2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-60
Layyin Isyroqun Nadhifah ◽  
Joko Siswanto ◽  
Choirul Huda

The conventional learning process can only be implemented in schools, in a pandemic like now, learning that can be carried out remotely according to the rules is learning from home. Teachers are required to take advantage of various technologies to better support the learning process, so that learning is more effective because students can continue to learn even at home. Digital learning is effectively used because students can still access learning material even though they are at home. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of digital learningintegrated local wisdom of student problem solving skills at Teuku Umar Senior High School Semarang on the subject of dynamic fluids. The method used in this research is a quasi-experimental design using the One-Group method prete st posttest. The population in this study were students of class XI MIPA SMA Teuku Umar Semarang, with a sample of class XI MIPA as the experimental class. The results showed that there were differences in the results of the pre - test and post-test, where there was an increase in student learning outcomes after being given the experimental class treatment using integrate digital learning local wisdom on problem solving skills.Keywords: digital learning, local wisdom, problem solvingAbstrakProses pembelajaran konvensional hanya dapat dilaksanakan di sekolah saja, di masa pandemi seperti sekarang dibutuhkan pembelajaran yang dapat dilaksanakan secara jarak jauh sesuai aturan yaitu belajar dari rumah. Guru dituntut memanfaatkan berbagai teknologi agar lebih menujang proses pembelajaran, sehingga pembelajaran lebih efektif karena siswa bisa tetap belajar walaupun hanya di rumah. Digital learning efektif digunakan karena siswa tetap dapat mengakses materi pembelajaran walupun mereka berada di rumah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektifitas digital learning terintegrasi kearifan lokal terhadap keterampilan memecahkan masalah siswa di SMA Teuku Umar Semarang pada pembelajaran Fisika. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah quasi-experimental design dengan menggunakan metode one-group pretest-posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA SMA Teuku Umar Semarang, dengan sampel kelas XI MIPA sebagai kelas eksperimen. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil uji pre-test dan post-tes, dimana adanya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setelah diberikan perlakukan pada kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan digital learning terintegrasi kearifan lokal terhadap keterampilan memecahkan masalah.Kata kunci: digital learning, kearifan lokal, memecahkan masalah

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Roro Indah Sukmawati ◽  
Joko Siwanto ◽  
Choirul Huda

Changes in the paradigm of the learning process, where the learning process must be oriented towards active learning learners. Learners must provide opportunities for students. This requires effective learning, namely using digital learning. Where in this learning can be done anywhere and students are required to be more active, while the teacher only as a facilitator. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of digital learning integrated with local wisdom on the scientific literacy skills of students at SMAN 7 Semarang on the subject of straight motion. The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental design using the one-group pretest posttest method. The population in this study were all students of class X MIPA SMAN 7 Semarang, with a sample of class X MIPA 1 as the experimental class. The results obtained that there are differences in the results of the pre-test and post-test, where there is an increase in student learning outcomes after being given experimental class treatment using digital learning integrated with local wisdom on students' scientific literacy.Keywords: digital learning, local wisdom, scientific literacyAbstrakPerubahan paradigma proses pembelajaran, dimana proses pembelajaran harus berorientasi pada peserta didik belajar aktif. Pembelajar harus memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik. Hal ini diperlukan pembelajaran yang efektif yaitu menggunakan digital learning. Dimana dalam pembelajaran ini dapat dilakukan dimana saja serta peserta didik dituntut lebih aktif, sedangkan guru hanya sebagai fasilitator. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektifitas digital learning terintegrasi kearifan lokal terhadap keterampilan literasi sains peserta didik di SMAN 7 Semarang pada pokok bahasan gerak lurus. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental design dengan menggunakan metode one-group pretest posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas X MIPA SMAN 7 Semarang, dengan sampel kelas X MIPA 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil uji pre-test dan post-tes, dimana adanya peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik setelah diberikan treatment kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan digital learning terintegrasi kearifan local terhadap literasi sains peserta didik.Kata kunci: digital learning, kearifan lokal, literasi sains

Raúl Gutiérrez-Fresneda

English is one of the most studied and used languages worldwide. The process of acquiring reading is a complex task that involves mastering a set of strategies aimed at assimilating written information by the reader. Different studies have shown that the process of understanding reading in the mother tongue has certain similarities with this same learning in English because in both situations semantic and contextual information is used, but there are also several authors who point out that there are distinctions between reading models in a first and second language. This chapter delves into these relationships, which focus on analysing the variables that most influence the learning of comprehensive capacity in Spanish and English. A quasi-experimental design of comparison between groups with pre-test and post-test measurements was used. The study involved 120 students aged between 8 and 9. The results indicate that there are a number of factors that are related in learning to read in Spanish and English.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Alman Alman

