Representation of a Human Body: A Comparison Study between Balinese and Javanese Traditional House

Humaniora ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-90
Anak Agung Ayu Wulandari ◽  
Ade Ariyani Sari Fajarwati

The research would look further at the representation of the human body in both Balinese and Javanese traditional houses and compared the function and meaning of each part. To achieve the research aim, which was to evaluate and compare the representation of the human body in Javanese and Balinese traditional houses, a qualitative method through literature and descriptive analysis study was conducted. A comparative study approach would be used with an in-depth comparative study. It would revealed not only the similarities but also the differences between both subjects. The research shows that both traditional houses represent the human body in their way. From the architectural drawing top to bottom, both houses show the same structure that is identical to the human body; head at the top, followed by the body, and feet at the bottom. However, the comparative study shows that each area represents a different meaning. The circulation of the house is also different, while the Balinese house is started with feet and continued to body and head area. Simultaneously, the Javanese house is started with the head, then continued to body, and feet area.

Manuskripta ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Novarina Novarina

Abstract: This research is a comparative literary study that uses Malay and Javanese versions of Mahabarata text sources. The research objects used were the text edition of Pandhawa Gubah (PG) by Sudibjo Z. Hadisutjipto and the text of Cheritera Pandawa Lima (CPL) by Khalid Hussain. The research method used is descriptive-analysis method. In the comparative study used a comparative literary theory proposed by Endraswara (2011). The results of the text comparison reveal the similarities and differences in the image of Bima figures in the Javanese and Malay versions. The equation as a whole is that both texts contain the same heroic storyline and heroic character, Bima. In addition, Indian influence is still evident in the two texts seen from the nuances of Hinduism that exist in both texts. While the difference is seen in the events that accompany Bima's struggle in achieving his victory. Based on these similarities and differences, it can be seen that the authors attempt to represent the concept of metaphysical interactions vertically and horizontally expressed through PG text. --- Abstrak: Penelitian ini adalah satu kajian sastra bandingan yang menggunakan sumber teks Mahabarata versi Melayu dan Jawa. Objek penelitian yang digunakan adalah edisi teks Pandhawa Gubah (PG) karya Sudibjo Z. Hadisutjipto dan teks Cheritera Pandawa Lima (CPL) karya Khalid Hussain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif-analisis. Dalam telaah perbandingan digunakan teori sastra bandingan yang dikemukakan Endraswara (2011). Hasil perbandingan teks mengungkapkan adanya persamaan dan perbedaan citra tokoh Bima dalam versi Jawa maupun versi Melayu. Persamaan secara keseluruhan adalah kedua teks tersebut mengandung alur cerita kepahlawanan dan tokoh pahlawan yang sama yaitu Bima. Selain itu, pengaruh India masih tampak dalam kedua teks tersebut dilihat dari nuansa Hinduisme yang ada dalam kedua teks. Sementara perbedaannya tampak pada peristiwa-peristiwa yang menyertai perjuangan Bima dalam mencapai kemenangannya. Berdasarkan persamaan dan perbedaan tersebut tampak adanya upaya penulis untuk merepresentasikan konsep interaksi metafisik secara vertikal dan horizontal yang diungkapkan melalui teks PG.

LingTera ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Mia Rahmannia ◽  
Pratomo Widodo

Generally, blending can be defined as combining two clipped words. Kvetko in Bednarova defines blending as a word formation process similar to shortening combined with merging two different words. There are many types of blending words both in Indonesian and English context. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyze the comparison between Indonesian blend words and English blend words in terms of its types, its similarities and differences and also how its formed. In this paper the researcher use descriptive qualitative method as the method of the research. The source of the data is taken from some journal articles that relevant with blend words both in Indonesian and English context. The result showed that Indonesian blend words and English blend words not only have similarities in the forming word, but also have their differences that make them unique to each other. The writer hopes that the reader of this article gets more information about both Indonesian and English blend words based on its types and the similarities and the difference between them.

Nurlahani Siregar

As the reason for this research is Sheikh Abdul Efendi Ritonga, a charismatic cleric in Parmeraan Village, Kec. North Sumatra's Dolok Padang Lawas with its gentle but firm delivery, he was also one of those who tried to make progress in Parmeran Village with the knowledge he had. His da'wah has been dozens of years. He is one of the most respected in North Padang Lawas Regency and its surroundings. The main problem in this study is how intonation, gesture and style of Sheikh Abdul Efendi Ritonga in lecturing. The objectives of this study are: (1) To find out the biography of Sheikh Abdul Efendi Ritonga, (2) To find out the intonation of Sheikh Abdul Efendi Ritonga in lecturing, (3) To know Sheikh Abdul Efendi Ritonga's gesture in lecturing, (4) To know the language style lecture.               This study uses qualitative methods that are descriptive in nature, using a biographical study approach. As the source of this data is Syekh Abdul Efendi Ritonga, his family and the community in Parmeraan Village. Techniques for collecting data are observation, interviews and documentation with descriptive analysis.                 The results of this study are (1) the intonation he used in lecturing very clearly the emphasis on the words he uttered, he knew when to use high notes and when his tone should be lowered. (2) The body movements that are used are hand gestures, various directions, relaxed, not tense, and not anxious and this gesture is adjusted to the material situation presented. (3) The style of language he uses in delivering his lectures is to use the style of repetition, anthesis, equality and allusion with a quality language, easily understood and understood by mad'u.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (04) ◽  
pp. 335-359
Andreas Martinus ; Rahadhian Prajudi Herwindo

