television programs
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 21-45
Patricia Zamora-Martínez ◽  
Ana González-Neira ◽  

This research delves into the television programs of political info- tainment (politainment) broadcast in 2018 in Spain and analyzes in a particular way the behavior of the infoshow ‘El Intermedio’, as well as the engagement of its social audience on the social network Twitter. For this, a content analysis methodology has been used on the tweets published by the program, the com- ments received and the reactions made by its social audience. The results of the investigation indicate that, as a whole, politainment programs, or those that include spectacular politics, and that are broadcast in the night time slot, have a greater number of followers on their Twitter profiles than those that are broad- cast in the morning, they also concentrate a higher accumulated monthly linear audience. Regarding the analysis of the tweets and comments of ‘El Intermedio’, the colloquial language and the critical and humorous intentionality are pre- dominant while the engagement obtained is scarce as it does not include only viralizing elements that reinforce its messages.

Collections ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 155019062110729
Elijah John F. Dar Juan

Costumes play a significant role in theatrical and television practice as age, gender, socioeconomic status, occupation, and the setting and climate are shown through them. This paper will enumerate some of the productions in which the costumes are included in the collections of two organizations: the Cultural Center of the Philippines, a government arts agency for the performing arts, and GMA Network, Inc., a media conglomerate that is chiefly in the business of producing and airing television programs. Information on the production plot and setting, key players such as directors, actors, production designers, and costume designers, and general descriptions of costumes are presented in this narrative survey. This work serves as a preliminary attempt to trace the provenance of costume sets in the collection of CCP and GMA Network. It may also awaken the need to document costumes as part of institutional collections.

2022 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-135
Virginia Martín-Jiménez ◽  
Pablo Berdón-Prieto ◽  
Itziar Reguero-Sanz

The theory formulated to date indicates that political infotainment programs arrived in Spain in a widespread manner in the 1990s with the rise of private television channels. But were there spaces in public television that shared the traits of this novel television genre before that time? This article is aimed at analyzing debate and talk shows, as well as hybrid format shows combining both genres, broadcasted on Televisión Española (TVE-1 and TVE-2) during the ‘80s, in order to determine whether or not these programs present the emblematic style characteristic of infotainment. The methodology consists of a content analysis of a total of 31 television programs, each of which was viewed on the RTVE archive using different multimedia platforms. The results of this research reveal that Televisión Española incorporated into its debate shows, talk shows, and hybrid format shows, features typical of infotainment prior to the ‘90s. Among the most recurrent stylistic features of these programs are the tendency to dramatization, polemic and emotionality (achieved through different techniques and strategies), an increase of soft content, a greater presence of satire, humor and close-ups, and the use of music.

Husnul Khotimah Shobiroh ◽  
Muhammad Yusri Bachtiar ◽  
Syamsuardi Saodi

Cartoons present a unique attraction for children, and the action genre is one of the television programs that primarily broadcast. Children observe characters in action cartoons and repeat what they see or hear. This study aims to determine whether the effect of aggressive behavior in children when watching action cartoons. The research approach is quantitative. The subject was 12 children aged 5-6 years in the Doa Ibu Kindergarten, Makasar. The researcher used data collection techniques in descriptive statistical analysis and Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis. The results showed a positive relationship between watching action cartoons and aggressive behavior of children aged 5-6 years and included in the category of moderately influential. To reduce these effects, interventions that must be carried out need to be studied further.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Vellycia Vellycia

As the world keeps advancing due to globalization, countries across the world were competing against each other to be more acknowledgeable. The use of nation branding appears to be better suited to solve that problem. The use of public diplomacy such as gastrodiplomacy is believed to be the perfect tool in achieving that goal. South Korea was one of the many countries to do so. The country does not solely rely on the concept of gastrodiplomacy alone, rather it combines diplomacy with the use of media and entertainment industry. This research aims to elaborate the use of Korean television programs as the medium for cultural representation through gastrodiplomacy performed within. This research attempts to interpret gastrodiplomacy performances within the Korean drama, ‘Weightlifting Fairy: Kim Bok-Joo’ and Korean reality show, ‘BTS: In The Soop’ by applying diplomacy and performance concept, and food as nation branding theory. This study shows that television drama and reality show were able to create an engagement and connection with their audience, making both shows effective in delivering the message. The research will be carried out using qualitative research measurement, by analyzing the food appearances happening within the selected scenes from both the series.

