacional e as questões que dizem respeito às políticas de planejamento, às práticas de governo urbano e à reconstrução urbanística. Pretende-se também, aqui, contribuir com algumas idéias que sirvam à elaboração de uma agenda de investigação para a América Latina.Palavras-chave: globalização; “re-escalamento” geográfico; neoliberalismo; desenvolvimento urbano; América Latina. Abstract: An integral part of the globalization process has been the resurgence of the city-region as a key geographical unit for economic development, with the consequent birth of a new period of urban transformation. The reorganization of the global economy and the global redistribution of industry required the restructuring of urban economies, infrastructures and images, as well as new forms of urban governance. This process, which began in the United States and Western Europe in the early 80s, took a decade or so to have a significant effect on Latin America cities. While urban policy has since consolidated considerably in this sense in Latin America, academic research and theoretical reflection has somewhat lagged behind, frequently circumscribed by analytic and interpretative frameworks imported from outside the Latin American context, limited to operative aspects of ‘urban competitiveness’ or dominated by regional concerns over local democracy. This paper examines the Latin American city in the light of the theoretical debate on the reconfiguration of scalar hierarchies and interrelations produced by globalization. It then goes on to review the recent experience of some Colombian cities, with special reference to the themes of state reorganization, planning policy, urban governance and spatial restructuring. The paper concludes with some suggestions concerning a research agenda.Keywords: globalization; geographic re-scaling; neoliberalism; urban development; Latin America.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (Supplement_2) ◽  
Ana Carênina Albuquerque Ximenes ◽  
Helena Maria Albuquerque Ximenes ◽  
Ana Angélica Mathias Macedo ◽  
Fernando Mendes

Abstract Background The pandemic drove the women to domestic tasks overload added by unpaid care activities that must be conciliated with their paid job. Thus, this work aimed to analyze the degree of the Objectives for Sustainable Development (ODS) Goal 5 performance that deals with gender inequality in the European Union (EU) and Latin America & Caribbean (LAC), due to their contrasts in the pandemic combat public policies and the social wealth constraints. Methods The study used a qualitative and exploratory methodology. The data were obtained from the European Institute for Gender Equality, UN Women, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Social Science Latin-American Conseil. Results In LAC women work three times more than men per day, considering the domestic tasks and the unpaid care activities, they also account for 72.8% of the health professionals receiving 25% less than men. The primary health assistance increase for women as well as the recording of domestic violence cases. In the EU the majority of health and care workers are also women, 76% and 86%, respectively. There, these women also receive less than men (6.5%), presenting excessive workload and life risk. Conclusions Impacting differences were observed on the gender inequality worsening in both studied regions after the pandemic beginning. It is urgent the establishment of proper public policies to minimize the excess of obligations on the women during the pandemic and to realign the ODS goal n° 5 in these regions.

2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 685
Paulo Braz Clemencio Schettino

As lembranças que restaram amarelecidas e transformadas pelo decurso do tempo na memória consciente a partir da experiência de espectador das artes sonoras e imagéticas da pintura, do teatro, da música e do cinema sobre as questões da latinidade nas Américas em confronto com a vivência de idêntica problemática política nos dias atuais – 30 anos depois. Revisitação de um tempo passado em busca de sua atualidade, e análise comparada de quatro textos de categorias diferentes, abrigados sob um mesmo título – El Dia Que Me Quieras – em exercício de intertextualidade. A pesquisa que antecedeu o presente texto pretende ao menos compreender e se possível lançar luz sobre a questão da América Latina, Latinidade e Latino-americanos. Palavras-chave: América Latina; Colonialismo; Latinidade. “The day that you love me” Abstract: The memories that remain yellowed and turned the course of time in conscious memory from the viewing experience of sound and image arts of painting, theater, music and film on the issues of Latin civilization in the Americas in comparison with the experience of similar political issue today – 30 years later. A visitation of time spent in search of his current and comparative analysis of four texts of different categories, sheltered under the same title – El Dia Que Me Quieras – intertextuality in exercise. The research that preceded the present text intends to at least understand and can shed light on the question of Latin American, Latina and Latino Americans. Keywords: Latin America; Colonialism; Latinity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (100) ◽  
pp. 1239
Carlos Hakansson

Resumen:El presente trabajo es una primera aproximación a las diversas manifestacionesdel constitucionalismo en América Latina, a partir de algunas referencias comunes: Revolución Francesa, Derecho Comparado y alusiones a la modernidad. Summary:I. The common traits of the latin american constitutions. II. Content of the latin american constitutions. III. The degree of modernity of the latin american constitutions. IV. Constitutional trends. V. An approach to ibero-american presidential model. VI. Prospects for latin american constitutionalism.Abstract:The present paper is a first approximation on the diverse manifestations of the constitutionalism in Latin America, starting from some common references: French Revolution, Comparative Law, and allusions to modernity.

