inferential method
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (67) ◽  
Byron Geovanny Hidalgo Cajo ◽  
Mercé Gisbert Cervera

El éxito del proceso educativo mediados por la tecnología, depende en gran medida de la adopción y el uso de la tecnología digital (TD) por parte del profesorado, desde esta corriente se presenta un diagnóstico multivariado sobre el nivel de adopción y uso de las TD, mediante el efecto moderador de las variables género y edad, el estudio se llevó a cabo con una muestra de 280 docentes universitarios que respondieron el cuestionario denominado TAUT conformado por 46 ítems tipo escala de Likert en 5 dimensiones. La metodología aplicada en el estudio es cuantitativa basada en el método no experimental, descriptivo e inferencial, los datos fueron analizados a partir de una comparación de medias, utilizando pruebas no paramétricas. Los resultados se manifiestan por medio del TAUT autoevaluando la adopción y uso de las TD por parte del profesorado, los mismos que logran poseer una aceptación positiva en todas las dimensiones, como también permiten conocer que no existen diferencias significativas en la mayoría de los ítems en función del género como la edad, los mismos que no afectan a la intención del comportamiento del profesorado para adoptar y usar las TD. The success of the educational process mediated by technology depends largely on the adoption and use of digital technology (TD) by teachers, from this current a multivariate diagnosis is presented on the level of adoption and use of TD, through the moderating effect of gender and age variables, the study was conducted with a sample of 280 university teachers who responded to the questionnaire called TAUT consisting of 46 Likert scale type items in 5 dimensions. The methodology applied in the study is quantitative based on the non-experimental, descriptive and inferential method, the data were analyzed from a comparison of means, using non-parametric tests. The results are shown by means of the TAUT self-evaluating the adoption and use of the TD by the teaching staff, the same that manage to have a positive acceptance in all the dimensions, as well as allowing to know that there are no significant differences in most of the items according to gender and age, the same that do not affect the intention of the teaching staff behavior to adopt and use the TD.

Stefano Barone ◽  
Roberto Cannella ◽  
Albert Comelli ◽  
Arianna Pellegrino ◽  
Giuseppe Salvaggio ◽  

Pilar Arnaiz-Sánchez ◽  
Mohamed Chamseddine Habib Allah

RESUMEN                                                                                 La relación de las familias migrantes con el profesorado tiene sus propias características y peculiaridades, así como una palpable carencia de orientación psicopedagógica adecuada para fomentar el conocimiento y el reconocimiento mutuo e impulsar de esta manera la desaparición de las diferencias significativas que suelen aflorar entre ambas partes a la hora de afrontar los desafíos de la comunicación. En tal sentido, el objetivo de la investigación abordada en este trabajo, fue describir el conocimiento de la vida del centro que poseen los progenitores migrantes, el conocimiento que posee el profesorado sobre la vida del alumnado migrante y el tipo de relaciones personales que mantienen ambas partes, en centros de educación infantil y primaria de atención preferente de la Región de Murcia. Para llevar a cabo este estudio se empleó un método descriptivo e inferencial, donde se aplicaron dos cuestionarios, uno dirigido a los padres y otro a los docentes. Participaron 823 progenitores y 150 profesores. Los resultados indican que el profesorado apenas conoce personalmente a los padres varones de sus alumnos, y que las visitas de los padres por iniciativa propia continúan siendo una asignatura pendiente. Sin embargo, se aprecian avances relevantes en cuanto a la accesibilidad y predisposición para la comunicación por parte de ambas instituciones educativas, si bien queda mucho por hacer en relación a la consolidación de confianza.ABSTRACTRelationship between teachers and migrant families has its own characteristics and peculiarities, as well as a palpable lack of adequate psycho-pedagogical guidance to foster knowledge and mutual recognition, promoting the disappearance of significant differences that usually emerge between both parties when it comes to facing the communication challenges.  In this sense, the research objective undertaken in this assignment was to describe migrant parents’ knowledge about life of the Centre, faculty’s knowledge about migrant students’ life and personal relationships maintained by both parties at preferential pre-school and elementary education Centre’s in Region de Murcia. In order to carry out this study, a descriptive and inferential method was used in which two questionnaires were applied, one addressed to parents and the other addressed to teachers. 823 parents and 150 teachers participated. The results indicate that teachers have little personal knowledge about their students’ male parents, and parents’ visits by their own initiative continue to be a pending subject. However, significant progress has been made in terms of accessibility and readiness for communication on the part of both educational institutions, although much remains to be done in terms of building confidence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 168-175
Masni Padang

The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of the percentage of the application of the jigsaw cooperative learning model in improving PAK learning outcomes of Grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 3 Muara Siatas Barita 2019/2020 Learning Year. The research hypothesis is the analysis of the application of a jigsaw cooperative learning model in improving the learning outcomes of students of class VIII of SMP Negeri 3 Muara Siatas Barita 2019/2020 Learning Year 75% of the expected 100%.               The population in this study were all eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Muara Siatas Barita 2019/2020 Learning Year, totaling 52 people. This research method is quantitative inferential method. The research instrument was a closed questionnaire. Hypothesis testing using the t test formula is obtained value (count) = 10.83 t table = 1.711. The value of t_ count is in the area of the curve of rejection H0 and acceptance of Ha.            Thus it can be concluded that the research hypothesis is accepted, namely the analysis of the application of the jigsaw cooperative learning model in improving the learning outcomes of grade VIII PAK students of SMP Negeri 3 Muara Siatas Barita 2019/2020 Learning Year 75% of the expected 100%. Achievement of the application of the jigsaw cooperative learning model in improving PAK learning outcomes of VIII grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Muara Siatas Barita in the 2019/2020 Academic Year is 3,423 in the good category with a percentage of 85.57% in the very strong category.Keywords: Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model, PAK Learning Outcomes

