Harvest Field Sizing as a Technique to Remove Undersize French Prunes
Overall profitability is a major goal in successful prune production and a major component in any prune management system. Large prune crops in 1996 and 1997 have stimulated considerable interest in undersize fruit. Undersize prunes currently have marginal value and may represent a net loss because of costs to haul, dry, and to market order payments on low value prunes. One technique to control delivery size is to field size at harvest. Field sizing involves installing size-sorting devices on harvesters, which allow small prunes to fall out while valuable fruit is collected. Field sizing is considered a “risky” strategy because of the potential to remove prunes with economic value. During the 1997 harvest, 21 infield harvest sizing evaluations were made in prune orchards throughout Tehama county. The first evaluation occurred on 12 Aug. 1997, at the start of prune harvest. The final evaluation was done on 5 Sept. 1997, at the tail end of harvest. The objective was to sample throughout the harvest period to test field sizing under various sugar, size, and fruit pressure scenarios. The test machine was 1-inch bar sizer. Of the 21 sample dates, undersize fruit was clearly not marketable in 20 of the 21 samples. Discarded fruit averaged 133 dry count per pound. Only one sample out of 21 may have had market value at 86 dry count per pound. Although small in size, these prunes had very high sugar content contributing to their dry weight. In this evaluation, a 1-inch bar sizer did a good job of separating fruit with and without market value under the 1997 price schedule. As harvest date becomes later and soluble solids increase, the chances of sorting out marketable prunes also increases.