1970 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 105-122
Magdalena Śniadecka-Kotarska

The article was originally published without an abstract, short summary by Michal Gilewski The article studies what is causing women to join guerillas in Latin America. The participation of women in such militant groups started with the leftist guerillas of the second half of the 20th century. The article describes different backgrounds and different reasons for the women to join armed struggle groups. It also describes how women functioned in the social, ideological and biological dimensions of guerillas. Śniadecka-Kotarska suggests that, although the guerilla movement failed to achieve its goals of socio-political transformation of Latin American societies, it made an important contribution to the emancipation of women in these societies.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 80 (315) ◽  
pp. 59
Verónica Cerezo García ◽  
Heri Oscar Landa Díaz

<p>El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el efecto de la liberalización comercial sobre la productividad, la distribución del ingreso y el crecimiento económico, además de examinar la capacidad de absorción que este proceso ha concedido a los países ante choques externos, como el Covid-19. Empíricamente, tomamos pie en la taxonomía de crecimiento y desigualdad de Fajnzylber (1990) y en un modelo panel para evaluar esta relación en Asia, América Latina y Europa durante el periodo 1990-2019. Los principales resultados muestran: 1) co-movimiento entre crecimiento y equidad en Asia, mientras que en América Latina hay rezagos significativos, y 2) la productividad y la competitividad no precio constituyen el factor dinamizante en Asia y Europa.</p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p align="center">ECONOMIC GROWTH AND INEQUALITY IN ASIA, EUROPE, AND LATIN AMERICA, 1990-2019</p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p>The paper’s aim is to analyse the effect of trade liberalization on productivity, income distribution and economic growth. The ability of a free-market oriented economy to fence off an exogenous shock such as the Covid-19 pandemic is also dealt with. Following Fajnzylber’s (1990) taxonomy of growth and inequality, we assess the relationship between trade liberalisation, growth and income distribution for a sample set of Asian, Latin American, and European countries over the period 1990-2019. Our main empirical results show that there exist: 1) a co-movement between growth and equality in Asia, but significant lags in both respects prevail in Latin America; 2) productivity and non-price competitiveness are the dynamizing factors in both Asia and Europe</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Yvone Dias Avelino

Este artigo formula algumas reflexões sobre a associação da história com a literatura. Estabelecemos alguns nexos com trabalhos literários de autores latino-americanos do século XX. Nas páginas desses romances latino-americanos desfilam os expoentes de toda uma estrutura de dominação: políticos, velhos aristocratas, oportunistas recém-chegados, fazendeiros truculentos, funcionários públicos subservientes, advogados venais, representantes do capitalismo local, dominados e dominantes. Mostram-nos os vários escritores latino-americanos as ditaduras na sua insanidade grotesca, as repressões cruentas que fazem emergir os movimentos sociais populares. Estão presentes as turbulências do real e imaginário, utilitário e mágico, da dúvida e perplexidade, memória e esperança, do esquecimento e da desesperança, do espelho e labirinto.Palavras-chave: História, Literatura, Espelho, Labirinto, América Latina.AbstractThis article proposes some reflections about the association between history and literature. We have established some links with literary works written by Latin American authors of the twentieth century. In the pages of these Latin American novels the exponents of a whole structure of domination are paraded: politicians, old aristocrats, opportunist newcomers, truculent farmers, subservient civil servants, venal lawyers, representatives of local capitalism, dominated and dominant ones. The various Latin American writers show us dictatorships in their grotesque insanity, the bloody repressions that allow popular social movements to emerge. They outline the turbulences of the real and imaginary, utilitarian and magical, doubt and perplexity, memory and hope, forgetfulness and hopelessness, mirror and labyrinth.Keywords: History, Literature, Mirror, Labyrinth, Latin America.

