modern development
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2022 ◽  
Vol 54 (9) ◽  
pp. 1-35
Lázaro Bustio-Martínez ◽  
René Cumplido ◽  
Martín Letras ◽  
Raudel Hernández-León ◽  
Claudia Feregrino-Uribe ◽  

In data mining, Frequent Itemsets Mining is a technique used in several domains with notable results. However, the large volume of data in modern datasets increases the processing time of Frequent Itemset Mining algorithms, making them unsuitable for many real-world applications. Accordingly, proposing new methods for Frequent Itemset Mining to obtain frequent itemsets in a realistic amount of time is still an open problem. A successful alternative is to employ hardware acceleration using Graphics Processing Units (GPU) and Field Programmable Gates Arrays (FPGA). In this article, a comprehensive review of the state of the art of Frequent Itemsets Mining hardware acceleration is presented. Several approaches (FPGA and GPU based) were contrasted to show their weaknesses and strengths. This survey gathers the most relevant and the latest research efforts for improving the performance of Frequent Itemsets Mining regarding algorithms advances and modern development platforms. Furthermore, this survey organizes the current research on Frequent Itemsets Mining from the hardware perspective considering the source of the data, the development platform, and the baseline algorithm.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 82-87
Shamil Gazetdinov ◽  
Mirsharip Gazetdinov ◽  
Ol'ga Semicheva

The article deals with the problems of interaction of economic and social processes in rural municipal areas, which is a determining factor in the quality of life of the rural population. The aim is to study on the basis of constructive simplification of the territorial system the allocation of its subsystems for separate study. The criterion for such allocation is to take into account the main links considered by the economic and social subsystems with the structure of the system as a whole. Rural territory can be represented in the form of interconnected spatial subsystems of the following: agricultural production, household, service, transport and information communications. At the same time, the potential for consumption of material and spiritual goods can be considered from the standpoint of three types of social accessibility: material, spiritual and spatial-temporal. It is revealed that the main disproportions in the modern development of rural areas are the disproportions between the potential of consumption, on the one hand, and the level of actual availability of material and spiritual goods, on the other. To eliminate these imbalances, it is advisable to use system analysis tools that allow you to obtain the necessary information about the interaction of social and economic factors. At the same time, the study of current trends in the interaction of economic and social processes that determine the standard of living of the rural population shows that the placement of capital investments within a rural municipal district should be based on a comprehensive cost-effectiveness analysis, since the evaluation of the effectiveness of investments for individual objects does not take into account the interrelationships, interaction and synergetic effect of socio-economic factors affecting the qual

2022 ◽  
pp. 636-652
Innocent Chirisa ◽  
Abraham Rajab Matamanda

This chapter describes and explains the role of science communication to advance environmental education on climate change with a special reference on Africa being one of the regions suffering from the effects of climate-induced disasters and risks in the increased anthropogenic effects of modern development. It is argued that scientists are poor communicators on what they do, and hence, are often misunderstood by the media and society. This then calls for attention to be paid with regards to science communication, which has to be packaged in ways that make it easier for the generality of citizens to interpret and understand. Efforts in this regard are made possible through environmental education, which has proved to be useful in the discourse of disaster risk management in different parts of the world. The buttressing methodological philosophy to this chapter is applied systems approach. Critical areas of reference are health and diseases, resilient communities, coastal adaptation, and farming practices and technologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 107 (7) ◽  
pp. 50-60
Vadim Tsirenshchikov ◽  

The article deals with the consideration of the concept and practice of the new strategic foresight being developed in the European Union. It summarizes the EU's experience in clarifying the conceptual framework, in the conceptual apparatus, methodology and expected practice of using strategic foresight for the development and implementation of policies to achieve the declared goals of long-term development. The main attention is paid to the analysis of four interrelated factors assessed by the European Commission as determining its target setting for sustainable development: socio-economic, geopolitical, green and digital, as well as issues of political decisions monitoring. Based on the results of the work, conclusions were made that are of fundamental importance for the formation of the prognostic component of domestic policy, with a focus on the general socio-economic and political conditions necessary to create a strategic forecasting system that is not yet available in Russia, adequate to the requirements of modern development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 62-79
Sergei Alevtinovich Smirnov ◽  

