scholarly journals Hilangnya Sifat Melawan Hukum Pidana Materil Dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi Pasca Pengembalian Seluruh Kerugian Keuangan Negara

Media Iuris ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 243
Yanto Yunus ◽  
Juwita Sarri ◽  
Syahirudin Syahir

Criminal conduct can be held accountable when it meets two elements of such action as unlawful action and can be reproached. The nature of resisting the law itself is devided into two opposing qualities of formal law and the nature of resisting the law of materiel. The nature of the law regarding material itself has two fuction: itsnegative function and its positive work. Of these functions in application only to its negative (or exempted from the written law) function because of its positive function (an act not prohibited by the law but by society of the act is mistaken) and therefore is a violation of the law. This type of research is the normative study with the constitution approach (statue approach) and the conceptual approach. From this research it can be concluded that the repayment of all financial losses in the state can be excused/ fail d;excuse, so that the nature of resisting the laws of materiel’s negative function of the perpetrators of corruption is lost. The provision of article 4 of the constitution is judged as irrelevant because the application of a fixed sanction without seeing thr benefits of its ratification. This is based on the theory presented by Nigel Walker and Jeremmy Bentham, which says the application of criminal santions must be ideal and beneficial to the perpetrator. Keywords: Loss of Unlawful Character; Corruption; Recovery of State Losses.Perbuatan pidana dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban apabila memenuhi dua unsur yakni perbuatan tersebut merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum dan perbuatan tersebut dapat dicela. Sifat melawan hukum itu sendiri terbagi dalam dua yakni sifat melawan hukum formal dan sifat melawan hukum materiel, Sifat melawan hukum materiel itu sendiri memiliki dua fungsi yaitu fungsinya yang negatif dan fungsinya yang positif. Dari kedua fungsi tersebut dalam penerapannya hanya diperbolehkan fungsinya yang negatif (atau perbuatan yang dapat dikecualikan dari hukum yang tidak tertulis) dikarenakan fungsinya yang positif (perbuatan yang tidak dilarang oleh undang-undang tetapi oleh masyarakat perbuatan tersebut dianggap keliru) sehingga fungsinya ini dianggap bertentangan dengan undang-undang. Jenis Penelitian ini ialah penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan undang-undang (Statute Approach) dan pendekatan konseptual (Conceptual Approach). Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan dikembalikannya seluruh kerugian keuangan negara maka perbuatan pelaku dapat dimaafkan/fail d;excuse, sehingga sifat melawan hukum materiel fungsinya yang negatif dari perbuatan pelaku tindak pidana korupsi hilang. Sehingga ketentuan dalam Pasal 4 UU dinilai sudah tidak relevan dikarenakan penerapan sanksi yang tetap dijatuhkan tanpa melihat manfaat dari penjatuhan sanksi tersebut. Hal tersebut berdasarkan pada teori yang dikemukakan oleh Nigel Walker dan Jeremmy Bentham, yang mengatakan bahwa penerapan sanksi pidana harus ideal dan bermanfaat bagi pelaku.Kata Kunci: Hilangnya Sifat Melawan Hukum; Korupsi; Pengembalian Kerugian Negara.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-152
Dwi Widia Astuti

The role of taxes is very important in the state finances. Taxes become necessary in financing the expenditures of the state, especially the routine state expenditures. However, not infrequently there are taxpayer actions that cause in State losses. The condition is realized by the government so that the government issued Law Number 11 Year 2016 on Tax Amnesty. However, with the issuance of the Tax Forgiveness Law, it has resulted in various views in the community because for some obedient taxpayers, it is assumed that taxpayers are granted the convenience of their mistakes. So that does not reflect justice as one of the objectives of the law. Based on the issue, the authors will conduct further research on the legality of tax debt relief in the framework of tax forgiveness and the urgency of determining the tax forgiveness rule. This study is qualified as a normative juridical legal research with a type of legal research doctrinal using a statutory approach, and a conceptual approach. From this research, it is expected that the writer can analyze related to the legality of tax debt relief in the framework of tax forgiveness and the urgency of determining tax forgiveness rule.

I Gede Pasek Pramana

This research aims to analyze about the significance of the Constitutional Court Decision No.46/PUU-VIII/2010 the position of anak astra in Bali customary law. The research method used is a normative study by selecting the type of statue approach and the conceptual approach. Sources of legal materials that were examined in this study consisted of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials and techniques were analyzed with the description, systematic, evaluation and argumentation. Based on the perspective ( review ) Constitutional Court Decision No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010, anak astra have a civil relationship with her biological father and his family along can be proved by science and technology and / or other evidence according to the law. The juridical consequences of the Constitutional Court Decision No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 to the norms of Bali customary law about anak astra Bali is must conform to the directions of law in the Decision of the Constitutional Court.

