Pedagogical provision of information competence of a military university graduate

Dmitry V. Meshcherjacov

We considered current issues of formation and development of information competence of future officers in information and educational environment of military university. We updated issues of development and improvement of the process of informatization of military education, its integration into a single educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation. We disclosed the essence and content of concepts of information competence of a graduate and information and educational environment of a military university, expanding the conceptual and categorical apparatus of military pedagogy. We highlighted the principles reflecting the requirements for the organization and construction of the educational process of a military university, taking into account its specifics and peculiarities. The formulated contradiction is a factor in the development of the information competence of the cadet and the information and educational environment of the military university as a whole. We identified pedagogical conditions that ensure effective formation of the student's information competence, representing interrelated theoretical foundations and practical-oriented provisions. The systematic representation of the pedagogical support of the information competence of the future officer contributes to the rational choice and effective use of training technologies, the development of a comprehensive methodological support for the taught educational disciplines in the educational process of a military university.

Н.В. Шемет

Статья посвящена описанию проявления межэтнической толерантности курсантов военного вуза. В ней даются определение и уточнение понятия межэтнической толерантности применительно к специфике военно-образовательной среды. С современных методологических позиций рассмотрен аспект формирования толерантности как компетентностно-ориентированного образовательного результата, регламентированного Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом и влияющего на профессиональное становление будущего офицера. В статье приводится описание авторской модели формирования этнической толерантности курсантов средствами интеграции обучения и воспитания в военном вузе на основе идеологических ориентиров и принципов гуманности взаимодействия в образовательной среде. Кроме того, не обойдены вниманием и пути формирования толерантности в практике обучения и воспитания будущих офицеров. Статья может быть интересна преподавателям военных вузов, офицерам, организующим воспитательный процесс, исследователям проблем современного военного образования. The article is devoted to the description of the peculiarities of inter-ethnic tolerance among cadets of a military university. It defines and clarifies the concept of inter-ethnic tolerance in relation to the specifics of the military educational environment. The aspect of tolerance formation as a competence-oriented educational result regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard and influencing the professional development of the future officer is considered from the modern methodological positions. The article describes the author's model of formation of ethnic tolerance of cadets by means of integration of training and education in a military university, the main feature of which is the ideological guidelines and principles of human interaction in the educational environment. In addition, the ways of forming tolerance in the practice of training and education of future officers are not ignored. The article may be of interest to the teachers of military universities, officers organizing the educational process, researchers of problems of modern military education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 13-19
Gan N.Yu. ◽  
Ponomareva L.I.

The relevance of this research is determined by the state order for the training of specialists who are able to organize the educational process taking into account the needs and interests of students who show creative and creative thinking in solving professional problems. Education, especially higher education, is considered as the main, leading factor of social and economic progress. The reason for such attention is the understanding that the most important value and the main capital of modern society is a person who is capable of searching for and mastering new knowledge and making non-standard decisions. The modern development of society requires a new system of education – «innovative training», which would form the ability of students to determine the future projectively, responsibility for it, faith in themselves and their professional abilities to influence this future. The main legislative documents «The Strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation until 2024», «The Concept of development of additional education», «The Law on Education in the Russian Federation», as well as local acts of the subjects of the federation in the field of higher, general and additional education raise the problem of integration of these education systems into the category of important state problems and at the same time determine its relevance. The system of additional education with the active involvement of the future teacher in the implementation of work with children allows you to develop readiness for professional activity, both at school and in additional education. Providing professional training on the basis of the university equips the student with scientific knowledge and modern methods. This article attempts to theoretically substantiate the problem of integration of educational systems and present the conditions for its practical implementation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-289
L. V. Kovtunenko ◽  

