scholarly journals Impact Des Structures Fiscales Sur La Croissance Economique Au Congo-Brazzaville

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (34) ◽  
pp. 163
Ferdinand Moussavou

This article proposes to make from Congolese data an empirical evaluation of the impact of tax structures on economic growth. It is based on the effects of state transfers to businesses and on the distinction between personal income taxes, corporate taxes and taxes on goods and services. The results obtained from Dickey and Fuller's model show that, in the long term, personal income taxes, taxes on goods and services, total state revenues, state transfers to enterprises and gross fixed capital formation affect economic growth. In the short term, corporate taxes, revenues and transfers from the state to companies exert an influence on this growth. On the other hand, long-term and short-term results show that government revenues and transfers affect economic growth. These results made it possible to identify the limits of the economic policies implemented in Congo-Brazzaville.

2008 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-72 ◽  
Michael Johnson

The privatisation of economic infrastructure in Australia that began in the 1980s has continued to be actively pursued by state and federal governments. Evaluations of the effects of the change of policy, ownership, control and regulatory arrangements that have accompanied privatisation and their impact on the longer-term stock of infrastructure and the growth of the economy have received less attention than the immediate privatisation decisions. This article reviews some of the studies that have been carried out to evaluate the impact of privatisation, focusing on long-term impacts on infrastructure provision. In particular, it discusses the myopia created by the emphasis on commercial transactions and managing markets that continues to shape the debate about the provision of infrastructure to meet Australia's economic, environmental and other objectives. Objectives have become even more difficult to achieve as an increasingly extensive and complex regulatory framework is required to manage privatised activities. This adds to costs and limits the potential for the introduction of new initiatives to address pressing problems. The issue is increasingly relevant, given the current perceived shortage of infrastructure and the flow-on effects of the current international financial crisis on Australia. The slow-down in economic growth accompanying the financial crisis is putting pressure on government budgets and threatening to perpetuate the existing policy bias towards short-term solutions, exacerbating the longer run problem of ensuring an adequate supply of public economic infrastructure.

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Fajar Bimantoro ◽  
Mona Adriana S

<em>The present study aimed to analyze the relationship between the level of foreign direct investment to Indonesia's economic growth in the period 1991-2014.Fokus of the present study was to analyze the short-term relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth Indonesia. In addition, along with the financial crisis 2008 global bit much negative of Indonesia affected by the global economic slowdown due to the crisis. This prompted the present study was to also perform forecasting of the impact of global financial crisis on foreign direct investment and relation to economic growth. To answer these questions, this research chose VAR Vector Auto Regression or as a method to answer the research questions. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Consumer Price Index, BI rate, and the Exchange Rate, the variables used in this research. The estimation results of the VAR indicate that direct investment from abroad did not have an impact on economic growth in the long term but has a strong bond in the short term against the growth of economics. This indicates that foreign investment into Indonesia increasingly quality in promoting economic growth. In addition, the results of forecasting using impulse response function indicates there will be the tendency of a decrease in the level of foreign direct investment and economic growth in Indonesia.</em>

Reem Saeed Al- Ghamdi, Maha Alandejani

The study examined the effect of the impact of manufacturing industries on the economic growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia، and to analyze the size of manufacturing growth and its contribution to economic growth. This study is based on the descriptive analytical approach to identify the development of manufacturing industries in Saudi Arabia and the size of its impact on the growth of the Saudi economy and also based on the methodology of standard analysis using time series data، and the application of unit root testing and common integration and multiple linear regression by applying an Ordinary Least Square (OLS)، to examine the relationship between the rate of economic growth، the rate of GDP of manufacturing، the rate of oil exports، the rate of industrial loans، and the rate of exports of manufacturing industries. The results indicate to negative impact of manufacturing industries، oil exports and industrial exports on economic growth in the long term، despite their positive impact in the short term and the existence of a direct correlation between the rate of growth of oil exports and economic growth in the short term، and the inverse relationship of industrial loans and industrial exports on economic growth. The study summarized several recommendations، including that decision-makers need to pay attention to manufacturing industries and oil exports taking into account the long- term risks of global oil markets and import prices، and the adoption of more extensive policies with regard to industrial loans and maximize industrial exports to affect economic growth positively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-80
Berrak Erkumru Can ◽  
Dilek Temiz Dinç ◽  
Aytaç Gökmen

Logistics is a considerable issue for the development of a state and its economy. Logistics is involved the forward and backward flows of goods and services from the point of production and point of consumption, and it is considerable for the development of the economy of a country. Yet, the aim of this paper is to review the correlation between the logistics sector of the Turkish Republic and its correlation to economic growth by employing Augmented Dickey Fuller-ADF, Phillips-Perron (PP), Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, Shin (KPSS), Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock Point Optimal, and Ng-Perron unit root tests. As a result, there is a bidirectional positive causality between logistics sector and economic growth in the long-term, but there is no causality for short term. Moreover, the novelty of this paper is that it is the most up-to-date study to research logistics and its correlation to economics in Turkey.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Dudi Septiadi ◽  
Harianto Harianto ◽  
Suharno Suharno

