scholarly journals Performance of GLASS WOOL FIBERS in ASPHALT CONCRETE Mixtures

Agathon Honest Mrema ◽  
Si-Hyeon Noh ◽  
Jae-Jun Lee ◽  
Oh-Sun Kwon

Nowadays, in order to improve asphalt pavement performance, durability and reduce environmental pollution caused by asphalt binder, many researchers are studying to modify asphalt concrete (AC) and find alternative paving materials to extend service life of asphalt pavement. One of the successful materials used in a modification of AC are fibers. Different types of fibers have been reinforced in AC mixture and improvements have been observed. This research studies the performance of glass wool fiber reinforced in a dense-graded asphalt mixture. Generally, glass fibers are known to have excellent mechanical properties such as high tensile modulus, 100% elastic recovery and a very high tolerance to heat. The glass wool fibers are commonly used as a thermal insulation material. In this research to evaluate the performance of glass wool fiber in AC, laboratory tests Marshall mix design test, Indirect tensile strength (IDT), Tensile strength ratio (TSR) and Kim test were conducted to determine a proper mix design, tensile properties, moisture susceptibility, rutting and fatigue behaviors. Results show that addition of glass wool fibers does affect the properties of AC mixture. The use of glass wool fibers showed a positive consistence results, in which it improved the moisture susceptibility and rutting resistance of the AC. Also result showed addition of fiber increased tensile strength and toughness which indicates that fibers have a potential to resist distresses that occur on a surface of the road as a result of heavy traffic loading. The overall results showed that addition of glass wool fiber in AC mixture is beneficial in improving properties of AC pavements.

Materials ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 4699
Agathon Honest Mrema ◽  
Si-Hyeon Noh ◽  
Oh-Sun Kwon ◽  
Jae-Jun Lee

Nowadays, in order to improve asphalt pavement performance and durability and reduce environmental pollution caused by hydrocarbon materials, many researchers are studying different ways of modifying asphalt concrete (AC) and finding alternative paving materials to extend the service life of pavements. One of the successful materials used in the modification of AC is fibers. Different types of fibers have been reinforced in AC mixtures and improvements have been observed. This research studies the performance of glass wool fibers reinforced in a dense-graded asphalt mixture. Generally, glass fibers are known to have excellent mechanical properties such as high tensile modulus, 100% elastic recovery and a very high tolerance to heat. Glass wool fibers are commonly used as a thermal insulation material. In this research, to evaluate the performance of glass wool fibers in AC, laboratory tests, the Marshall mix design test, indirect tensile strength (IDT), tensile strength ratio (TSR) and the Kim test were conducted to determine a proper mix design, tensile properties, moisture susceptibility, rutting and fatigue behaviors. Results show that the addition of glass wool fibers does affect the properties of AC mixtures. The use of glass wool fibers shows a positive consistence result, in which it improved the moisture susceptibility and rutting resistance of the AC. Additionally, results show that the addition of fiber increased tensile strength and toughness which indicates that fibers have a potential to resist distresses that occur on a surface of the road as a result of heavy traffic loading. The overall results show that the addition of glass wool fibers in AC mixtures is beneficial in improving properties of AC pavements.

Gregory M. Cartland Glover ◽  
Alexander Grahn ◽  
Eckhard Krepper ◽  
Frank-Peter Weiss ◽  
So¨ren Alt ◽  

A consequence of a loss of coolant accident is that the local insulation material is damaged and maybe transported to the containment sump where it can penetrate and/or block the sump strainers. An experimental and theoretical study, which examines the transport of mineral wool fibers via single and multi-effect experiments is being performed. This paper focuses on the experiments and simulations performed for validation of numerical models of sedimentation and resuspension of mineral wool fiber agglomerates in a racetrack type channel. Three velocity conditions are used to test the response of two dispersed phase fiber agglomerates to two drag correlations and to two turbulent dispersion coefficients. The Eulerian multiphase flow model is applied with either one or two dispersed phases.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Ahmad M. Abu Abdo ◽  
S. J. Jung

