2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-78
Catur Widiat Moko

This research entitled "Religious Pluralism According to Nurcholish Madjid in Indonesian Context '. Based on the phenomenon that occurred in the field many Muslims who more emphasize the symbol of religion than the application in menjlankan religion so that underlie thinking Nurcholis Madjid in overcoming msalah.dilakukan three stages of work that is Inventory, Evaluation, and Synthesis. The writings that have been obtained will be reviewed, an analysis of the thoughts of Nurcholish Madjid. The research approach is historical approach, while in historical research using heuristic technique, verification, intervention, and historicistography. The results of this study can be summarized as follows, First, the basis of religious pluralism is that the universal religion of Islam encompasses all aspects of life, Pancasila is the foundation of the state of Indonesia so that we must do tolerance and compete in the good. Secondly, that the implications of religious pluralism recognize religious freedom, live with the risks that will be borne by each believer. The will of God is above the will of man in setting anything. Thirdly, the principle of religious pluralism is the open, dialogical, tolerant and upholding of human values which at the same time embodies a peaceful and open Islam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Mohd Hafiz Othman ◽  
Ermy Azziaty Rozali ◽  
Napisah Karimah Ismail

The Majallah al-Aḥkām al-‘Adliyyah belongs to the Ottoman Empire has been introduced in Johor, Malaysia during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1876-1908). The book was brought to the Johor Government in 1893 during the reign of Johor’s Sultan Abu Bakar (1862-1895) in its Arabic language and it was translated later into Malay language and Jawi script during the reign of Sultan Ibrahim (1895-1959) in 1913. The translation was done by the Mufti of Johor and it is known as the Majalah Ahkam Johor. The book is a legal reference comprises the civil matters of muamalat, for example sale and purchase, rent and hibah, besides of containing court proceedings too. There are previous studies which affirmed that the Majalah Ahkam Johor was rarely used as a reference in court due to the expansion of colonial British in Malaya. The objective of this paper is to discuss and analyse the challenges of the use of the book in Johor and the obstacles in it’s implementation. The methodology of this study is based on qualitative design with historical research approach and document analysis from primary and contemporary data. The findings of this study shows that the use of the Majalah Ahkam Johor at the court level faced obstacles due to the British administration policy of interfering with the state legal and judicial system. Furthermore, the introduction of British law led to the abandonment of the use of Majalah Ahkam Johor as a reference on Islamic matters in Johor.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 148-173
Jack Laughlin ◽  
Kornel Zathureczky

Religion and state, more specifically religion and law, and religion and education are sub-fields that have received considerable scholarly attention. The interstices between these fields have been much less scrutinized, although it is within these spaces where the particular normativities produced and managed by state, law, and religion can be critically assessed, and where the nature of their interaction can be evaluated. We examine the intersecting normativities of religion with the secular public sphere, with education, and with the law, and their discursive fields with respect to the Programme d’Éthique et culture religieuse (ECR) of the Québec Ministry of Education. The distinct interests associated with these discursive fields meet at bases of common concern: religious pluralism, accommodation, and social cohesion. A common discourse emerges here that is informed by what critics identify as the World Religions Paradigm (WRP). Rather than examine the ECR simply with respect to its dependence on the WRP, we show how the discourses of the general public, education, and law in Québec and Canada meet to reinforce the WRP to produce a singular normativity that determines the shape of public discourses and representations of religion. In its effort to manage religious freedom and promote multiculturalism, the state (legislatively, legally, and educationally) generates the concrete terms by which citizens are to enact both. The logic of the overlapping normativities in the management of religious freedom and promotion of religious pluralism by the state creates the concrete terms by which religious identity and citizenship are defined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-122
Rizka Refliarny ◽  
Herawan Sauni ◽  
Hamdani Ma'akir

This study raises the issue of agrarian reform draft under the reign of President Joko Widodo. Agrarian reform became a priority program in the RPJMN of 2015-2019. Based on this matter, the writer analyzes the concept of agrarian reform during the reign of Joko Widodo terms of BAL. The nature of the study was a normative research with statute approach, which was done in four ways, namely descriptive, comparative, evaluative and argumentative. The results showed that the agrarian reform draft during the reign of Joko Widodo is a concept of land stewardship and land reform. The economic system leads to a form of capitalism. It is necessary to conduct refinement of content and material of BAL implementation in order to achieve the justice and the welfare of the nation and the State. The agrarian reform program should be carried out in stages in order to obtain the desired results. It requires the will, ability and active involvement of all elements of the state.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-115
Munawir Munawir

