Herald UNU. International Economic Relations And World Economy
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Published By Publishing House Helvetica


Volodymyr Metelytsya

The regulation of the professional activities of accountants either promotes business development, the migration of financial and human capital, or complicates this process. Many firms with global interests may already be feeling the burden of complex and ever-changing regulations issued at domestic and international level. It is expected that some regions of the world are likely to face far more regulation of financial activities, including accounting. The purpose of the article is to analyze the latest changes in the regulation of the professional activity of accountants caused by the transformations of the global economic system, as well as to identify and assess the challenges that accountants around the world will face in the coming years. The tendencies in the field of regulation of professional activity of accountants in Europe, USA, Australia, Asia were revealed, and the factors (reasons) of their development were determined. In particular, in Europe, there are growing calls for more regulation in finance and “fairness” in tax especially when it comes to taxing digital corporations, whereas in the US, things are moving in the opposite direction, with less regulation to encourage growth. Across the Asian region, banking and corporate regulation is becoming more stringent and the expectations of revenue authorities around issues such as transfer pricing documentation are increasing. It has been determined that the existence of accounting standards and rules as such does not guarantee reliable and appropriate financial indicators, and therefore the role and importance of professional ethics increases. Three key areas of change and challenges for the accounting profession that will take place in the coming years were assessed. It has been proven that the goal of strengthening regulation around the world is to solve socio-economic and environmental problems. It is important for accountants to realize that such events should develop motivation not to manipulate numbers, as well as ensure the introduction of a system of fair taxation and elimination of abuses by the subjects of the digital economy. So, all over the world there is a real need to educate accountants on the changing global regulatory framework.

Marharyta Chepeliuk

The pandemic has enhanced the social function of digital technologies and services. It is solely through digital technology that a massive shift to remote work has been possible during the most difficult period of the pandemic. All over the world, the philosophy of office work is changing, and there is a transition to permanent and conditional-permanent remote work. For example, Transport Canada is planning to move to telecommuting as a key employment model for its employees. In the near future, telecommuting will continue for most of the 6,000 employees in the agency. In China, widespread use of WeChat, Tencent, and Ding digital working applications began in late January 2020, when isolation measures were introduced. In Switzerland, COOVID-19 Remote Work and Study Resources provides free resources for remote operation and distance learning. Zoom and Google Meet videoconferencing, remote workplaces, and new social platforms run remote work almost immediately, and this trend is likely to continue after the lifting of the quarantine. Trends in staff employment worldwide are rather mixed. According to LinkedIn, it is possible to track changes in the employment rates of seven key economies – Australia, China, France, Italy, Singapore, Great Britain and United States. In France and Italy, the decline was more pronounced at -70% and -64.5% respectively by mid-April 2020. Since then, employment has been gradually recovering, and most of the seven key economies for which these figures have been analysed tend to change by 0 per cent year on year. By July 1, 2020, China, France, and the United States had seen the largest rebound in relative recruitment – -6% or -7%. At the end of September 2020, the countries with a high recovery in employment were China (22 per cent), Brazil (13 per cent), Singapore (8 per cent) and France (5 per cent). In these economies, hiring so far seems to compensate for months in which no new personnel have been recruited, indicating some stabilization of the labor market.

Dmytro Kolechko

The article analyzes the evolution of Vietnam’s economic strategy based on the concept of institutional archi- tecture. The main internal and external factors that determined the goals of the economic strategy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam since its inception have been identified. The evolution of the country’s economic strategy in response to the change of target priorities under the influence of not only internal factors, but also in view of the formation of global architecture is substantiated. There are four main stages in the evolution of Vietnam’s economic strategy in global architectonics according to the main characteristics. The first stage (1975–1985) of the transition from an autonomous to a partially autonomous economic strategy of Vietnam in global architecture is characterized as postwar reconstruction, unification of economic complexes of the northern and southern territories into a single system on a planning and administrative basis and external economic integration on the ideological principle. The second stage (1986–2001) of the transition from an autonomous to a partially open economic strategy of regional orientation is characterized by market reform while maintaining the directive role of the state and a pragmatic regional foreign economic strategy. The third stage (2002–2010) of the transition from a partially open economic strategy of regional orientation to a partially open economic strategy of global orientation is characterized by expanding the spheres of market reform while maintaining planning and administrative principles and increasing openness in foreign economic strategy. The fourth stage (2011 – present) the transition to an open export-oriented economic strategy of catching up is characterized by expanding market economy, increasing transparency of state-owned enterprises, narrowing sectors of direct planning and administrative management, pragmatism in geoeconomic strategy, expanding global participation. The results of the economic strategy and significant successes in the market reform of Vietnam’s economy are manifested in high rates of economic growth, improving the welfare of the population. However, not all strategic goals have been achieved yet, in particular the task of industrialization remains relevant.