The main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of hot mix asphalt material properties on the performance of flexible pavements via mechanistic approach. 3D Move Analysis software was utilized to determine rutting and cracking distresses in an asphalt concrete (AC) layer. Fourteen different Superpave mixes were evaluated by utilizing results of the Dynamic Modulus (|E⁎|) Test and the Dynamic Shear Modulus (|G⁎|) Test. Results showed that with the increase of binder content, the tendency of rutting in AC layer increased. However, with the increase of binder content, the cracking of AC layer lessened. Furthermore, when different binder grades were evaluated, results showed that with the increase of the upper binder grade number, rutting decreased, and with the increase of the lower binder grade number, rutting increased. Furthermore, analysis showed that with the increase of the lower binder grade number, higher percent of bottom up cracks would result. As a result of the analysis, binder grade should not be solely considered for cracking in AC layer; binder content and aggregate structure play a big role. Finally, results illustrated that the mechanistic approach is a better tool to determine the performance of asphalt pavement than commonly used methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 406 ◽  
pp. 492-504
Noureddine Kacimi ◽  
Ahmed Tafraoui

In the field of economic and ecological material research which can replace the composite material currently used in several fields such as glass wool, research leads to a comparison of the mechanical properties and the quality of plates made from recycled materials with those of glass wool, in particular in terms of surface condition and geometric precision thus. In this study, we recycled and used damaged wool fibers in a composite material; the results showed that the new product has mechanical characteristics similar to those of fiberglass composite materials. The recycling of wool fiber reduces the cost of a product made of composite materials, with the possibility of a later study of the machinability of the plates made from this material and its use in various sectors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
Ali Abdi Kordani ◽  
Seyed Hani Seifi ◽  
Hossein Ghasemzadeh Tehrani ◽  
Bahram Shirini

Abstract The present research studies the effectiveness and efficiency of solutions such as sodium chloride, magnesium chloride and potassium acetate on asphalt pavement to reduce the damage caused by moisture on asphalt pavement in winter. To prevent the stripping problem in asphalt, Nano-Zycotherm with three quantities corresponding to 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.3% weight of bitumen is used in this study. Under the saturated condition with the above solutions, the indirect tensile test performs by applying a freeze–thaw cycle as a means to measure the amount of moisture susceptibility. The results indicate that the asphalt mix containing 0.3% Nano-Zycotherm has a higher indirect tensile strength and tensile strength ratio than asphalt mix containing 0.1% and 0.2% Nano-Zycotherm. Accordingly, Magnesium chloride solution is the most effective deicing material to improve the indirect tensile strength and durability of asphalt pavements when faced with moisture and ice. Article highlights The presence of Nano-Zycotherm in asphalt leads to its increased resistance against stripping. The use of Sodium chloride and potassium acetate deicing solutions causes some damages in asphalt. Considering different solutions, magnesium chloride has the best performance against asphalt stripping.

2021 ◽  
Vol 904 ◽  
pp. 464-469
Mohammed Qadir Ismael

The efforts embedded in this paper have been devoted to designing, preparing, and testing warm mix asphalt (WMA) mixtures and comparing their behavior against traditional hot mix asphalt mixtures. For WMA preparation, the Sasobit wax additive has been added to a 40/50 asphalt binder with a concentration of 3%. An experimental evaluation has been performed by conducting the Marshall together with volumetric properties, indirect tensile strength, and wheel tracking tests to acquire the tensile strength ratio (TSR), retained stability index (RSI), and rut depth. It was found that the gained benefit of reduction in mixing and compaction temperatures was reversely associated with a noticeable decline in Marshall properties and moisture susceptibility indices designated by TSR, and RSI, and even the rut resistance was adversely affected. Modification of WMA mixtures by 3% of Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) polymer coupled with replacement of virgin ingredient by 50% of recycled asphalt concrete granted a 20% and 15% growth in Marshall stability and tensile strength, respectively. Moreover, both TSR and IRS indices have risen to 87% and 90%, respectively associated with a 39% increase in rutting resistance ability.

2008 ◽  
Vol 35 (11) ◽  
pp. 1308-1317 ◽  
Soon-Jae Lee ◽  
Hakseo Kim ◽  
Chandra K. Akisetty ◽  
Serji N. Amirkhanian

This paper presents a limited study that characterizes the recycling of artificially aged crumb-rubber modified (CRM) mixtures depending on their recycling percentage and aggregate type. Eight mixtures [six recycled mixtures containing rubberized reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and two control virgin mixtures] were designed and tested. Two types of aggregates were used in this research project. The rubberized RAP used in the study was artificially aged in the laboratory using an accelerated aging processes. The percentages of the RAP, by total weight of the mix, incorporated into the recycled mixtures were 15%, 25%, and 35%. Evaluation of all mixtures included the following testing procedures: tensile strength ratio (TSR), asphalt pavement analyzer (APA), resilient modulus, and indirect tensile strength (ITS) after long-term oven aging. The results from this study showed that (i) the recycled aged CRM mixtures (with 15%, 25%, and 35% rubberized RAP) can satisfy the current Superpave mixture requirements, including moisture susceptibility and rutting resistance, and (ii) in general, there was no significant difference between the control and the recycled CRM mixtures for the properties evaluated in this study.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-72 ◽  
Ali Akbari Motlagh ◽  
Ebrahim Mirzaei

