scholarly journals Simple Method for Land-Cover Mapping by Combining Multi-Temporal Landsat ETM+ Images and Systematically Sampled Ground Truth Data : A Case Study in Japan

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-85
Shinya Tanaka ◽  
Tomoaki Takahashi ◽  
Hideki Saito ◽  
Yoshio Awaya ◽  
Toshiro Iehara ◽  
2006 ◽  
Hiroshi P. Sato ◽  
Ryutaro Tateishi ◽  
Jieying Xiao

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 5274
Xinyang Yu ◽  
Younggu Her ◽  
Xicun Zhu ◽  
Changhe Lu ◽  
Xuefei Li

Development of a high-accuracy method to extract arable land using effective data sources is crucial to detect and monitor arable land dynamics, servicing land protection and sustainable development. In this study, a new arable land extraction index (ALEI) based on spectral analysis was proposed, examined by ground truth data, and then applied to the Hexi Corridor in northwest China. The arable land and its change patterns during 1990–2020 were extracted and identified using 40 Landsat TM/OLI images acquired in 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020. The results demonstrated that the proposed method can distinguish arable land areas accurately, with the User’s (Producer’s) accuracy and overall accuracy (kappa coefficient) exceeding 0.90 (0.88) and 0.89 (0.87), respectively. The mean relative error calculated using field survey data obtained in 2012 and 2020 was 0.169 and 0.191, respectively, indicating the feasibility of the ALEI method in arable land extracting. The study found that arable land area in the Hexi Corridor was 13217.58 km2 in 2020, significantly increased by 25.33% compared to that in 1990. At 10-year intervals, the arable land experienced different change patterns. The study results indicate that ALEI index is a promising tool used to effectively extract arable land in the arid area.

Louise Leroux ◽  
Luca Congedo ◽  
Beatriz Bellón ◽  
Raffaele Gaetano ◽  
Agnès Bégué

Carmelo Riccardo Fichera ◽  
Giuseppe Modica ◽  
Maurizio Pollino

One of the most relevant applications of Remote Sensing (RS) techniques is related to the analysis and the characterization of Land Cover (LC) and its change, very useful to efficiently undertake land planning and management policies. Here, a case study is described, conducted in the area of Avellino (Southern Italy) by means of RS in combination with GIS and landscape metrics. A multi-temporal dataset of RS imagery has been used: aerial photos (1954, 1974, 1990), Landsat images (MSS 1975, TM 1985 and 1993, ETM+ 2004), and digital orthophotos (1994 and 2006). To characterize the dynamics of changes during a fifty year period (1954-2004), the approach has integrated temporal trend analysis and landscape metrics, focusing on the urban-rural gradient. Aerial photos and satellite images have been classified to obtain maps of LC changes, for fixed intervals: 1954-1985 and 1985-2004. LC pattern and its change are linked to both natural and social processes, whose driving role has been clearly demonstrated in the case analysed. In fact, after the disastrous Irpinia earthquake (1980), the local specific zoning laws and urban plans have significantly addressed landscape changes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1907 ◽  
Luís Pádua ◽  
Pedro Marques ◽  
Jonáš Hruška ◽  
Telmo Adão ◽  
Emanuel Peres ◽  

This study aimed to characterize vineyard vegetation thorough multi-temporal monitoring using a commercial low-cost rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a consumer-grade red/green/blue (RGB) sensor. Ground-truth data and UAV-based imagery were acquired on nine distinct dates, covering the most significant vegetative growing cycle until harvesting season, over two selected vineyard plots. The acquired UAV-based imagery underwent photogrammetric processing resulting, per flight, in an orthophoto mosaic, used for vegetation estimation. Digital elevation models were used to compute crop surface models. By filtering vegetation within a given height-range, it was possible to separate grapevine vegetation from other vegetation present in a specific vineyard plot, enabling the estimation of grapevine area and volume. The results showed high accuracy in grapevine detection (94.40%) and low error in grapevine volume estimation (root mean square error of 0.13 m and correlation coefficient of 0.78 for height estimation). The accuracy assessment showed that the proposed method based on UAV-based RGB imagery is effective and has potential to become an operational technique. The proposed method also allows the estimation of grapevine areas that can potentially benefit from canopy management operations.

