Generating Value from Mature Gas Fields by Quantifying Well Integrity Assurance with a Critical Analysis of Multiple Logs & Retrieved Tubular Surface Inspection

Christna Golaco ◽  
Siddharth Jain ◽  
Shams Obaid ◽  
Faisal Al Nakeeb

Abstract Sharjah National Oil Corporation (SNOC) operates 4 onshore gas condensate reservoirs of which 3 are very mature consisting of 50+ wells producing corrosive hydrocarbons for over 30 years. The integrity of these legacy wells is frequently questioned before any development is conceptualized, thus making it critical to evaluate the well integrity. The cost associated with pulling completions for their evaluation and running logs in all wells is significant and the availability of various emerging technologies for corrosion analysis in the market makes it challenging to choose the most reliable one. This paper focuses on the detailed analysis and comparison of electromagnetic thickness logs run in 10% of the well stock from 2016 to post-workover surface inspection of the downhole recovered tubing's in 2020/21. It also quantifies how correlating different logging technologies for well integrity increases the reliability of the electromagnetic technology applied on offset wells. The paper also showcases a comparison between mechanical and electromagnetic thickness evaluation of the production casing in-situ. Data from all the available logs from past 5 years was compiled for 6 wells. On recovery of the downhole completion tubings via a hydraulic workover, an ultrasonic (UT) inspection was performed on them at surface. Both sets of results (logs and surface inspection) were analyzed on the same logging track to give a comprehensive comparison of actual observation on surface vs the measurement by in-situ logging. Another multi-barrier corrosion and caliper log were run in the production casing to analyze their outcomes alongside older results. The final step was a comparison of all available data to create a broad well integrity profile. It was observed that the remaining production tubing metal thickness detected by electromagnetic tool (logs) and surface ultrasonic measurements were in good conformance (+/-10%). In the corrosion evaluation of the production casing, the electromagnetic tool matched extremely well with the caliper log results. This shows a large reliability of this technology to quantify corrosion in offset wells. The correlation of logs with surface inspection results across wells in the same reservoir did not indicate a strong presence of external corrosion. The study enables the management to make critical business decisions on utilizing the well stock for the future. This work is the first time a comprehensive and critical analysis on the electromagnetic thickness logging technology has been done, comparing their results of remaining wall thickness to various technologies in-situ and on surface. The analysis not only compares technology from various providers, but also mechanical vs electromagnetic measurements along with their respective advantages in quantifying well integrity assurance. The paper also gives an idea on the condition of L-80 tubulars under service for 30+ years.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 272
Ayman M. Atta ◽  
Mohamed H. El-Newehy ◽  
Meera Moydeen Abdulhameed ◽  
Mohamed H. Wahby ◽  
Ahmed I. Hashem

The enhancement of both thermal and mechanical properties of epoxy materials using nanomaterials becomes a target in coating of the steel to protect it from aggressive environmental conditions for a long time, with reducing the cost. In this respect, the adhesion properties of the epoxy with the steel surfaces, and its proper superhyrophobicity to repel the seawater humidity, can be optimized via addition of green nanoparticles (NPs). In-situ modification of silver (Ag) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) NPs with oleic acid (OA) was carried out during the formation of Ag−OA and CaCO3−OA, respectively. The epoxide oleic acid (EOA) was also used as capping for Ca−O3 NPs by in-situ method and epoxidation of Ag−OA NPs, too. The morphology, thermal stability, and the diameters of NPs, as well as their dispersion in organic solvent, were investigated. The effects of the prepared NPs on the exothermic curing of the epoxy resins in the presence of polyamines, flexibility or rigidity of epoxy coatings, wettability, and coatings durability in aggressive seawater environment were studied. The obtained results confirmed that the proper superhyrophobicity, coating adhesion, and thermal stability of the epoxy were improved after exposure to salt spray fog for 2000 h at 36 °C.

Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 275
Chung Yiin Wong ◽  
Kunlanan Kiatkittipong ◽  
Worapon Kiatkittipong ◽  
Seteno K. O. Ntwampe ◽  
Man Kee Lam ◽  

Oftentimes, the employment of entomoremediation to reduce organic wastes encounters ubiquitous shortcomings, i.e., ineffectiveness to valorize recalcitrant organics in wastes. Considering the cost-favorability, a fermentation process can be employed to facilitate the degradation of biopolymers into smaller organics, easing the subsequent entomoremediation process. However, the efficacy of in situ fermentation was found impeded by the black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) in the current study to reduce coconut endosperm waste (CEW). Indeed, by changing into ex situ fermentation, in which the fungal Rhizopus oligosporus was permitted to execute fermentation on CEW prior to the larval feeding, the reduction of CEW was significantly enhanced. In this regard, the waste reduction index of CEW by BSFL was almost doubled as opposed to in situ fermentation, even with the inoculation of merely 0.5 wt % of Rhizopus oligosporus. Moreover, with only 0.02 wt % of fungal inoculation size to execute the ex situ fermentation on CEW, it could spur BSFL growth by about 50%. Finally, from the statistical correlation study using principal component analysis, the presence of Rhizopus oligosporus in a range of 0.5–1.0 wt % was regarded as optimum to ferment CEW via ex situ mode, prior to the valorization by BSFL in reducing the CEW.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 201-205
A. L. GENDON ◽  

The article reveals a system of financial indicators that characterize business processes, accounting for income and expenses according to Russian and international standards. The ways of increasing the efficiency of the company's life activity, in particular, the ways of reducing the cost of production, are considered.

The Precast industry is booming industry now a day, but then also the implementation ratio of precast member in residential construction work is not up to the mark. As we all know that precast having numerous advantages over the cast in situ construction method, for example it saves the total time of construction which indirectly reduces the cost of construction but still we are lagging behind in implementation of precast in it. In this research we have listed out some problem which can be cause of less implementation of precast in residential construction buildings. As discussed in paper, there are so many factors are affected on Implementation of Precast in Residential Construction Sector For example: Technical Issues and General Issues. In Technical Issues Joint stability problem during Erection, Standard size of precast element, Leakage Issues, Design change related problem, Requirement of Standard Rate per Panel, End user Profit, Additional Taxes, General Issues are: Transportation of Precast Element, Loading and Unloading problems, Transportation to sight, Storage Area, Skilled Labour Research has done and data is collected through Questionery survey, Field survey, and research survey.

2020 ◽  
Véronique Balland ◽  
Mickaël Mateos ◽  
Kenneth D. Harris ◽  
Benoit Limoges

<p>Rechargeable aqueous aluminium batteries are the subject of growing interest, but the charge storage mechanisms at manganese oxide-based cathodes remain poorly understood with as many mechanisms as studies. Here, we use an original <i>in situ</i> spectroelectrochemical methodology to unambiguously demonstrate that the reversible proton-coupled MnO<sub>2</sub>-to-Mn<sup>2+</sup> conversion is the main charge storage mechanism occurring at MnO<sub>2</sub> cathodes over a range of slightly acidic Al<sup>3+</sup>-based aqueous electrolytes. In Zn/MnO<sub>2</sub> assemblies, this mechanism is associated with high gravimetric capacity and discharge potentials, up to 560 mAh·g<sup>-1</sup> and 1.76 V respectively, attractive efficiencies (<i>CE</i> > 98.5 % and <i>EE</i> > 80%) and excellent cyclability (> 750 cycles at 10 A·g<sup>-1</sup>). Finally, we conducted a critical analysis of the data previously published on MnO<sub>x</sub> cathodes in Al<sup>3+</sup>-based aqueous electrolytes to conclude on a universal charge storage mechanism, <i>i.e.</i>, the reversible electrodissolution/electrodeposition of MnO<sub>2</sub>.<i></i></p>

R.K. Shautaeva ◽  
O.A. Petryanina

The relevance of the direction chosen for research is multifactorial. First, there is a steady increase in attacks on property by deception or abuse of trust. Second, the emergence of new forms of fraudulent activities requiring a symmetrical response from government agencies. Third, the offensive, not always error-free development of criminal policy in the form of the creation of new legal and technical mechanisms to counter the considered type of criminal deviant behavior of selfish orientation. All this prompted us to identify and consider the most significant methodological problems in the area taken for research in the form of their demonstration, as well as proposals for directions for their solution. The first criminal law flaw in the state strategy in the fight against fraud is the fallacy in the systematization of the crimes reflected in Art. 159-159of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The substitution of the significance of public relations protected by the norms included in these articles caused the imbalance in the Special Part of the Criminal Code. RF. The second methodological problem is the imbalance in the cost criteria of Art. 159-159of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which form the basis for their criminalization and differentiation. The third problem is the fact that there are separate elements of fraud with their fixation in separate articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, depending on the areas of encroachment. In the article, on the basis of the conducted critical analysis and the presented argumentation, directions for resolving the noted methodological problems, theoretical, applied and legislative format, are proposed.

