Thoughts, Words and Actions - Disunity in the British and American Struggle Against Global Terrorism

2007 ◽  
Neal S. Croft
إبراهيم محمد زين

الملخّص يهدف هذا البحث لبيان أن السبيل الناجح لمواجهة الإرهاب الدولي المعاصر الملتبس بدعاوي الجهاد الإسلامي وإحياء دولة الخلافة الإسلامية هو التركز على معاني الأمن الفكري والروحي في الإسلام وهذا الاتجاه في المباحثة يُعيد النظر في طرائق قضايا الجهاد ويميز بين ما هو عقائدي ومرتبط بنظام الإسلام الكلي وبين ما هو من مجال حروب الفتنة والصعلكة.  الكلمات المفتاحيّة: الجهاد، حروب الصعلكة، حروب الفتنة، الأمن الروحي والفكري.              Abstract This study focuses on the most effective way of combating global terrorism that utilizes the banner of Jihad and restoration of the Khilafa system of governance. It should be emphasized that there is a dire need for a new line of investigation concerning the issue of Jihad that pays more attention to both spiritual and intellectual security systems in Islam. This requires a distinction to be made between what is universalistic in the Islamic system and what is particular. In this regard one has to differentiate between acts of just war and those of economic or sedition wars. Keywords: Jihad, economic war, sedition war, spiritual-intellectual security system.

2011 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 381-382
James Lee

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 665-699 ◽  
Noemi Gal-Or

The article studies the concept of human security (hs) as embraced by the un General Assembly and Secretary Generals, and its instrumentality in the promotion of a customary international crime of global terrorism. Such a crime exists in the opinion of the Appellate Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. Regarding terrorism in international criminal law (icl), not in armed conflict, I maintain that the concept of hs has been pivotal in furthering the “criminalisation” of terrorism in matters peace and security. I submit that (i) that the absence of a universally agreed upon definition of (global) terrorism does not suffice to detract from the finding that such a transnational crime exists, and (ii) in addition to the various and largely agreed constitutive elements of customary law, normative paradigmatic developments – here in the case of terrorism, and in the past two decades – have significantly supported this customarisation trend.

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