2013 ◽  
Vol 17 (37) ◽  
pp. 5-28
Juan Benjamín Duarte Duarte ◽  
Zulay Yesenia Ramírez León ◽  
Katherine Julieth Sierra Suárez

This paper assesses the existence of the size effect on the most important stock markets in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru) for the period between 2002 and 2012, using the cross-section contrast methodology of the size effect in the CAPM context. Results show that there is reversed effect in some of the Latin American markets.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
João Carlos Amoroso Botelho

Desde que autores como Germani (1962), Di Tella (1969) e Ianni (1975) aplicaram a noção de populismo à América Latina, muito se escreveu sobre o tema. O conceito se estirou tanto que tem servido para definir políticos os mais díspares. Com a ausência das condições socioeconômicas descritas pelas formulações clássicas, a estratégia adotada é limitar a categoria à dimensão política. Esse procedimento, porém, não é capaz de descrever atributos exclusivos suficientes para que o populismo seja um fenômeno específico. Ao mesmo tempo, o conceito está tão enraizado que não é viável abandoná-lo. A solução proposta é avaliar em quais características um político se aproxima e se afasta dos casos paradigmáticos do passado. Assim, ele pode ser populista em certos aspectos e não em outros. Com esse procedimento, se chega a uma classificação, em que um líder apresente mais ou menos atributos descritos pelas definições clássicas, eliminando a necessidade de reformulação constante do conceito para adaptá-lo a novas circunstâncias. Também haveria menos espaço a que o rótulo de populista continuasse servindo para desqualificar políticos latino-americanos. O artigo aborda definições clássicas e recentes aplicadas à América Latina e avalia a viabilidade empírica da estratégia de se concentrar na dimensão política.---LA APLICACIÓN DEL CONCEPTO DE POPULISMO AMÉRICA LATINA: la necesidad de clasificar, y no descalificar Desde que autores como Germani (1962), Di Tella (1969) y Ianni (1975) aplicaron la noción de populismo a la América Latina, mucho se ha escrito sobre el tema. El concepto se ha estirado tanto que ha definido políticos muy dispares. Con la ausencia de las condiciones socioeconómicas descritas por las formulaciones clásicas, la estrategia adoptada es concentrarse en la dimensión política. Ese procedimiento, sin embargo, no es capaz de describir atributos exclusivos suficientes para que el populismo sea un fenómeno específico. Al mismo tiempo, el concepto está tan enraizado que no es viable abandonarlo. La solución propuesta es evaluar en cuales características un político se acerca y se aleja de los casos paradigmáticos del pasado. Así, ello puede ser populista en ciertos aspectos y no en otros. Con ese procedimiento, se llega a una clasificación, en que un líder presente más o menos atributos descritos por las definiciones clásicas, eliminando la necesidad de reformulación constante del concepto. También habría menos espacio a que el rótulo de populista continuase sirviendo para descalificar políticos latinoamericanos. El artículo presenta definiciones clásicas y recientes aplicadas a la América Latina y discute la viabilidad empírica de la estrategia de concentrarse en la dimensión política.Palabras-clave: populismo; América Latina; casos paradigmáticos; clasificación.---THE APPLICATION OF THE CONCEPT OF POPULISM IN LATIN AMERICA: the need to classify and not disqualifyEver since authors such as Germani (1962), Di Tella (1969) and Ianni (1975) applied the notion of populism in Latin America, much has been written on the subject. The concept stretched out so much that it has served to define the most dissimilar politicians. In the absence of socioeconomic conditions described by classical formulations, the strategy adopted is to restrict the category to the political dimension. Such a procedure, however, is not capable of describing adequate particular attributes that populism would be a specific phenomenon. At the same time, the concept is so deeply embedded in our society that it is not feasible to abandon it. The proposed solution is to evaluate in which characteristics a politician reaches and moves away from the paradigmatic cases of the past. Thus, it can be populist in some respects and not in others. In such a procedure, we arrive at a classification in which a leader shows more or less attributes described by classical definitions, eliminating the need for constant reformulation of the concept to adapt it to new circumstances. Also, there would be less space to which the label of populist would continue to serve to disqualify Latin American politicians. The article discusses recent and classic settings applied to Latin America and assesses the empirical viability of focusing on the political dimension strategy.Key words: populism; Latin America; paradigmatic cases; classification.

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