This study is a quasi-experimental research using factorial design. This study aimed at finding the facts that had been resulted from the different influence caused by the use of Open-Ended method and that of STAD method on the students’ mathematical problem-solving skills in terms of learning achievement. The learning achievement was categorized into two types namely the high achievement and the low achievement. The population in this study was Grade V students from SD Negeri Serayu. The data were analyzed by ANAVA univariate test. The results of the study were as follows. First, there have been differences in the mathematical problem-solving skills of the students who had been taught using Open-Ended method and those who had been taught using the STAD method. Second, there were also differences on the students’ score. For the students who had been taught using the Open-Ended method, the highest posttest average score of their learning achievement was 95.71 while the lowest post-test average score of their learning achievement was 63.92. These students’ total average score of learning achievement was 81.04. On the other hand, for the students who had been taught using STAD the highest posttest average score of their learning achievement was 95.50 while the lowest posttest average score of their learning achievement was 70.00. These students’ total average score of learning achievement was 89.13. Third, there has not been any differences between the Open-Ended method and the STAD method.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 259-274 ◽  
Bekir Yildirim ◽  
Cumhur Türk

This study aimed to determine STEM practices assisted by argumentation-based learning, the attitudes and the opinions of the students towards STEM, their perception of problem-solving skills and the argumentation qualifications. In the research, the mixed design has been implemented. The quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test control group has been conducted in the quantitative dimension. The research group consists of 55 students—studying at a state school affiliated to Mus Provincial Directorate of National Education. In the study, the qualitative data were collected using ‘STEM attitude scale’ and ‘problem solving skill perception scale’; and the quantitative data were obtained using ‘STEM interview form’ and ‘Written Argumentation Form’. The results show STEM practices have been observed to be effective in improving the attitudes of the students towards STEM and their problem-solving skills. Also, the opinions of the students are positive and the argumentation qualities of the students are at the first level during the practices. Keywords: STEM, argumentation, problem solving, attitude

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-44
Abdul Ma'arif ◽  
Syaiful Syaiful ◽  
Muhammad Haris Effendi Hasibuan

Problem-solving skill is required by students and a target in studying mathematics. However, the problem-solving skill of Indonesian students are lacking. One effort that can be done is applying the Model of Learning Cycle 5E.  This research discussed the influence of the implementation of the learning cycle model on mathematics problem-solving skill viewed from students’ adversity quotient. This research used a quantitive approach, quasi-experimental study. The subjects were the 8th Grade students of SMP IT Ash-Shiddiiqi Jambi, consisting of two experiment classes and one control class. The instruments were post-test and adversity quotient questionnaire modified by Stoltz and had been validated by experts. Data analysis was conducted by Two-Way ANOVA. The results showed that there was no interaction between the learning cycle 5E model and mathematics problem-solving skill. This finding indicates that the model of learning cycle 5E affects problem-solving skills and can be applied to students with all types of adversity quotient.

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 578-589
Iswinarti Iswinarti ◽  
Dewi Retno Suminar

Nowadays, most children play digital games. Digital games, despite their advantages, have gradually eroded the existence of traditional games. Although both digital and traditional games comprise the values of problem-solving learning for children, traditional games offer more benefits in terms of the embodiment of local wisdom. This study aimed at encompassing the influence of Javanese traditional games such as bekelan, congklak lidi, and selentikan on the improvement of children’s problem-solving skills. This research was done employing quasi-experimental design involving 72 school-age children ranging from 9 to 11 years old, who studied at primary schools. The subjects of this study consisted of four experimental groups. Three groups played bekelan, congklak lidi, selentikan games respectively and the other group was assigned as the control group. The treatment was done for three weeks divided into six sessions. The findings showed that there was a significant improvement between the result of the pre-test and that of the post-test for these three games. The analysis results using One Way ANOVA showed that there was a difference in the improvement of problem-solving skills among groups (F(17) = 5.032, p < .01). Due to its superiority, Javanese traditional games are potential to be an alternative media in improving children’s problem-solving skills.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 662-673
King-Dow Su

The use of animated concept mapping (ACM) has been linked to an innovative learning skill when conducting students’ guidance of 4 corresponding reasoning processes in electrochemistry. This research aims to establish a new perspective with ACM cognitive reasoning to broaden students’ individual developments of problem-solving skills. It is followed by a quasi-experimental approach of pre-tests, post-tests and retention-tests designed for 274 qualified college students in Taiwan. All data collected from students’ learning performances and feedback is further analyzed by means of achievement covariance, t-tests and one-way ANOVA. Analytical results reveal that ACM facilitates learning comparisons and out-performances in two groups of students in different post-test and retention-test scores. Students’ positive feedback and learning disposition also provide the predominant advantage for participants’ successful reasoning processes. Pedagogical implications suggest that ACM learning performances result in more significant collaborative reasoning. Key words: animated concept mapping, corresponding reasoning processes, electrochemistry learning performances, problem-solving