Modernization of vocational education in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation «On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024» is designated as one of the priority directions of development of the country. Among the innovative approaches to the professional formation development and education of employees who are capable in modern conditions to ensure the high-quality functioning of the penal system we should highlight the creation of a digital educational environment. Digital educational environment is an open set of information systems aimed to solve problems of the educational process. The presence of this allows to create the conditions for the implementation of educational programs, the achievement of planned personal learning results. However digital learning is at the beginning of its path; in the process of introducing it into the education system many problematic issues are to be solved. Proponents and opponents of digital learning argue for the pros and cons of digitizing education. In our opinion digital technologies have become firmly established in our lives and their development continues actively. The results of a survey conducted among cadets and students of educational organizations of the Federal Penal Service of Russia determine the search for opportunities for digitalization of the learning process as well as new goals and directions for the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-31
V. R. Kuchma ◽  
A. S. Sedova ◽  
S. B. Sokolova ◽  
I. K. Rapoport ◽  
M. I. Stepanova ◽  

In connection with the epidemic of a novel coronavirus infection, all schools in the Russian Federation in the spring of 2020 were forced to switch to remote work.Aim. To analyze key publications on: the organization of the educational process in the context of distance learning; life and well-being of participants in the educational process in conditions of lockdown; medical and social approaches to reduce the negative consequences of lockdown for children and adolescents during distance learning. Materials and methods. The analysis of domestic and international scientific publications and recommendations found using the search engines Scopus, Pubmed, the Russian Science Citation Index and by manual search on the resources of WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).Results. The closure of educational institutions is a risk of reducing the quality of education. In 2020, with the closure of Russian schools, the educational process was not stopped due to distance learning using digital technologies. The article examines the history of the emergence of online distance learning, presents the results of research carried out by scientific organizations and universities in order to study the features of the organization of the educational process in conditions of distance learning, the life of participants in the educational process in schools, and their well-being in lockdown. To reduce the negative consequences of lockdown on children and adolescents and distance learning, medical and social approaches have been analyzed and substantiated.Conclusion. The solution of problems related to distance education can be realized in the course of scientific and methodological support and examination of the experiment on the implementation in 14 constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the target model of the digital educational environment in the field of general and secondary vocational education, planned in Russia in 2020–2022. For this, the Russian Academy of Sciences, represented by the Department of Medical Sciences and the Section of Preventive Medicine, the Ministry of Health of Russia, and Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor) have to be participants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 305-311
V. Pavlov ◽  
I. Kakadiy

One of the most topical issues in the Russian educational environment is the security of the educational environment and its threats. The authors carried out work on the study of legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the work of other researchers of this problem. The main approaches to the concept of “security” were identified, the “subject” and “object” of security were identified, and their interaction was considered, and the security levels were studied. The authors divide threats to the security of the educational process into internal, which can include personal, organizational and group as well as external: economic, political, criminal, environmental and biological.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 137-142

This article reveals the problem of the role of the religious factor in the formation of the value orientations of the military personnel of the Russian army from its inception to the present state. In the article, the author reveals the significance of the Church in the formation of the value orientations of military personnel. The problem of religious situation in foreign armies is considered. The article presents data from sociological studies confirming the increase in the number of religious servicemen in the modern Armed Forces. The concept of “religious factor” is revealed. The author suggests considering the influence of the religious factor on the formation of value orientations through the functions of religion. The article provides examples of the influence of religion on the formation of value orientations of military personnel from the time of the Baptism of Russia to the present. Examples of writers of Russian classical literature about the influence of religion on the morale of troops are given. Examples of religious participation in major battles and wars of the past years are shown. The significance of the religious factor in uniting the people and the army is shown. The work of officials of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation in strengthening values among military personnel in modern conditions is demonstrated. The role of the Minister of defense of the Russian Federation, General of the army S.K. Shoigu in strengthening the faith of the Russian army is outlined. Issues related to the construction of the Main Temple of the Armed Forces and its impact on the public masses were discussed. In this study, the author aims to show the significant role of religion in the formation of value orientations in Russian military personnel. The analysis shows an increasing role of religion in the minds of military personnel in modern conditions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 307-322
Václav Pravda

Summary This article elaborates on the issue of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in the Russian Federation. It is common knowledge that foreign companies seeking R&E in Russia suffered damage because of the broad interpretation of Russian public policy in the past decades. However, it is uncertain how the present judicial development appears like and where it will lead in the future. The article specifically considers two basic ideas on the issue at hand: one is slightly critical (Karabelnikov) while the second is rather optimistic in regard with the recent development (Zykov). The main goal is to introduce the issue to the respective readers and to try to inflame a discussion.

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