M. Yu. Zubkov ◽  

We have discussed the first results of hydrothermal modeling of the formation of secondary reservoirs (hydrothermal silicites) in siliceous limestones, which are widespread in the Pre-Jurassic complex of West Siberia, namely, in the H2O-CO2 system, in which the mole fraction of CO2 varied from 0.0 to 1.0, and the temperature from 215 to 410оС. It has been found that in this system there is a predominant dissolution of carbonates and, first of all, dolomite, as a result of which the surface of siliceous limestone is silicified and secondary porosity is formed in them. In some samples, quartz microcrystals with varying degrees of perfection of crystal faceting are shaped. It is found that pyrite is also unstable under these hydrothermal conditions and decomposes forming iron-containing carbonates at its sacrifice. Its transformation into pyrrhotite and copper and nickel sulfides is also observed. Biogenic quartz dissolved by a hydrothermal fluid is released from it either in the form of microcrystalline quartz, or in the form of quenching phases represented by cristobalite and/or amorphous silica. It is also found that at temperatures above 360°C, instead of iron-containing carbonates, chlorite is formed due to pyrite, while kaolinite also decomposes along with pyrite. It was experimentally established for the first time that at a high temperature (410°C), carbon dioxide acquires oxidizing properties and, as a result of its interaction with copper, oxide and red oxide of copper are formed. In addition, under these conditions, pyrite passes into iron-containing carbonates rather than chlorite. The main regularities of the formation of secondary reservoirs, i. e. hydrothermal silicites, in the Paleozoic siliceous limestone have been revealed.

Georesursy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 30-40
Mikhail Yu. Zubkov

The results of hydrothermal modeling of the formation of epigenetic mineral associations and secondary reservoirs in various types of sedimentary rocks of the Jurassic age in Western Siberia in the H2O-H2O2 system are considered. The experiments were carried out at a temperature of 390°C, a pressure of 70 MPa and H2O2 concentrations varying from 0 to 37.5%. The duration of the experiments was 10 days. In all experiments, a pyrite mixture was added as a buffer. It was found that in experiments in which there was no H2O2, that is, the hydrothermal fluid consisted only of water, there was an intense formation of bitumen and volatile components from the organic matter present in the initial samples. The process of generation of bitumen and volatile components was accompanied by fluid fracturing of rocks and the formation of secondary porosity. Under these conditions, carbonates (calcite, siderite), plagioclases, and kaolinite turned out to be unstable. On the contrary, the formation of hydrothermal ferruginous chlorite was noted. Dissolution of unstable mineral phases by hydrothermal fluid led to the formation of additional secondary porosity. As the concentration of H2O2 and, accordingly, oxygen in the composition of the hydrothermal fluid increased, more and more complete oxidation of the organic matter present in the composition of the sediments was noted until its complete disappearance. With an increase in the oxygen concentration in the composition of the hydrothermal fluid, the appearance of first magnetite and then hematite, native sulfur, and anhydrite was observed. Under hydrothermal conditions with a maximum oxygen concentration, the formation of kaolinite and various sulfates in addition to anhydrite, represented by millosevichite, alum, as well as phases with the participation of elements that make up autoclaves, nickel and chromium sulfates, was noted. Intensive silicification of the sample surface is noted, as well as the constant presence of amorphous silica, which, along with various sulfates, is a quenching phase. These mineral phases are separated from the supersaturated hydrothermal fluid due to its rapid cooling and do not have time to form well-faceted crystals, but are present in the form of loose microporous aggregates. Along with kaolinite, the formation of hydrothermal film illite is noted. The results obtained indicate that the presence of bitumen in the Jurassic sediments is an important exploratory feature, indicating that in this place they were subjected to hydrothermal action, which means, firstly, secondary reservoirs with high filtration and capacity properties were formed, and second, there was an intensive generation of hydrocarbons and, as a consequence, the formation of hydrocarbon deposits.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 43-49
M. Miroshnychenko ◽  
O. Siabruk

