Applying Digital Technologies Beyond Design Life
Abstract This paper focuses on Floating Production Installations, which are assets designed based on site-specific environmental conditions to determine their design service life. The longevity of these assets depends on the fatigue aspects related to the structural elements and mooring systems. Among the challenges involving the continued services of ageing assets is the integrity of these elements. When an asset reaches its end of design service life, Operators often decide to undergo a life extension process for safe continued operations. Alife extension process generally includes three phases: investigation, determination and implementation. Following a baseline inspection to determine the present conditions of the structures, engineering assessments are to be carried out to evaluate the fatigue damage through the lifecycle of the installation and therefore determine the remaining fatigue life. Collecting information to execute these assessments is challenging and can be automated with the use of digital technology. Digital tools allow an accurate collection of data, providing a continuous evaluation of the remaining fatigue life and supporting an informed decision-making process. Observing the operation of several aging assets and their structural behaviour, the parameters to be measured during the installation's lifecycle have been identified along with other aspects that also contribute to the determination of its continued service. The recommended data acquisition for relevant measurements is summarized in this paper. The application of sensors and monitoring systems on the installations allows measuring these parameters on a continuous basis, and consequently, Operators are able to determine the degradation pattern that the structure is subject to. An estimation of the remaining fatigue life can be achieved by using predictive analysis, which, along with insights of the future expected corrosion, provides Operators the necessary basis to implement corrective measures and mitigations to avoid the occurrence of a failure. This paper offers an innovative, forward-looking technology that allies physics-based processes with digital technology, supported by predictive analytics and continuous structural evaluation, to assess the integrity of an offshore asset in support of safe continued services.