Career aspirations among specialty residents: a gender-based comparison
Abstract Background - Two recent studies looked at the career choice of residents in obstetrics & gynecology. It seemed useful to us to broaden this questioning to other specialties, by proposing a study to all residents in the same Faculty. The objective of our study was to describe residents career aspirations and possible barriers according to gender.Methods – Declarative cross-sectional survey, using questionnaires sent by email to the specialty residents of the Faculty of Medicine of Lille (France). An analysis by specialty group (i.e. medicine, surgery, obstetrics & gynecology and anesthesia & resuscitation) and a comparison of the results according to gender were performed. Results – Of the 1,384 specialty residents currently in training, 462 answered the questionnaires (33.38%), among whom 289 women and 173 men (average age = 27.08 years +/- 0.091). 17 women (5.9%) were currently considering a university hospital career versus 37 men (21.4%) (p = 0.001). Gender analysis made it possible to identify obstacles to engaging in a university career: lacking female model, more frequent doubting in the ability to lead this type of career among women (61.6%) than men (35.3%) (p <0.001), and gender discrimination felt in the workplace for 51.6% of women (versus 7.5% of men, p <0.001). Subgroup analysis showed specificities related to each specialty. Conclusions – Few residents plan to embark upon a university hospital career, let alone female residents. There are specificities specific to each specialty and marked gender differences regarding career aspirations. Many obstacles have been identified as obstacles to access to university hospital positions for women. It is important to develop strategies to remove these barriers and enable women to pursue such university careers.