scholarly journals Analysis of Agroecology and The Requirement of Supplemental Irrigation on Cacao Plants in Lampung

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Bariot Hafif

<p><em>One of the factors that affect the productivity of cacao plants is water availability. Water deficit will negatively affect the development of cacao flowers and beans. Water stress is reported as one of the causes of low productivity on plantation crops in Lampung Province. The study was aimed to analyze the characteristics of agroecology and supplemental irrigation required for growth and production of cacao in Lampung. The research was carried out in the District of Pesawaran, Tanggamus, East Lampung, and South Lampung, Lampung Province, from 2012 to 2015. The study was conducted with the survey method and literature study for the collection of the primary and secondary data, related to the characteristics of the land agroecology. Geographically, the main cacao growing areas in this region is divided into two regions, western region consist of Pesawaran and Tanggamus District and east region comprise of East Lampung and South Lampung District. Based on agroecological zones, the planting of cacao in both regions is in accordance with the recommendations of land use. However, land suitability analysis showed that some of the agroecological characteristics of land becomes a limiting factor for the growth and production of cacao, including soil pH &lt; 5.5, low cations exchange capacity (CEC) (&lt; 16 cmol(+)/kg), air humidity &gt; 75%, and in some areas there is an erosion hazard. Another obstacle is the water deficit that occurs during 140 days within 1 year of cacao growth cycle that occurred in July until mid-November. There are two factors that can be applied  to increase cacao productivity in Lampung province, i.e. (1)  an improvement of cacao cultivation technology that can address the characteristics of agroecology as a limiting factor of growth, and (2) an application of a supplemental irrigation technology to avoid cacao from water stress. The requirement of supplemental irrigation is 340.5 mm in western region and 209.7 mm in eastern region of Lampung.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 243
I Made Oddie Gupta Wardana ◽  
Cokorda Gede Alit Semarajaya ◽  
Ni Nyoman Ari Mayadewi

Perceptions of pedestrian convenience on the pedestrian path of Gajah Mada Street Denpasar. Gajah Mada Street as an economic and tourist area requires good and comfortable physical infrastructure to support easy accessibility and circulation of visitors to the area. One of the physical infrastructures is a pedestrian lanewhich functions as an access to support pedestrian activities. The purpose of this study was to identify the physical conditions of the pedestrian paths and to determine the perception of pedestrian comfort on the pedestrian path at Gajah Mada Street. The research method used in this research is a survey method byperforming primary data collection techniques through observation, questionnaires and secondary data through literature study. Based on the research conducted, it is known that there are physical conditions and supporting facilities for the damaged pedestrian paths, in the form of materials and street furniture such as: seats, trash cans and roadside plants. Based on the assessment of perceptional respondents about the condition of pedestrian path has been considered comfortable and safe. The suggestion of this research is that it is necessary to improve the physical condition of the damaged pedestrians. The purpose of improving pedestrian facilities and infrastructure is to facilitate the pedestrians in order to be comfortable and safe in carrying outactivities on the pedestrian path.  

Amelira Haris Nasution ◽  
Hanter Hanter ◽  
Primananda Rahman

Fluctuation in the price of red chili pepper is an old problem in the horticultural product trade, moreover, the high level of red chili pepper consumption also has an impact on the sensitivity of red chili pepper prices in the market. The cause of this fluctuation is not only due to production and productivity factors of red chili pepper but also due to distribution factors and the role of marketing of each agency. The purpose of this study was (1) to describe the institutions involved in the marketing of red chili pepper; (2) to analyze the functions and roles of institutions in the marketing of red chili pepper; (3) to analyze the potential of institutional development in producing marketing recommendations system in the future. This research was conducted in North Sumatra by selecting 3 districts, namely Karo Regency, Deli Serdang Regency, and Dairi Regency. The data method used was a survey method with qualitative data analysis. The data used consisted of primary data (observation, interviews, and questionnaires) and secondary data (literature study). The method of processing and data analysis used was descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed: (1) there are 2 main institutions in the marketing of red chili pepper, namely a marketing agency and a farmer institution; (2) those institutions have different roles in the marketing of red chili pepper and the results of the research show that marketing agencies have a bigger role in marketing red chili pepper; (3) the existing STA is the potential for farmer level institutional development. It is necessary to strengthen farmer level institution without forgetting farmers and also marketing institutions that play a role in the red chili marketing system.