completed machine would almost certainly be less than half that of a completed machine of the same kind. How s1(3) operates has been the subject of a detailed and critical analysis by Robert Goff J in the case of BP Exploration Co Ltd v Hunt (No 2), the defendant was granted a concession to explore for oil in Libya. He did not have the physical resources to carry out the exploration himself, so he sold a half share in the concession to BP, on condition that they would bear the initial cost of exploration. Accordingly, under this arrangement, BP’s expenses at the outset were likely to be very substantial, but on the assumption that oil was discovered, that expenditure would be recouped as oil continued to come on stream. The nature of the contract was that should oil not be discovered, the risk would be borne by BP, but, on the assumption that oil was discovered, BP’s expenses would be paid for out of the defendant’s receipts. Oil was discovered in 1967, but in 1971, the Libyan Government expropriated BP’s share of the concession and, in 1973, the defendant’s share was also expropriated. Accordingly, BP had received some payment, but this went only so far as to cover two-thirds of their initial expenditure. On the other hand, since the defendant had no expenses, all moneys received by him amounted to profit once the concession had been paid for. Goff J adopted a two stage approach to s1(3), stating that it was necessary first to identify and value what benefit had been conferred on the defendant, since on the wording of s1(3), this set a ceiling on the amount which could be awarded by way of a just sum. Secondly, it was necessary to award a just sum, taking account of the value of the benefit conferred and the cost to the performer of the work he had done prior to the frustrating event. For these purposes, the benefit to the defendant will be assessed by reference to the end product of the service provided by the other party: BP Exploration Co Ltd v Hunt (No 2) [1979] 1 WLR 783, p 799

1995 ◽  
pp. 388-392

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 827-840 ◽  
Luc Girod ◽  
Christopher Nuth ◽  
Andreas Kääb ◽  
Bernd Etzelmüller ◽  
Jack Kohler

Abstract. Acquiring data to analyse change in topography is often a costly endeavour requiring either extensive, potentially risky, fieldwork and/or expensive equipment or commercial data. Bringing the cost down while keeping the precision and accuracy has been a focus in geoscience in recent years. Structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetric techniques are emerging as powerful tools for surveying, with modern algorithm and large computing power allowing for the production of accurate and detailed data from low-cost, informal surveys. The high spatial and temporal resolution permits the monitoring of geomorphological features undergoing relatively rapid change, such as glaciers, moraines, or landslides. We present a method that takes advantage of light-transport flights conducting other missions to opportunistically collect imagery for geomorphological analysis. We test and validate an approach in which we attach a consumer-grade camera and a simple code-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver to a helicopter to collect data when the flight path covers an area of interest. Our method is based and builds upon Welty et al. (2013), showing the ability to link GNSS data to images without a complex physical or electronic link, even with imprecise camera clocks and irregular time lapses. As a proof of concept, we conducted two test surveys, in September 2014 and 2015, over the glacier Midtre Lovénbreen and its forefield, in northwestern Svalbard. We were able to derive elevation change estimates comparable to in situ mass balance stake measurements. The accuracy and precision of our DEMs allow detection and analysis of a number of processes in the proglacial area, including the presence of thermokarst and the evolution of water channels.

Raghu V. Prakash

Creep, creep-fatigue damage is often estimated through in-situ metallography, tensile testing of specimens. However, these methods require specimen preparation which includes specimen extraction from critical components. Automated ball indentation testing has been used as an effective tool to determine the mechanical properties of metallic materials. In this work, the tensile properties of materials subjected to controlled levels of damage in creep, creep-fatigue is studied. It is found that the tensile properties such as yield strength and UTS deteriorates with creep damage, whereas the same specimens show an improved UTS values (at the cost of ductility) when subjected to creep-fatigue interactions.

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