Non-Muslim leadership becomes a problematic issue in the context of inter-religious relations in Indonesia, especially for Muslims in conducting religious-social-political relations with non- Muslims. The problematic position of this non-Muslim leadership issue is the state constitution allows but the religious constitution (based on the textuality of the Qur'an) forbids. How does M. Quraish Shihab respond as well as answer the problematic of the people in the case? It is this core issue that will be tested by the answer through this research. Using the descriptive-inferential method and the philosophical-historical approach (philosophical and historical approach), the conclusion that M. Quraish Shihab in interpreting the verses (ban) of non-Muslim leadership (Surat al-Maidah: 51, QS Ali 'Imran: 28, and QS al-Mumtahanah: 1) is contextual, or in other words, the verses are understood to be sociological and not theological. Therefore he allows non-Muslim leadership as long as the non-Muslims are not of a hostile group of Islam, even he does not allow the leadership of a Muslim if a Muslim is actually injurious Islam and harms the interests of Muslims.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Fauziah Ramdani

This study aimed to describe the background of letter’s used as a medium for da'wah by the Prophet Muhammad and the form of the Prophet Muhammad’s letters for da'wah conveyed to some rulers. To achieve this, the method employed was historical research. This type of research was qualitative using historical approach while the research specification was descriptive. The result shows that there were several reasons behind the sending of letters as a medium for da’wah by Prophet Muhammad to the rulers. First, sociologically it was due to the treaty of Hudaibiyah, then the successfulness of Prophet Muhammad in establishing people power in Medina, and the conflict between Emperor Heraclius and Khosrow Abrawiz, two rulers of two empires (those were Eastern Rome and Persian) which were the most powerful kingdoms in the earth. Second, politically, the letter of Prophet Muhammad had political nuance, that was to declare himself being the ruler of Medina. Third, theologically, it was the universality of Muhammad’s prophetic mission as the leader of the mankind, and the crisis of faith experienced by Negus (Ruler of Abyssinia) and Muqawqis (Ruler of Egypt). To sum up, the form of Prophet’ letters sent to the rulers were awesome, it is proven that the letters of the Prophet which were written by his secretary Zaid son of Thabit were always preceded with Basmalah, while the letters were addressed to disbelieving people. This study has implication on research or study on the importance of letter as a medium for da’wah of the Prophet which can possibly be a method of initiating and or developing da’wah in the present time.

Pilar López de Santa María

Freedom is the focus of the first of the writings included in The Two Fundamental Problems of Ethics. The attention that Schopenhauer devotes to the subject does not stop here, however, since freedom appears recurrently in different parts of his system. It is linked to his theory of knowledge, metaphysics, aesthetics, and the denial of the will. This chapter follows that track and examines the presence in different contexts of Schopenhauerian thought of a freedom that is so undeniable as unexplainable. In this way will be shown Schopenhauer’s transition from the freedom of the voluntas to the freedom of noluntas [non-willing] and the state of great liberation that occurs because the will frees itself from itself. It is a transition that begins and ends at the same point: mystery

2021 ◽  
pp. 089202062199967
Josephine Marchant

Drawing on data from 116 survey responses by School Business Managers, and 7 semi-structured interviews with education professionals carried out between October 2017 and February 2018, this article reports on findings from a research project focussing on the opportunities and constraints for career progression into leadership roles for School Business Managers (SBMs) in the state sector in England. The article considers the differing roles and responsibilities of SBMs, how leadership is perceived in schools, the visibility of the SBM role, career aspirations of the SBMs who were surveyed, and the perceived constraints to progression to leadership roles. Analysis of the data was carried out using an inductive research approach using mixed methods. Snowballing was used to obtain a meaningful sample size for survey responses. Interviewees were chosen on the basis of judgement sampling. The sampling design for the survey and the interviews was one of non-probability. Findings suggest that leadership roles for SBMs do exist but that there are considerable constraints to these being achieved, not least the lack of appetite amongst SBMs to do so.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003776862110123
Roger Finke ◽  
Dane R Mataic

Research on religious freedom has found a vast chasm between constitutional promises and state practices, with constitutional promises being a poor predictor of the state’s support of religious freedom. This research changes the focus from religious freedom to religious equality. We propose that constitutional promises of religious equality will be associated with less discrimination against minority religions and we explore the relationships governance and the promises of religious equality hold with religious discrimination. We find that promises of religious equality are associated with less discrimination. When exploring the interactions between promises of equality and our governance measures, we find constitutional promises of religious equality largely erase the differences in religious discrimination between countries with and without free elections and an independent judiciary. Yet, the reduced discrimination against minority religions does not suggest that the state removes restrictions on minority religions, only that they are equal with other religions.

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