Aim. The comparison of the effect of hydrothermal conditions and various agricultural practices on the emission of CO 2 from chernozems in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The dynamics of the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions from chernozem calcic (typical chernozem – in Ukrainian classifi cation) was studied during the growing season of 2011–2012. The observations were based on two fi eld experiments with various methods of soil till- age (6–7 years from the beginning of the experiment) and fertilization systems (21–22 years from the beginning of the experiment). Particularly, plowing at 20–22 cm, disking at 10–12 cm, cultivation at 6–8 cm and direct seeding using Great Plains drill were studied among the soil tillage methods. Mineral system (N 45 P 50 K 45 ), organic system (manure 8 t/ha) and combined organic-mineral system (manure 8 t/ha + N 45 P 50 K 45 ) were studied among fertilization systems. The intensity of CO 2 fl ux was determined using the non-stationary respiratory chambers by the alkaline absorption method, with averaging of the results during the day and the frequency of once a month. Results. During the warm period, the emission of carbon dioxide from the soil changes dynamically depending on temperature and humidity. The maximum of emission coincides with the periods of warm summer showers in June-July, the minimum values are characteristic for the late autumn period. The total emission losses of carbon in chernozems over the vegetation period ranged from 480 to 910 kg/ha and varied depending on the methods of tillage ± (4.0–6.0) % and fertilization systems ± (3.8–7.1) %. The changes in the intensity of CO 2 emission from the soil under different methods of soil tillage are associated with hydrothermal regime and the depth of crop residues location. The biggest difference is observed im- mediately after tillage, but in the spring period the differences are only 12–25 %, and after drying of the top layer of soil become even less. Direct seeding technology provides the greatest emission of CO 2 from chernozem, which is fa- cilitated by better water regime and more complete mineralization of plant residues on the soil surface. Annual losses of carbon are the least under disking of soil at 10–12 cm. The changes in the intensity of CO 2 emission from the soil under different fertilization systems are associated with the involvement of the additional organic matter from plant residues and manure to the microbiological decomposition. The greatest emission was observed under the organic- mineral fertilization system, which increased the loss of carbon by 7–8 % in comparison with the mineral system in the unfavorable hydrothermal year and by 11–15 % in the more favorable year. These differences are observed mainly during the fi rst half of the growing season when there is a clear tendency to increase the intensity of soil respiration. Conclusions. The hydrothermal conditions of the warm period of the year are decisive in the formation of the CO 2 emission fl ow from chernozems. Due to the improvement of agricultural practices, emissions might be reduced but not more that by 15 % of natural factor contribution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 387-396
I. V. Stavishenko

The paper provides data on records of 29 species of aphyllophoroid fungi new for the the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra. Among them 10 species (Amaurodon cyaneus, Amyloxenasma allantosporum, Asterostroma laxum, Byssoporia terrestris, Paullicorticium pearsonii, Pseudomerulius montanus, Sistotrema sernanderi, Skeletocutis alutacea, S. ochroalba, Tubulicrinis orientalis) are published for the first time for Siberia, and 3 species (Scytinostroma praestans, Tomentellopsis zygodesmoides, Tubulicrinis strangulatus) are new for the West Siberia. Data on their locations, habitats and substrates in region are indicated. The specimens are kept in the Museum of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Branch of the RAS (SVER).

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 356-359
E.P. Nartshuk ◽  
A.V. Matyukhin ◽  
A.P. Shapoval

The parasitic louse fly Ornithomya comosa (Austen, 1930) (Diptera, Hippoboscidae), known from the Oriental Region (India, Thailand, Nepal and Peninsular Malaysia) and Asian part of the Palaearctic Region (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, West Siberia of Russia and Japan), is found for the first time in Europe and in the western part of Russia (Curonian Spit). Flies were collected from the swallow species Hirundo rustica (Linnaeus, 1758) and Delichon urbica (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hirundinidae). Two possible narratives for the occurrence of this fly in Europe are discussed.

1997 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 333-336
D. Lutz ◽  
R. Genzel ◽  
E. Sturm ◽  
A.F.M. Moorwood ◽  
E. Oliva ◽  

AbstractWe discuss 2.5–45 µm spectra of the Circinus galaxy and of Cen A, obtained with the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) on board the Infrared Space Observatory. The large number of detected ionic fine structure lines, observable also in visually obscured sources, provides strong constraints on the shape of the ionizing spectrum, which is found to exhibit a UV bump peaking at ~ 70 eV in the case of Circinus. Pure rotational emission of molecular hydrogen, directly probing warm molecular gas, can for the first time be detected in external galaxies.

Tingshan Guo ◽  
Mengyao Wang ◽  
Zhiyuan Liang ◽  
Huaishuang Shao ◽  
Qinxin Zhao

2014 ◽  
Vol 254 ◽  
pp. 586-596 ◽  
Elena Landi ◽  
Sara Riccobelli ◽  
Nicola Sangiorgi ◽  
Alessandra Sanson ◽  
Ferruccio Doghieri ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 134 (20) ◽  
Qian Yang ◽  
Haitao Yu ◽  
Lixian Song ◽  
Yajie Lei ◽  
Fengshun Zhang ◽  

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