Modern Trends in the Structure of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the World Economy

2017 ◽  
Dr. Alex Pomelnikov ◽  
Gilbert Werema
Larisa Germanovna Chuvakhina

The article highlights the current problems of investments in the development of the world economy, when international investment needs are significantly high. The priority is given to the issues of investment resources for achieving the goals of sustainable development of the world economy. It has been stated that for creating the effective economic policy, the countries need to attract foreign investment. The current trends in the development of global market for foreign direct investment flows are examined. The flows of global foreign direct investment in 2017-2018 are analyzed. Special attention is given to the study of the US investment policy. The reduction in US investments into the Russian economy in terms of the sanctions policy against Russia is marked. The changes in the investment policy of the administration of D. Trump in terms of strengthening American protectionism are underlined. The issues of US-EU investment cooperation are considered. The role of the US Federal Reserve in regulating the activities of foreign companies in the US market is defined. The main decisions taken at the X World Investment Forum of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in October, 2018 are considered. The role of investment promotion agencies is defined as one of the tools to attract foreign investments into the country's economy. The decrease in the level of international investment and increased competition between countries for attracting foreign investment is stated. The study confirms that the investment attractiveness of the country, stability of the national financial system, and legal security of business play a decisive role in attracting foreign direct investment.

Abdoulaye Oury Bah ◽  
Xie Kefan ◽  
Oji-Okoro Izuchukwu

The globalization of the world economy has created enormous opportunities as well as promotion efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI). The goal of this study is to detect and analyze management strategy to attract foreign direct investment. We conduct a detailed literature review and identify different strategies for capital issues and benefits of FDI. There are several trends that drive FDI like availability of natural resources, cheap labor markets and low cost which must be considered in order to take appropriate measures to attract more investments. The main contribution of the study is that it builds a theoretical basis which is useful for managers, entrepreneurs and decision-makers to make rational decisions on the choice of location for investments.

Svitlana Bestuzheva ◽  
Viktoria Kozub

The paper proposes a scientific approach to determining the impact of globalization processes on the development of Ukraine’s economy based on the analysis of the dynamics and modeling of indicators of the degree of integration of Ukraine’s economy into the system of world economic relations. Globalization is seen as a modern trend in the world economy as a system of interconnected and interdependent economic entities, among which a significant place is occupied by countries. The authors determine the degree of Ukraine's integration into the world economic space by its place in the ratings of globalization and economic openness. Analysis of the dynamics of the degree of integration of Ukraine's economy into the global economy is based on GDP, export and import quotas during 2006 – 2020. Based on the results of the analysis, the authors developed an econometric model for assessing the impact of factors on the globalization index of Ukraine, identified the most significant positive factors, namely the volume of exports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP, GDP, the ratio of foreign direct investment to GDP, the share of innovative exports export of goods and services of the country. The import quota and the corporate income tax rate have been identified as negative factors. Based on the results obtained during the modeling, the authors have developed and proposed a sequence of measures to increase the level of openness of Ukraine's economy in the context of its globalization. Perspective forms of globalization in the context of forming a new perspective of the international community on changing the vector of world economy - from globalization to regionalization and nationalization which have materialized in increasing the volume and diversification of the structure of international trade, intensification of international financial transactions, the emergence of transnational business, a sharp increase in foreign direct investment and intensification of international labor migration.

Ivan Pirozhnik

The spatial structure of the world economy is divided into countries of economic center,semi-periphery and periphery. Changes of the spatial structure of the world economy and globalizationtrends are marked. A key element of the growing of globalization process is foreign direct investment(FDI) and activities of transnational corporations. Declining trend in foreign direct investmentis marked in conditions of instability of world economic development, shifts in FDI regional structureand their impact on countries with developing market economies. On the basis of the regional monitoringof the foreign direct investment the CIS market is described, in particular of the countries ofthe Customs Union and Belarus. The volumes of the Belarusian direct investment abroad are outlined,the forms of presence in foreign markets are indicated, the development of the commodity distributionnetworks, created by Belarusian enterprises and geography of inflow and outflow of FDI, is analyzed.The directions of improving the investment climate in Belarus and improve its position in the worldrankings are marked.

