training project
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2022 ◽  
Irina Kuznecova ◽  
Mihail Prohorov

One of the forms of teaching physics in high schools with a natural science specialization and in the junior courses of universities can be an educational research project. The use of modern open scientific data makes it possible to make the project interesting, modern, relevant and multidisciplinary. The implementation of such a project allows the student to understand some areas of modern scientific research and the relationship between various natural sciences. Direct comparison of the project results with published fundamental research and discussion of the differences obtained are possible. As the first example of a training project, the determination of the frequency of asteroids and large meteorites (of the Tunguska and Chelyabinsk class) falling to Earth by counting craters on the surface of the Moon and Mercury is considered. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students of higher educational institutions studying in natural science specialties: physics, astronomy, geography, geology, soil science, biology, etc—, and students of engineering and technical specialties of full-time and distance learning.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Wenjun Yan ◽  
Xiuyin Gao ◽  
Wei Wang ◽  
Zhengyu Zhou ◽  
Chao Zou ◽  

Abstract Background The Chinese government has worked out the “Rural Oriented Medical Students Training Project” to address physician maldistribution, which attempted to train physicians for rural areas. The present study attempted to evaluate the job satisfaction of the graduates of this project in Jiangsu Province, China. Methods Online questionnaires were sent to the graduates of the “Rural Oriented Medical Students Training Project” (group A) and their colleagues, who were rural physicians recruited from different sources (group B). The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Xuzhou Medical University, and the approval number was 2,018,057. Information on demographic characteristics, work conditions, and self-reported satisfaction was collected to compare the satisfaction differences between the two recruited rural physicians using the Chi-square test and Mann–Whitney U test. Additionally, factors correlated to the satisfaction of group A were assessed using multivariate linear regression. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 23.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Group A exhibited moderate satisfaction (2.81 ± 0.687). The satisfaction score from the highest to the lowest was for occupational ecology, life satisfaction, stress, competency, and internal environment. Positive factors related to the satisfaction of group A were area, monthly income, working hours per week, professional title, and post. Conclusion The satisfaction of the graduates of the “Rural Oriented Medical Students Training Project” was moderate. Factors related to satisfaction included economic incentives, workload, and professional confidence. Possible solutions for increasing satisfaction should consist of economic support and possible ways to improve the professional identification of these graduates.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-32
Rita Bissola ◽  
Barbara Colombo ◽  
Barbara Imperatori

Literature supports the effectiveness of blogs to improve communication, strategic thinking, and collaboration. These competencies are particularly relevant for organizations, and for this reason, social media are frequently used as opportunities to better manage employees' behaviors, enhance the transfer of knowledge, and foster creativity. Despite these considerations, few research-based findings guide these new tools' practical application in the organizational environment's training processes. This study aims to understand the organizational, individual, and socio-relational processes and issues that occur during a blog-based training program and how they interact and influence its effectiveness. We present a casestudy based on the use of discourse analysis, focused on the failure of a blogbased training project. Our findings suggest the employees' metacognitive awareness is a significant issue in the design and implementation of a blog-based training program. Insights derived from conversation analysis suggest that to manage a blog-based training program effectively, it is crucial to deal with face-to-face interaction and the group sense-making process ‘outside' the blog.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 766-767
Jarmin Yeh ◽  
Leslie Ross ◽  
Brittney Pond ◽  
Brooke Hollister ◽  
Tiffany Cheang ◽  

Abstract In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) caregivers are critical linchpins in our long-term care system, but little research exists to examine the strategies for enhancing their role working in the homes of persons living with dementia (PLWD). The aim of the IHSS+ Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Training Project (IHSS+ ADRD Training Project) is to implement a competency-based dementia training program for 600 IHSS caregivers and their consumers; and evaluate the training program’s impact on caregiving, long-term services and supports, and health systems. This project is a partnership between the University of California, San Francisco, Institute for Health & Aging; Center for Caregiver Advancement, a nonprofit organization founded by home care workers; and Alameda Alliance for Health, a non-profit managed care plan created by and for residents of Alameda County, California. The research design and funding of the project was established just prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic evolved, the IHSS+ ADRD Training Project underwent many revisions and pivoted to remote strategies to ensure progress could be made toward the aims. This poster describes a process evaluation of how various challenges were addressed and subsequent changes were made to the methodology. Using a community-based participatory research and program evaluation hybrid model, this project remained nimble, configuring an online dementia training program and evaluation methods that accommodated safety needs of community partners. Benefits and limitations of implementing the IHSS+ ADRD Training Project, using remote strategies, to ensure IHSS caregivers and their consumers could continue receiving education and support, are highlighted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 3710-3725
René Rodríguez Zamora ◽  
Leonor Antonia Espinoza Núñez