2022 ◽  
Vol 2163 (1) ◽  
pp. 012010
C A Hernández-Suarez ◽  
L S Paz-Montes ◽  
W R Avendaño Castro

Abstract The teaching of science, and specifically physics, has been associated with the acquisition of knowledge with a particular emphasis on problem solving, as an activity that brings students closer to the methodology and meaningful learning of science. However, problem solving is perhaps one of the sources of failure in physics teaching, which requires a careful analysis of this didactic activity. Therefore, the aim of this work is to analyze the development of students’ problem-solving skills in a physics course. An analysis is presented using the quasi-experimental method through the application of a pre-test – post-test, for which a methodological intervention was used based on the problem-solving competence, which focused on identifying errors and difficulties by the students themselves and thus favoring the learning and development of this competence, which allowed the academic progress of the students to be analyzed. It is concluded that the intervention supported by problem solving improves students’ performance, in addition to the positive assessment they make of the process, as well as its influence on the change in pedagogical practice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-89
Roni Sastiawan ◽  
Aceng Ruyani ◽  
Bhakti Karyadi

ABSTRACT[Capacity statisfaction student class X Madrasah Aliyah Suka Negeri Bengkulu Selatan though learning based on environtment]. The research  aims to measure student performance and  know the ability to solve problems through environtment – based learning activities on student of class X Madrasah AliyahSukaNegeri South Bengkulu, this study used pre test and post test. Pre test used to determine students’ early ability. Post test is done to determine the ability to solve the problem of leaners by using  LKPD problems based learning . Results of student performance in groups obtained from  the learning  process using LKPD. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitative. Scores obtained from all aspects assessed are converted to determine the group assessment criteria. Ability to solve the problem of class X student Madrasah AliyahSukaNegeri from the aspect of classical performance included into the category of good and evaluation there is an increase in value between pre test and post test.Keywords: Environment based learning; Student performance capability; problem solving skills.(Received November 19, 2018; Accepted April 15, 2019; Published June 18, 2019)ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk  mengukur kinerja siswa kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Suka Negeri Bengkulu Selatan pada materi keanekaragaman hayatidan  mengetahui kemampuan siswa kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Suka Negeri Bengkulu Selatan dalam memecahkan masalah melalui kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis lingkungan. Prosedur penelitian menggunakan tes pre test dan post test. Tes pre test digunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan awalsiswa. Post test dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan memecahkan masalah peserta didik setelah belajar dengan menggunakan Lembar Diskusi Peserta Didik ( LKPD ) problem based learning. Data kinerja siswa secara kelompok yang di dapat dari menjawab Lembar Diskusi Peserta Didik ( LKPD ) dianalisis dengan cara deskriptif  kualitatif. Skor yang diperoleh dari seluruh aspek yang dinilai kemudian dikonversikan untuk menentukan kriteria penilaian secara kelompok. Kemampuan memecahkan masalah siswa kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Suka Negeri Bengkulu Selatan dari aspek kinerja secara klasikal termasuk kedalam kategori Baik dan hasil evaluasi terdapat kenaikan nilai antara pre test dan post test.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran berbasis lingkungan; Kemampuan kinerja siswa; Kemampuan Memecahkan masalah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-130
Puji Rahayu ◽  
Ani Widayati

This research is aimed to know: 1) the differences of problem solving skills in students’ learning with Think Pair Share and Spontaneous Group Discussion; 2) the effectiveness of the implementation of Think Pair Share and Spontaneous Group Discussion. This research is a quasi-experimental research involving 32 students of X AK1 and X AK3. Data collection technique was a tests. Data analysis techniques for testing the result of this research were normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test with t-test. The results of this study show that: 1) There are no differences in problem solving skill between students with Think Pair Share and student with Spontaneous Group Discussion student of X Accounting graders SMK Negeri 1 Wonosari. It proved by post-test on hypothesis test with the signification in the result of independent sample t-test is greater than α = 0.05 (0,475 0,05) and t count t table (0,719 2,000). 2)There are no differences in effectiveness between students with Think Pair and student with Spontaneous Group Discussion student of X Accounting graders SMK Negeri 1 Wonosari. It proved by independent samples t-test for gain score is greater than α = 0.05 (0.786 0.05) and t count t table (0,272 2,000). Keywords: Introduction to Accounting learning, TPS, SGD,  Problem Solving Skill

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