scholarly journals Rajskie ptaki Aleksandra Błoka i Wiktora Wasniecowa

2019 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 25-40
Izabella Malej

Birds of paradise of Alexander Blok and Viktor VasnetsovHeavenly creatures — Alkonost, Sirin and Gamajun — are mythological hybrids with the body of a bird and the head of a beautiful woman. Their origins come from the old Slavonic and Russian folklore. They are described as mythical beings that hypnotised people through singing. Russian artists, including the painter Viktor Vasnetsov and the poet-symbolist Alexander Blok, also succumbed to their charm. Blok, fascinated by Vasnetsov’s canvases Sirin and Alkonost. The Birds of Joy and Sorrow, 1896; Gamajun, the Prophetic Bird, 1895 created poetic versions of these in 1899. In the case of both artists, there is a reference to the semantics of these magical birds, known from the folklore. Alkonost means happiness and hopes, unlike Sirin, an inhabitant of the underground world. Therefore, alkonosts announce joy, while sirins, treating men with hostility, symbolize sadness, suffering and despair. The third bird connecting Blok and Vasnetsov is Gamajun — a bird, the messenger of the gods, their herald, who sings divine hymns to people and predicts the future of those who know how to listen and are open to mysteries. Special attention must be paid to colorful and linear symbolism, to which both creators refer to, as well as to mythical reminiscences Cosmic Tree. Both the painted and lyrical depictions of birds of paradise are an example of creation of a new, modernist myth, the roots of which go back to the oral culture and whose essence defines the philosophical question of the dualism of the world and man’s place in it.Райские птицы Александра Блока и Виктора ВаснецоваРайские существа — Алконост, Сирин и Гамаюн, являются мифологическим гибри- дом тела птицы и головы красивой девы. Истоки их образов восходят к древнеславянскому и русскому фольклору. Они описаны как мифологические существа, которые своим пением гипнотизируют людей. Их колдовству поддались также русские художники, среди которых были живописец Виктор Васнецов и поэт-символист Александр Блок. Блок, очарованный картинами Васнецова Сирин и Алконост. Песнь радости и печали, 1896; Гамаюн, птица вещая, 1895, создал их поэтические версии в 1899 г. В интерепретации райских суще- ствобоих художников прослеживается отсылка к магическим птицам, представленным в фольклоре. Алконост обозначает счастье и надежду, в противовес Сирин как жительницы подземного мира. Таким образом алконосты — вестники радости, зато сирины, враждебно направленные к человеку, символизируют печаль, страдание и отчаяние. Третья птица, со- единяющая Блока и Васнецова, — это Гамаюн, птица вещая, посланник богов, их герольд, услаждающая людей пением Божественных гимнов и предвещающая будущее для тех, кто умеет слушать и открыт для тайны. Особого внимания заслуживают цветовые и линейные символы, а также мифические реминисценции космическое дерево, к которыми оба творца прибегают. Живописные и лирические изображения райских птиц являются примером создания нового, модернистского мифа, корни которого лежат в устной культуре, зато суть помещается в философском вопросе о дуализм мира и место человека в нем.

Marion Heinz
The Body ◽  

The chapter presents a synthetic account of the young Herder’s metaphysics and epistemology, based on several short pieces from the 1760s, with the intention of bringing into relief their strikingly systematic and coherent nature. The objective is to give the reader a greater sense of the philosophical depth of Herder’s anthropology. The first section examines God’s relationship to the world he creates. The second turns to the analogous relationship, based on interaction, between the soul and the body it builds for itself. And in the third, we bring this all together in order to understand how the embodied soul, through engagement with the world, obtains knowledge, and acquires its identity as a historical-cultural being.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 241-248
Engin Yilmaz ◽  
Yakut Akyön ◽  
Muhittin Serdar

AbstractCOVID-19 is the third spread of animal coronavirus over the past two decades, resulting in a major epidemic in humans after SARS and MERS. COVID-19 is responsible of the biggest biological earthquake in the world. In the global fight against COVID-19 some serious mistakes have been done like, the countries’ misguided attempts to protect their economies, lack of international co-operation. These mistakes that the people had done in previous deadly outbreaks. The result has been a greater economic devastation and the collapse of national and international trust for all. In this constantly changing environment, if we have a better understanding of the host-virus interactions than we can be more prepared to the future deadly outbreaks. When encountered with a disease which the causative is unknown, the reaction time and the precautions that should be taken matters a great deal. In this review we aimed to reveal the molecular footprints of COVID-19 scientifically and to get an understanding of the pandemia. This review might be a highlight to the possible outbreaks.

