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Alejandro Hernández-Melián ◽  

The purpose of the research is to analyze the opinions of the graduates in Social Work of the University of La Laguna about their Study Plan, in order that it can serve to evaluate, improve and update this and other curricula of the discipline in other university centres. This work has a descriptive quantitative method and used a questionnaire for data collection, with 102 participants and statistical treatment with SPSS. The main results show a great demand to adjust, firstly, the teaching methods of the teaching staff to the new needs of their students, and secondly, the subjects and contents with the current social realities. Likewise, it points towards a disconnection between university-society, reflected in the problems derived from curricular practices and the application of workshops with external professionals and real practical cases as two of the favourites activities as content of practical classes. Therefore, studies in Social Work in Spain must remain in constant review so as not to be outdated, since social reality, its object of study and analysis, is an element in constant change.

María T. Vélez ◽  

This document presents the report of an investigation that has objetive is analyze the influence of pornography on sexual relations between young peope and teenegers. As well, the influence of pornography on risky and violent sexual relationships. Also, the influence on the internalization of gender roles. At last, information has been collected on the sexuality education that students have received. The collection of information was carried out through a questionnaire answered by students from different institutes of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria. The population object of study has been students with ages between 14 and 21 years. It has been possible to specify thet a high percentage of the people surveyed consume pornography. This consumption is mostly alone and as a learning methof. Men are the ones who consume the most pornography.

Climate ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Kristian Fabbri

Research on the relationship between microclimate and heritage buildings or historic buildings has increased dramatically in the last few decades. Research has focused on indoor climate or indoor microclimate or the environment or micro-environment, and the field of these studies regards several variables, physical—air temperature, air speed, relative humidity—or chemical, dust, CO2, pollution, etc., all of which can have an effect or damage buildings or artifacts inside buildings. Moreover, all these variables should be monitored in a monitoring campaign following the standard EN 15757; in spite of this, scientific literature contains mistakes with regard to the words and objects of study. In this short contribution, the author proposes a common nomenclature in the research field of climate and microclimate in heritage buildings and heritage artifacts. A new nomenclature should be useful for the community of heritage scientists working on preventive measures to distinguish between climate and environment, or the object of study, e.g., the room (wall, wood structure, fresco, etc.) where the artifacts are or the air around them (painting, canvas, statue, piece of furniture, documents, books, etc.).

2022 ◽  
pp. 302-321
Petya Ivanova Toneva

The purpose of this chapter is to provide knowledge and propose a methodology for identifying the potential hazards and dealing with health, safety, and security risks in special events. The object of study is special events and the issues caused by their characteristics to concentrate visitors in a certain place for a limited period of time under a planned program. The highlighted issue concerning health, safety, and security in special events is crowd and its management. The author's main thesis is based on the need for a systematic management approach, in which measures are taken for the safety, health, and security of the employees, volunteers, and visitors while planning and conducting an event. This chapter focuses on risk management, which includes identifying potential hazards, risk analysis and risk assessment, measures to prevent or control the risk, as well as developing an action plan. The chapter attempts to provide a comprehensive health, safety, and security risk management framework aimed at special event management and to offer a set of planning and control tools.

Fernando Elemar Vicente dos Anjos ◽  
Luiz Alberto Oliveira Rocha ◽  
Débora Oliveira da Silva ◽  
Rodrigo Pacheco ◽  
Divina Márcia Borges Pinheiro

Cognitive approaches to teaching generate learning through the interaction between the subject and object of study. One of the strategies to create this interaction is related to the application of virtual and augmented reality in the teaching-learning processes. Through a systematic literature review, this work aims to describe the approaches used to measure the impacts on student learning who used virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in the teaching-learning processes of engineering courses, the impacts on learning, and student satisfaction. The surveys showed that 70% of research analyzed, students who used virtual reality or augmented reality learned more, and 90% of the research described that students who used virtual or augmented reality were more satisfied with the new approach than the traditional teaching approach. The conclusion is that there are positive impacts, in the vast majority of cases, on learning and the satisfaction of students who use virtual or augmented reality in the teaching-learning processes applied in engineering courses.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 202
Dwi Novita Sari ◽  
Dian Armanto