En esta propuesta se presenta el uso de las nuevas tecnologías como una herramienta de apoyo educativo y como una práctica generada a partir del acercamiento cognitivo y afectivo del estudiante con los contenidos de la asignatura,  así mismo tiene la doble intención de iniciar un conjunto de prácticas educativas, mediante la estrategia de proyecto formativo, sobre la base del aprendizaje autónomo, colaborativo y  orientado en la investigación, lo que le permite conocer el fenómeno psicosocial estudiado en sus diversos contextos de significación. Esta propuesta se circunscribe en un modelo constructivista que ubica al sujeto que aprende como el principal actor que llega a controlar su propio proceso mediante el establecimiento de un plan de acción que consensa de manera colectiva. Por otra parte se ubica dentro del enfoque por competencias que define el marco de la reforma educativa, contenida en el enfoque por competencias, estableciendo las áreas a desarrollar. En este sentido, se desarrollan las competencias integrando el saber, el saber hacer y el saber ser. Se pretende con esta estrategia atender el desarrollo de competencias mediante la identificación de problemas y la aplicación del proceso investigativo, a través de la metodología de proyectos desarrollando aptitudes y actitudes para el trabajo colaborativo y la incorporación de la tecnologías para un mejor desenvolvimiento de la práctica educativa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 12828
Marco Ravina ◽  
Sergio Galletta ◽  
Augustin Dagbetin ◽  
Omama Ahmed Hussein Kamaleldin ◽  
Madalitso Mng’ombe ◽  

This study is based on the evidence collected during the “Technical e-Learning Course on Wastewater Treatment”, an international training project developed in 2020 in Italy by the Hydroaid Association, in collaboration with Turin Polytechnic. This work intended to address the sustainability of urban sanitation in various African countries, which the world of international cooperation has been looking at in recent years with growing interest. A comparative analysis of the current strategies and technological solutions was conducted. Data and information reported by the project participants were elaborated and verified. Four African countries—Benin, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Malawi—were considered and two relevant case studies among those proposed by the participants were presented. Starting from this analysis, significant elements about the status and coverage of wastewater management were extracted and reported. The analysis of existing wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) allowed evaluating their design features and current status of operation. Considerations about the environmental, economic, social, and technical sustainability of wastewater treatment and management were finally reported. Conducting such an analysis provided support in identifying the best practices and the most recurrent problems linked to the various African contexts, which need to be considered for a complete definition of the planning strategy for accessible, efficient, and sustainable sanitation infrastructures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 78-83
Shengsheng Wang

Investigate the main links of higher vocational automation and control majors, such as training objectives, curriculum settings, and practical arrangements, in-depth analysis of the status quo of professional students' engineering practice ability, and point out the key issues. The article puts forward the idea of establishing a practical ability training platform with innovation and entrepreneurship as the main driving force. At the same time, the author combines the society’s demand for "innovative and entrepreneurial talents" and the entrepreneurial characteristics of higher vocational automation and control, based on the Java web cloud application design scheme, design a set of higher vocational students’ innovation and entrepreneurship system, which can better support higher vocational students’ innovation "Entrepreneurship" scientific research and training project management, more scientifically guide the smooth development of "innovation and entrepreneurship education" in higher vocational schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. S173-S173
Chloe Balleste ◽  
Martí Manyalich ◽  
Entela Kondi ◽  
Hongtao Zhao ◽  
Miao Pu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-179
Hocheol Shin ◽  
Jaehong Park ◽  
Jiwon Kim ◽  
Dajung Baek ◽  
Yun-ji Lee ◽  

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