2014 ◽  
Vol 44 (123) ◽  
pp. 237
Johan Konings

Aos cinquenta anos do Vaticano II recorda-se o caminho que levou até a Constituição Dei Verbum e, daí, até a Exortação Verbum Domini. Considera-se a questão hermenêutica: a leitura da Bíblia centrada em torno do Evento Jesus e tendo seu “lugar” na vida da Igreja, que herdou o Espírito de Jesus. Como a leitura das Escrituras deve ser a alma da teologia, não se pode separar a crítica históricoliterária da hermenêutica teológica. Esta se inscreve na racionalidade ampliada do ser humano, tendo na mira não as palavras, mas a “coisa”. Unindo o horizonte original do texto ao de hoje, abre-o em diversos níveis e direções, enquanto a exegese histórico-literária segura o sentido primeiro e referencial. Descreve-se a circularidade dessa hermenêutica. Por fim, consideram-se a experiência latinoamericana, bem como e a leitura bíblica como alma da pastoral hoje.ABSTRACT: Fifty years after Vatican II we remember the way unto the Constitution Dei Verbum and from there to the Exhortation Verbum Domini. Then is treated the issue of hermeneutics: the lecture of the Bible centred around the Jesus Event and having its “locus” in the life of the Church, heiress of His Spirit. Since Scripture reading must be the soul of Theology, historical-literary criticism cannot be separated from theological hermeneutics. These are inscribed in amplified human rationality, that aims not at the words, but at the “thing”. They unite the original and the today horizon, opening the text in several levels and directions, while historicalliterary exegesis warrants the original and referential meaning. Attention is drawn to the circularity of hermeneutics. Finally is lighted the Latin American experience, and Scripture reading as the soul of pastoral praxis today.

2019 ◽  
Vol 71 (283) ◽  
pp. 606
Filippo Santoro

O A. sintetiza a Exortação Apostólica Pós-Sinodal Verbum Domini, realçando sua estrutura dialógica e chamando a atenção para o que considera os pontos fortes do documento: a continuidade entre a Verbum Domini e a Dei Verbum (do Vat. II) no que concerne à centralidade da Palavra de Deus (Cristo); esta, como sendo o miolo do documento, não a Bíblia, embora esta seja seu receptáculo; uma renovada comunhão entre exegese, teologia e pastoral; Maria, ponto de referência para se compreender a relação entre Palavra de Deus e Igreja; leitura orante e lectio divina como abordagens que favorecem o encontro pessoal e comunitário com a Palavra; a dimensão inerentemente missionária da Palavra de Deus, que se dá, sobretudo, pelo testemunho de vida; o impulso ao diálogo ecumênico e inter-religioso decorrente do encontro com a Palavra; a comunhão e a alegria, resultantes desse encontro; o estilo sapiencial do texto e sua linguagem viva, calorosa e comunicativa, fruto da experiência de encontro com o Verbo encarnado, Palavra de Deus. Neste quadro, a Bíblia é vista como verdadeiro código primordial da humanidade, capaz de falar a uma sociedade plural, desejosa, em tempos de árido relativismo, do Evangelho da Vida.Abstract: The Author summarizes the Post-Synod Verbum Domini Apostolic Exhortation, emphasizing its dialogical structure and calling attention to what he considers to be the strong points of the document: the continuity between the Verbum Domini and the Dei Verbum (of the Vatican II) with regard to the centrality of God’s Word (Christ’s); considering the latter – rather than the Bible that would be just its receptacle – as the kernel of the document; a renewed communion between exegesis, theology and pastoral; Maria as a point of reference in order to understand the relationship between God’s Word and the Church; praying-reading and lectio divina as the types of approaches that encourage the individual and the community encounter with the Word; the inherently missionary dimension of God’s Word, that happens, above all, by the testimony of life; the impulse towards the ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue resulting from the meeting with the Word; the communion and the joy resulting from this meeting; the sapiential style of the text and its lively, warm and communicative language, fruit of the experience of the meetingwith the incarnated Word, God’s Word. In this picture, the Bible is seen as mankind’s true primary code able to speak to a plural and yearning society, at a time of arid relativism of the Gospel of Life.