Introduction. The purpose of this study was to analyze L. S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical psychology from the perspective of distinguishing the structure of the act of development within its framework and understanding its explanatory potential as a whole. This analysis enables to clarify and understand the essence of the digital and virtual shift. Moreover, it is required in order to overcome the limitations associated with the currently dominant behavioral models, which are used by researchers in their attempts to explain and describe the phenomenon of the influence of digital technologies on people, in particular, on schoolchildren and students. Materials and Methods. The paper considers the concept derived from L. S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical psychology, which is proposed to be adopted as a basic one in order to build an explanatory model used by the author to describe and comprehend the phenomenon of transformation of the human development process in the new reality of the digital environment. Results. The article introduces the basic principles and provisions, the explanatory model is built on, concerning the role of symbolic-instrumental mediation in human development, the role of an adult as a mediator, the structure of the act of thinking and the act of development, the basic mechanism of mastering a person's behavior, which permeates the formation of higher mental functions. The author compares this explanatory model and the behavioral model used in most modern research investigations that examine the impact of digital technologies on schoolchildren and students. Conclusions. The findings show that the student is presented in the behavioral model as a passive reactive being that reacts to external stimuli. In this sense, a human being is not treated as a personality with highest abilities, but is considered as a function. The proposed model cannot be used to explain and comprehend modern development processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 080-093
Sergey S. Tsyganenko ◽  

The article addresses the issues of the modern development of judicial forms in relation to appellate proceedings in criminal proceedings in a systematic manner and in connection with the development and formation of cassation proceedings, as well as the exceptional procedures for review – judicial supervision and consideration of cases in newly discovered circumstances. This approach has not yet been developed and in terms of the systemic approach has some ambiguities and imperfections. At the same time, this use of almost all the main forms of judicial review takes place in Russia for the first time and needs in-depth analysis. In turn, the appellate procedure for judicial activity in the criminal process has reached a new level, it has significantly expanded and strengthened. A special judicial unit has been established in the judicial system, five appellate courts, which, in the light of the improvement of the procedural procedure for reviewing an appeal, significantly changes its position in the criminal justice system, due, in particular, to the properties of freedom of appeal and appellate validity of decisions and actions.

В.Б. Заалишвили ◽  
Д.А. Мельков ◽  
А.Ф. Габараев ◽  
Т.И. Мерзликин

Исследования нелинейных явлений в грунтах, начатые в России почти 60 лет назад, явились стимулом современного развития исследований сейсмоаномальных явлений в комплексе геофизических показателей, наблюдающихся при сильных и разрушительных землетрясениях. Кроме чисто научных интересов большой интерес вызывает вопрос прогнозирования поведения грунтов и сооружений с точки зрения адекватности ожидаемому проявлению сейсмического воздействия. Адекватное изучение нелинейности, являющейся неотъемлемой характеристикой природных явлений, позволит приблизить соответствующее антисейсмические мероприятия к реальным особенностям проявлений сейсмического эффекта при сильных землетрясениях. Цельюработы являлось построение расчетной модели, описывающей явления, наблюдаемые в грунтовой среде при сильных сейсмических воздействиях и сопоставление расчетных данных с результатами инструментальных наблюдений. Методы. В работе анализируется иснтрументальная запись, полученная на слабых грунтах, на сонове вейвлет нанализа. Моделируются импульсы различной проолжитлеьности в среде с различной стпенью проявления нелинейных свойст (кртутизны нелиненйой заивисисмоти напряжение -деформация) методом конечных элементов. Результаты. В результате установлены различия в спектральном составе моделируемых импульсов. Сильное проявление нелинейных свойств характеризуется резкими изменениями фаз колебаний, в фазах высокой скорости нарастания амплитуд. В нелинейных спектрах происходит перераспределение энергии в более высокочастотную область, кратную основному пику, тем сильнее, чем сильнее нелинейность кривой наряжение-деформация. Studies of nonlinear phenomena in soils, which began in Russia almost 60 years ago, have stimulated the modern development of studies of seismically anomalous phenomena in the complex of geophysical indicators observed during strong and destructive earthquakes. In addition to scientific interests, the issue of forecasting the behavior of soils and structures from the point of view of adequacy to the expected manifestation of seismic impact is of great interest. An adequate study of nonlinearity, which is an integral characteristic of natural phenomena, will make it possible to bring the corresponding antiseismic measures closer to the real features of the manifestations of the seismic effect during strong earthquakes. Aim. The aim of the work was to build a computational model describing the phenomena observed in a soil medium under strong seismic effects and to compare the computed data with the results of instrumental observations. Methods.The paper analyzes an instrumental record obtained on soft soils using wavelet analysis. With the help of the finite element method pulses of different duration are modeled in a medium with different degrees of nonlinear properties manifestation (steepness of nonlinear stress-strain dependence). Results. As a result, differences in the spectral composition of the modeled pulses were determined. A strong manifestation of nonlinear properties is characterized by sharp changes in the phases of vibrations, in the phases of a high rate of amplitude rise. In nonlinear spectra, the energy is redistributed to a higher frequency region, which is a multiple of the main peak and the stronger the nonlinearity of the stress-strain curve is stronger.