Tri Suhendra Arbani

AbstractThis study examines two things, namely the status of state land granted to PTPN XIV, which has expired its HGU and licensing arrangements in the plantation sector, this research uses jurist normative research using a law editor and a conceptual approach. With regard to the PTPN XIV HGU, it is clear that the problems arose due to the unclear land status after the expiration of the HGU permit. From the perspective of the law, it is very clear that land that has expired its HGU is the obligation of PTPN XIV to return it to the state as the party that grants the permit. Improvement of the plantation licensing chain starting from location permits, forest area release permits, plantation business permits, cultivation plantation permits, processing plantation business permits, land clearing permits.Keywords: Business Use Rights, Licensing, Plantation. AbstrakPenelitian ini mengakaji bertujuan mengkaji dua hal yakni status lahan negara yang diberikan kepada PTPN XIV yang telah masa habis masa HGU nya dan penataan perizinan dibidang perkebunan, penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian normative yuris dengan menggunakan pendekan undang-undang dan pendekatan konseptual. Permasalahan tentang HGU PTPN XIV, sudah jelas bahwa masalah yang muncul akibat ketidakjelasan status tanah pasca berakhirnya izin HGU tersebut.  dari pandangan aturan hukumya sudah dengan sangat terang bahwa tanah yang sudah habis masa HGUnya menjadi kewajiban PTPN XIV untuk mengembalikannya kepada negara sebagai pihak yang memberikan izin. Perbaikan rantai perizinan perkebunan dimulai dari izin lokasi, izin pelepasan Kawasan hutan, izin usaha perkebunan, izin perkebunan budidaya, izin usaha perkebunan pengelolahan, izin land clearing.Kata Kunci : Hak Guna Usaha, Perizinan, Perkebunan.

Anna Triningsih

<p>Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2014 tentang Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, Dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (UU MD3) pasca putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) dinilai memiliki problem substantif/materil akibat materi muatannya bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUD NRI 1945), yang mengakibatkan kerugian konstitusional terhadap Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD), meliputi dikuranginya kewenangan DPD untuk dapat mengajukan (Rancangan Undang-Undang) RUU, dikuranginya kewenangan DPD untuk membahas RUU dan dikuranginya kewenangan DPD dalam kedudukannya sebagai lembaga perwakilan daerah. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pembentukan UU MD3 nyata-nyata tidak menghormati putusan MK yang diberi mandat UUD NRI 1945 sebagai lembaga penafsir dan penjaga konstitusi, dengan tidak menghormati, mematuhi, dan melaksanakan putusan MK ini menunjukkan ketidakpatuhan terhadap putusan lembaga negara yang telah ditunjuk konstitusi untuk mengawal kemurnian pelaksanaan konstitusi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normatif menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan ( statute approach ), pendekatan konsep ( conceptual approach ), dan pendekatan historis ( historical approach ). Ketidaktaatan penyusunan UU MD3 pada putusan MK merupakan pengingkaran UUD NRI 1945 dan perkembangan ini merupakan langkah mundur reformasi. Pembentuk Undang-Undang, dalam hal ini, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) dan Presiden harus segera melakukan perubahan UU Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-undangan dengan berpijak pada rambu-rambu konstitusional Putusan MK Nomor 92/PUU-X/2012.</p><p>Law Number 17 Year 2014 on the People’s Consultative Assembly, House of Representatives, Regional Representatives Council, and the Regional House of Representatives (MD3 Law) after the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) is considered to have a substantive problem due to the substance that is contrary to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (the 1945 Constitution), which resulted in the constitutional loss of Regional Representatives Council (DPD), including the reduction of DPD authority to propose draft bills, to discuss draft bills and the reduction in its authority as the regional representative institution. This shows that the drafting of MD3 Law is obviously not respecting the decision of the Court that is mandated by the 1945 Constitution as the interpreter and guardian institution of the constitutional, by not respecting, obeying and implementing MK’s decision which indicates non-compliance with the decision of the state institution that has been designated to guard the purity of the constitution implementation of the constitution. This study uses normative method with statute approach, conceptual approach and a historical approach. The noncompliance of the drafting of MD3 Law towards the MK’s decision is a denial of MK and this development is a step back of Reformation. The legislators, in this case, the House of Representatives (DPR) and the President should immediately amend the Law Number 12 Year 2011 on the Establishment of Laws and Regulations based on the MK’s Decision No. 92/PUU-X/2012. </p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-107
Puteri Hikmawati

