Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes Over A Processing Cassava Crop with The Surface Renewal and Energy Balance Method
Abstract There are several methods for determining the sensible heat flux (H) on natural or agricultural surfaces. One such method is the surface renewal (SR) based on ramps of air temperature measured at high frequency by means of an ultra-thin thermocouple. The micrometeorological tower was installed (13°6'39"S, 39°16'46"W, 154 m anm) to assess the suitability of the method in estimating H on industrial cassava cultivation via calibration in relation to the eddy covariance (EC ), this consisted of a 3D anemometer. In both systems, measurements were made at a frequency of 10 Hz and comprised the period from 17/04 to 25/07/2019 (100 days). In addition to high-frequency measurements of air temperature and sonic temperature, measurements of net radiation and ground heat flux were also made, and all data grouped at 30-min intervals for determination of latent heat flux (LE) via balance solution power. It was found that (a) the SR method was adequate to estimate the sensible heat flux (H) over industrial matched with a calibration coefficient equal to 0.96; (b) under conditions of unstable atmospheric stability (daytime) the SR method showed better performance for estimating H compared to stable atmospheric conditions (nighttime); (c) the SR method proved to be adequate for estimating the latent heat flux (LE), in the industrial cassava cultivation with a high degree of correlation (r2 > 0.90), with the EC method as a reference; and (d) in the area cultivated with industrial cassava, it was found that the heat flux in the soil (G) corresponded on average to 6% of the radiation balance.