I Wayan Agus Rene Sanjaya ◽  
Cokorda Gede Alit Semarajaya ◽  
I Nyoman Gede Astawa

The use of plants in the jogging track and playground area at Puspem Badung is currently disrupting visitor activities because their growth has damaged pavements and facilities. Therefore, the implementation of garden maintenance is very important to be able to maintain the comfort of the visitors and the beauty of the garden. This study aims to evaluate the maintenance of the garden in the jogging track and playground area at Puspem Badung. The research method used is a survey method. The data collected in this study are primary data and secondary data. The data collection method is done by using observation, interview, questionnaire and literature study. Based on the research results, the implementation of maintenance is carried out independently by implementing an unit and special maintenance system. In the implementation of watering, pruning, silting and weeding activities, the performance of the workers exceeds the ideal working capacity standard except for sweeping and fertilizing activities. The perception of visitors to the physical condition of the garden is considered good, seen from the indicators of assessment including garden's cleanliness, pedestrian's cleanliness, cleanliness of benches, cleanliness of planter boxes, garden safety and the beauty of the garden. Suggestions in this research are that it is necessary to have a written standard operational procedures for garden maintenance and to propose tree pruning activities at least once every three months.

2018 ◽  
pp. 168
Ida Ayu Modasih Istacahyani ◽  
Cokorda Gede Alit Semarajaya ◽  
Ni Luh Made Pradnyawathi

Evaluation of garden maintenance in Bali tropic resort and spa area of Badung Regency. Maintenance of the park in the area of Bali Tropic Resort and Spa has been gone on since 27 years, so it is interesting to know the efforts that have been done and how the visitors response to the maintenance of the park in the area resort. The purpose of this research is to identify and to evaluate system the maintenance of the park at the Bali Tropic Resort and Spa area. The research method used is survey method. The data collected in this research are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are observation technique, interview technique, literature study and questionnaire. Interviews were conducted with related parties and questionnaires distributed to 30 respondents with the criteria of using English well. Maintenance system which implemented is a maintenance unit and specialized maintenance system. The results of the evaluation of the maintenance of the park has been well viewed from the cleanliness of the park, the park security, the beauty of the park, cleanliness of fish, cleanliness of planter box, and pavement cleanliness. Suggestions given are written standard of maintenance, maintenance schedule, monitoring card, a reward system in the form of charter and achievement allowance for garden staff to improve work motivation and work discipline so it also can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of work and training that can increase knowledge and skills in maintenance activities for the employee.

Wasissa Titi Ilhami ◽  
Andy Affandy

Landscape design employment to Citarum watershed rehabilitation (case study in Bojongsoang Village, Bandung Regency and Purwadana Village, Karawang Regency). Citarum watershed in Karawang and Bandung Regencies is a prone flooding area. An ideal landscape planning is required to manage this watershed area. It should be a conservation area that can be used by the community in surrounding both for recreation purpose when there is no flood and as a pick up point purpose during the flood. This research aimed to create technical design for the rehabilitation effort of river in Purwadana Village, Karawang Regency and Bojongsoang Village, Bandung Regency. It is expected that it can be used as an alternative design that can make people more adaptive to flood disaster. The management of watershed can be used for conservation area and river tourism. This tourism aims to make people care to their environment, to grow their sense of belonging to jointly maintain and conserve the river around their livelihood. Methods used in this research were survey method, land suitability analysis, interview, and literature study. The research results showed that according to the ecological analysis and ideal landscape approach for watershed area, this Citarum Watershed area is suitable for tourism site.

2013 ◽  
Vol 40 (12) ◽  
pp. 1310 ◽  
Vincent Vadez ◽  
Jana Kholova ◽  
Mainassara Zaman-Allah ◽  
Nouhoun Belko

Water deficit is the main yield-limiting factor across the Asian and African semiarid tropics and a basic consideration when developing crop cultivars for water-limited conditions is to ensure that crop water demand matches season water supply. Conventional breeding has contributed to the development of varieties that are better adapted to water stress, such as early maturing cultivars that match water supply and demand and then escape terminal water stress. However, an optimisation of this match is possible. Also, further progress in breeding varieties that cope with water stress is hampered by the typically large genotype × environment interactions in most field studies. Therefore, a more comprehensive approach is required to revitalise the development of materials that are adapted to water stress. In the past two decades, transgenic and candidate gene approaches have been proposed for improving crop productivity under water stress, but have had limited real success. The major drawback of these approaches has been their failure to consider realistic water limitations and their link to yield when designing biotechnological experiments. Although the genes are many, the plant traits contributing to crop adaptation to water limitation are few and revolve around the critical need to match water supply and demand. We focus here on the genetic aspects of this, although we acknowledge that crop management options also have a role to play. These traits are related in part to increased, better or more conservative uses of soil water. However, the traits themselves are highly dynamic during crop development: they interact with each other and with the environment. Hence, success in breeding cultivars that are more resilient under water stress requires an understanding of plant traits affecting yield under water deficit as well as an understanding of their mutual and environmental interactions. Given that the phenotypic evaluation of germplasm/breeding material is limited by the number of locations and years of testing, crop simulation modelling then becomes a powerful tool for navigating the complexity of biological systems, for predicting the effects on yield and for determining the probability of success of specific traits or trait combinations across water stress scenarios.

