scholarly journals An Ethical Issue After the Nuclear Accident in Fukushima: Young People’S Perspectives of Thyroid Cancer Screening and its Harms

Sanae Midorikawa ◽  
Akira Ohtsuru

Abstract Background Overdiagnosis of thyroid cancer has become a major global medical issue. Ultrasound-based thyroid cancer screening has promoted overdiagnosis, and recently international recommendations indicate that such screening should not be conducted, even after a nuclear accident. The Fukushima thyroid cancer screening program was initiated in 2011 as a health policy after the nuclear accident, although the risk for radiation-induced thyroid cancer was unlikely given the low radiation levels. However, the thyroid cancer screening program has continued at 2-year intervals with a relatively high participation rate and is now in its fifth round. Therefore, it is crucial to clarify whether those targeted for screening understand the disadvantages of screening and identify factors that influenced their decision to participate. Methods We conducted an anonymous mail-based questionnaire that included young people from Fukushima (subjects) and a neighboring prefecture that was not targeted for screening (non-subjects). We asked them about the significance of the thyroid cancer screening in Fukushima, the reasons for taking or not taking a screening, their perception of the harms of screening, and their opinions on thyroid examination at school. Then we compared the results of the questionnaire between subjects and non-subjects and examinees (who accepted screening) and non-examinees (who declined screening). Results Only 16.5% of respondents were aware of the harms associated with thyroid cancer screening, with most perceiving that the benefits outweighed the harms. Comparison of subjects’ and non-subjects’ responses showed there were no significant differences between subjects and non-subjects. In addition, among subjects, there were no differences of responses between examinees and non-examinees. The most common reason for participation in screening was that the screening was conducted in schools and perceived as obligatory. Conclusions These results highlighted a serious ethical issue in that school-based screening leads to making young people think that it is mandatory screening in an opt-out and default setting manner, with a lack of knowledge about the disadvantages of screening. Based on the autonomy of the subjects and the ethical principle of the post-disaster, surveys after a nuclear disaster should be conducted in an opt-in style without an opt-out style such as school-based screening.

2019 ◽  
pp. 519-523
Akira Ohtsuru ◽  
Sanae Midorikawa ◽  
Satoru Suzuki ◽  
Hiroki Shimura ◽  
Takashi Matsuzuka ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 146 ◽  
pp. 106230
Enora Cléro ◽  
Evgenia Ostroumova ◽  
Claire Demoury ◽  
Bernd Grosche ◽  
Ausrele Kesminiene ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 149 (32) ◽  
pp. 1491-1498 ◽  
Imre Boncz ◽  
Andor Sebestyén ◽  
Lajos Döbrőssy ◽  
Zoltán Péntek ◽  
Attila Kovács ◽  

Célkitűzés: Az országos kiterjedésű, szervezett emlőszűrési program 2002 januárjában indult el Magyarországon a 45–65 év közötti nők számára 2 éves szűrési intervallummal. A dolgozat célja a szervezett emlőszűrési program részvételi mutatóinak meghatározása, beleértve a szűrési és diagnosztikus célú képalkotó emlőfelvételek gyakoriságának elemzését. Adatok és módszerek: Az elemzésben szereplő adatok az Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár finanszírozási adatbázisából származnak, és a 2000–2005 közötti 6 évet ölelik fel. A 45–65 éves nők körében meghatározták azok arányát, akik a szervezett szűrést megelőző két évben (2000–2001), illetve a program első két ciklusában (2002–2003, 2004–2005) akár szűrési, akár diagnosztikai célú képalkotó emlővizsgálaton vettek részt. Eredmények: A szűrési célú képalkotó emlőfelvételen részt vettek aránya (átszűrtség) a 2000–2001-es 7,4%-ról a 2002–2003-as, illetve 2004–2005-ös szervezett emlőszűrési ciklusban 34,0, illetve 29,5%-ra emelkedett. A diagnosztikus célú képalkotó emlőfelvételen részt vettek aránya (átvizsgáltság) pedig ugyanezen időszakokban 19,8%-ról 22,1 (2002–2003), illetve 23,2%-ra (2004–2005) emelkedett. Az országos lefedettség (átszűrtség + átvizsgáltság) ennek megfelelően a szervezett szűrés hatására 26,2%-ról (2000–2001) 53,5%-ra (2002–2003), illetve 50,8%-ra (2004–2005) nőtt a vizsgált kétéves ciklusban a 45–65 év közötti nők esetében. Következtetés: A magyar emlőszűrési program kezdeti részvételi arányai 2004–2005-ben kissé csökkentek; az emlőrák miatti halálozás érdemi csökkentéséhez ennek emelése szükséges.

2020 ◽  
Eunji Choi ◽  
Jae Kwan Jun ◽  
Mina Suh ◽  
Kyu-Won Jung ◽  
Boyoung Park ◽  

Cancers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 1129
Audrius Dulskas ◽  
Tomas Poskus ◽  
Inga Kildusiene ◽  
Ausvydas Patasius ◽  
Rokas Stulpinas ◽  

We aimed to report the results of the implementation of the National Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Screening Program covering all the country. The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) reimburses the institutions for performing each service; each procedure within the program has its own administrative code. Information about services provided within the program was retrieved from the database of NHIF starting from the 1 January 2014 to the 31 December 2018. Exact date and type of all provided services, test results, date and results of biopsy and histopathological examination were extracted together with the vital status at the end of follow-up, date of death and date of emigration when applicable for all men and women born between 1935 and 1968. Results were compared with the guidelines of the European Union for quality assurance in CRC screening and diagnosis. The screening uptake was 49.5% (754,061 patients) during study period. Participation rate varied from 16% to 18.1% per year and was higher among women than among men. Proportion of test-positive and test-negative results was similar during all the study period—8.7% and 91.3% annually. Between 9.2% and 13.5% of test-positive patients received a biopsy of which 52.3–61.8% were positive for colorectal adenoma and 4.6–7.3% for colorectal carcinoma. CRC detection rate among test-positive individuals varied between 0.93% and 1.28%. The colorectal cancer screening program in Lithuania coverage must be improved. A screening database is needed to systematically evaluate the impact and performance of the national CRC screening program and quality assurance within the program.

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