Media Ekonomi
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Published By Universitas Trisakti

2442-9686, 0853-3970

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Reza Septian Pradana

<em>The study aims to identify the business failure of transportation firms go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange and analyze the factors that influent the business failure risk.</em><em>The method used in this study is descriptive analysis and inference analysis using multiple regression. The data used in this study are business failure risk, current ratio (CR), and firm size of transportation firms go public in Indonesian Stock Exchange period 2017-2018.</em><em>The result of analyzing annual financial report 30 transportation firms go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2017-2018 is that 12 firms have negative profit in period 2017-2018. Based on calculating value of business failure risk, three firms which have the highest possibility to get business failure are APOL, CANI, and TAXI. The result of estimation using multiple regression shows that Current Ratio (CR) and firm size significantly influent to the business failure risk. Thus, transportation firms go public in Indonesian Stock Exchange need to enhance asset and and use equity more than debt for firm’s funding.</em>

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Rizaldi Yusfiarto ◽  
Galuh Tri Pambekti

<p><em>The development of investment in the Islamic capital market, especially the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) as a percentage, experienced significant development, and it is because the Islamic index uses Islamic principles and procedures. The phenomenon of the trade war between the United States and China has an impact on macro variable fluctuations, which can empirically influence the growth of the sharia index. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the impact of change due to the trade war sentiment. Macroeconomic variables used in this study are the USD / IDR exchange rate, the CNY / IDR exchange rate, inflation, Crude oil WTI, and ICP Crude oil. This study uses a vector autoregression analysis (VAR) technique. Stationarity test using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test (ADF test) and the Philips-Perron Test. The analysis shows that there is an influence between changes in exchange rates and changes in crude oil prices on the return of the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in the range of research data periods used.</em></p>

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Nurlia Rahmatika

<em>This study aims to measure how is the shock of the macro economics variables and world oil price effected the yield of indonesia government bond index (INDOBEXGB). <em>The research methodology used is quantitative method uses time series data. The source of the data derived with monthly data and secondary data from Bank Indonesia (BI), Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency (IBPA) and Bloomberg. This research is analyzed by using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) since there is cointegrated variables which could be seen in Trace Statistic and Max-Eigenvalues Statistic is greater than Critical Value. <em>The result of the analysis shows that the shock of macro economics variables money supply and forex reserves give a negative and significant effect to yield on Indonesia Government Bond Index (INDOBEXGB). Whereas the shock of macro economics variables consumer price index, BI rate, exchange rate, and world oil prices each give a positive and significant effect to Indonesia Government Bond Index (INDOBEXGB).</em></em></em>

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Putri Aulia Febrianti ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati

<em><span>This research purpose is to discover the influence of </span><span lang="IN">Debt Equity Ratio (</span><span>DER</span><span lang="IN">)</span><span>, </span><span lang="IN">Gross Domestic Product (</span><span>GDP</span><span lang="IN">)</span><span>, and</span><span lang="IN"> Earning Per Share (</span><span>EPS</span><span lang="IN">)</span><span> to The Price of stocks of insurance company which are listed in Indonesia Exchange Stock. <em>The  research  method  used  in  this  study  is  quantitative  research  methods.  The  sample  is  5  insurance companies listed in Indonesia Exchange Stock  which  were  previously   determined   by   the   purposive sampling   method.   Data  collected  in  the  form  of  annually financial  reports  for  each  Insurance companies listed in Indonesia Exchange Stock from  2014 -2018  The  analysis  technique  used  is  panel  data  regression. <em>Based on the analysis conducted stated that DER has a negative effect on the stock prices of insurance companies and GDP, EPS has a positive influence on the stock prices of insurance companies listed on the Indonesian Exchange Sctock. However, on the other hand the growth of gross domestic product has a direct and significant effect on the value of shares of insurance companies listed on the Indonesian Exchange Stock.</em></em></span></em>