Dmytro Akimov

"Local" consumption of art projects and motivation of the "local" consumers The purpose of the article. Research and analysis of consumer motivations of fine arts products, based on algorithms of marketing technologies. The research methodology is to apply comparative, empirical, and theoretical methods. This methodological approach allows us to analyze the motivations of consumers of works of art who prefer to be fascinated by fine arts through the Internet, social networks, television programs, followed by the use of research results in marketing processes to promote works of art in the art market. The scientific novelty lies in the expansion of ideas about the motivation of consumers of the market of fine arts on the Internet, television programs, and in the study of further marketing processes in the art market. The article analyzes the algorithms of marketing technologies in the analysis of motivations for "home" consumption of products of the fine arts market. The article finds that in art marketing it is relevant and necessary to study the behavior of Internet consumers of works of art, analyzing the situation of "home" consumption of works of art. In art marketing, technologies for studying and analyzing the motivations of Internet consumers of works of art in promoting an art product on the art market are gradually being developed. Analysis of the motivations of Internet consumers of art markets makes it possible to more objectively segment the participants of market relations. Conclusions. The article identifies and analyzes the model of "home" online consumption of fine arts, as well as art projects, and, accordingly, describes the segment of online consumers of works of art at home using television, the Internet, and other means of communication. It is also proved that the behavior of the "home" consumer in art marketing is determined by three mandatory components: Individual - Product - Situation. It is on these components that the types of motivation are formed, on which the model of consumption and consumer behavior is built. Thus, we have studied Individuals who consume works of art and art projects, which in turn are Products presented in the form of printed or electronic images, and we have studied Situations of "home" consumption of works of art and art projects. Keywords: art market, marketing research, relationships of marketing, motivation of consumers of works of art, art projects, "home" consumption of works of art, behavior of consumers of art market.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 595-604
Riqueldi Straub Lise ◽  
Mayara Torres Ordonhes ◽  
André Mendes Capraro ◽  
Fernando Renato Cavichiolli

  This study analyzed some cases of rapid weight loss procedures in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and athletes linked to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), currently the largest promoter of the sport. Therefore, printed sources were used, such as specialized magazines or not; documentaries, television programs, interviews, articles on websites; documentary sources, regulations and protocols. It was noted that the rapid weight loss represents overconformity deviances, which are part of a code of conduct valued by athletes, but sometimes become problematic. The cases listed here obtained relative repercussions in the media and resulted in acute damage to the athletes, financial and marketing damage to the event promoter. There was also a certain malpractice among athletes and teams, event organizers, and the North-American Athletic Commissions to try to prevent extreme procedures for rapid weight loss from occurring more often by putting athletes at risk, causing damage to the event itself. Resumen: El presente estudio analizó algunos casos de procedimientos de pérdida de peso rápida en atletas de Artes Marciales Mixtas (MMA) vinculados al Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), actualmente el principal impulsor de este deporte. Por tanto, se utilizaron fuentes impresas, como revistas especializadas o no; documentales, programas de televisión, entrevistas, artículos en sitios web; fuentes documentales, normativas y protocolos. Se observó que la pérdida rápida de peso se configura como una desviación supraconformativa que forma parte de un código de conducta valorado por los deportistas, pero que en ocasiones se vuelve problemático. Los casos aquí enumerados obtuvieron relativa repercusión mediática y resultaron en daños agudos y crónicos a la integridad física de los atletas, pérdidas económicas y de mercado para el promotor de los eventos. Se observó que existía un cierto descuido entre los atletas y equipos, organizadores de eventos y comisiones atléticas norteamericanas para tratar de evitar que los procedimientos extremos para la pérdida rápida de peso ocurran con mayor frecuencia, poniendo en riesgo a los atletas y causando daños al evento en sí.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 40-56
Elisabeth Morney ◽  
Hanna Vilkka

