scholarly journals Ni "campo" ni "mundo": Aportes y herramientas para historiar la cultura musical de principios del siglo XIX en Buenos Aires = Neither "field" nor "world": Contributions and theoretical tools to historicise the musical culture of the early 19th century in Buenos Aires

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 287
Guillermina Guillamon

Resumen: En el presente artículo se analizan y sistematizan diversos trabajos provenientes tanto de la historia cultural como de la sociología, con el objetivo de señalar herramientas conceptuales y perspectivas metodológicas que permiten problematizar el análisis de la cultura musical de principios de siglo XIX. El fin último es, entonces, mostrar cómo a partir de diversos aportes teóricos y analíticos, la música constituye un objeto de estudio posible de ser abordado por las ciencias sociales.Palabras clave: Cultura musical, historia cultural, sociología de la música, Buenos Aires siglo XIX.Abstract: This article analyses and systematises works from both cultural history and sociology, in order to point out conceptual tools and methodological perspectives that allow the analysis of musical culture at the beginning of the 19th century to be problematised. The main objective is to show how, based on diverse theoretical and analytical contributions, music constitutes an object of study that can be addressed by the social sciences.Key words: Musical culture, cultural history, sociology of music, Buenos Aires 19th century.

Elena A. Kalinina

Libraries are the integral part of cultural history of Russia. Widespread opening of school libraries in the Russian Empire began in the early 19th century. They began opening school libraries across Russia in the beginning of the 19th century. The paper aims to show the formation and development of libraries in educational institutions of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. The research is based on legislative documents regulating the functions of activity of school libraries and archival materials on the Russian history of the 19th century.

2009 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 227
Luz del Rocío Bermúdez H.

Escasa y mal documentada, la migración francesa en Chiapas durante el siglo XIX puede encontrar una veta de investigación? en los casos de Borduin y Dugelay, padre e hijo, en la ciudad de San Cristóbal de Las Casas. El primero, conocido como «francés», aunque procedente del Bajo Canadá, se convirtió desde 1839 en figura central local, entre otros aspectos, por su apreciada profesión en medio de continuos brotes epidémicos. Más de cuatro décadas después, en pleno auge de la influencia francesa en México, Diego Dugelay gozó por su parte el privilegio doble del origen de su padre y el poder social, político y económico, heredados de su madre. Además del testimonio individual ambas trayectorias, alguna vez contrastantes y complementarias, muestran también ciertos mecanismos, aspiraciones y paradojas ocurridas en Chiapas durante su primera apertura hacia los «hermanos de allende los mares». ABSTRACT Scarcely and poorly documented, the French migration in Chiapas during the 19th century may find a vein of research[*] in the cases of Borduin and Dugelay, father and son, in the city of San Cristóbal de Las Casas. The first, known as “French” although in reality originating from francophone Canada, converted after 1839 into a central local figure, among other aspects, due to his esteemed profession amidst continuous epidemic outbreaks. More than four decades later, in the boom of French influence in Mexico, Diego Dugelay for his part enjoyed the double privilege of his father’s origin and the social, political and economic power inherited from his mother. In addition to the individual testimony, both trajectories, at times contrasting and others complementary, also demonstrate certain mechanisms, aspirations and paradoxes occurred in Chiapas during its first opening toward the “overseas brothers.”

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 150
Ahmad Athoillah

This paper discusses the process of forming identities carried out by the Hadhrami community in Batavia throughout the late 18th century until the beginning of the 20th century. The taking of the topic was motivated by the strong social identity of the Hadhrami community in Batavia, especially in religion and economy since the 19th century to the present. The problem of this research is about the form and process of forming Hadhrami social identity from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century. To answer these problems, a critical historical method is used by using various historical sources and relevant reference studies.Some of the results obtained from this study are various historical realities, such as the formation of social religious symbols including mosques and religious teaching forum. Some important things are the formation of economic identities such as wholesale trade, shipping businesses and property businesses. In addition, there were also shifting settlements from Hadhrami over the Koja people in Pekojan in the early 19th century, as well as the shift of the Hadhrami to the inland of Batavia in the late 19th century. These various realities ultimately affected various forms and processes of forming the social identity of the Hadhrami community, such as the material aspects, language, behavior, and collective ideas of the Hadhrami community especially at the beginning of the 19th century. Generally the Hadhrami community had transformed themselves and their collective parts into colonial society in Batavia until the beginning of the 20th century.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 229-235
A V Myrikova ◽  
O E Puchnina