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-142
Esrani Siregar

The research aims is to knowthe application of skills to strengthen PAK teachers in improving student motivation in class XI of SMAN 1 Siborongborong in the Academic Year 2019/2020. The research hypothesis is the application of skills to strengthen PAK teachers in increasing student motivation in class XI of SMAN 1 Siborongborong in 2019/2020 75% of 100% expected. The population is all students of class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Siborongborong in the 2019/2020 Academic Year who are Protestant Christians, amounting to 397 people. The research sample was determined by random sampling (random) by 15% of 397 people, namely 62 people. This research method is quantitative inferential method. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. Hypothesis testing using the t test formula obtained t-count = 28.422 t-table = 2,000. T value is in the region of rejection curve H0 and Ha reception. Thus, it can be concluded that the research hypothesis is accepted, namely the application of skills to strengthen PAK teachers in increasing student learning motivation in class XI of SMAN 1 Siborongborong, Academic Year 2019/2020 75% of 100% expected. Achieving the application of skills to strengthen PAK teachers in increasing student motivation in class XI of SMAN 1 Siborongborong in the Academic Year 2019/2020 is 3.46 in the good category with a large percentage of 86.55% in the very strong category. Keywords :Application of Skills Gives Strengthening of PAK Teachers, Improving StudentLearning Motivation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 211
Lis Safitri ◽  
Muhammad Nuskhi ◽  
Krismiwati Muatip ◽  
Hermin Purwaningsih ◽  
Lucie Setiana

Islam does not only talk about the procedure of worshiping (ibadah), but also related to daily activities (muammalah), including how to treat animals. Understanding the relationship between human being and animals is the basis for further studies of animals in Islam. This study is library research using the descriptive-inferential method with the purpose to elaborate on the position of the animal against the human being based on the concept of the human being as khalifah. The Quranic verses about khalifah and animals in the Quran have been collected using thematic interpretation method of al-Farmawi. The data have been analyzed using philosophical and theological approaches to find the concept of khalifah and the position and the purpose of animal life in the Quran. The result showed that God gives rightful supremacy on earth to human beings for upholding God’s law and guiding the creatures to their purpose of creation, because of their blessed potentials i.e. emotion, intelligence, and natural disposition for grasping the truth and goodness (fitra). Human being has to treat animals in line with the objective of their creation, i.e. God’s creature, the Signs of God’s Power, viands for human being and the other creatures, ride, and the lesson of life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Rand Wilcox

When dealing with a logistic regression model, there is a simple method for estimating the strength of the association between the jth covariate and the dependent variable when all covariates are entered into the model. There is the issue of determining whether the jth independent variable has a stronger or weaker association than the kth independent variable. This note describes a method for dealing with this issue that was found to perform reasonably well in simulations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 125 ◽  
pp. 09020
Deli Nirmala

Kampung Bahari Tambak Lorok Semarang being prepared for a new potential tourism destination is changing not only in its infrastructure but also its social behavior. The changing infrastructure changes social structure, social belief, and social identity. The changes may be integrated in many aspects like environment, literacy, education, and economy. This paper aims at discovering the linguistic landscape which promotes the coastal community development of Kampung Bahari to create Kampung Bahari to be a nicer place to live and to visit. It seems that waste is an important problem in Tambak Lorok in order that this can make Kampung Bahari clean and be visited by many domestic or foreign tourists. The public signs indicating the facilities including waste management of the coastal community at Kampung Bahari were captured and analyzed using abductive inferential method. The result shows that the linguistic landscape of the development of Kampung Bahari indicates that Kampung Bahari has infrastructure which shows social awareness on environment, provides the community needs in economy, health, and literacy. The needs can be identified through the public names like Taman Baca Seroja indicating literacy activities, Koperasi Simpan Pinjam for banking system, Masjid Sholaha for spiritual needs. Komunitas Camar Peduli Lingkungan indicates environmental awareness and care. This study gives contribution to linguistic landscape study in terms of the contribution of linguistic study to regional development issues.

Malaysian Armed Forces Religious Corps which established in 1985, has tried to convey the Islamic da’wah and Islam in particular against members of the Armed Forces. The Effects of missionary work submitted has affected non-Muslim groups and they then embraced to Islam. This study was conducted to see to what extent the development of new converts in the Armed Forces. Library research, questionnaire, interview and observation were used to obtain data related to the development and education of a new brotherhood and sister in Islam. The research questionnaire was used as an instrument field to see the problems and challenges among the army personnel. The study was conducted on 57 respondents who were members of the Malaysian Armed Forces. Random sampling technique was used and the results were analyzed using SPSS version 16 using descriptive and inferential method. The findings may explain openly about the development of converts among members of the Malaysian Armed Forces after converting to Islam as well as information about the state and community feedback and solution to converts and pluralistic society and responsibility to support and spread the propaganda against communities of different races and cultures in Malaysia.

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