scholarly journals Reference Prices and Bidder Heterogeneity in Secondary Market Online B2B Auctions

2012 ◽  
Wedad J. Elmaghraby ◽  
Anandasivam Gopal ◽  
Ali Pilehvar
2017 ◽  
Vol 63 (5) ◽  
pp. 1493-1518 ◽  
Ali Pilehvar ◽  
Wedad J. Elmaghraby ◽  
Anandasivam Gopal

MIS Quarterly ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 645-662 ◽  
Yixin Lu ◽  
Alok Gupta ◽  
Wolfgang Ketter ◽  
Eric van Heck ◽  

Agung Mulyono

Cash management is  one of treasury’s main functions in which has a potential financial risk. A potential financial risk emerges when State Treasurer manages cash surplus and or/ shortages in order to maintain optimum liquidity. By applying Vector Autoregression (VAR) system on empirical data provided by Bank Indonesia and the Ministry of Finance of Indonesia, we found that currency value  flunctuation is a significant factor for repayment value of foreign loan. Interest rates and amount of government’s bond held by foreign investors are also variables impacted on government’s bond price movement in secondary market. Currency value  flunctuation and price of government’s bond in secondary market are the key factors that have to be considered by State Treasurer (BUN) in managing state’s money. Hedging strategy by using derivatif product is possible to be utilized by State Treasurer (BUN) due to it’s flexibility for short-term operation.   Abstrak Pengelolaan kas negara merupakan salah satu fungsi pokok perbendaharaan yang dalam proses pelaksanaannya menyimpan potensi berbagai risiko keuangan. Risiko keuangan, khususnya dalam investasi berpotensi muncul ketika Bendahara Umum Negara (BUN) melakukan kegiatan pengelolaan kelebihan dan/ kekurangan kas dalam rangka menjamin ketersediaan dan optimalisasi kas. Dengan menggunakan analisis Vector Autoregression (VAR) atas data empiris yang diperoleh dari Bank Indonesia dan Kementerian Keuangan Indonesia, penulis menemukan bahwa fluktuasi nilai tukar mata uang merupakan faktor yang signifikan terhadap besaran pembayaran utang luar negeri pemerintah. Tingkat suku bunga acuan dan pergerakan besaran kepemilikan SUN oleh investor asing juga merupakan variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap pergerakan harga SUN di pasar sekunder. Fluktuasi nilai tukar mata uang dan pergerakan harga SUN di pasar sekunder menjadi faktor penting dalam pelaksanaan investasi yang dilakukan BUN dalam rangka pengelolaan kelebihan dan/ kekurangan kas. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, strategi pengelolaan risiko atau hedging dengan menggunakan produk-produk derivatif dalam pengelolaan kelebihan dan/ kekurangan kas jangka pendek – menengah sangat dimungkinkan karena sifat instrumen derivatif yang fleksibel.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-74
Maria Jeanne ◽  
Chermian Eforis

The objective of this research is to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of underwriter reputation, company age, and the percentage of share’s offering to public toward underpricing. Underpricing is a phenomenon in which the current stock price initial public offering (IPO) was lower than the closing price of shares in the secondary market during the first day. Sample in this research was selected by using purposive sampling method and the secondary data used in this research was analyzed by using multiple regression method. The samples in this research were 72 companies conducting initial public offering (IPO) at the Indonesian Stock Exchange in the period January 2010 - December 2014; perform initial offering of shares; suffered underpricing; has a complete data set forth in the company's prospectus, IDX monthly statistics, financial statement and stock price site (e-bursa); and use Rupiah currency. Results of this research were (1) underwriter reputation significantly effect on underpricing; (2) company age do not effect on underpricing; and (3) the percentage of share’s offering to public do not effect on undepricing. Keywords: company age, the percentage of share’s offering to public, underpricing, underwriter reputation.

Saefudin Saefudin ◽  
Tri Gunarsih

Underpricing is a phenomenon that still occurs in the Indonesian capital market, where the offering price of shares in the primary market is lower than the opening price or closing price on the first day on the secondary market. This study aims to examine the effect of Return On Assets (ROA), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), company size, underwriter reputation, age, and interest rates on the underpricing of shares in companies’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2009 to 2017. The population in this study are companies that conduct IPOs on the BEI period 2009 to 2017. The sample selection in this study uses a purposive sampling method, based on certain criteria. The sample in this study were 183 underpricing companies from 205 companies conducting IPO in the period 2009 to 2017. The data used in this study used secondary data. The multiple regression analysis was implemented in this study. The results showed that DER, company size, and underwriter reputation did not significantly influence underpricing. While ROA, age and interest rates have a significant negative effect on underpricing. In this study, investors consider ROA, age, interest rates compared to DER, company size, and the reputation of the underwriter to invest in companies that make an IPO.Keywords: Underpricing, Initial Public Offering, and Indonesian Stock Exchange.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 23-30
V. V. Kikavets ◽  

The article reveals the problem of the correlation of public and private financial interests in the process of acquiring apartments by state and municipal customers. The legal approaches to the solution of this problem are presented using example of arbitration practice. In order to maintain a balance of public and private financial interests within the framework of the procurement contract system, it is proposed to purchase new apartments or in the secondary market exclusively from the owners (ownership of real estate is registered), the interests of which will be represented, if necessary, by attorneys or agents.

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