scholarly journals Pedagogy of Alternation in the initial training of rural educators: contributions and challenges

Alexandre Leite dos Santos Silva ◽  
Suzana Gomes Lopes ◽  
Tamaris Gimenez Pinheiro ◽  
Gardner de Andrade Arrais

The aim of this paper is to present a study and promote reflections on the contributions and challenges of Pedagogy of Alternation in a Rural Education Degree Course, with a focus on Natural Sciences. For the development of the research, data were collected through questionnaires and from the analysis of the Course’s documents. The results showed contributions of Pedagogy of Alternation, which opens the possibility of graduates entering and continuing in university studies, and brings teachers and students closer to their communities. Challenges were also pointed out, such as the financial burden on undergraduates and the Course to cover housing expenses and cover transportation and food expenses; exhaustiveness and little use in University Time; the need for the graduates to get closer to the university environment and life during the Community Time; the importance of the adherence of the professors to teaching methodologies that are linked to the principles and foundations of Rural Education; the realization of integrative alternating; and the promotion of an inter and transdisciplinary Science teaching, aimed at the formation of rural educators.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-96
Camila Rinaldi Bisconsini ◽  
Arestides Pereira da Silva Júnior ◽  
Amauri Aparecido Bássoli de Oliveira

Objetivo: averiguar as ações pedagógicas adotadas por docentes de um curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física para abordar a escola no decorrer das aulas. Métodos: participaram da pesquisa 41 acadêmicos do último ano e 18 professores permanentes de um curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física, os quais participaram de entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram tratados por meio de análise de conteúdo, com a utilização do software de análise qualitativa NVivo 10. Resultados: Os resultados demonstram que os professores, de modo geral, estabelecem relações entre os conteúdos e a escola por meio de discussões nas salas de aula na universidade, ou ainda promovem aulas simuladas, nas quais os acadêmicos planejam e ensinam conteúdos para a própria turma no ambiente universitário. No entanto, constatou-se que são raras as ações que oportunizam a aproximação entre teoria e prática, por meio de encontros, visitas, aulas e demais práticas de ensino no contexto escolar da Educação Básica. Conclusão: reforça-se a necessidade de possibilitar ao futuro professor de Educação Física a sua imersão na realidade da escola, como forma de vivenciar in loco os elementos básicos e aplicados do ser professor.ABSTRACT.  Pedagogical actions linked to school in the physical education initial training. Objective: to investigate the pedagogical actions adopted by professors of a degree in Physical Education to approach the school in the course of the classes. Methods: thirty-one students of a last year course and eighteen permanent professors from a Physical Education degree participated in the study, by a semi-structured interview. The results were treated through content analysis using the NVivo 10 qualitative analysis software. Results: the results demonstrate that professors, in general, establish relationships between content and school through discussions in the classroom university, or they promote simulated classes in which students plan and teach content for their own class in the university environment. However, it has been observed that there are few opportunities in which the approach between theory and practice is approached through meetings, visits, classes and other teaching practices in the school context of Basic Education. Conclusion:  the need to enable the future Physical Education teacher to be immersed in the reality of the school is reinforced as a way of experiencing in practice the basic and applied elements of being a teacher.

Jorge Daher Nader ◽  
Amelia Patricia Panunzio ◽  
Marlene Hernández Navarro

Research is considered a function aimed at obtaining new knowledge and its application for the solution to problems or questions of a scientific nature, The universities framed in the fulfillment of their social function have a complex task given by training a competent professional who assumes research as part of their training and who learns to ask questions that they are able to solve through scientific research.  Scientific research is an indicator of the quality of processes in the university environment, so it must be increased by virtue of the results of the work carried out by research teachers and students the objective of this work is to know the perception of the teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Guayaquil about the scientific activity. Objective: to know the perception of the teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Guayaquil about the scientific activity. Methods: theoretical and empirical level were used, a questionnaire with closed questions aimed at knowing the opinions on the research activity in this institution was applied. Result: that of the sample analyzed 309 (39.3%) said they agreed with the training for the writing of scientific articles. 38.6% said they agree with the training on research projects. Conclusion: that teacher’s research should be enhanced to ensure the formation and development of research skills in students.