<p class="AfiliasiCxSpFirst" align="left"><strong>Abstrak:</strong><strong></strong></p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpMiddle">Tujuan artikel ini adalah memberikan informasi mengenai pengertian filsafat matematika, pengertian filsafat pendidikan dan hubungan antara matematika dengan filsafat pendidikan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dan studi literatur (<em>library research</em>). Temuan dalam artikel ini adalah hubungan  antara matematika dan filsafat pendidikan yang saling bersinergi satu sama lain. Kesamaan antara matematika dan filsafat adalah memiliki objek kajian yang sama yaitu begerak pada tingkat generalitas dan abstraksi yang tinggi, mempergunakan akal/ rasional dan tidak melakukan eksperimen, serta tidak memerlukan peralatan laboratorium. Namun, matematika dan filsafat juga memiliki perbedaan yaitu jenis metode dalam menelaah suatu kebenaran. Matematika menggunakan metode deduksi dimana kebenaran dari hasil penelaahannya harus dapat ditunjukan dengan serangkaian langkah pembuktian. Sedangkan filsafat menggunakan macam–macam metode rasional dimana proses pembuktian itu tidak harus terjadi tetapi harus berlangsung dengan alasan-alasan yang diperoleh dari penalaran serta dapat bersifat fleksibel.</p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpMiddle"> </p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpLast" align="left"><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>:</p><p>Matematika, Filsafat, Pendidikan</p><p> </p><p class="Afiliasi"><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong></p><pre><em>This study aims to inform the concept of philosophy in mathematics, the concept of philosophy in education, and the relationship between mathematics and the philosophy of education. This study follows a descriptive approach with a literature study (library research). The findings indicate the relationship between mathematics and educational philosophy that synergize with each other. The similarity between mathematics and philosophy is that they have the same object of study, namely dealing with a high level of generality and abstraction, using reason/rationality, not conducting experiments, not requiring laboratory equipment. However, mathematics and philosophy are also different in terms of the method in examining a truth. Mathematics uses deduction where the truth of the results of the study must be presented by steps of proving evidence. Meanwhile, philosophy uses various traditional methods where the process of proving evidence does not need to be presented, but it must take place with reasons derived from reasoning and can be flexible.</em><em></em></pre><pre><em> </em></pre><p class="Afiliasi" align="left"><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:</em></p><em>Mathematics, Philosophy, Education</em>

2022 ◽  
Vol 2153 (1) ◽  
pp. 012006
Y W Yung-Vargas ◽  
A Rodríguez-Lizcano ◽  
C A Peña-Soto

Abstract The dense hot MDC-19 type asphalt mixes are considered, by the “Instituto Nacional de Vías” in Colombia, as continuous grading asphalt mixes (asphalt concrete). These constitute most of the surface course, in the structures of in-service pavements, being the object of study and research in different projects to ensure their durability. In the present investigation, unlike other investigations, the mechanical behavior under Marshall monotonic load was studied in the laboratory between MDC-19 dense type asphalt mixtures, comparing plant-produced and laboratory-produced asphalt mixtures. To carry out this process, samples of uncompacted asphalt mixtures were taken, produced in four fixed plants, with which Marshall-type briquettes were compacted. Likewise, samples of mineral aggregates and asphalt cement were obtained from the same plants, which constitute the mixtures raw material produced there. With these materials, briquettes with the same characteristics were mixed and compacted. Subsequently, the resistance under Marshall monotonic load was determined on the briquettes manufactured in plant and laboratory. The optimal asphalt cement content was compared between plant and laboratory- produced mixtures. An increase in Marshall Stability was found in the briquettes made with plant-produced mixtures, while these required a greater amount of asphalt cement for their production.