Nikolai Konstantinovich Mikhailovsky is a prominent figure in the history of Russian social and political thought, a classic of populism, a vivid publicist, public figure, authoritative thinker, teacher of Russian life and «ruler of the thoughts» of the post-reform Russia in the 19th century. Collection «N. K. Mikhailovsky: The man. Thinker. A public figure (on the occasion of his 175th birthday)», published in Voronezh on the basis of the Voronezh State University, was able to unite the researchers of populism thoughts from all over the country. The collection includes articles by authors from different cities of our country: Voronezh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Tambov, Taganrog, Surgut, Krasnoyarsk, Orel, Balashov. The collection contains articles by leading specialists on this subject - V. V. Blokhin, V. V. Zvereva, G. N. Mokshina, A. A. Shirinyantsa, A. I. Yudin and others.The diversity of topics and approaches to the analysis of Mikhailovsky’s works, selected by the authors of the collection, provides a comprehensive view of the object of study and the breadth of ideological coverage.The publication of the collection of scientific articles «N. K. Mikhailovsky: The man. Thinker. Public figure» is a landmark event for contemporary humanitarian thought, the history of social and political thought and the history of the social movement in Russia. It represents a successful combination of high professional analysis, relevance and acuteness of topics and can be recommended to specialists in the field of the history of populism thought, and to all those interested in the history of Russia of modern times.

2021 ◽  

Argentina emerged as a nation-state in the latter half of the 19th century. However, both popular culture and the official history generally agree that Argentina’s origins lay in the break with Spain in 1810 or even earlier, during the colonial period. The Hispanic monarchy’s dominions in South America were governed by a viceroy based in Lima until the 18th century, when two new divisions were created: the viceroy of New Granada governed the northern half of the continent, and the viceroy of Río de la Plata governed the south. The latter, whose capital was Buenos Aires, included most of what would become Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Peru. The early-19th-century crisis of the Spanish monarchy created the conditions for the establishment of various nation-states in South America. The viceroyalty of Río de la Plata disintegrated into small power units, and a series of civil wars broke out. Paraguay would be the first independent entity to emerge (1811), followed by Bolivia (1824) and Uruguay (1828). The rest of the fourteen states-provinces of the old viceroyalty continued fighting until 1862, at which point the Argentine Republic was created. The period starting in 1862 is referred to in Argentine national historiography as the period of “national organization,” during which the state gave substance to its sovereignty and institutions. Since the colonial period, agriculture had been the principal productive sector. Toward the end of the 19th century, cattle and grains became the principal and essentially the only exports, and the engine of its growth. Some areas of the country, most especially the city of Buenos Aires and the areas under its influence, underwent rapid demographic and economic growth, which gave Buenos Aires, the country’s major port, a disproportionate role in the territory as a whole, making it the country’s critical center. In the late 19th century, state construction coincided with an important series of transformations, including the forcible incorporation of Patagonia and Gran Chaco, which until then had been under the control of indigenous peoples (“Desert Campaign,” 1878–1885), the takeoff of agricultural exports, infrastructure construction (ports, railways, etc.), rapid urbanization, and, especially, the massive arrival of immigrants, most of them from Europe, who would play an active role throughout this transformative process.

Monica Jovanovich-Kelley

Originating from the French word féminisme, feminism’s first appearance in 1837 is attributed to the social theorist Charles Fourier (1772–1837). Denoting a principle that argues for the rights of women and the equality of the sexes, it grew increasingly popular as a term in the second half of the 19th century, and first appeared in the Oxford Dictionary of English in 1895. As a reform movement with a network of activists comprising both sexes across the Americas and Europe, the championing of political, financial, and social equality for women had its roots in abolitionist and temperance movements of the early 19th century. Roughly divided into three waves, the first began in the mid-1800s and peaked in the United States and Europe between 1890 and 1920. The second took place from the late 1960s to the 1980s, and was followed by a third in the mid-1990s.

Isabel María Rodríguez Marco

Este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo realizar un estado de la cuestión de la investigación sobre la miniatura-retrato. Se trata de una materia poco estudiada en España, a diferencia de otros países como Inglaterra o Francia, a pesar de que ha habido importantes colecciones de miniaturas en nuestro país. Por otro lado, hay que destacar que estas piezas son de enorme interés para la investigación, pues revelan usos de la imagen altamente significativos para la historia cultural de las épocas moderna y contemporánea. Se ha realizado un análisis pormenorizado de la bibliografía existente, remontándonos a las obras publicadas en el siglo XIX hasta los trabajos más recientes, tanto españoles como extranjeros, subrayando el valor de los planteamientos interdisciplinares de la investigación actual.Miniatures and small portraits are highly significant to the cultural history of Modern and Contemporary periods. We have focused on portrait miniature, due to the lack of research on this area in Spain, even though miniatures had been deeply appreciated among private collectors. With the aim of attempting the state of the art, we have carefully analysed a variety of bibliographical references, starting with the first studies dated from the 19th century, finishing with the more recent ones, by Spanish and foreign authors. It is worth mentioning that, today, researchers are following an interdisciplinary methodology that we consider highly enriching.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. 14
José Gómez-Huerta Suárez