2021 ◽  
Ángela González-Santos ◽  
Lucía Ortiz-Comino ◽  
Paula Postigo-Martín ◽  
María López-Garzón ◽  
Eva Serna ◽  

The use of smartphones, despite being mainly social, has begun to be implemented in the university environment as a tool for working in class and for communication between students regarding teaching material. However, before creating teaching methodologies that use these devices, it is important to know the opinion that the students have of them. Our objective was to analyze the personal and academic use of Smartphones by Health Sciences students from different Universities. With this objective, a form was created consisting of sociodemographic questions and the Questionnaire on perceptions and attitudes towards learning through mobile devices (CPAAM). Subsequently, a descriptive analysis of the results was carried out. In total, 233 students participated. Our results showed that the personal is the largest use of Smartphones in these students, while the perception of their educational use is relatively low. Obtaining these data is a starting point for future analyzes that associate the use of these devices with the individual situation of the student, as well as for the effectiveness of the implementation of new learning methodologies.

Retos ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 194-199
Marta Delicado Valverde ◽  
José Jesús Trujillo Vargas ◽  
Luisa María García Salas

La formación inicial de los maestros especialistas en Educación Física ha “sufrido” profundos cambios con las reformas educativas. Lo que debiera seguir siendo igual de relevante es la importancia que tiene el hecho de que sean los propios alumnos quienes valoren la calidad de su formación como docentes especialistas futuros en esta área. En este estudio, nos servimos del instrumento validado por Moreno y Conte (2001) para la Valoración y Capacitación sobre la Docencia en Educación Física (V.A.C.D.E.F.), que hemos pasado a 39 alumnos del Grado en Educación Primaria, que cursan la mención en Educación Física, de un Centro de la Universidad de Cádiz. Entre los hallazgos más importantes, hemos de destacar que los alumnos se sienten, a nivel general, capacitados para desempeñar la labor docente futura, están de acuerdo con los contenidos que se imparten en su formación, se encuentran interesados por los aspectos técnicos de los deportes y por la especialidad en sí misma y apuestan por más clases prácticas dentro de su formación. Abstract. The initial training of Physical Education teachers has "undergone" deep changes along with educational reforms. What should remain equally relevant is that students, as future specialist teachers in this area, should be the ones who value the quality of their education. In this research, we use the tool validated by Moreno and Conte (2001), the Assessment and Training on Teaching in Physical Education (V.A.C.D.E.F.), which we applied to 39 Primary Education degree students who attend the program in Physical Education at a Center of the University of Cádiz. Among the most important findings, we emphasize that the majority of students feel well trained for carrying out the future teaching work. They agree with the contents that are imparted in their program, they are interested in the technical elements of sports and the specialty itself, as well as they strive for more practical classes within their training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 475-486
Tomas Hmira

Teaching Russian at the universities in Slovakia has its own history. For decades, the Russian language has occupied a worthy place in the country’s universities, including Ruzomberok. A new educational reform (since September, 2019) implies freedom of choice when learning foreign languages. Consequently, interest in studying the Russian language in Slovakia is forecasted, which indicates the relevance of our chosen topic. The purpose of the article is to analyze the system of teaching the Russian language at Catholic University in Slovakia from the perspective of a young teacher with little pedagogical experience. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the pointing out the problem of forming and developing interest to the Russian language in Ruzomberok through the culturological approach outlined by the famous Slovak specialist in Russian philology Eva Kollarova. The practical significance of the work consists in using educational disciplines being worked out, their analysis and further adjustment aimed at developing the students’ personality, their individuality through the Russian language. As a result of the study, it was proved that the curriculum based on the culturological approach to teaching a foreign language helps to build trust between the teacher and students. Also, university students are motivated, and in the university environment, they do not only receive facts through language, but are also brought up. We see the prospects of the study in a more detailed study of the impact of teaching the Russian language according to the principle of “language through culture, culture through language.” Due to the growing interest to the Russian language in Slovakia and a free choice in learning a foreign language, the willingness of teachers and students for the dialogue of cultures is becoming very important.

