Generating Value from Mature Gas Fields by Quantifying Well Integrity Assurance with a Critical Analysis of Multiple Logs & Retrieved Tubular Surface Inspection
Abstract Sharjah National Oil Corporation (SNOC) operates 4 onshore gas condensate reservoirs of which 3 are very mature consisting of 50+ wells producing corrosive hydrocarbons for over 30 years. The integrity of these legacy wells is frequently questioned before any development is conceptualized, thus making it critical to evaluate the well integrity. The cost associated with pulling completions for their evaluation and running logs in all wells is significant and the availability of various emerging technologies for corrosion analysis in the market makes it challenging to choose the most reliable one. This paper focuses on the detailed analysis and comparison of electromagnetic thickness logs run in 10% of the well stock from 2016 to post-workover surface inspection of the downhole recovered tubing's in 2020/21. It also quantifies how correlating different logging technologies for well integrity increases the reliability of the electromagnetic technology applied on offset wells. The paper also showcases a comparison between mechanical and electromagnetic thickness evaluation of the production casing in-situ. Data from all the available logs from past 5 years was compiled for 6 wells. On recovery of the downhole completion tubings via a hydraulic workover, an ultrasonic (UT) inspection was performed on them at surface. Both sets of results (logs and surface inspection) were analyzed on the same logging track to give a comprehensive comparison of actual observation on surface vs the measurement by in-situ logging. Another multi-barrier corrosion and caliper log were run in the production casing to analyze their outcomes alongside older results. The final step was a comparison of all available data to create a broad well integrity profile. It was observed that the remaining production tubing metal thickness detected by electromagnetic tool (logs) and surface ultrasonic measurements were in good conformance (+/-10%). In the corrosion evaluation of the production casing, the electromagnetic tool matched extremely well with the caliper log results. This shows a large reliability of this technology to quantify corrosion in offset wells. The correlation of logs with surface inspection results across wells in the same reservoir did not indicate a strong presence of external corrosion. The study enables the management to make critical business decisions on utilizing the well stock for the future. This work is the first time a comprehensive and critical analysis on the electromagnetic thickness logging technology has been done, comparing their results of remaining wall thickness to various technologies in-situ and on surface. The analysis not only compares technology from various providers, but also mechanical vs electromagnetic measurements along with their respective advantages in quantifying well integrity assurance. The paper also gives an idea on the condition of L-80 tubulars under service for 30+ years.