Comunicar ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 13 (25) ◽  
Ana-Luisa Fernandes-Gonçalves

The present article is about the presence of the tv in the society, in general, and its potential as an important agent, such as the family and the school, on the children’s and young people’s development and education. Nowadays we live in a complex world of images with sound, the most of them transmitted by the tv, the cinema and the internet. The infantile universe is full of those images. This way we structured this article in four parts, refering some of the contents related with this subject. The first part describes the presence of the television in the children's daylife and their relationship with the magic box, even the identification that they make with its favourites characters, in order to understand the space that the TV occupies in their lives. The second part presents the different messages transmitted by the television. It is important to analyze the main risks and advantages of television, that is to say, in spite of some programs show bad values, foment the excessive consumption, expose the children to an atmosphere of violence and pornography, also entertains, accompanies, educates, informs, favours the access to the culture and allows to unite the family around a program. At last the third part, this one outlines the necessity to put the tele as a curricular resource in the school, to teaches the students how to analyze, how to criticize and to think about the texts and the news of the world today. The television, considered a powerful tool, is decisive in the communication, such in the formation of values and ideas as in the culture transmission. The function of the school is not to remain far from this factor, but to try to meditate, to understand and to decide its impact, in a better way, on the development of the children and youngs. As conclusion we can add that we’ve tried to aim some strategies that educators and parents will be able to work, united to the children and the youngs, so they could have a new look of the Tv’s world and that they could know how to make their own selection and how to have a critical attitude before the watched product.La presente comunicación se refiere a la presencia de la tele en la sociedad en general y a su potencial como agente importante de formación y educación, junto con la escuela y la familia, en la vida de los niños y de los jóvenes. Actualmente vivimos inmersos en un mundo complejo de imágenes con sonido, que recibimos muy especialmente a través de la tele, del cine y de Internet, los cuales hacen parte del cotidiano del universo infantil. Así, a fin de organizar algunos de los contenidos desde los que es posible enfocar el tema, estructuramos este artículo en cuatro partes. La primera parte describe la presencia de la tele a diario de los niños y su relación con la caja mágica, incluso la identificación que hacen de sus personajes favoritos, a fin de comprender el espacio que ocupa la tele en su cotidianidad. La segunda parte presenta los distintos mensajes transmitidos por la tele. Es importante analizar las principales riesgos y ventajes de la televisión, o sea, a pesar de algunos programas muestran antivalores de la tele: fomentar excesivamente el consumo, exponer a los niños a un ambiente de violencia y pornografía también entretiene, acompaña, educa, informa, favorece el acceso a la cultura y permite unir a la familia en torno a un programa. Cuanto a la tercera parte, plantea la necesidad de incorporar la tele como recurso curricular en la escuela, para que enseñe a los alumnos a analizar crítica y reflexivamente los textos mediáticos. La televisión es considerada como una herramienta poderosa, determinante en la comunicación, tanto en la formación de valores e ideas, como en la transmisión de cultura; la función de la escuela no es permanecer ajena a este factor, pero procurar reflexionar para comprender y decidir mejor su impacto en el desarrollo de los niños y jóvenes. Como conclusión podemos añadir que hemos tratado de apuntar algunas estrategias que educadores y padres podrán trabajar junto con los niños y los jóvenes, para que éstes tengan una nueva mirada del mundo de la tele y para que sepan hacer su propia selección y tener una actitud crítica ante el producto visionado.

2021 ◽  

The importance of regional cooperation is becoming more apparent as the world moves into the third decade of the 21st century. An Army of Influence is a thought-provoking analysis of the Australian Army's capacity to change, with a particular focus on the Asia-Pacific region. Written by highly regarded historians, strategists and practitioners, this book examines the Australian Army's influence abroad and the lessons it has learnt from its engagement across the Asia-Pacific region. It also explores the challenges facing the Australian Army in the future and provides principles to guide operational, administrative and modernisation planning. Containing full-colour maps and images, An Army of Influence will be of interest to both the wider defence community and general readers. It underscores the importance of maintaining an ongoing presence in the region and engages with history to address the issues facing the Army both now and into the future.

Altuğ Günar

This chapter provides a broad analysis of the EU's development strategies from Lisbon to EU 2020. The purpose of the chapter is to make a comparison among development strategies of the EU and to reach the answer of the question; if EU 2020 will be a new future for the EU? For this aim, the author focuses on three questions: what is the connection between the globalization and the EU? Has the EU answered to the challenges of globalization or post Fordist transformation with Lisbon Strategy? Lisbon Strategy which was reformed two times was a failure, what were the reasons of launching the EU 2020 strategy? The first one is related to the economic transformation of the world and economic decline of the EU during the 1980 to 2000s. The second one is related to the EU's structural weakness. The third one is related to the future of the EU.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-24
Sandro Galea

This chapter discusses how the time of the COVID-19 pandemic was also a time when the world, in many respects, had never been better—or healthier. In a number of key areas—from life expectancy, to declines in poverty, to reductions in preventable diseases like HIV/AIDS—it was, and is, a more favorable time to be alive than any other point in recorded history. All these advances was a byproduct of foundational forces unfolding over time, forces like industrialization, global development, urbanization, and political changes. However, the incidental nature of this success has meant that we have yet to fully acknowledge why it occurred, which hinders our ability to advance it in the future. Why do we need to know how we got here? First, our understanding of the causes of health shapes our investment in health. America's investment in healthcare comes at the expense of their investment in the foundational drivers of health. The second reason is that if we do not understand the true causes of health, we will be unable to build a world that is ready for the next pandemic.