Artikkelin tavoitteena on kuvata televisioalan tekijöiden näkemyksiä laatukriteereistä sekä sitä, millaisia lajityypit ylittäviä laatukriteereitä löytyy audiovisuaalisella alalla. Aineisto on koottu Yhdysvalloissa ja Suomessa haastattelemalla alan ammattilaisia, jotka toimivat tuottajina, ohjaajina, kouluttajina tai johtavissa asemissa palkintojärjestöissä.Analyysi on toteutettu fenomenografisesti. Laatukeskustelun ja televisio-ohjelmien keskinäisen vertailun tuloksena nousi esiin kolme lajityypit ylittävää laatukriteeriryhmää. Nämä ryhmät ovat 1) ammattitaito, 2) vaikutus ja 3) suosio.Avainsanat: laatu, televisiotuotanto, televisiotutkimus, lajityyppi, fenomenografiaQuality in Television Across Genres: Views on Criteria of Quality Amongst Television ProfessionalsThe aim of this article is to explore criteria of quality in the views of professionals in the field of television and what kind of criteria of quality across genre can be found in the audiovisual field. Data has been compiled in the United States and Finland by interviewing professionals in the field of television, who act as producers, directors, educators or in leading positions in award organizations, such as Peabody- and Emmy Awards.The analysis has been carried out phenomenographically. As a result of the quality discussion and the mutual comparison of television programs, three groups of quality criteria exceeding the genres emerged. These groups are 1) professionalism, 2) impact, and 3) popularity.Keywords: quality, genre, television production, television research, phenomenography

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5(45)) ◽  
pp. 9-12
Olesya Alekseevna Bondarchuk

Дубинин Александр свящ.. "Ребенок в мире TV и компьютеров", "Даниловский благовестник", М., 1997. Психологическая диагностика детского развития (руководство пользователя и карточный инструментарий). Под ред. Р.И. Суннатовой. - Москва - Ташкент: ИТД «СМИ - Азия» - Издательство журнала «San`at», 2008 Смирнова Е.О. Психология ребенка/ Е.О. Смирнова.- М.: Школа-Пресс,2007.-384с. Bondarchuk O.A. The dependence of the projection structure on some types of team sports / O.A. Bondarchuk //GLOBUS.-2021.-№ 4(61). - р. 13-15. ID:46133501 Brad J. Bushman and Craig A. Anderson, Iowa State University. Media Violence and the American Public. Scientific Facts Versus Media Misinformation. June/July 2001 American Psychologist ,477-489 Cantor Joanne, Ph.D. The Psychological Effects of Media Violence on Children and Adolescents. The Colloquium on Television and Violence in Society, Centre d'Études sur le Media, HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada, April 19, 2002. Rowell L. Huesmann and Laramie D. Taylor. The role of media violence in violent behavior. Annu. Rev. Public Health 2006. 27:393-415

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 178-204

The rise of television programs has an impact on the audience who watch them. This influence can have a positive or negative impact depending on the type of impression itself. If a show is watched for a long enough period of time and repeatedly, it will have an impact on the audience. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence watching the Indonesian Bagus program on NET TV with the level of knowledge about culture and cultural attitudes of the students of MAN Baturaja, South Sumatra. This study uses a quantitative explanatory approach with an experimental design. The theory used is cultivation which was developed to explain the impact of watching television for heavy viewers. George Gerbner stated that for heavy viewers of television, it will essentially monopolize and include information sources. The result of this research is if a show will not affect the heavy viewers audience. However, a show can have an impact, depending on the quality of the show itself.

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