Abstract- There are allegations that elements of Javanese temples are also can be found at The Angkorian temples because the Java Middle Classic temples are older than Angkorian temples and Jayawarman II lived in Java at that time. This can be proved by a comparative process between the architecture elements: mass, plans, figures and ornaments owned by the temples that represents its era in both kingdom. Angkor Wat is a synthesis of the development in Angkor culture that reach its the peak of glory. Angkor Wat has architectural elements of Java Middle Classic temples, especially Prambanan and Borobudur. This led to the alleged of similarity from architectural elements between the temples in the two kingdoms. This Study approached by quantitative with semi qualitative method. Through the study on the main temple buildings of the Java Middle Classic and the main temples of the Angkor Wat era with purposive sampling in relation of mass, plan, figure, and ornament. Described descriptively.Angkor Wat is generally inspired by Borobudur-Prambanan. Broadly speaking, it shows the similarity of Prambanan-Borobudur architectural elements to Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat is a synthesis of combining the elements (eclecticism) of Borobudur-Prambanan, but Prambanan has stronger element (indoor temple, tower temple, Hindu temple). In principle (mass, plan, and figure) shows the incorporation of Borobudur-Prambanan, but by ornament on its processing indicates there is further development (dominated findings exist but not similar). Key Words: tipo-morphology, comparison, Angkor, Indochina, Java

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Haitami Haitami ◽  
Annisa Ulfa ◽  
Akhmad Muntaha

<p style="text-align: justify;">Orange is one of the fruits that are widely consumed by the society, besides to the sweet taste and attractive appearance orange also has various benefits for the body such as vitamins and minerals. The famous and much-favored orange is a beneficial Sunkist orange can treat fever, treat infections, improve body immunity and decreasing the number of cholesterol. There are several ways of processing oranges such as orange juice and infused the water. The purpose of this study is to know the ratio of vitamin C content in the juice of Sunkist with infused water orange Sunkist. Types of research is analytic survey with comparative study approach. The research sample used was orange Sunkist which made two treatment that is the juice of Sunkist orange and infused water by using Iodimetry titration method. The results of the average vitamin C content in 10 samples of citrus Sunkist for 348,82 ppm and the average vitamin C level in 10 samples infused water of orange Sunkist equal to 67,59 ppm. Based on statistical test result using Independent Sample T-Test test stated that there is the difference of vitamin C content on freshly squeezed orange Sunkist with infused water of orange Sunkist with the value of significance 0.000. Suggested for further researcher can do research of vitamin C Infused water level by combining with other fruit

The comparative study of the gill structure of the Lamellibranchia may be said to date from 1875. Williams, it is true, had in 1854 published two papers on the subject, but owing to the fact that the morphological relations of the gill lamellæ to the gill axis and to other parts of the body were not then understood, and owing to the somewhat wild and fantastic mode of argument affected by this author, they cannot claim to be seriously regarded as the first important contribution to the literature of the subject. The few remarks on the different types of Lamellibranch gills made by Leuckart in 1848 (p. 113), Hancock in 1853 (p. 290), and Duvernoy in 1854 (p. 37) are of interest only from an historical point of view, and do not come within the range of the modern treatment of the subject; and the excellent figures and remarks on gill structure made by Deshayes in 1844-1848 cannot claim to be considered in the present connection, being purely descriptive and not comparative. It was Posner who first attempted a systematic investigation of the subject, and in his memoir of 1875 he discussed, not very astutely, the minute structure of the gills of Anodonta and eleven other genera of bivalve Mollusca. Some fifteen months later Peck, who in 1875, independently of Posner’s work, had commenced a similar investigation, published his important observations on the gills of Area, Mytilus, Dreissensia and Anodonta . It was this paper which first placed the comparative study of the gills upon a sound basis. The investigation was conducted in the laboratory of Professor Ray Lankester and under his direction, and the working hypothesis around which the paper was written, and which has stood the test of time ever since, was, as the author explains, supplied by Professor Lankester. An adequate terminology was propounded for the grosser and finer parts of the gill, and this terminology remains in general use at the present day.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-24
Fathudin . ◽  
Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie

The debate about the existence of clemency as a prerogative of the president stems from the understanding that the rights is coming independently from the authority and without any branches of power. In this context, the comparative study of the constitutional norms in some countries in the world related to the norm of clemency is important to read the tendency of other countries about clemency rules. This study shows that the constitutional norm of countries in the world basically has the same tendency in the application of clemency by the president; there is involvement of other branches of power. Some constitutions of the world call the recommendation, hearing, information, consultation, advice, in accord, concurrence (approval) and others. The involvement of other branches of power in the grant of pardon does not mean reducing the authority of the president (prerogative), but it has become a tendency in almost all modern states to embrace the system of government power within the framework of public accountability. The term prerogative of the president (absolute) in practice is no longer absolute and independent. Perdebatan sepuar eksistensi grasi sebagai hak prerogatif presiden berpangkal pada pemahaman yang menyebut bahwa suatu hak disebut sebagai hak prerogatif presiden jika kewenangan yang lahir dari hak tersebut bersifat khusus dan  mandiri tanpa adanya keterlibatan cabang kekuasaan lain. Dalam konteks ini, kajian perbandingan terutama terhadap norma konstitusi di beberapa negara di dunia terkait dengan norma tentang grasi menjadi penting untuk memotret kecenderungan yang dimiliki negara-negara lain dalam hal pengaturan tentang grasi. Kajian ini menunjukan bahwa norma konstitusi negara-negara di dunia pada dasarnya memiliki kecenderungan yang sama dalam penerapan pemberian grasi oleh presiden, yakni ada keterlibatan cabang kekuasaan lain. Beberapa konstitusi negara-negara di dunia menyebut keterlibatan tersebut dengan menggunakan ragam istilah seperti recomandation, hearing, inform, consultation, advice, in accordance, conccurance (persetujuan) dan lain-lain. Adanya keterlibatan cabang kekuasaan lain dalam mekanisme pemberian grasi bukan berarti mereduksi kewenangan presiden (hak prerogatif), tetapi memang menjadi kecenderungan hampir di semua negara-negara modern untuk menganut sistem pemerintahan yang berusaha menempatkan segala model kekuasaannya dalam kerangka pertanggungjawaban publik, sehingga istilah hak prerogatif presiden (sacara mutlak) dalam prakteknya tidak lagi bersifat mutlak dan mandiri. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.6574

1944 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 328-356 ◽  
T. Burrow

Bishop caldwell, the founder of the comparative study of the Dravidian languages, was interested not only in the relationship of those languages among themselves, but also in the question of their connection with other families of languages outside India. His investigations in this direction led him to believe that the Dravidian languages are connected with what he called the “Scythian” family of languages. By the term “Scẏthian” Caldwell referred mainly to the Ural-Altaic languages, though occasionally using the word in a rather wider sense than that. Within the “Scythian” family he held that it was possible to define the position of Dravidian even more closely, by attaching it to the Finno-ugrian group in particular. The evidence which Caldwell offered in support of this theory consisted partly of grammatical features which he held to be common to the languages concerned, and partly of comparisons of vocabulary. The former are to be found scattered through the body of his work, and the latter are collected together in an appendix entitled “Glossarial Affinities”. In presenting this theory Caldwell was quite modest in his claims; he admitted the possibility of being misled by accidental assonances, and claimed rather to have pointed the way to the possibilities of future research than to have demonstrated the relationship with any finality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-81
Isuru Dehideniya

The Gaṭaberā and Pahataraṭa berā are the main drums in two regions in Sri Lanka; also the Mridanga is one of all South Indian main drums. This research is a comparative analysis of the similarities and differences of form and structure between those Indians and Sri Lankans drums. That is conducted in the qualitative method. Several similarities and differences are discovered from the form and structure between those drums under the organization, order of the elements, construct process, and shape. The final conclusions are, 1) the form of all drum heads of Gatabera, Pahatharata bera, and Mridanga is similar, and also that form represents an Indian subcontinent drum head variety, but their structure is different according to the culture of both countries. 2) The form and structure of Gatabera and Mridanga drum bodies are slightly similar.

2021 ◽  
Shreya Shah ◽  
Mehul A Shah ◽  
Shkshi Makhloga ◽  
Ashvini Korane ◽  
Meera Sanghani

Abstract Introduction:Monocular elevation deficiency syndrome (MEDS) is a monocular elevation deficiency in abduction and adduction characterised by the hypofunction of superior rectus (SR) and inferior oblique muscles. Only a limited number of studies are published on the management of this problem. Herein, the indications and types of surgery for monocular elevation deficiency syndrome are reported.Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, all MEDS patients reported during 2010 to 2020 were retrieved from Electronic Medical Records after approval from the Hospital Ethical Committees. The data were exported in a pre-tested online format. The demographic and clinical information and data of surgeries, including strabismus and ptosis, were reported. The follow-up data were collected in a specific format. Strabismus was managed using Knapp procedure, Inferior Rectus recession and a combination of both approaches. Ptosis was corrected by Levator Palpebral Superioris (LPS) resection and brow suspension. The data were analysed using SPSS 22 based on descriptive analysis and cross-tabulation.Results: The cohort consists of 62 cases (females 26, males 36) of patients with mean age 17.00±12.31 years 40/62 cases comprised the paediatric age group. Knapp was carried out in 39, IR recession was carried out in 35, and combined Knapp+IR recession was performed in 17 cases based on FDT and FGT data. The comparative study found significant difference amongst these techniques (P=0.04). Ptosis correction was carried out by LPS resection in 21 and brow suspension in 23 cases depending on LPS function. This comparative study did not find any significant difference in the results (P=0.234).Conclusion: MEDS is a rare disease with various clinical features. The surgical management of strabismus may have more success for the combined technique than for those applied alone.

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