Tatyana Belova ◽  
Maxim Dunin

The article considers the dependence of the formation of enterprise strategy on the importance of marketing trends. The need to predict possible market trends in order to respond to them in a timely manner has been proven. The stages of the analysis process are considered. At the first stage, a study of the current situation is conducted and trends are identified that are important when planning further activities. The marketing trends that are defined for the enterprise of the brewing industry of Ukraine - the company "Obolon" are described. At the second stage, the significance of marketing trends is assessed according to the criteria "Trend strength" and "Level of consumer environment development". The following indicators are proposed to assess the significance of the criterion "Trend strength": stability over time, awareness, emotionality, usefulness to the consumer. To determine the significance of the criterion "Level of development of the consumer environment" you can use indicators: customer satisfaction, frequency of product purchase, customer loyalty, comfortable conditions of purchase. A questionnaire is compiled, consumers are surveyed and average scores are determined to assess these indicators. The overall score is determined by multiplying the average score by the weighting factor of the indicator. At the next stage, the position of each trend in the field of the matrix "Trend strength - The level of development of the consumer environment" is determined. The matrix consists of 9 quadrants. The quadrants are grouped into three zones. Zone 1 includes the following quadrants: Independent dependent, Domesticated elephants, Situational dolphins. Trends that fall into this area must be taken into account when forming the company's strategy. Zone 2 has the following quadrants: Geeks, Arabian horses, Dependent amateurs. The trends that fall into it are of medium importance. Therefore, they should be analyzed to determine the appropriateness of their strength. The third zone contains the quadrants Floating Giraffes, Free Crows, Wandering. Trends that fall into this area do not have much impact on the company's activities. Therefore, they can be neglected in shaping the strategy of the enterprise.

Olha Posypanko

This article focuses on the Chinese experience in mitigating the influence of COVID-19 and addresses the impact of the pandemic on the world economy and, in particular, on China`s economy; examines Chinese policy responses to the supply and demand shocks in terms of fiscal and monetary measures, and considers gains and costs of those actions. Thus, the research is made from the stance of China, with regard to its slowdown which concerning economists and may be also aggravated by the trade confrontation. Considering the size of the Chinese economy in terms of global interdependence, its contribution to world growth, and growing weight in the international arena, this study makes timely contributions over determining of the global economic developments and prospects. The result of this study open new avenues for future research and may serve as the source of hypotheses for further quantitative research on Chinese economy and crisis measures amid global pandemic.

Valentyna Hoshovska ◽  
Viktoriia Masalitina ◽  
Svitlana Nakonechna

The simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting should be considered an effective tool to stimulate the development of small business and ensure a sufficient level of business activity in the state. The study various aspects of the organization and implementation of accounting, auditing for businesses that have chosen a simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting is important. The purpose of the article is to deepen the methodological approaches to the recognition of costs and audit of costs in a simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting. The article reveals the essence of the simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting, features of its implementation and requirements for individuals -entrepreneurs and legal entities who are allowed to apply the simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting under current legislation (August 2021). It is established that the payers of the single tax of the first, second and third groups (not the value added tax payer) do not recognize expenses and do not carry out costs accounting. The difference between the recognition of expenses by legal entities and individuals -entrepreneurs in the application of the simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting is determined. For single tax payers of individuals -entrepreneurs (value added tax payers) the legislation defines the cash method of income recognition upon receipt of funds on the current account (cash desk), withdrawal of cash proceeds from trading machines and, accordingly, recognition of costs upon payment through the current account (cash desk) with mandatory documentary confirmation. Methodological approaches to the recognition of costs by individuals-entrepreneurs (value added tax payers) and legal entities in the application of the simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting are in-depth. To verify the correctness of the recognition of costs in the application of a simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting, documentation, accuracy and completeness of reflection in accounting and financial reporting (for legal entities) developed a program of audit of costs.

Nataliia Kozii ◽  
Victoria Kizilova ◽  
Denis Kizilov

Iryna Horbachova

In 2020, one of the main factors influencing international business processes was the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been significant changes in the activities of many countries and companies around the world. The development of personnel management technologies is characterized by modern ones trends, among which can be distinguished such as technological progress; mobility and other features of the new generation; new guidelines in communications and group work staff. Certain trends are intertwined. Technological progress in first of all it changes people, their habits, mobility in communications. In addition, the structure of the organization, its information environment changes. Emphasis in management staff focus on such human qualities as emotional intelligence, creativity, emotionality. Clear balancing of different activities of the company, reduction of routine operations and their executors, increase of a share of creative work, giving more weight to creative staff - trends in the organization of the future. Management technologies are changing under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and have their own characteristics. According to the mission of the organization and the individual, from development strategy to specific operational plans. The organization of relations with the employer also suffers changes both in the formal plane (today employees have several employers; work as freelancers, contractors, etc.). In addition, technology is changing interaction and organization of group work. The development of the management system of an international company involves the formation of a strategy for the development of the organization, HR-strategies that contain the values of the organization as a producer of goods and services and as an employer; enables the development of corporate culture and positioning of each employee in relation to the development of the organization. This approach allows us to consider modern technologies of personnel management in accordance with the main sub-functions. Among them: strategic workforce planning; search, selection of personnel; staff training and development; personnel efficiency management; staff motivation through recognition and rewards; career development of staff, motivation for leadership.

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