scholarly journals Assessment of the uneven use of information resources in the business process circuit

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Oleksandr Milov ◽  
Hryhorii Kots ◽  
Stanislav Milevskyi

An approach is proposed for assessing the uneven use of information resources in the organization’s business processes. Formal representations of the organization’s business processes and security systems are presented, reflecting both business operations carried out in a certain sequence and information resources that ensure the implementation of the relevant business operations, the place of information resources in the general outline of business processes is indicated. The circuits of the security system business processes of and the business processes of the main object of modeling are considered, including both business processes for managing security and business processes for ensuring security management. The assessment of the non-uniform use of information resources in a business process scheme is based on the consistent construction of an information resource incidence matrix for individual business operations, a frequency relationship matrix reflecting the sharing of information resources, and a matrix of derivatives in a discrete formulation. The proposed approach is demonstrated on a conditional example containing both the notional costs of information resources and weighting factors of the importance of business operations that reflect their criticality in the general contour of business processes. Estimates obtained as a result of applying the approach make it possible to group information resources, focusing on the frequency of their joint use in the business processes, which ultimately makes it possible to justify the choice of information resources for protection against threats from cyber intruders.

10.23856/3204 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-46
Ievgeniia Mishchuk ◽  
Olha Serdiuk

The development potential of any enterprise is due to its economic security. Support for economic security should be implemented with the help of reliable tools for monitoring and evaluating the efficiency level of its system mechanisms. Ensuring economic security will be as stable as possible if the reference points that indicate the optimal trajectory of business processes control are able to take into account all significant influence factors. Such reference points are indicators for evaluating business operations and economic security. It is important for the indicator to have in its structure all the significant influence factors. The criteria of business processes functioning efficiency used as such reference points have been analyzed in the paper. Main universal influence factors that have to be present in the business process and economic security assessment indicator expression are identified. The definitions of a business process are analyzed, the key characteristics of the definitions are identified, and the author's vision of the essence of the concept is proposed in the light of the prospects for further research.

As the business competition gets increasingly intensified, a competitive business becomes increasingly dependent upon effective and reliable computing services empowered by integrated IT systems. Effective IT systems in an organization are remarkably delineated with the same characteristics: the right data and information can be delivered to the right user at the right place on time; the underlying IT supports can be easily adapted to the ever-changing business setting so that the first characteristic can be consistently maintained; business intelligence can be incrementally developed to facilitate business operations with the support of effective decision-making at a variety of organizational levels across the organization. IT systems can be effectively integrated through implementing business process management (BPM) – a newly emerging corporate IT concept, philosophy, and technology that help align business operations and IT supports in a competitive manner. This chapter first explores the concept of aligning business processes with IT systems. Surely, computing service processes are derived from the correlated business activities within a business unit or across business units, reflecting corporate best practices. How BPM can be well defined, modeled, and managed while integrating enterprise systems is then discussed. As the best practices evolves along with the changes in business operations for a competitive advantage, approaches to building the necessary agility in support of managing the changes of IT-driven business processes is finally discussed.

Hoa Khanh Dam ◽  
Aditya Ghose ◽  
Mohammad Qasim

Business processes have been widely becoming crucial assets of organisations across various industries and domains. The flexibility in dealing with changes when business processes are executed has significant impact on the success of an organisation's business operations, especially in the current ever-changing business environment. In this context, agent-based systems offer a promisingly powerful platform for business process execution. In this paper, the authors propose an agent-mediated platform for business processes with the aim to contribute to bridge the gap between business process management and agent-oriented development. They present a conceptual mapping method for a seamless transition from business process models in Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) to agent-oriented models in the Prometheus methodology, which is implemented using the ATLAS Transformation Language. The authors also developed an Eclipse-based plug-in which allows the designer to import BPMN models into the Eclipse-based Prometheus Design Tool.

