2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 211
Muh Amin

Information technology based on cyber extension is one of agricultural communication tools to achieve farmers welfare. Cyber extension is a technology innovation to accelerate communication of agricultural information to the user , so that information can be obtained more quickly, precisely and relevant to farmer demands.The study aimed to analyze the effectiveness and behavior of farmers in using cyber extension as a medium of communication and information in support of agricultural development. The study method was survey with 86 farmer as sample respondents. The data were analyzed descriptively and using path analysis. The results show that the effectiveness of cyber extension is influenced by the farmer characteristics, farmers interaction and farmer perception. The effectiveness of cyber extension is the most strongly influenced by farmer characteristics (coefficient rate 0.328 ), and can be seen from the availability of information technology facilities and motivation of farmers to seek required information for farming activities. On the other hand, farmer's behavior is directly influenced by farmer perception and farmer effectiveness in using cyber extension. In addition, cyber extension is strongly effective to influence farmer behaviour with a coefficient of 0.413.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Budi Yuwono ◽  
Rein Nusa Triputra ◽  
Muhammad Nasri

Having an information technology (IT) plan is a minimum baseline for optimal IT governance. But, creating a plan is only one problem, executing it poses even more challenging problems. In this research, we investigate the correlation between an organization’s IT plan and the organization’s IT governance maturity level. We show that, on one hand, executing an IT plan requires a certain IT governance maturity level, on the other hand, the experience of executing an IT plan drives the organization IT governance maturity level. We compare the situations in two government institutions and found indications that the organization with an ambitious IT plan has more mature IT governance than the other whose IT plan is relatively modest. The results suggest that an effective IT plan should include plans for the development of IT governance mechanisms relevant to the goals that the plan is intended to achieve, and the plan’s implementation schedule, also known as the IT roadmap, should take into consideration the growth of the IT governance mechanisms’ maturity levels. Memiliki rencana untuk teknologi informasi (TI) adalah base line untuk tata kelola TI yang optimal. Tapi, membuat rencana hanyalah satu masalah, melaksanakannya akan menciptakan masalah baru yang lebih menantang. Dalam penelitian ini, kami menyelidiki korelasi antara rencana TI suatu organisasi dengan tingkat maturity tata kelola TI-nya. Kami menunjukkan bahwa, di satu sisi, untuk melaksanakan rencana TI memerlukan tingkat kematangan tata kelola TI tertentu, di sisi lain, pengalaman dalam menjalankan rencana TI mendorong organisasi dalam meningkatkan tata kelola TI. Kami membandingkan situasi di dua lembaga pemerintah dan menemukan indikasi bahwa organisasi dengan rencana TI yang ambisius memiliki tata kelola TI lebih matang dari organisasi yang rencana TI-nya relatif sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan TI yang efektif harus mencakup rencana untuk pengembangan mekanisme tata kelola TI yang relevan dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai, dan jadwal pelaksanaan rencana atau roadmap TI, harus mempertimbangkan pertumbuhan tingkat mekanisme tata kelola TI.

Joshua C. Gellers

Could robots have rights? On the one hand, robots are becoming increasingly human-like in appearance and behavior. On the other hand, legal systems around the world are increasingly recognizing the rights of nonhuman entities. Observing these macro-level trends, in this paper I present an ecological framework for evaluating the conditions under which some robots might be considered eligible for certain rights. I argue that a critical, materialist, and broadly ecological interpretation of the environment, along with decisions by jurists establishing or upholding the rights of nature, support extension of rights to nonhuman entities like robots.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-194 ◽  
Rebecca S. Bigler ◽  
Campbell Leaper

The language used to describe concepts influences individuals’ cognition, affect, and behavior. A striking example comes from research on gendered language, or words that denote individuals’ gender (e.g., she, woman, daughter). Gendered language contributes to gender biases by making gender salient, treating gender as a binary category, and causing stereotypic views of gender. In our review, we first summarize some of the major ways that language marks individuals’ gender, focusing on the English language but noting patterns in other languages as well. Second, we describe research on the relation between gendered language, on one hand, and gender-related cognition, affect, and behavior (e.g., gender salience, categorization, stereotyping, and prejudice), on the other hand. Third, we review past and contemporary efforts at changing gendered language, including calls for the use of gender-neutral nouns (e.g., “Good evening, folks” instead of “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen”) and pronouns (e.g., ze instead of he or she). Finally, we highlight the role of values in shaping views of language policies that may mitigate the pervasiveness and consequences of gendered language.