In addition to being subject to principle criminal penalties, the defendant in a corruption case may be subject to additional criminal penalty, in the form of payment of replacement money. The article which resulting of the normative juridical research with this qualitative approach, review regarding the return of the state financial losses shall be paid from the payment of substitute money in corruption criminal act can it be optimal? In the discussion, the penalty payment of substitute money has been stipulated in Law No. 31 of 1999 on the Eradication of Corruption Crime as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001. The amount of payment of substitute money shall be if possible equal with the assets obtained from the criminal act of corruption. If the substitute money is not paid, then the convicted person shall be liable to a prison sentence whose duration does not exceed the maximum sentence of the principal sentence. Therefore, the returning of financial losses cannot be optimal. The amount of compensation state finances needs to be increased, by confiscating and seizing the assets/properties of the perpetrator. The law concerning assets deprivation shall be established as the legal basis for assets seizure resulting from corruption. AbstrakSelain dapat dijatuhi pidana pokok, terdakwa dalam perkara korupsi dapat dijatuhi pidana tambahan, berupa pembayaran uang pengganti. Artikel yang merupakan hasil penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif ini, mengkaji pengembalian kerugian keuangan negara dari pembayaran uang pengganti dalam tindak pidana korupsi dapatkah optimal?. Dalam pembahasan, pidana pembayaran uang pengganti telah diatur dalam UU No. 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU No. 20 Tahun 2001. Jumlah pembayaran uang pengganti sebanyak-banyaknya sama dengan harta benda yang diperoleh dari tindak pidana korupsi. Apabila uang pengganti tidak dibayar, maka terpidana dipidana dengan pidana penjara yang lamanya tidak melebihi ancaman maksimum dari pidana pokoknya. Oleh karena itu, pengembalian kerugian keuangan negara tidak dapat optimal. Jumlah pengganti kerugian keuangan negara perlu ditingkatkan, dengan melakukan penyitaan dan perampasan terhadap aset/harta kekayaan pelaku. UU Perampasan Aset perlu dibentuk sebagai dasar hukum perampasan aset dari hasil korupsi.

2018 ◽  
pp. 56-67
Subarysah Subarysah

Abstract. The  consequence  of  within  the  legality  principle  in  Indonesian  legislation  is  the prohibition  of  retroactively  imposing  a  criminal  legislation  or  known  as  non-retroactive,  related  to  the  financial  losses  of  the  state  especially  regarding  the criminal   act   of   corruption   that   occurred   prior   to   the   issuance   of   the   law, retroactive law in the return of state finances based on the losses incurred to the state caused by a crime, in principle regulated in the PTPK Law because one of the purposes of the enactment of Law no. 31 of 1999 in conjunction with Law no. 20  of  2001  is  to  restore  the  state  losses.  Therefore,  the  enforcement  of  criminal law  prioritizes  the  return  of  state  money  from  corruptor  actors,  how  is  the implementation  of  retroactive  legal  principle  in  criminal  law  enforcement  in  the framework  of  effectiveness  of  state  financial  return  as  well  as  what  implications and constraints that arise in the mechanism of implementation of retroactive legal principle in rangaka settlement of state finances. Abstrak. Konsekuensi dari dalam asas legalitas dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia adalah larangan memberlakukan surut suatu perundang-undangan pidana atau yang dikenal dengan istilah non-retroaktif, terkait kerugian keuangan negara  khususnya mengenai tindak pidana  korupsi yang terjadi sebelum keluarnya undang-undang itu, pelaksanaan asas hukum retroaktif dalam pengembalian  keuangan negara  yang didasarkan kepada  kerugian  yang  terjadi terhadap  negara  yang  disebabkan  oleh suatu  tindak  pidana,  secara  prinsip  diatur dalam  UU  PTPK  karena  salah  satu  tujuan  diundangkannya  Undang-Undang  No. 31 Tahun 1999 jo Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2001 adalah untuk mengembalikan  kerugian  negara. Oleh  karena  itu,  penegakan  hukum  pidananya lebih mengutamakan pengembalian kerugian uang negara dari para pelaku tindak pidana korupsi, bagaimanakah pelaksanaan asas hukum retroaktif dalam penegakan hukum pidana dalam rangka   efektivitas pengembalian keuangan negara serta Implikasi dan kendala apa yang muncul dalam mekanisme pelaksanaan asas hukum retroaktif dalam rangaka penyelesaian keuangan negara.