2006 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-27 ◽  
Ming C. Hao ◽  
Daniel A. Keim ◽  
Umeshwar Dayal ◽  
Jörn Schneidewind

Business operations involve many factors and relationships and are modeled as complex business process workflows. The execution of these business processes generates vast volumes of complex data. The operational data are instances of the process flow, taking different paths through the process. The goal is to use the complex information to analyze and improve operations and to optimize the process flow. In this paper, we introduce a new visualization technique, called VisImpact that turns raw operational business data into valuable information. VisImpact reduces data complexity by analyzing operational data and abstracting the most critical factors, called impact factors, which influence business operations. The analysis may identify single nodes of the business flow graph as important factors but it may also determine aggregations of nodes to be important. Moreover, the analysis may find that single nodes have certain data values associated with them which have an influence on some business metrics or resource usage parameters. The impact factors are presented as nodes in a symmetric circular graph, providing insight into core business operations and relationships. A cause-effect mechanism is built in to determine ‘good’ and ‘bad’ operational behavior and to take action accordingly. We have applied VisImpact to real-world applications, fraud analysis and service contract analysis, to show the power of VisImpact for finding relationships among the most important impact factors and for immediate identification of anomalies. The VisImpact system provides a highly interactive interface including drilldown capabilities down to transaction levels to allow multilevel views of business dynamics.

1996 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-32 ◽  
Tor Guimaraes ◽  
Wendi Bond

While the BPR (Business Process Reengineering) concept is conceptually appealing, in pratice there are many unsuccessful cases. This study aimed to exhaustively identify and rate: the importance of factors proposed as important for successfully implementing BPR projects in organizations; the extent to which various problems and benefits are being encountered; the extent to which proposed BPR objectives are being included in project plans and are actually being derived; and the impact of BPR projects on specific business processes and on the organization as a whole. Several basic hypotheses regarding the BPR implementation process were tested. Last, based on the results, recommendations are made for managers to focus attention and resources on factors important to success, and to proceed in a fashion which minimizes the risk of failure. In general, organizations are not emphasizing some of the most important activies and tasks recommended in the BPR literature, such as changes to customer/market related business processes, the value-added element of every business activity, and others. On the average, the most commonly encountered problems while implementing BPR seem to be very difficult to address in pratice: making business mistakes under pressure to produce quick results, implementation difficulties due to communication barriers between company sub-units, the unexpected size of the required BPR effort, its disruption to business operations, and others. Based on the findings as a whole, it behooves top managers to engage in BPR projects only as a controlled experiment to strategically reposition the organization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-16
Graciella Valentina ◽  
Pwee Leng

This study aims to determine risk management in the food and beverage business around Petra Christian University (PCU) Surabaya. There was a critical incident of COVID-19 so this research was conducted with the aim of producing reports for business owners related to risk management in business operations. The risk management process consists of stages of risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, and risk management. The population used in this study is food and beverage shop that are easily accessible around PCU with the main target of consumers are students, and PCU employees that is still open the business in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are only 3 shops out of dozens of food and beverage shops that experienced critical incidents due to PCU implementing online learning which still lasted until this research was conducted. Those risks are spread across 3 different business categories, namely main business process, essential business process, and supporting business process. The majority of risks are in the category of supporting business processes. The same risk can be spread across different risk categories in each foods and beverage shop, this is due to the different risk appetite of each shop.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen risiko pada bisnis makanan dan minuman di sekitar Universitas Kristen Petra (UKP) Surabaya. Adanya kejadian kritis COVID-19 sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan laporan bagi pemilik usahaterkait dengan manajemen risiko pada operasional bisnis. Proses manajemen risiko terdiri dari tahapan identifikasi risiko, analisis risiko, evaluasi risiko, dan penanganan risiko. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kedai makanan yang mudah dijangkau di sekitar UKP dengan mayoritas konsumennya mahasiswa, dan karyawan UKP yang masih membuka usaha di tengah pandemi COVID-19. Hanya terdapat 3 kedaimakanan dari beberapa kedai makanan yang mengalami kejadian kritis akibat UKP menerapkan kuliah secara online yang masih bertahan hingga penelitian ini dilakukan. Risiko-risiko tersebut tersebar di 3 kategori bisnis yang berbeda yaitu proses bisnis utama, proses bisnis penunjang, dan proses bisnis pendukung. Mayoritas risiko berada pada kategori proses bisnis pendukung. Risiko yang sama dapat tersebar pada kategori risiko yang berbeda di setiap kedai makanan, hal ini disebabkan oleh selera risiko yang berbeda dari setiap kedai makanan.