<em>Poverty is one of the major problems in Indonesia is unresolved. Rice is the main food commodities that affect the welfare of million people in Indonesia. Rice is a major source of calories most of the Indonesian people. The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of rice policy on poverty in Indonesia. Specifications of research model using simultaneous equations and allegedly with the method Two Stages Least Squares (2SLS). The data used is secondary data with the time span from 1981 to 2014. The results showed that a decrease in the retail price of rice is able to reduce poverty. But the effect is relatively small. Real retail rice price increase 1 percent would increase poverty by 0.037 percent in the short term and amounted to 0.124 percent in the long term. Economic growth to be the only variable that significantly affect poverty. Increase economic growth by 1 percent would reduce poverty by 0.090 percent in the short term and amounted to 0.306 percent in the long term. In an effort to reduce the number of poor people, government purchasing price policy should be followed by other rice policy, such a policy increase the area of irrigated area.</em>

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 79 ◽  
Willem Vanlaer ◽  
Wim Marneffe ◽  
Lode Vereeck ◽  
Johan Vanovertveldt

Although the recent global financial crisis has stimulated a vast amount of research on the impact of public debt on economic growth and also increasingly on the role of private credit, the total levels of indebtedness of an economy have largely been ignored. This paper studies the impact of the total level of and increases in debt-to-GDP on economic growth for 26 developed countries in the short, medium and longer term. We analyse whether we can predict the future level of growth, simply by looking at the total level of debt, or increases in that debt level. We find that there is a negative correlation between high levels of debt and short term economic growth, but that this effect tapers in the medium and long term. Similarly, we find that rapid debt accumulation is negatively related to economic growth over the short term, the impact is less pronounced over the medium term and is non-existent over the long term.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Faridsky Faridsky ◽  
Syarwani Canon ◽  
Boby Rantow Payu

This study aims to determine the impact of monetary policy and FDI on economic growth and discuss it. The monetary indicator variables used are inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. The data used in this study are secondary data in 1990-2019 sourced from data from the Central Bureau of National Statistics and the World Bank. The analysis model in this study uses Multiple Linear Regression with the Error Correction Model (ECM) analysis model. The results of the analysis show that in the long term monetary variables (inflation, interest rates and exchange rates) have a significant effect on economic growth. And in the short term FDI has a significant effect on economic growth. It is concluded that monetary variables (inflation, interest rates and exchange rates) are the main variables that affect economic growth in the long and short term.

2020 ◽  
Vol 214 ◽  
pp. 03006
Jiuxia Wu

In the process of Russian economic development, the oil industry is one of the important pillar industries. More than 50% of the total revenue of the Russian government comes from the oil and gas industry. Oil and oil products exports account for about 56.9% of Russia’s total export[1]. So Russia’s economy is inextricably linked to oil prices. Rosneft’s role in budgetary revenue sources is growing. In the development of the world economy, the change of international oil price affects the development of the Russian economy. This paper reviews the relevant theories about the relationship between oil price and Russia’s economic growth. Besides, the short-term and long-term effects of oil price fluctuation on Russian economy are analyzed with Keynes’s income determination theory and “resource Curse” theory[2] respectively. In addition, the granger causality test is used to analyze the relationship between the fluctuation of oil price and the change of Russian GDP. The following conclusions are drawn from the analysis. Firstly, oil price rise is beneficial to Russian economic growth in the short term, but will hinder Russia’s economic long-term development. Secondly, the fluctuation of oil price is the granger cause of the change of Russian GDP. However, the change of Russian GDP is not the granger cause of the fluctuation of oil price.

2021 ◽  
Vol 251 ◽  
pp. 01076
Zhuhui Wu

FDI is very important to the economic development of a region. The Yangtze River economic belt is one of the important economic core regions in China. In order to study the impact of global foreign direct investment on the economic growth of the Yangtze River economic belt, this paper uses VAR model to analyze the dynamic relationship between FDI and GDP in the Yangtze River economic belt. The results show that FDI has a positive impact on the growth of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in the short term, but not in the long term. At the same time, the economic development of the Yangtze River economic belt has a positive impact on FDI.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 125
Nguyen Van Huong ◽  
Dang Quy Duong ◽  
Do Thi Thu Thuy

Research on human resources, foreign direct investment and economic development are important issues in assessing the effectiveness of employment as well as attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) in the economy. In this study, the author analyzes the impact of human resource factors and FDI on economic growth in Vietnam from 1990 to 2017. By regression analysis based on the ARDL model, the result shows FDI has only a positive effect on economic growth in the short term but has the opposite effect in the long term. At the same time, unemployment rates have the opposite effect on economic growth in the short term. Average life expectancy does not affect economic growth in both the short and long term. From this result, the author also offers some suggestions for economic development in both the short and long term.

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