Supriyadi Arief

<em>The reciprocal relationship between the state and citizens is seen in the granting of citizenship status and obedience to the law by citizens. Citizenship status is important in determining this relationship. The problem in this study is what are the implications of the release of citizenship status in Indonesia and what are the ideal terms and procedures for regaining Indonesian citizenship This research is a normative study using a statutory approach, case approach and conceptual approach. The loss of citizenship status has implications for not fulfilling one's basic rights that can be granted by the state. Therefore, it should be subject to weighting conditions and procedures by adding provisional length of stay of 10-15 years, add 'lost citizenship' note to the police record and to the residence permit, increase Citizenship money, do social work for a certain time, announce the action in media, and temporarily suspend the application for citizenship</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Ivonne Jonathan ◽  
Devi Dharmawan

Background: Acupuncture is a type of advanced health service which is covered by PT. Askes. Since BPJS Kesehatan applied, acupuncture is not covered by National Health Insurance (JKN) program. BPJS Kesehatan refers to Clause 25 verse (1) letter K of Presidential Regulation No.19 of 2016 concerning Second Amendment of Presidential Regulation No.12 of 2013 concerning Health Insurance. The provisions of the Minister of Health Regulation No.28 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for Implementing National Health Insurance are different from Presidential Regulations on Health Insurance which states that medical acupuncture is covered by JKN. BPJS Kesehatan uses lex superior derogate legi inferior, therefore it does not cover acupuncture in the implementation of the JKN program. This study was a normative study with a statute approach and a conceptual approach. Method: The study showed that the issue of Law No.36 of 2014 concerning Health Practitioner gives legitimacy to acupuncture in Indonesia. The Law of Health Practitioner categorizes acupuncture into physical therapy and separates it from traditional medicine. Results: The provisions in implementing regulations of BPJS Law have not referred to the position of acupuncture in Indonesia and still categorize acupuncture as complementary, alternative and traditional medicines. The settlement of acupuncture regulations disharmony in the JKN program using lex superior principle has not been sufficient because it has not been able to provide legal certainty and legal protection. Conclusion: Regulatory reformation of acupuncture in Indonesia is urgently required, especially in the JKN program, so the implementation of the legal position of acupuncture that is guided by the Law of Health Practitioner can be implemented effectively and efficiently.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 500-504
I Dewa Gede Pramana adhi ◽  
I Nnyoman Gede Sugiartha ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

Indonesia is a developing country where each region has its own natural wealth. This advantage cannot be used because there are many people who send out of the region without permission and vice versa, goods from outside countries are smuggled into Indonesia only to avoid the applicable taxes. This study aims to examine the regulation of smuggling in criminal law in Indonesia and reveal the responsibility of the director of PT. Garuda Indonesia, which carried out the act of smuggling luxury motorcycles. This research is a type of normative legal research conducted with research methods based on legal materials, while the problem approach used is a legislative and conceptual approach. Sources of data used are primary and secondary legal materials. Another bad example is shown by one of the people who has a big name in Indonesia, the smuggling case by the president of Garuda Indonesia is an illustration of how weak the law in Indonesia is and this incident has resulted in criminal and administrative sanctions. The results of the study indicate that the regulation of smuggling crimes in Indonesia is contained in Law Number 17 of 2006 concerning Customs. Handling of violations of customs provisions is more focused on the fiscal settlement, namely in the form of payment of a sum of money to the State in the form of a fine. The criminal liability of smugglers is regulated in Law No. 17 of 2006 the president director of PT. Garuda Indonesia is threatened with criminal and administrative sanctions

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-148
Wiwik Afifah

AbstractExtraordinary crime requires a special step in its disclosure. Wiretapping is one of the efforts to gather evidence to uncover the crime. But in the RKUHP, wiretapping will also be applied to general criminal offenses. This places the law enforcers have access to personal interests in the name of the law. So vulnerable to human rights violations. Therefore it is important to conduct a study of the urgency of wiretapping in criminal acts. The research method used is normative juridical and the method used is the statutory and conceptual approach. The results of this study indicate that there is an urgency to conduct wiretapping arrangements on specific criminal acts and not on general crime This urgency arises based on the characteristics of the crime. The author's suggestion is that wiretapping of general criminal acts in the criminal procedure code should be abolished, and the state drafted a law on tapping that specifically regulates material and formal law.Keywords: criminal acts; urgency of wiretappingAbstrakKejahatan luar biasa membutuhkan langkah khusus dalam pengungkapannya. Penyadapan adalah salah satu upaya untuk mengumpulkan bukti untuk mengungkap kejahatan. Namun dalam RKUHP, penyadapan juga akan diterapkan pada pelanggaran pidana umum. Ini menempatkan penegak hukum memiliki akses ke kepentingan pribadi atas nama hukum. Sangat rentan terhadap pelanggaran HAM. Oleh karena itu penting untuk melakukan studi tentang urgensi penyadapan dalam tindak pidana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dan metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan hukum dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada urgensi untuk melakukan pengaturan penyadapan pada tindakan kriminal tertentu dan bukan pada kejahatan umum. Urgensi ini timbul berdasarkan pada karakteristik kejahatan. Saran penulis adalah bahwa penyadapan tindakan kriminal umum dalam kode prosedur pidana harus dihapuskan, dan negara membuat undang-undang tentang penyadapan yang secara spesifik mengatur materi dan hukum formal.Kata kunci: tindak pidana; urgensi penyadapan

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