2021 ◽  
pp. 24-28
Dimítri De Araújo Costa ◽  
Nuno Gomes ◽  
Harold Cantallo ◽  
Carlos Antunes

Society in general is distant from scientific culture, it is required to bring scientific knowledge closer to the population. In this context, an effective and attractive way for scientific dissemination is the establishment of natural history museums, which are institutions of knowledge, displaying the past. Natural history museums have the natural world as their object of study; and their collections may contain the most diverse types of materials (local and/or from various parts of the world), such as zoological, botanical, geological, archaeological, among others. Scientific collections are the largest and most important source of authoritative biodiversity data, contributing to studies of biodiversity composition, evolutionary (morphological and genetic), biogeographical, phenological, as well as geological. The materials present in these collections may serve for temporal comparison, being useful to produce predictive models. Likewise, they have a fundamental role in safeguarding type specimens, i.e. the first organisms identified to describe and name a new species. In addition, there is the component available to visitors in general, in order to raise public awareness on the preservation of the local fauna and flora and of other places in the world. In this way, the museums serve both the academic-scientific public and visitors who come to these sites for recreational purposes. It is intended to promote, in Vila Nova de Cerveira, the Natural History Museum of the Iberian Peninsula - NatMIP (“Museu de História Natural da Península Ibérica”), which intends to collect materials for scientific purposes, mainly Iberian.

María Elena Hernández-Hernández ◽  
Armando Arroyo-Ruíz ◽  
Esmeralda Aguilar-Pérez

Throughout the history of education, tools or mechanisms have been used for student learning, which is why educational institutions have not only focused on increasing their use, but also on updating the way and means they use to to teach. These institutions are also concerned with innovating and generating didactic tools, so that students can have the means of support that allow them to obtain new knowledge or reinforce those acquired in the classroom. In the present work, the design of a simulation kit or sets of support means is presented to carry out learning activities in an individual or group context, for the subject Introduction to Financial Accounting of the Public Accountant career of the National Technological Institute of Mexico , San Martín Texmelucan campus (ITSSMT). The methodology used was a non-experimental design, the variables in question were not manipulated, with a descriptive study to identify and design the content of the kit, a qualitative approach, having as object of study the needs of the students of the Public Accountant career ITSSMT, to which the survey for field research was applied.

Francisco Chacón Jimenez

This work examines the claim of objects as explanatory protagonists of historical analysis against the perspective set forth in the book L´Histoire en miettes: des Annales à la «nouvelle histoire», by François Dosse (1987). This article aims to study the theoretical and epistemological turn regarding the historiographical approach. With this objective, we start from the family as an object of study, so that we place it between history and social sciences. It is precisely in the creation of the object, in the new analytical categories and in the renewal of the methods, where the true synthesis occurs as a contribution and creation of knowledge regarding the social organization and its operating processes.The system of social relations and the integration of individuals in the community provide families with the lead role in social change or resistance. Thus, factors such as hierarchy, intergenerational genealogies, domination, inequality and dependency are determined. La reivindicación de los objetos como protagonistas explicativos del análisis histórico frente a la consideración de fragmentos tras el clásico, pero acertado para su contexto y momento histórico: L´Histoire en miettes: des Annales à la «nouvelle histoire», de François Dosse (1987), pretende ofrecer un giro teórico y epistemológico respecto al enfoque historiográfico. Para ello partimos del objeto Familia y lo situamos entre historia y ciencias sociales. Es, precisamente, en la creación del objeto, en las nuevas categorías analíticas y en la renovación de los métodos, donde se produce la verdadera síntesis en tanto que aportación y creación de conocimiento respecto a la organización social y sus procesos de funcionamiento.El sistema de relaciones sociales y la integración de los individuos en la comunidad, le otorga a las familias el protagonismo en el cambio social o en las resistencias. Se determinan así factores como jerarquía, genealogías intergeneracionales, dominación, desigualdad y dependencia.

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