2021 ◽  
pp. 233
Made Meisa Putra Ardans ◽  
Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara ◽  
I Gusti Alit Gunadi

Study on the potential of gelar river tourist attractions, Batuagung Village as nature tourism. The Gelar River area is a tourist attractions that located in Batuagung Village. Gelar River planned to be developed into local tourism based on natural tourism. Local tourism is tourism whose scope is limited tocertain places, namely the Jembrana district. This study aims to determine the natural resources that have the potential as natural tourism and the potential development solutions in the Gelar River so that it can be developed into sustainable nature tourism. The method used is the survey method. The data collected in the form of primary data and secondary data. The techniques applied to collect the data in current study are observation, interviews, and literature study. The interview was conducted with the management of the Gelar River Tourist Attraction and the Jembrana District Forestry and Plantation Service. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the geographical location, climate and weather, topography and landform, surface materials, water, vegetation, and fauna are natural resources that have the potential to develop the Gelar river Tourist Attraction.

2004 ◽  
Vol 34 (6) ◽  
pp. 1204-1209 ◽  
Elisabetta Falleri ◽  
Claudine Muller ◽  
Elyane Laroppe

Beechnuts from two seedlots were pretreated, without medium, at a controlled moisture content (MC) of 30% before or after 1-year storage at –7 °C. Seeds treated with the two methods were germinated on substrates at decreasing osmotic potential down to –1.2 MPa. A moderate stress of –0.2 MPa caused a slight but significant decrease in germination percentage. Each further increment in water stress produced additional significant decreases in germination capacity. At –1.2 MPa, germination was almost prevented. Seeds pretreated before storage showed lower germination percentage and speed at all osmotic potentials, but this result was due to a marked effect of seed initial MC, rather than a lower resistance to water deficit. In fact, MC of beechnuts pretreated before storage was 8%, whereas beechnuts pretreated after storage started germination tests under water stress with an initial MC of 30%. Moreover, seeds at lower initial MC need more time to imbibe before the germination process can start. Seeds with higher initial MC were probably able to cope better with water deficit, at least during the 30-day germination test in the laboratory. A second experiment carried out on beechnuts treated only before storage but made to have different initial MC seemed to confirm this conclusion. Ungerminated seeds were not damaged, as revealed by a tetrazolium test performed at the end of each germination test. Advantages in nursery practice shown by dry, nondormant beechnuts (pretreated before storage) are discussed in relation to the possibility of sowing when water availability in the soil is not a limiting factor.

2015 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Ramlan Tuliabu ◽  
J. Pelealu ◽  
J. B. Kaligis ◽  
M. F. Dien

ABSTRACT Helicoverpa armigera is one of the important pests in maize in Gorontalo province. The study aims to determine the population of corn cob borer Helicoverpa armigera has been implemented in Bolango Bone regency, Gorontalo Province from March to June 2011 study used a survey method based on the four zoning districts as follows: (1) the northern region districts Tilong Kabila, (2 ) Suwawa Western region districts namely, (3) the Eastern region districts Kabila, and (4) the South region, namely districts Bone Pante. The results showed that the average population of H. armigera cob borers on maize in Bone regency Bolango highest in the district is 3.75 Kabila Bone tail, then the tail 1.92 Tilongkabila districts, sub-districts and districts tail Kabila 1.83 Suwawa 1,4 tail. Keywords: Helicoverpa armigera, pest population

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 669
Andika Prasetio Nugroho ◽  
Yaktiworo Indriyani ◽  
Wuryaningsih Dwi Sayekti

This study aimed to determine the decision making, attitudes and factors that affected underprivileged households on buying eggs in Bandar Lampung city. This research was conducted in Teluk Betung Timur. The research method used in this research was survey method. The research data consisted of primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected by conducting interviews with 75 underprivileged households. Secondary data was obtained by literature study. The sampling technique used in this study was simple random sampling. The research data was analyzed descriptively and qualitatively, by Fishbein multiattribute model and multiple linear regression analysis. The results obtained from this study showed that consumers decided to buy eggs at the sales location through the need recognition stage, information search stage, alternative evaluation stage, purchase decision stage and post purchase evaluation stage. The price of chicken eggs was the benefit, main focus and the most considered on choosing a location to buy eggs. Consumers prefer buying eggs at grocery stalls compared to traditional markets and modern markets. Together, the price of eggs, household income, number of household members, the price of free-range chicken eggs, the price of purebred chicken, the price of beef, the price of tempeh, tofu, salted fish and cooking oil had a significant effect on purchasing eggs. Factors that significantly influence the purchase of eggs by underprivileged households in Bandar Lampung were the price of eggs and the number of household members.Key words: attitude, decision, eggs, factors

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