2016 ◽  
Anwar Abdelrahman Aly ◽  
Abdulrasoul Mosa Al-Omran ◽  
Abdulazeam Shahwan Sallam ◽  
Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Wabel ◽  
Mohammad Shayaa Al-Shayaa

Abstract. Vegetation cover (VC) changes detection is essential for a better understanding of the interactions and interrelationships between humans and their ecosystem. Remote sensing (RS) technology is one of the most beneficial tools to study spatial and temporal changes of VC. A case study has been conducted in the agro-ecosystem (AE) of Al-Kharj, in the centre of Saudi Arabia. Characteristics and dynamics of VC changes during a period of 26 years (1987–2013) were investigated. A multi-temporal set of images was processed using Landsat images; Landsat4 TM 1987, Landsat7 ETM+ 2000, and Landsat8 2013. The VC pattern and changes were linked to both natural and social processes to investigate the drivers responsible for the change. The analyses of the three satellite images concluded that the surface area of the VC increased by 107.4 % between 1987 and 2000, it was decreased by 27.5 % between years 2000 and 2013. The field study, review of secondary data and community problem diagnosis using the participatory rural appraisal (PRA) method suggested that the drivers for this change are the deterioration and salinization of both soil and water resources. Ground truth data indicated that the deteriorated soils in the eastern part of the Al-Kharj AE are frequently subjected to sand dune encroachment; while the south-western part is frequently subjected to soil and groundwater salinization. The groundwater in the western part of the ecosystem is highly saline, with a salinity ≥ 6 dS m−1. The ecosystem management approach applied in this study can be used to alike AE worldwide.

2020 ◽  
Moussa Issaka ◽  
Walter Christian ◽  
Michot Didier ◽  
Pichelin Pascal ◽  
Nicolas Hervé ◽  

<p>Salinization and alkalinization are worldwide among the soil degradation threats in irrigated schemes affecting soil productivity. Niger River basin irrigated schemes in the Sahel arid zone are no exception (ONAHA, 2011). The use of remote sensing for identifying and evaluating the level of these phenomena is an interesting tool. The launching of the Sentinel2 satellite constellation (2015) brings new perspectives with high spectral and temporal resolutions images. The aim of this study was to develop a methodology for detection of salt-affected soils in this climatic condition.</p><p>To achieve our goal, we used two types of data: remote sensing and ground truth data.</p><p>Two complementary approaches were used: one by observing salinity on bare soil by the use of salinity index (SI) and the other by observing the indirect effects of salinity on the vegetation during eight (8) rice growth phases  using vegetation index NDVI.</p><p>Remote sensing data were acquired from multi temporal sentinel2 images over 4 years (from 11/12/2015 to 30/11/2019). One hundred and fifty seven (157) images were downloaded (one image each 5 days) and corrected from atmospheric effects and some bands resampled to 5 m using python software. The salinity and vegetation indices were calculated. NDVI index was calculated and NDVI integral between NDVI curve and the threshold of 0.21 NDVI calculated for the eight growing cycles.</p><p>Ground truth data were collected in 2019 during the dry growing season (January – may 2019) from 24 calibration plots and 40 validation plots. One hundred and twenty (120) soil samples collected and analyzed for pH and electrical conductivity and finally forty six (46) biomass samples were collected, air dried and weighed for biomass yield and 46 grains samples collected for grain yield.</p><p>NDVI integral proved to be good indicator for yield variations and could distinguish crops behavior according to the growing period. It also makes it possible to distinguish plots which were not cultivated or with weak growth due to strong constraints of which the main one is salinity. It showed also that the effect of salinity on growth differs according to the growing season and the possibility of managing irrigation. Bare soil analysis distinguishes fields with different salinity indexes despite the low number of dates for which bare soil can be observed.</p><p>Ascending Hierarchical Classification (AHC) enabled to identify four classes of NDVI dynamics over time and bare soil salinity index. High saline soils according to direct soil measurements were related to the class characterized by high frequency of no-cultivation during the dry season and low NDVI integral during the wet season. Multi-temporal Sentinel2 images analysis enabled therefore to detect rice crop fields affected by salinity through its influence on crop behavior. This approach will be tested over the whole paddy schemes of the Niger River valley.</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 49 (11) ◽  
pp. 4308-4317 ◽  
Raúl Zurita-Milla ◽  
Luis Gomez-Chova ◽  
Luis Guanter ◽  
Jan G. P. W. Clevers ◽  
Gustavo Camps-Valls

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