El ceremonial en el siglo XIX en México, era una herramienta que contribuía a establecer y consolidar lo social, resguardaba privilegios de la clase alta y legitimaba a un sector político. El ceremonial luego entonces es utilizado en ese siglo como un mensaje a través de formalidades y honores. Existen, desde luego, innumerables factores comprendidos en el concepto del ceremonial, como que es una forma de comunicación que se ocupa del protocolo, precedencias estructuradas de relaciones formales. Por lo tanto, revisaremos dos documentos de ceremonial en México en la primera mitad del siglo XIX, uno sobre el culto funerario de un presidente de México y otro relativo a los actos públicos o privados donde concurre el presidente de México.______________________________________The ceremonial in the nineteenth century in Mexico, was a tool that helped to establish and consolidate the social, protected privileges of the upper class and legitimized a political sector. The ceremonial then is then used in that century as a message through formalities and honors. There are, of course, innumerable factors included in the concept of ceremonial, as being a form of communication that deals with protocol, structured precedences of formal relationships. Therefore, we will review two ceremonial documents in Mexico in the first half of the 19th century, one on the funerary cult of a Mexican president and the other on public or private acts attended by the president of Mexico.

Lucas Andrés Masán

En estas páginas efectuamos una primera aproximación sobre los eventos aerostáticos en Buenos Aires durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX. Entendidos como espectáculos públicos inscriptos en un espacio urbano en reconfiguración, es posible advertir en la paulatina incorporación de lo aéreo cierta vocación social por interpelar a los habitantes de la ciudad. Para dar cuenta de este derrotero examinamos desde las germinales inscripciones de las montgolfieras en el imaginario local en la década de 1820 hasta la primera experiencia de globo tripulado efectuada por Bartolomé Lartet en 1856. Observamos la trayectoria de estas exhibiciones como instancias que condensan expresiones y deseos comunitarios entre los cuales es posible entrever preocupaciones de carácter social y político. En este camino los sentidos asociados al globo aerostático nos permiten ver una latente incorporación del ideario moderno basado en la novedad, la valoración de acciones temerarias y una nueva estimulación sensorial del habitante. In these pages we make a first approximation of the aerostatic events in Buenos Aires during the first half of the 19th century. Understood as public performances inscribed in an urban space undergoing reconfiguration, it is possible to notice in the gradual incorporation of the air a social vocation for questioning the inhabitants of the city. To account for this course we examine from the germinal inscriptions of the montgolfieras in the local imagination in the 1820s to the first manned balloon experience carried out by Bartolomé Lartet in 1856. We observe the trajectory of these exhibitions as instances that condense expressions and wishes community among which it is possible to glimpse social and political concerns. In this way, the senses associated with the hot air balloon allow us to see a latent incorporation of modern ideology based on novelty, the valuation of reckless actions and a new sensory stimulation of the inhabitant.

Eduardo A.  Escudero

Resumen  Este artículo se acerca a una figura, aunque de algún modo principal, un tanto descuidada por la historia de la historiografía en la Argentina y en Latinoamérica: la del cordobés Ramón J. Cárcano (1860-1946). Se está en presencia de un historiador liberal que suelda su intervención intelectual y política con una tradición historiográfica fundada en Buenos Aires, mixturando a su vez esa práctica, por cierto constante y sistemática, en los tiempos e instancias de un derrotero clásico, propio de un miembro destacado de la elite política del reformismo liberal, que ubica a la historia en la médula de su disputa por el poder.  El examen propuesto documenta e interpreta el esfuerzo de síntesis historiográfica resuelto por Cárcano, concreción que proyecta el territorio historiográfico al plano de la historia diplomática y política y está dispuesto a indagar, fundamentalmente, las vinculaciones entre Argentina y Brasil durante gran parte del siglo XIX. Asimismo, se busca arribar a la conceptualización que el mismo intelectual efectuara sobre la Historia y sobre su propia labor historiográfica en el contexto argentino con sus respectivos referentes, recuperando luego las voces de sus críticos para acceder al lugar ocupado por el cordobés en distintos planos del panorama intelectual e historiográfico de la Argentina y de Brasil desde finales del siglo XIX hasta casi finalizados los años treinta.  Palabras clave  Historiografía, Liberalismo, Diplomacia.  Abstract  This article approaches a figure, albeit somehow principal, rather overlooked by the history of historiography in Argentina: that of the Cordobese Ramón J. Cárcano (1860-1946). One is in front of a liberal historian that welds his intellectual and political intervention into a historiographic tradition founded in Buenos Aires, mixing simultaneously that practice, incidentally constant and systematic, in the times and moments of a classic course characteristic of an outstanding member of the political elite of liberal reformism, placing history in the heart of the power dispute.  The analysis proposed documents and interprets the effort of historiographic synthesis resolved by Cárcano, a realisation that projects the historiographic territory onto the plane of diplomatic and poltical history, and is ready to investigate, fundamentally, the links between Argentina and Brazil during a great part of the 19th century. Likewise, the intention is to arrive at the conceptualisation which the intellectual himself would make about History and his own historiography work in the Argentinian context with its respective references, retrieving later on his critics’ voices, to access the position of the Cordobese in the different levels of the intellectual and historiographic panorama in Argentina and Brazil from the end of the 19th century to the late thirties.  Key Words  Historiography, Liberalism, Diplomacy.

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