Using the fibre additives with a uniform distribution in asphaltic concrete mixture is a well-known technique for improving the mechanical properties and durability of asphalt pavement. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of preparing fibre and production of the properties of bitumen and asphalt concrete mixture. In this study, a dense-graded aggregation, mineral fibres (asbestos) and synthetic fibres (polyester and nylon) were used.  Laboratory studies were done by comparing different rheological properties, mechanical and moisture susceptibility of mixtures of fibres. Results of the penetration and softening point on mixtures of bitumen – fibre show that fibres improve the mixed rheological properties and stiffening effect of fibre properties. The results of Marshall Tests indicate that adding fibres reduces the strength in Marshall and results in the slight increase in the percentage of optimum bitumen content and asphalt percentage of air voids in comparison with typical fibre. The results of the indirect tensile tests showed that the addition of fibres, depending on the percentage of fibres significantly improves the durability of the mixture.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1030-1032 ◽  
pp. 1116-1119
Pei Pei Tang ◽  
Ai Qin Shen ◽  
Meng Bo Gao

With China's rapid economic development, traffic and heavy-duty vehicles increased significantly. Asphalt pavement failure caused by heavy traffic is increasingly prominent.Pavement's service life was greatly reduced. On the basis of extensive research and theoretical calculation the article analyzes the impact of heavy traffic on the asphalt pavement service life from three aspects of rutting,ultimate failure and fatigue failure, provides a theoretical basis for heavy traffic asphalt pavement structure design.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Anni Susilowati ◽  
Andhika Kesuma

ABSTRACTReclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) material as a result of road maintenance by Scrapping-Filling-Overlay method is a waste material which had potential to be recovered as a surface layerof road. The maintenance in highway road of Indonesia used hot mix asphalt in general. But, hot mix asphalt are not environmentally friendly and makes energy wasting because it needs burning process at mixing. Those things are the main causes of this research. This asphalt concrete with RAP with cold mixing is expected to fulfill the requirements of asphalt concrete for heavy traffic. In this research is asphalt content variations at 6,5; 7,0; 7,5; 8,0; and 8,5% to total mixture. The results of this research shows that the highest Marshall stability could not reach minimum value of heavy loaded traffic, that is at emulsion asphalt content 7% only for 711 kg. Besides, the percentage of void in mixture (VIM), void filled with bitumen (VFB) and flow couldn’t fulfill the specification of SNI 8198:2015. With the result that optimum asphalt content cannot be obtained. Result of wheel tracking test could not be obtained too because the specimens collapse during the test.Key words : Emulsion asphalt, Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement, stability, Wheel Tracking MachineABSTRAKMaterial Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) hasil dari pemeliharaan dengan metode Scrapping-Filling Overlay merupakan limbah yang berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan kembali menjadi lapis permukaan. Pada umumnya penanganan jalan di Indonesia menggunakan campuran panas. Namun, campuran panas kurang ramah lingkungan dan tidak hemat energi. Karena membutuhkan proses pembakaran dalam proses pencampuran. Hal ini yang menjadi alasan utama penelitian ini. Beton aspal dengan bahan utama RAP dengan campuran dingin ini diharapkan mampu memenuhi syarat lapisan aspal beton untuk lalu lintas berat. Variasi pada penelitian ini adalah kadar aspal 6,5; 7,0; 7,5; 8,0; dan 8,5% terhadap total campuran. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa stabilitas Marshall tertinggi tidak mampu mencapai nilai minimum untuk lalu lintas berat, yaitu pada kadar aspal emulsi 7% hanya sebesar 711 kg. Selain itu prosentase rongga dalam campuran (VIM), rongga terisi aspal (VFB) serta kelelehan tidak memenuhi spesifikasi dari SNI 8198:2015. Sehingga, kadar aspal optimum tidak didapatkan. Hasil dari pengujian alur roda juga tidak didapatkan karena benda uji amblas ketika pengujian dilakukan.Kata kunci : Aspal emulsi, Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement, stabilitas, Wheel Tracking Machine

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