Anna Krajewska ◽  

The aim of the research is to discuss the importance of condition of didactic cooperation in the evaluation of teachers and students in the educational process. In my research, I used three scales designed to study the level of cooperation between teachers and students in each phase of the educational process. In the evaluation of teachers and students, the level of didactic cooperation in subsequent stages of the educational process is often average or low. Analysis has shown that student evaluation is determined by the mode of study and the university environment, while teacher evaluation – by professional title and experience in the profession.

2020 ◽  
pp. 35-40
José Eugenio Rubilar Medina

This article is the culmination of a broader research project carried out with students of the Visual Arts Education degree, with whom we traced an exploratory drift to investigate the senses and notions that orbit the complex notion of Identity. Within the framework of this research, (still in development), I reconstruct what was a collaborative and inclusive experience of investigation, in which materiality (19th century portraits belonging to the collection of pictorial works of the University Museum) was inscribed as a mediating agent that allowed us to re-read concepts, notions, knowledge and desires in order to re-think and co-construct knowledge from the intersubjective at the University. In this exercise of reflexivity, situated and embodied, a distance is taken from the schemes of semiotic analysis ascribed to descriptive readings, nor are strategies of codification and categorization established that fragment, segment and theme the experiences of inquiry. This text is the unfolding of a trajectory where teachers and students open up to the possibility of exploring, creatively and from a sense of becoming, the very processes of identity subjectivization by attending to the encounters with materiality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 6620 ◽  
Carmen Solís-Espallargas ◽  
Jorge Ruiz-Morales ◽  
Dolores Limón-Domínguez ◽  
Rocío Valderrama-Hernández

This work forms part of the R + D + i ‘Training project in Spanish universities for professionals as agents of change in order meet the challenges facing society’ (Educación e Innovación Social para la Sostenibilidad (EDINSOST) 2017–2019). The purpose is to analyse the presence of sustainability in terms of curriculum content and training in competence for students, teachers and the curricula of Science of Education degree courses at the University of Seville. In this context, the curricula of the Degree in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Pedagogy have been analysed. Two questionnaires have been drawn up, and four reflection groups have been created—in which, a total of 49 teachers and 170 students have participated. The results show that there is a low presence of sustainability in Science of Education degree courses. The teachers express the opinion that they are engaged in sustainable initiatives and have an interest in ethical models. The students express a high degree of interest in receiving sustainability training. Findings provide information for introducing innovation into the university curriculum and the training of teachers and students in order to improve their competency in sustainability.

Maria Divanete Sousa da Silva ◽  
Salomao Antonio Mufarrej Hage ◽  
Hellen do Socorro de Araujo Silva

This article reflects on the Formation of teachers from the field in the Rural Education Degree Course offered by the Federal University of Pará, Campus of Cametá/PA, in the territory of the Amazon Tocantina, with the participation of the rural social movements. It results from research developed in the Graduate Program in Education, at the Federal University of Pará, plus contributions accumulated by the Group of Studies and Research in Rural Education in the Amazon, with the participation of its members in the Universitas/Br Network, researching higher education in Brazil. It aims to analyze the process of implementing the Rural Education Degree Course - Ledoc, with the participation of social movements, as well as understanding the importance of these collectives in strengthening rural higher education in this territory. The methodology was anchored in Historical and Dialectical Materialism to understand the real movement that involved the articulation between the University and social movements, in the realization of the course, with the accomplishment of bibliographical, documentary analysis and field research. The results revealed that the political strength of the social movements drove the implementation of the formation policy for teachers in the field, in public universities, specifically in the Tocantina Amazon, which has a strong presence of social movements representing traditional and peasant peoples.

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