2021 ◽  
Teshager Muluneh ◽  
Wondim Awoke

Abstract Placing relevant breeding objectives and identification of indigenous breeding practices is crucial to integrating modern development in animal breeding into purposeful industry programs. Hence, the objective of this study was to identify selection criteria and indigenous breeding practices of the goat in Abaya and Galan district southern Oromia, part of Ethiopia. Data were collected from 180 households through interview schedules and focus group discussions. The effective population size and inbreeding rate of the community were calculated using ΔF = 1/2Ne. Conformation, growth rate, coat color for buck and conformation, twining ability, age at sexual maturity, kidding interval, and color for females are selection criteria for replacement of stock in the study area. In both districts, farmers have relatively similar production and breeding objectives. Conformation is hub selection criteria for replacement of breeding flock. The study area has liable by inbreeding 0.22 in Abaya and 0.29 in Galan. Goat in the study area is prolific twinning birth (72.22%). Trait preferences of farmers in goats were conformation, growth rate, twinning, and kidding interval. Hence adopting a community-based goat breeding program that is suited to study areas which aimed at improving preferred traits is relevant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-213
Pabali Musa ◽  
Diaz Restu Darmawan ◽  
Rossa Fitriana ◽  
Debora Agustina ◽  
Egi Pratama Rizqi

The phenomenon of the development of the local leadership system in the Dayak Salako community in Nyarumkop village, Singkawang, West Kalimantan, cannot be separated from the current era development; of which the existing leadership system in the community requires dynamic aspects to make the traditional leadership system able to adjust its functions and role in the society that continues to develop. This article will analyze and explain how local leadership forms when community groups Dayak Salako still live as a Bantang community until now, which has become a village community that already has its formal and bureaucratic government leadership. Through a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach, key informants from the customary chief and other stakeholders within the community, it turns out that the leadership of the Dayak Salako customary chief has undergone several changes following the form of life of the community. Even though the global modern development impacts the community's way of life, the importance and influence of customary chief are pertinent. Fenomena perkembangan sistem kepemimpinan lokal pada masyarakat Dayak Salako di Desa Nyarumkop, Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat, tidak lepas dari perkembangan zaman saat ini; dimana sistem kepemimpinan yang ada di masyarakat membutuhkan aspek dinamis agar sistem kepemimpinan tradisional mampu menyesuaikan fungsi dan perannya dalam masyarakat yang terus berkembang. Artikel ini akan menganalisis dan menjelaskan bagaimana kepemimpinan lokal terbentuk ketika kelompok masyarakat Dayak Salako masih hidup sebagai masyarakat Bentang sampai sekarang, yang telah menjadi masyarakat desa yang telah memiliki kepemimpinan pemerintahan formal dan birokrasi. Melalui metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi, informan kunci dari kepala adat dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya dalam masyarakat, ternyata kepemimpinan kepala adat Dayak Salako telah mengalami beberapa kali perubahan mengikuti bentuk kehidupan masyarakat. Meskipun perkembangan modern global berdampak pada cara hidup masyarakat, peran penting dan pengaruh kepala adat tetap relevan.

I. M. Novak ◽  
K. V. Suhetska

Modern science pays a lot of attention to solving issues of the company's functioning under the influence of crisis phenomena and processes. Nevertheless, the conditions of modern development associated with high risk, sudden transformations, crises and shocks, the main task is set by the study of the latest elements of company diagnostics. Based on this, diagnostics of the company's crisis state is a fundamental component of the successful development of agricultural companies. It is considered as one of the areas of economic diagnostics and is closely related to the diagnostics of the threat of bankruptcy. It is also important to note that the main component of diagnosing the level of effectiveness of antisipative management of enterprises with an agricultural direction is the definition of a system of criteria for identifying specific causes leading to a crisis situation and a failure in agricultural activity, which has a very important scientific, practical and methodological significance for economic science.The main purpose of the article is to study the problem of bankruptcy diagnosis at domestic enterprises, substantiation of theoretical provisions and development of practical recommendations for improving the diagnosis of antisipative management of enterprises in the system of management diagnostics. The article identifies the main tasks facing enterprises seeking to prevent and prevent the onset of crisis situations, analyzes the stages of diagnosis and considers the main models for predicting the bankruptcy of the enterprise. It was found that the models show real results only in the conditions for which they were created. That is, it is necessary to develop a model in which the assessment of the financial condition of agricultural enterprises would be based on domestic accounting and reporting standards, which would use the statistical, information base of domestic enterprises taking into account the specifics of the industry.

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