Mayéutica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 46 (101) ◽  
pp. 55-110
Radni Caparas ◽  

This article attempts to explore the Christological hermeneutics of Augustine in Benedict XVI’s method of reading Christ. The study is divided into three parts. The first part explores the Christological issues and methods since Vatican II. The proliferation of the Christological hermeneutics ignited the Church (Dei Verbum and Pontifical Biblical Commission) to set some guidelines and controls in order to pave the way to a better quest for the real Jesus. Within this context, Benedict XVI proposed a Christological hermeneutics which present a convincing figure of the real Jesus of Nazareth. The second part of the article deals with the commonalities and distinction of the hermeneutics of Augustine and of Benedict XVI. It highlights the similarities of the theological context of both theologians. Likewise, it presents the continuity of the thought of Augustine and Benedict XVI. The last part explains the Christological Hermeneutics of Augustine in the mind of Benedict XVI. It investigates and defines the Augustinian method of knowing Christ within the framework of Benedict XVI’s personal quest for Christ.

1932 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-45 ◽  
Joseph William Hewitt

These words in criticism of Fra Lippo's vivid and realistic painting of sacred subjects admirably typify the attitude of theology to art. In the ages when the masses were still unable to read, the church took advantage of the work of the painter to impart instruction in the Bible stories. But after all, mere enlightenment is comparatively useless, sometimes even dangerous. It is always inferior to devotion. As long as the masses could be inspired by art to perform more fully their religious duties, so long was art rendering to the church the services that were its due. If the actual facts, even as recorded in the Scriptures, stood in the way of the theological object, they had to be neglected, obscured, or denied. If by a false depiction religious feeling were aroused, there could be no doubt as to the value of such depiction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 654-665 ◽  
Omar G Encarnación

This essay examines the conditions that enable a ‘gay rights backlash’ through a comparison of the United States and Latin America. The United States, the cradle of the contemporary gay rights movement, is the paradigmatic example of a gay rights backlash. By contrast, Latin America, the most Catholic of regions, introduced gay rights at a faster pace than the United States without much in the way of a backlash. Collectively, this analysis demonstrates that a gay rights backlash hinges upon organisationally-rich ‘backlashers’ and an environment that is receptive to homophobic messages, a point underscored by the American experience. But the Latin American experience shows that the counter-framing to the backlash can minimise and even blunt the effects of the backlash.

1971 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 329-344
John H. Leith

Calvin's theology can properly be described primarily as commentary upon Scripture as a whole and secondarily as commentary upon the way the church had read Scripture in its theology and creeds.

Edward T. Brett

Following the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), over a thousand priests and religious sisters and brothers were exiled, imprisoned, tortured, or murdered in Latin America by authoritarian governments. A much larger number of lay Church workers were also incarcerated, brutalized, or killed. Most suffered or died because, following the ideals of Vatican II and the Second Latin American Bishops Conference at Medellín, Colombia (1968), they committed themselves to the amelioration of the marginalized in their countries, even though they were fully aware that to do so placed their lives in great peril. This chapter treats a select number—mostly priests and nuns—who were killed because of their prophetic devotion to the poor. It is limited to the nations of Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and Central America. It also touches on the bitter divisions that resulted in the Church as a consequence of this new religious activism. Finally, it demonstrates why the deaths of so many religious-based social justice activists forced the institutional Catholic Church to reexamine its outdated criteria for martyrdom.

2009 ◽  
Vol 41 (114) ◽  
pp. 165 ◽  
Johan Konings

Em outubro de 2008 transcorreu em Roma a XII Assembleia Geral Ordin ária do Sínodo dos Bispos, o qual é uma instituição permanente criada pelo Concílio Vaticano II para manter o diálogo dos pastores-bispos das Igrejas particulares. Nesta Assembleia, dedicada à Palavra de Deus na vida e na missão da Igreja, foi retomada praticamente a Constituição Dogmática Dei Verbum do Vaticano II. Depois de apresentar o tema da Palavra de Deus, traçamos um breve histórico focalizando os inícios da Tradição cristã e os tempos modernos desde Leão XIII até hoje. Em seguida descrevemos a XII Assembleia Geral, especialmente a Relatio post Disceptationem e as Propositiones. Concluímos com uma reflexão teológicopastoral sobre a Revelação e a leitura bíblica, e sugestões para a prática.ABSTRACT: In October of 2008 the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Sinod of Bishops took place in Rome. The Sinod of Bishops is a permanent institution created by the II Vatican Council in order to maintain the dialogue of pastorsbishops of the particular Churches. This Assembly, dedicated to the Word of God in the life and in the mission of the Church, basically treated again the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum of the II Vatican Council. After presenting the theme of the Word of God, we outline a brief history focusing on the beginnings of the Christian Tradition and the modern epoch since Leo XIII until today. Next we describe the XII General Assembly, especially the Relatio post Disceptationem and the Propostiones. We conclude with a theological-pastoral reflection on Revelation and the reading of the bible, and some practical suggestions. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
Thiago Faccini Paro ◽  
André Luiz Massaro

Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal estudar os fundamentosteológicos e pastorais da Celebração da Palavra de Deus, resgatada peloConcílio Vaticano II. Os objetivos específicos desse trabalho são: apresentar aimportância da Celebração da Palavra de Deus no trabalho de evangelização daIgreja, apontando a inconsistência das resistências e incompreensões a respeitodo assunto. A Celebração da Palavra de Deus em sua estrutura é um valor herdadodos judeus, desde as grandes assembleias do primeiro Testamento (Cf. Ex19,24 e Ne 8,1-12) para a escuta da Palavra, até a estrutura da celebração noculto sinagogal (Lc 4,14-21), foi celebrada pelos primeiros cristãos, perdeu-sesua prática na história e foi restaurada pelo Vaticano II. Ela tem sua característicaespecífica e não é simplesmente um substitutivo da Celebração Eucarística. Ametodologia dessa pesquisa faz referência bibliográfica aos principais títulossobre o assunto na atualidade. Esse é o caminho percorrido dessa pesquisa:Faz-se análise da realidade, reflexão dos conceitos e desdobramentos práticos epastorais. Verifica-se, portanto, que, constatada a sacramentalidade da Palavrae da assembleia reunida, a Celebração da Palavra de Deus é autêntica açãolitúrgica e celebração do mistério pascal de Cristo. As famílias, como igrejas domésticas, podem ser bem mais evangelizados quando descobrirem a dimensãoorante da Palavra celebrada.Palavras-chave: Palavra de Deus. Assembleia. Ação Litúrgica. Mistério Pascal. Vaticano II.Abstract: This research has as main objective to study the theological andpastoral foundations of the Celebration of the Word of God, rescued by theSecond Vatican Council. The specific objectives of this work are: to present theimportance of the Celebration of the Word of God in the work of evangelizationof the Church; Pointing out the inconsistency of the resistances and misunderstandingsabout the subject. The Celebration of the Word of God in its structure isa value inherited from the Jews: from the great assemblies of the first covenant(cf. Ex 19,24 and Ne 8,1-12) to the listening of the Word, to the structure ofthe celebration in the The synagogue worship (Lc 4,14-21) was celebrated bythe early Christians, their practice in history was lost and restored by VaticanII. It has its specific character and is not simply a substitute for the EucharisticCelebration. The methodology of this research makes reference bibliographicalto the main titles on the subject nowadays. The way forward of this research:analysis of reality, reflection of concepts and practical and pastoral developments.It is verified, therefore, that the sacramentality of the Word and the assembledassembly have been verified, the celebration of the Word of God is authenticliturgical action and celebration of the paschal mystery of Christ. Families, likehouse churches, can be much more evangelized when they discover the prayingdimension of the Word celebrated.Keywords: Word of God. Assembly. Liturgical Action. Pascal Mystery. Vatican II.

2013 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Daniel J. Dreyer

An evolutionary perspective on the Confessio Belgica: A systematical-theological exploration. The aim of this study is to point out that the Confessio Belgica creates the opportunity to listen to both the voices of the natural sciences (especially in regard to the process of evolution) and the findings of the historical sciences. The important point of this discussion is that the human being is an evolutionary part of the process of creation. Man can no longer be seen as the ruler of creation in a personal and static sense. In the light of this we have to truly listen again to the witness of the Bible and the way in which it is formulated in the confessions of the church. The views of Wentzel van Huyssteen, Rob Bell and N.T. Wright are examples of how to respond, against the background of the science-theology debate, to the questions: �Who was Jesus?� and �What did He do?� Their insights might help us to proclaim the cosmic meaning of the message of the Gospel with integrity in a modern and postmodern world.

2020 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
pp. 181-202 ◽  
Rafael Luciani

In response to the phenomenon of globalization, which has resulted in the exclusion of entire peoples and their cultures, Pope Francis has proposed a pastoral geopolitics that is in keeping with the spirit of Vatican II and Latin American theology. Today’s poor are not only the individually poor, but also “poor-peoples” ( pueblos-pobres). Francis’s pastoral geopolitics seeks to identify the new historical processes being formed on the peripheries, such as social movements for democratic and inclusive societies, processes that the Church should encourage by valuing and incarnating itself in poor-peoples’ “cultures.” His structural option for the poor brings together ecclesiology, geopolitics, and evangelization.

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