2020 ◽  
pp. 119-123
М.Л. Лучко

Статья посвящена анализу современных трендов прямых иностранных инвестиций (ПИИ) в мировой экономики. Автор рассматривает объем, динамику и структуру ПИИ в последние годы, кроме того, анализируются процессы транснационализации, главную роль в которых играют транснациональные корпорации (ТНК), в том числе, на основе Индекса транснациональности. Выявляются топ-10 нефинансовых ТНК мира, а также топ-10 нефинансовых ТНК из развивающихся стран и стран с переходной экономикой, а также направления инвестиционной политики в современных условиях. В статье анализируется влияние пандемии на объем мировых ПИИ в 2020 г. и на инвестиционную политику государств, которые борются с пандемией. This article is dedicated to the analysis of modern trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) in the world economy. The author examines the volume, dynamics and structure of FDI in recent years, besides that, analyzes the processes of transnationalization where transnational corporations (TNCs) are playing the main role, in particular, based on the core of Transnationality Index. The top 10 non-financial TNCs in the world, as well as the top 10 non-financial TNCs from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, as well as the directions of investment policy in modern conditions are identified. The impact of the pandemic on the volume of global FDI in 2020 and on the investment policies of states that are struggling with the pandemic is analyzed in the article

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (33) ◽  
pp. 5-16
Boris Baumgartner

Abstract Most of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa belong to the most underdeveloped and poorest countries in the world economy. This region consists of forty-nine countries but at world GDP, world export, world import and inflow of foreign direct investment share only by small percent. There are some positive facts in the recent history of sub- Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa has grown faster than the world economy in the past ten years. The predictions are also positive. There is an expectation of another growth till the 2020. If the sub-Saharan countries want to keep the growth in the future they have to invest to infrastructure, in educational system, in research and science to make their economies more competitive.

Kasim Mansur ◽  
Markos Mamalakis ◽  
Sidah Idris

What are the prospects and future of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Malaysia now? Malaysia is undoubtedly a development success story. Throughout the post-independence period since 1957, Malaysia has enjoyed rapid economic growth with rising per capita income and price stability. Rising living standards, greater urbanization and access to health and education, and an improvement in the distribution of income have accompanied economic growth. Malaysian performance has been particularly remarkable after 1987 when the economy achieved above 7 per cent growth in seven consecutive years reaching virtual full employment in 1995. Malaysia now aspires to become a fully developed economy by 2020. This dramatic economic transformation has occurred against a background of massive shifts in the world economy as a result of increasing internationalization of production and trade. Foreign investment funds are returning to the market attracted by the corporate restructuring news and a belief that South East Asian stocks are generally undervalued. But FDI remains a big worry for the government and the last quarter figures cannot have helped. A recent survey by the Japanese Chamber of Trade and Industry in Malaysia claimed that the country no longer enjoyed a competitive advantage over its neighbors and that 22 per cent of Japanese companies operating in Malaysia were contemplating moving. In Penang more multinationals in the electronic sectors are planning to pull out of Malaysia in the next few months and relocate to China and Vietnam. So far these have all been in factories producing labor-intensive products. The main reason given for relocation is because of high labour costs. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Malaysian economic growth with emphasize on saving and investment in the context of globalization of the world economy. The main issues are: 1. Malaysian economic and Fiscal policy to stimulate economic growth. 2. The key policy shifts to guide the study of globalization and developmental implications to overall growth trends. 3. The role of foreign direct investment (FDI) and the implications of globalization for domestic employment and real wages, and poverty and income inequality.From our analysis we found that economic development in Malaysia can be seen as a variant of the Solow model, in which savings, investment and capital accumulation are the major agents of growth. One aspect of the fast factor accumulation in this country is the important of FDI flows as a source of technology and management skills. FDI vis a vis savings and investment may have triggered export competitiveness by improving the technology, management and marketing of export industries.

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