8th grade
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Kyle L. Crouch ◽  
Abigail Larson ◽  
Mark DeBeliso

The motivation for youth sport involvement may differ for single-sport (non-specialists), multi-sport, and single-sport specialized athletes. To investigate differences between adolescent single-sport athletes (NSSA), multi-sport athletes (MSA), and single-sport specialized athletes (SSSA) on measures of sport enjoyment and motivation. A secondary aim was to compare these variables between age groups. Adolescent sport participants in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade from the Western United States (n=306, age=13.0±1.0 yrs) completing the Sources of Enjoyment in Youth Sport Questionnaire (SEYSQ) that assesses sport enjoyment in the subscales of self-referenced competency (SRC), other-referenced competency and recognition (ORCR), effort expenditure (EE), competitive excitement (CE), affiliation with peers (AP), and positive parental involvement (PPI). The participants also reported their age, gender, grade, years of sport participation and sport status (NSSA, MSA, SSSA). SSSA reported significantly more enjoyment in all subscales except PPI when compared to NSSA (p<0.05; ES 0.4 – 0.99). MSA and SSSA showed significant differences in the subscales of SRC and EE; however, effect size was small (0.37 and 0.33, respectively). Overall scores for intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were significantly lower among NSSA compared to MSA and SSSA (p<0.01) with no differences between MSA and SSSA (p>0.05). Results revealed no significant differences in the SEYSQ’s subscales for age (p>0.05). Within the parameters of this study, adolescents that specialize in a single sport or those who compete in multiple sport both rely on intrinsic and extrinsic sources of enjoyment for motivation in very similar ways; whereas adolescent NSSA are less motivated and experience less enjoyment from sport participation compared to MSA and SSSA. Keywords: adolescent, enjoyment, SEYSQ, motivation, sport psychology

Ghyarlina Triyani ◽  
Darmahusni Darmahusni

Collaboration is one of the 21st-century skills needed to survive in this era. The need in society to think and work together on issues of critical concern has increased, shifting the emphasis from individual efforts to group work, from independence to community. Integrating Collaborative skills in the educational field, particularly in assessment, has been broadly employed. However, lesson plans that incorporate collaborative skills are lacking. This study aims to explore the collaborative skill in English teaching lesson plan in junior high school in Indonesia. A content analysis approach is used in this study. The data was analyzed using a systematic content descriptive text methodology based on the ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) Framework, which was used in this study as an instrument to analyze lesson plans to see if they were integrating or not. The expected result of the study is that Collaborative skills are found in lesson plans, indicators, and the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 353-364
Yasemin Kaplan ◽  
Selma Güleç

In the study, the correlation between cyberbullying and cyber victimization, which is included in the digital literacy skill in the Social Studies Curriculum, and self-confidence value was examined. From this point of view, the research aims to determine the degree and direction of the correlation between 8th grade students cyberbully/victim behaviors and their self-confidence value. As a data collection tool; The CyberBully/Victim Scale developed by Ayas and Horzum (2010); The Self-Confidence Scale developed by Akin (2007), and the Personal Information Form developed by the researcher were used to access personal information. The research sample consists of a total of 455 students studying at the 8th grade of public and private schools in the Nilufer, Yildirim, and Kestel districts of Bursa. Spearman’s Rho Correlation analysis was used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the study, a statistically significant moderate-level inverse correlation was found between students cyberbully/victim status and their tendency levels of self-confidence.

2021 ◽  
pp. 001312452110625
Chioma Stella Amadi

This comparative study examines the extent to which the 21st-century skills are integrated into the 4th and 8th-grade public school science curriculum in Canada in relation to that of the United States of America (USA) by analyzing the 4th and 8th grade Common Framework of Science Learning Outcomes of Canada and the 4th and 8th grade Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) of the United States in relation to the 21st-century skills as listed by the Applied Educational System (AES). The results predicted a huge economic decline of the United States in the nearest future in contrast to that of Canada if an intervention is not instituted.

Murat Üstaş ◽  
Ramazan Sağ

The aim of this research study is to determine how students define their anxiety about learning mathematics, to determine the symptoms of anxiety and to define how anxiety occurs. The phenomenology research design was used in the study. A semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool in the research. The data were analyzed through the content analysis. The study group of the research consists of four male and four female 8th graders in two public secondary schools in Uluborlu district of Isparta. According to the results, students predominantly defined mathematics anxiety as frightening/scary. Also, students identified the symptoms of mathematics anxiety mostly as the theme of physical/physical symptoms. Students stated that sociological, psychological and philosophical dimensions were effective in the emergence of mathematical anxiety. Some students expressed common views on the sociological dimension-psychological and psychological-philosophical dimension. The effects of mathematics anxiety have been examined under two titles as the effects related to the psychological and sociological dimensions. While the effects related to the psychological dimension are discussed in terms of course achievement and effects on themselves, the effects related to the sociological dimension are discussed in terms of their effects on their relationship with their family and friends.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 291
Yakup Zühtü Birinci ◽  
Nimet Haşıl Korkmaz ◽  
Murat Deniz ◽  
Serkan Pancar ◽  
Gökhan Çetinoğlu ◽  