LTC Stoney Trent ◽  
Robert Hoffman ◽  
Tony Leota ◽  
CPT Robert Frost ◽  
MAJ Danielle Gonzalez

In 2009, the Department of Defense established U.S. Cyber Command to centralize and advocate for joint cyberspace operations. By 2018, the Cyber Mission Force (CMF) will consist of 6100 personnel in 133 teams that have offensive or defensive responsibilities. Although cybersecurity has been maturing for the better part of thirty years, there are important differences between cybersecurity and cyberspace operations. Cybersecurity, for instance, is focused on maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Information Technology (IT) networks. Cyberspace operations, on the other hand, are threat oriented and require enterprise-scale coordination. Many cyberspace tools are built by and for networking experts that have full privileges, access and responsibility for their networks. Such conditions rarely exist for cyberspace operations and intelligence teams. This panel will introduce the variety of roles, responsibilities and cognitive challenges in the CMF. Panelists will reserve significant time for Q&A to inform the design of future systems.

1988 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-140 ◽  
Nancy Morrow-Howell ◽  
Joel Leon

This article presents the results of a path analysis to clarify the life-span determinants of work effort in postretirement years. It was found that personal and structural characteristics are different between a group of retirees who did not work in the three years after retirement and those that worked more than 300 hours annually. Those that participated in the labor force after retirement experienced more successful employment histories before retirement. On the other hand, people with more marginal work histories were less likely to sustain work efforts after retirement, despite lower income.

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-78
Faisal H. Husain

This chapter reconstructs Ottoman irrigation policies in the Tigris-Euphrates alluvial plain. Numerous considerations shaped the Ottoman management of irrigation agriculture in the region. The state’s active support for agricultural development, for instance, was tied to Ottoman concepts of upholding precedent and justice. On the other hand, the ecology and location of the Tigris and Euphrates within the empire restrained whatever agricultural investment the Ottoman state desired to make in the region. Istanbul balanced those cultural, political, and environmental considerations to maintain a hybrid irrigation landscape, largely small in scale and local in character, but with a few giant canals that were administered directly by Ottoman imperial authorities.

Wira Pradipta ◽  
Utpala Rani

Management of data and information in an institution can support national development, but some are still less effective and efficient. This study aims to determine the application of information systems to achieve Good Governance in the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / Land Agency of Magelang City. The method used in this study was interviews with staff at the Magelang City Land Agency. The results find that the development of information technology and supporting infrastructure created opportunities to develop a more reliable, efficient, and timely computerized application for land activities (KKP) within the National Land Agency (BPN). The growing need for more accessible land information demanded by the community (policy recipients) and the government (policymakers) has increased higher than before. However, on the other hand, there are obstacles, such as the unfinished mapping of land parcels. The implication of this research is the Land Office needs to guide operators to better service quality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Alaa Yousef Al-Musawi ◽  
Saad Issa Sarsam

The design of safe pedestrian facilities usually depends on the assessment of pedestrian characteristics and behavior. In this investigation, pedestrian walking speed through the religious occasion have been monitored at three locations, Al- Kadhimiya (Imam AL-Kadim), Najaf and Karbala (Imam AL-Husain) holy shrines. Video captures of the pedestrian through their walking to the two holy shrines have been prepared and analyzed for walking speed, gender, age groups, and clothing tradition. The pedestrian sample size is 468, 501, and 447 for Al- Kadhimiya, Karbala, and Najaf respectively. When the gender is taken into consideration, it can be noted that the walking speed of male and female pedestrian is (0.97, 1.68, and 1.63) and (0.82, 1.46, and 1.48) meter/second for Al- Kadhimiya, Karbala, and Najaf respectively. When the cloth tradition is considered, female pedestrian wearing Arabic style is slower than male by 9% for Karbala and Najaf and 3% for Al- Kadhimiya. On the other hand, when age groups are considered, the elder pedestrian is slower in walking by 6% regardless of the gender and location. It was recommended that the restricted walking path at Al- Kadhimiya could be improved to control the jam density of pedestrian and increase the walking speed to its standard limit.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 143
Rais Ribha Rifqi Hakim