Intelmatics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Niko Putra Prawiratama Wijanarko ◽  
Syaifudin Abdullah ◽  
Teddy Siswanto

<p class="Abstract">Gordio Store is a UMKM that is engaged in developing clothing convection in Tanah Abang Market, Central Jakarta. Operational business processes This business is still done manually and not yet computerized, so the transfer of information about sales is done manually.</p><p class="Abstract">The ongoing sales business process at Gordio Store has become inefficient and the owner has experienced some difficulties, especially information on sales and sales transactions last week or month.</p>Therefore, it is necessary to apply Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology with the aim of resolving these problems. The selection of software used is Odoo software, because it is considered open source and is easy to use and can also keep pace with changes and is integrated as a whole to meet the company's most complex operational needs. From the implementation results show that the Odoo application can overcome the problem of sales data information using the Point of Sale module in Gordio Store. It is expected that with this ERP system business operations can be more effective and efficient so that it is expected to provide more benefits for business owners.

Roman Vaculín

Monitoring of business processes and service-oriented systems is a critical enabling technology for improving visibility into business operations, allowing their optimization, adjustments, and restructuring. One of the major problems of current monitoring methods is the prevalent heterogeneity of various types existing among the applications and services used in complex distributed business process. In this chapter the author proposes semantic monitoring as a possible solution addressing some of the heterogeneity problems. The idea of semantic monitoring is to apply semantic annotations, using ontologies, to descriptions of event types and event instances emitted during interactions with integrated applications. The chapter introduces a generic semantic monitoring framework consisting of a modular monitoring ontology and appropriate event detection mechanisms. The monitoring ontology defines generic, language independent monitoring concepts, and the language specific modules defining taxonomy of event types specific to a particular process modeling language/methodology. The author presents two such modules, one developed for the OWL-S Semantic Web services process models, and the other that for a business artifact-centric approach to business process specification. Next, the chapter describes mechanisms for specification and detection of semantic composite events. The author presents a language based on an event algebra combined with semantic event-filtering expressions using description logics atoms enriched with OWL datatypes and SWRL built-ins. Semantic filtering allows detection of such events that would otherwise be impossible without the use of semantic descriptions. The chapter also discusses detection mechanisms suitable for runtime execution and after-execution analysis.

Bibit - Sudarsono ◽  
Umi - Faddillah

Printing service order information systems sometimes experience problems in completing running business processes including, frequent loss and inaccuracy in registering orders from customers, often also losing order data from customers, recording orders often experience errors, resulting inaccurate reporting of order data. A computerized ordering service information system will greatly help improve performance and accuracy in making reports on business processes running at a company. The existence of enterprise modeling of information systems ordering printing services with the TOGAF framework will be a method that greatly helps management make a decision that will synergize with the business process activities at the company. So that the objectives of the system can be achieved properly. The TOGAF framework can be a solution and will help to produce a system architecture design, a business process architecture, a technology architecture, a number of proposed business opportunity strategy proposals and an ongoing system change proposal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (11) ◽  
pp. 1269-1290
A.A. Turgaeva

Subject. This article analyzes the business processes in the insurance company, using the method of their operation with the selection of key areas of activity. Objectives. The article aims to describe certain business processes in insurance, highlighting participants, lines of activity, and the sequence of procedures. It analyzes the business process Settlement of Losses, which is one of the significant business processes in the insurance company. Methods. For the study, I used the methods of induction and deduction, analogy, and the systems approach. Results. Based on the analysis and description of business processes in the insurance company and the identification of key elements and steps in terms of the effectiveness of decisions, the article identifies the checkpoints of Entry and Exit, activity direction, and resources of the Settlement of Losses process. Conclusions. The application of the categories that split business processes makes it possible to develop step regulation for all processes and acceptable control procedures for different operations. The presented checkpoints at different steps of the business process will help identify weaknesses and eliminate them by re-checking the point.

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