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Eleonora Sofilda

<em>Various economic literature has been widely disclosed that the level of income, the allocation of the education budget, the level of investment and infrastructure spending are fundamental factors directly affecting the level of poverty. In the end, reducing poverty levels is expected to improve the quality of human development. The purpose of this study is to look at the effect of education budget allocation, health budget allocation, infrastructure budget allocation, population, open unemployment rate and inflation on poverty levels in Papua Province and see the effect of poverty levels on HDI in Papua Province. <em>This study uses quantitative methods to analyze the effect of independent variables on HDI with poverty as an intervening variable in Papua Province. Data was taken from 2010-2017 and came from 29 regencies in Papua Province in Indonesia. The analytical tool used is Multiple Linear Regression with Panel Data. <em>The findings of this study are significant education and health budget allocations to poverty levels, whereas for infrastructure allocation budgets, the population is not significant to poverty levels. Open unemployment and inflation are significant for poverty levels. Poverty Level Installed is very significant on the Human Development Index</em></em></em>

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Budi Santosa ◽  
Shafira Putri Salsabila ◽  
Soeharjoto Soeharjoto

<p align="left"><em>The aim of this study is to analysis factors that affect the Agglomeration at West Bandung Regency in 14 districts. This study uses panel regression analysis with the help of Eviews analysis 9. The data used in this research is the growth of the GDP data, the human development index and the number of inhabitants of the 14 Subdistricts in 2014 to 2016 period (42 observations). The results show that economic growth has no effect the agglomeration, while the human development index and  population has a positive effect on agglomeration. From the results obatained, there are 3 sub districts that have perfectly impact of Agglomeration. The sub districts are Lembang, Ngamprang and Padalarang.</em></p><p align="left"> </p>

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Irlan Adiyatma Rum ◽  
Jacobus Cliff Diky Rijoly

<p><em><span>Trade liberalization has affected Indonesian economy. The country success in international trade is truly determined by the regional sectoral competitiveness. The government recognized that agricultural commodities have higher degree of vulnerability to global trade pressures due to weak competitiveness. This study tried to identify the regional strategies that could be taken by the government in improving the competitiveness of agricultural commodity and determine the optimal solution that need to be considered. </span></em><em><em>To determine the position of agricultural competitiveness, calculated Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Revealed Comparative Trade Advantage (RCTA), and Trade Specialization Index (TSI) for some strategic commodities in agricultural Indonesia to export destinations. </em></em><em>The results show that Indonesia experienced a decline in their competitiveness in global trade. It has been proved from the comparation over time and with other export countries. This study proposes regional strategy to improve national competitiveness based on their regional competitiveness. </em></p>

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Muhammad Ibnu Fatsabit ◽  
Husna Leila Yusran

<em>This study aim is to see the influence of economic openness, education level, and unemployment rate toward against income inequality at the provincial level in Indonesia.</em> <em>This study uses panel data regression analysis by using Eviews 8 analysis tools. The data used in this study is secondary data consisting of gini ratio, export/GDRB ratio, import/GDRB ratio, foreign direct investment/PDRB ratio, unemployment rate and average length of school, at 33 provinces in Indonesia in the period of 2007 to 2016. </em><em>The results obtained show that only the export ratio and unemployment rate have an effect on the level of inequality in Indonesia. The export ratio has a positive and significant effect, while the unemployment rate variable has a significant negative effect.</em>

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Yulyanah Yulyanah ◽  
Sri Yani Kusumastuti

<p><em>This study aimed to examine the effect of profit level, debt level and institutional ownership to tax avoidance</em>. <em>The population in this study amounted to 18 food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in the period 2013-2017. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling method and obtained a sample of 5 food and beverage companies based on certain criteria. Independent variables used in this study profit level, debt level and institutional ownership, and the dependent variable was measured using the tax avoidance the measured of the book tax difference (BTD). The analysis tool used is the panel regression and the selected model is a fixed effect model. </em><em>The result showed that profit level has positive effect on the tax avoidance. Meanwhile the debt level does not have effect on the tax avoidance and institutional ownership has negative effect on tax avoidance.</em></p>

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Christine Tambunan ◽  
Jakaria Amin

<em>This study is to examine and to analyze the impact of State Budget Expenditure on the Level of Economic Activity in Indonesia. <em>Using the Autoregressive-Distributed Lag (ARDL) method. And using data from 2008-2017. <em>The result of this empirical study is that in the long run, state budget expenditure, consisting of Employee Expenditure, Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and General Allocation Fund (DAU,) has a significant positive effect on Level of Economic Activity. On the contrary, Capital Expenditure has a significant negative impact on growth. While Goods Expenditure shows a negative effect, though it was not statistically significant.</em></em></em>

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