Growing studies show that exergames (EG) which can combine physical activity (PA) and games is an effective educational tool in physical education (PE). The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of dance-based EG on the attitude of 8th grade female students towards PE.The research group consists of 15 female students who are educated in the 8th grade of secondary education in the public school of Bursa province. Participants performed dance-based EG for 80 minutes (3 sets of 20 minutes sessions, 10 minutes rest between sessions), 3 days a week for 8 weeks. Music and dance content were changed after each 20-minute game. Participants answered the Physical Education and Sports Attitude Scale (PESAS) before the first exergame session and at the end of 8 weeks.Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were used to determine whether the variables are normally distributed. Mann-Whitney U test was used for pairwise comparisons, Kruskal-Wallis Analysis of Variance was used for multiple comparisons. The relationships between the variables were examined with the Spearman-correlation coefficient.A statistically significant difference was found between the participants’ PESAS pre-test and post-test scores (p = 0.001). Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that dance-based EG is useful for developing positive attitudes towards PE among female students.

2021 ◽  
pp. 42-45
E. А. Morokh

The theme "Number systems" is one of the basic in the school informatics course. The material of this theme is present in the tasks of the Main State Examination and the Unified State Examination, therefore it is very important to timely and efficiently consolidate the basic algorithms to convert numbers from one number system to another. The article provides a variant of such a summary lesson on the theme "Number systems" for the 8th grade in the format of web quest. The quest was developed in the Thinglink environment and contains several locations, each of which is associated with the convertion of numbers between different number systems. The tools for solving the quest tasks are Google Sheets and the LearningApps service, in which the author of the article has developed his own educational resources, as well as the Geogebra environment for performing constructions in one of the tasks. The presented quest can also be carried out in a computer-less form

Wenny Elsara

The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of reading comprehension of junior high school students in Islamic texts through the SQ3R method integrated with digital interactive multimedia. This study was conceived as a collaborative classroom study conducted by Dr. Hamka2 Padang, Professor of SMP PMT. The subject of the survey was the 8th grade consisting of 24 students. The survey was conducted in a cycle of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The researcher and his colleagues the cycle consists of three sessions. The researcher and his colleagues used observation checklists, field notes, camera records and tests to collect data. As a result, it was found that the SQ3R method can improve the reading comprehension of students. There were 19 students (75%) who scored more than 80 out of 24 students, and 6 students failed to achieve the score. The study was completed after the third session of Cycle 1, where the student proficiency test results met the success criteria. Based on this result, researchers have come to the conclusion that the implementation of SQ3R methods integrated with digital interactive multimedia in the teaching and learning process can improve students' ability to read Islamic texts.

Mindfulness ◽  
2021 ◽  
Kaitly M. Butterfield ◽  
Kim P. Roberts

Abstract Objectives The effects of a 6-week mindfulness program were examined to assess how executive function level played a role in students’ mindful experience. The effects of the mindfulness program were evaluated according to prospective outcomes across students’ level of executive function, in comparison to an active control group. Methods Classrooms were randomly assigned to a mindfulness-based program or a health-based active control group. Pre- and early adolescent students in the 5th to 8th grade (N = 52) from two MindfulMe! program classrooms and two HealthyMe! program classrooms (active control group) completed self-reported pre-test and post-test measures to assess mindful attention awareness, strengths and difficulties, anxious arousal, rumination, and optimism. A composite score was created from student-, teacher-, and parent-reported BRIEF2 screening forms to determine students’ approximate level of executive function prior to the beginning of the program. Results There was a significant decrease in rumination for students in the mindfulness-based intervention when compared to the active controls. Findings suggest executive function predicted an individual’s change score in total difficulties, mindful attention awareness, optimism, and anxious arousal, after participating in a mindfulness-based intervention. Conclusions Mindfulness-based interventions appear to particularly benefit those with higher levels of executive function; however, an active control did not variably impact students according to their level of executive function.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Buyung Buyung

Creative thinking skills are an important skill that must be owned by students, but most students still have low creative thinking skills. This research aims to describe students' mathematical creative thinking skills through open ended problems. The data collection technique used in this study is to provide mathematical creative thinking skills using open ended questions in students of 8th grade torsina 3 Singkawang as many as 2 problems. The data analysis techniques used in this study are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal. The result of this study is the mathematical creative thinking ability of some students who work on open ended problems have fulfilled the components of profitability and flexibility for problem number 1 but there are also those who do not meet all components. And for problem number 2 most students do not meet all three components of mathematical creative thinking skills. So it can be concluded that the mathematical creative thinking skills of junior high school students who work on open ended problems are in the low category.

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