<pre><em>The development of information technology has kemjauan very rapidly. The advancement has led mankind easier to relate to one another. Various information and events happening parts of the world with rapidly can be known by human beings on other continents. The era of globalization characterized by the rapid advancement of communication technology is also called information age. The world community, including Muslims today can enjoy television programs with a variety of impressions. The television broadcasts emanating not only from a national network, but also can follow the international network thanks to the satellite which is connected with the parabola in people's homes. Communication on one side convey information to others for ideas or ideas to others either use or not use the media while the media on the other hand want to change the mindset and behavior of the people. </em><em>Same with da'wah, Communication is the process of conveying information to others about ideas or ideas to other people both using the media and not using media while on the other hand they want to change people's mindsets and behavior. The function of da'wah and communication are also the same, namely to change someone with a specific purpose. The purpose of da'wah is to convey information and seek information to mad'u so that the material to be conveyed can be understood so that communication can be achieved. The da'i to mad’u's da'wah process is expected to have a psychological influence in improving Islamic teachings. However, the challenge of preaching in the information era has become more complex. With this required expertise in conveying his da'wah for the success of da'wah, including various treatments that are more profound and efficient.</em><em></em></pre><p> </p><p align="center">****</p><em>Perkembangan teknologi informasi mengalami kemajuan sangat pesat. Kemajuan tersebut telah mengantarkan umat manusia semakin mudah untuk berhubungan satu dengan lainnya. Berbagai infomasi dan peristiwa yang terjadi dibelahan dunia dengan secara cepat dapat diketahui oleh manusia pada benua yang lain. Era globalisasi yang ditandai oleh semakin majunya teknologi komunikasi juga disebut dengan era informasi. Masyarakat dunia termasuk umat Islam dewasa ini dapat menikmati acara televisi dengan berbagai tayangan. Siaran televisi tersebut bukan hanya terpancar dari jaringan yang bersifat nasional, tetapi juga dapat mengikuti jaringan internasional berkat adanya satelit yang dihubungkan dengan adanya parabola di rumah-rumah penduduk. Sama dengan dakwah, Komunikasi adalah proses menyampaikan informasi kepada orang lain terhadap gagasan atau ide kepada orang lain baik menggunakan media maupun tidak menggunakan media sedangkan disisi lain ingin mengubah pola pikir dan tingkah laku masyarakat. Fungsi dakwah dan komunikasi juga sama, yaitu untuk merubah seseorang dengan tujuan tertentu. Tujuan dakwah adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi dan mencari informasi kepada mad’u agar materi yang ingin disampaikan dapat dimengerti sehingga komunikasi yang dilaksanakan dapat tercapai. Proses dakwah yang dilakukan oleh da’i kepada mad’u diharapkan mempunyai pengaruh psikologis dalam meningkatkan ajaran Islam. Namun, tantangan berdakwah di era informasi menjadi lebih komplek. Dengan ini dibutuhkan kepiawaian da’i dalam menyampaikan dakwahnya demi keberhasilan dakwah, termasuk berbagai perlakuan yang lebih mendalam dan berdayaguna.</em>

Алексей Автономов ◽  
Alyeksyey Avtonomov

The article is devoted to theoretical issues of using one of the research methods — structural analysis — for legal culture studying. Legal culture is a kind of a layer in social environment that represents one of the regulatory types. Law in its functioning is closely connected with the state, but rules of that law are rooted in societal life, resting upon the ideas of fairness which are dominant in the society under specific historical conditions. Legal culture manifests itself in the samples (models) of behavior and values. Legal culture combines the rational and the irrational. Legal culture is formed and developed under concrete historical conditions and, on the one hand, relies on law, being one of the legal phenomena (hence, the existence of law is the indispensable prerequisite for the existence of legal culture), and on the other hand, it is a factor of ensuring law existence and enforcement, because any rules that do not meet the dominant society’s values and predominant behavior samples (models), would be invalid: either they will be ignored and not applied or attempts will be made to adapt them to the values and behavior samples (models) by means of interpretation, enforcement practices, etc. (but as a result of that, the content of the rules will be different), or such rules will be changed or cancelled.

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