1992 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Willow Rain ◽  
Donna Martin ◽  
James Royster ◽  
Judith Lasater ◽  
Laureen Mac Leod

*Chopra's presentation of the body-mind connection provides a context for examining the work of Jacob Liberman, O.D., Ph.D., who has pioneered the application of light and color to healing imbalances in the bodymind. *The Hakomi method offers a therapeutic system which is a synthesis of other approaches including Gestalt, Bioenergetics, Feldenkrais, Reichian work and NLP. Swami Ajaya, in his comment on the back cover of the book, calls it a 'breakthrough in integrating principles of mediation and holism into psychotherapy." *These three books by Georg Feuersteinnn—who has been described by Ken Wilber as "a scholar-practitioner of the first magnitude"—constitute a core library on yoga (and more broadly on Hinduism) that will serve most people comprehensively. The author has been studying and practicing yoga for over 25 years. In these three books we find a scholarly grasp of the facts combined with experiential insight. *When I was asked to review this book, I wondered why the world needed yet another book about Yoga. As it turn-ed out, I need not have worried at all. Rodmell Press and author Jean Couch have produced an accessible, helpful and straight forward book about Yoga in twentieth century America. *It was obvious as I watched this video that Felicity Green is comfortable in her role as teacher in the Iyengar Yoga tradition. She creates an instructive classroom setting with three students, each at a different level of practice (beginning, intermediate and advanced levels), as she guides the viewer through common corrections focusing on basic problems encountered in twelve fundamental asanas.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51 ◽  
Harits Dwi W. ◽  
Bagus Subekti N.

Indonesia is one of the largest archipelagic countries in the world, having more than 17,000 islands. It becomes one priority to the state building, more importantly in the national economy. State economic development can be driven by maximizing the potential of seawater through the tourism industry, especially in maritime tourism which is one part of the third pillars of the maritime axis. Maritime tourism may serve as an instrument of Indonesian diplomacy to compete in Southeast Asia’s tourism race. It could be very significant when the government is able to manage the potential resources. This paper argues that maritime tourism is potential for Indonesian development through maritime tourism industry in the future. This paper employs cultural diplomacy concept to describe how cultural diplomacy plays role as an instrument in promoting Indonesia’s tourism industry in the region.Keywords: maritime tourism, cultural diplomacy, tourism industry

With a view to the future investigation of the osteological developement of the human race, the author gives, in the present paper, the results of a great number of measurements, which he has very carefully made, of the dimensions of the different bones composing the adult human skeleton. The male bones examined were those in the collection of Dr. Monro 3 the female bones were furnished by Dr. Hamilton. The author was anxious to fix on some one dimen­sion in the skeleton which might be taken as the standard of all the measurements: and finding that no bone of the trunk or limbs pos­sessed the requisite characters for that purpose, he sought for it in the cranium; and the result of an extensive series of observations led him to adopt as the standard of measure the distance between the prolongations of the zygomatic ridges, immediately over the meatus auditorius externus, as being that dimension which was less liable to variation than any other of the human cranium. This line he deno­minates the auricular transverse ; and, adopting a scale of which the unit is the 14th part of this line, being generally about the third of an inch, he states at length, in multiples of this unit, the dimensions, in different directions, of almost every bone in the skeleton; noting more especially the differences that occur in those of the two sexes. Of these measurements, which are given in much detail, and in many instances arranged in a tabular form, it is impossible to give any abridgement. The conclusion he deduces from his inquiry is, that every bone in the body exhibits certain modifications, according to the sex of the individual.

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (34) ◽  
Thaís Fernanda Salves de Brito

Bordar é uma atividade que envolve processos de aprendizado, disciplina do corpo, domínio de técnicas e de repertórios, criação de vínculos, construindo uma forma de estar e de ver o mundo. Os bordados apresentam o prazer da beleza, revelam um novo olhar frente às imagens de miséria e de confinamento que cercam o imaginário do sertão nordestino por meio de experiência estética. Interessa refletir como o bordado acessa e reinterpreta elementos narrativos sobre a história de uma região, bem como o espaço e sua paisagem, a partir de sua experiência estética; e como esse processo repercute na formação de outras bordadeiras. Este ensaio, está organizado por meio de dois temas, a saber: “Bordados como narrativa da história, da natureza e da geografia de um lugar” e Bordado como uma narrativa no corpo”. Palavras-chave: Cultura material. Bordados. Bordadeiras. Experiência estética. Paisagem.Narratives, and learning repertoires: embroidery and embroiderersAbstractEmbroider is an activity which involves learning processes, body discipline, command of techniques and repertoires, create links, building one way to being and seeing the world. The embroideries exhibit the pleasure of beauty, reveal a whole new look in front of the images of misery and feedlot which surround the imagery of the specific brazilian desert area through an aesthetic experience. It is important to know how to embroidery might have access and reinterprets narrative elements about the history from one region as well as space and its landscape, from their an aesthetic experience, and how does this process may affects the education of new embroideresses. This essay is structured by two topics, namely: "Embroidery as a narrative of the historythe nature and the geography of a place" and Embroidery as a narrative in the body. "Keywords: Material culture. Embroidery. Embroideresses. Aesthetic experience. Landscape. 

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